Super Asura System

C360 You Don't Know What's Good for You

C360 You Don't Know What's Good for You

0After Sun Xiong heard Eunuch Li's words, his eyes instantly widened. He looked at Dong Xiaocheng angrily, while the latter looked at him fearlessly.    


Sun Xiong said angrily, "You are really bold. Do you still have any respect for Zhen? When can you make the decision for Zhen?"    


Dong Xiaocheng's eyes did not avoid as he said righteously, "Because I feel that what His Majesty has done is wrong. I think His Majesty will definitely realize his mistake and take back his life in front of reason."    


Eunuch Li almost laughed out loud when he heard what he said. He did not expect that he would actually make this old man his opponent. He must have read too much!    


Sun Xiong slammed his hand on the table and said, "Who gave you the courage to speak to me in such a manner? What do you mean by coming to my senses? I will not be wrong."    


Dong Xiaocheng raised his head and said, "Humans are not saints, which one can live without mistakes. Even the saints of our Confucian Sect have to bow and self-reflect. There is nothing wrong with His Majesty admitting his mistakes! "    


Sun Xiuli said from the side, "Sir Dong, please be careful when you speak. I don't know how your Confucianist Sage is doing. However, my father is the current Son of Heaven, so he can't be wrong, nor can he be wrong. "    


Dong Xiaocheng said even more, "Why can't His Majesty be wrong? As a woman, you are constantly interfering with the politics of the court. It is simply the biggest joke in the world."    


Sun Xiuli refuted directly," Because my father is the emperor of Stellar Empire, so he can't be wrong. Even if he is wrong, it is also the fault of you ministers.    


If it was not for you rotten people who occupied the positions of the dead, our Stellar Empire would not have become the weakest in Three Great Empires.    


You people are worthy of being called Confucians. At most, you are just selfish little Confucians. In your hearts, other than yourselves, which one of you has the heart to care about the world? "    


Dong Xiaocheng was so angry that his face and neck turned red. He pointed at Sun Xiuli and said," You are just a short-sighted woman. What right do you have to speak so loudly here? You killed a minister without permission. It was totally disregarding the law and etiquette. "    


Sun Xiuli continued, "I don't agree with what you said. The reason why I killed Jin Naitian was because of his arrogant words. Moreover, they casually framed a virtuous person. What is the use of keeping such a person alive?    


Master Dong, did you know that the person I asked for in the Imperial Prison today was the subordinate of Zhao Yiming, the Prince with a different surname in Falling Moon Empire? By doing this, could it be that you want to stir up a conflict between the two countries? Where are the common people in the world?"    


Dong Xiaocheng was stunned for a moment, but then he said, "Who is that Zhao Yiming? He is just a clown. He is not a good person to begin with. Naturally, his subordinates will not be wrongly accused."    


Sun Xiong slammed the table and shouted," What are you talking about? No matter what, he is still the Marquis of Falling Moon Empire. How can I let you judge him?    


Zhen has tolerated you for a long time. Do you really think that I won't dare to kill you? I don't think there are any good people in your academy. Eunuch Li, pass on my order to abolish the academy from today onwards and change it to an ordinary academy.    


I just told you to go and rob Jin Naitian's home. You still haven't gone. I have indeed changed my mind this time. Not only do I want to kill all of his family members, I also want to kill his teacher's family."    


Just as Dong Xiaocheng was about to speak, Sun Xiong grabbed the ink slab on the table. He threw it over and said, "Zhen will remove all of your duties now, and you will be allowed to leave the capital within three days. Otherwise, Zhen will annihilate your entire clan and scram. "    


Dong Xiaocheng pointed at Sun Xiuli and said, "Then this old man will wait and see. Let's see how our Stellar Empire will be defeated by this woman in the future."    


After he finished speaking, he flicked his sleeve, turned around, and left with big strides. Sun Xiuli and Eunuch Li looked at each other and revealed a proud smile on their faces.    


A trace of light flashed across Sun Xiong's eyes, then he smiled and said, "Since Prince Zhao is here, Zhen also needs to see him. Li'er, go and arrange it for Zhen."    


Sun Xiuli hurriedly nodded and said, "This son will arrange it for Royal Father as soon as possible. I don't know if Royal Father wants to see him in the palace or in this son's residence."    


Sun Xiong hesitated for a moment and said, "Since he did not issue official documents, then arrange it in your residence!"    


After Sun Xiuli left, Sun Xiong suddenly said to a corner, "Now I want to clear the path for my daughter. This Dong Xiaocheng must die."    


After he finished speaking, he stood up and turned to walk towards Hua Qing Chi. There were a few concubines there waiting for him to pamper them.    


Sun Xiuli came outside with a smile on her face. This time, she had succeeded once again and had thoroughly tested Royal Father's intentions. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before she ascended to the throne.    


Dong Xiaocheng returned to his residence and was indeed a completely different person from before. He called his grandson, Dong Hui, and said with a long sigh, "I believe you have heard about my matter. The Emperor will definitely not let me live for these three days. You can go to the Rising Sun Empire to seek refuge with your cousin sister, Dong Lianhan."    


Dong Hui hesitated for a moment before saying, "There is one thing that I do not understand. Since grandfather knew that there would be such an outcome, why did he offend the Emperor today?"    


Dong Xiaocheng stood up and walked to the window and said," I want to give His Majesty an excuse to kill me. All these years, I have always felt uneasy.    


I have never slept peacefully. Every time I close my eyes, I feel as if I am looking at a long ridge. Those countless vengeful souls are seeking my life.    


The loss of Long Ridge back then was all my fault. If I didn't trust that old fool Ye Jingsheng, I would never have lost to the Devil Sect. How could I have suffered that great defeat back then?    


I have been living on the edge for so many years, hoping that I can hand over a qualified emperor, restore the glory of our Stellar Empire, and make up for my mistakes back then.    


Unfortunately, not only did I fail back then, I also failed in educating people. Three Prince were not as good as one, but Grand Princess was the one with the talent of an Emperor.    


The reason why I have always opposed Grand Princess was because I know that I am a thorn in the Emperor's heart. The more I oppose something, the more he values it.    


Now that Grand Princess has achieved great power, I have become her obstacle. So if I don't die, it will be difficult for him to ascend to the throne. This is also why His Majesty has turned against me today.    


However, His Majesty is still loyal and won't attack you. That's why I sent you to seek refuge with your cousin. I hope that you can help me kill Ye Jingsheng in my lifetime and take revenge for that grievance. "    


Dong Hui knelt on the ground and kowtowed a few times. Then, without saying a word, he stood up and left. Apart from his clothes, he didn't bring anything else with him. He just went into battle with ease.    


Dong Xiaocheng sat there quietly. Suddenly, he said to a corner, "I know you are here. Do it!"    


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