Super Asura System

C6 I'm so Lucky

C6 I'm so Lucky

0Zhao Yiming seized this rare opportunity and endured the pain in his body. He leapt into the air and struck out with the Iron Finger. The force in his body erupted at this moment.    


Zhao Tianli's iron saber was stuck in the centipede's head. In his haste, he could only raise his hand to block the attack. Zhao Yiming's finger broke through his defense and pierced through his heart.    


Zhao Tianli looked at Zhao Yiming in disbelief. He couldn't believe that he would die in the hands of this trash that he normally disdained to look at. His eyes were filled with unwillingness and regret.    


The system's voice sounded once again, "Congratulations on killing Zhao Tianli. You have obtained 500 Experience points and 100 silver ingot. 2 Asura Value. You have obtained a Secret Book. It has been placed in your bag! Congratulations on reaching the requirements to level up. Would you like to level up immediately? "    


Zhao Yiming hurriedly chose to level up. A warm current flowed through his internal organs. The injuries on his body healed in an instant. He had also officially advanced to the seventh level of the Body forging.    


Zhao Yiming let out a long sigh. He looked at Zhao Tianli's corpse on the ground, shook his head, and left quickly. He came to the riverside and took a bath. He felt extremely comfortable!    


He caught two fish casually in the water and set up a bonfire on the shore. At this moment, he remembered the Secret Book that the system had notified him about. He hurriedly took out the Secret Book from his bag.    


Zhao Yiming had just opened the Secret Book when a system notification sounded in his ear, "Congratulations, you have obtained the Secret Book, Tracker Step. Do you wish to cultivate immediately?"    


This time, he was really overjoyed. He had never thought that his luck would be so good today. Not only did he kill his enemies, but he had also resolved the knot in his heart. He had actually obtained a bodily movement Secret Book. Within all the Cultivation Method, the bodily movement was the rarest and the most practical one. After all, even if you couldn't defeat the enemy, you could at least run away.    


Zhao Yiming immediately chose to cultivate. The entire Secret Book turned into a golden light and shot into the center of his brows. The system's voice sounded again at this time, "Congratulations on your successful cultivation!"    


The information of the Cultivation Method immediately flashed in Zhao Yiming's mind. Name of Cultivation Method: Tracker Step, level of Cultivation Method: Human level Supreme Grade, level of Cultivation Method: Initiated.    


Zhao Yiming couldn't help but feel wild joy in his heart. He really didn't expect that this Secret Book was a Supreme Grade Human level. One should know that martial arts were very rare, even the ultimate skill of the Zhao Family was only a High-grade Human level.    


There were four big families in the Banyan City, namely the Zhang Family, Wang Family, Li Family and Zhao Family. The reason why the Zhang Family was able to seize City Lord's position was because they had a set of low grade Earth level martial arts!    


Although Zhao Yiming's Cultivation Method seemed to be lower than the First Level! However, according to the unique characteristics of the bodily movement Secret Book, the value of the two types of Cultivation Method could be equal.    


He felt that his top priority right now was to quickly raise the level of the Tracker Step! He immediately used his footwork without hesitation, and rushed towards the depths of the dense forest.    


Zhao Yiming once again returned to the place where he had fought with Zhao Tianli. He was very surprised to find two wild wolves eating Zhao Tianli's corpse there.    


Although the Ironback Centipede was dead, the natural suppression of the animal level made these two wild wolves not dare to have any ideas about its corpse.    


Zhao Yiming moved his body and immediately activated the Tracker Step. He instantly arrived in front of the two wild wolves. He swung the iron cleaver in his hand and chopped off their heads.    


"Congratulations on killing the two wild wolves. You have obtained 10 Experience points and 4 Wolf Fangs." Zhao Yiming frowned. He never thought that the experience given by the two wild wolves would be so little.    


Zhao Yiming thought to himself, "Looks like killing ordinary wild beasts won't help me in leveling up. I have to find the Demonic Beast. But Mount Daqing is so big. Where can I find the Demonic Beast?"    


Just as he was hesitating, he suddenly heard some strange sounds. He quickly hid to the side. Soon, he saw a Demonic Beast Rock Armored Beast emerging from the forest.    


Rock Armored Beasts were similar to lizards on Earth, but the scales on their bodies were thicker. Ordinary swords and sabers would rarely hurt them.    


The stone armored beast turned its head and suddenly saw the corpse of the iron back centipede. Its eyes emitted an excited light. It ran over happily and began to eat heartily.    


Zhao Yiming couldn't help but secretly rejoice in his heart as he suddenly jumped out. He raised his hand and slashed at the stone armored beast. The spark from this slash did not hurt the stone armored beast.    


The stone armored beast was eating happily when it was suddenly disturbed. Its mood was extremely unhappy. It looked at Zhao Yiming fiercely and let out a low roar before pouncing at him.    


The stone armored beast didn't have sharp claws, but its feet were like two large iron hammers when it waved them. If a person was hit by such a blow, his bones would definitely be broken.    


Zhao Yiming casted the Tracker Step and kept fighting with the stone armored beast. The Tracker Step was really amazing. No matter how hard the stone armored beast tried, it couldn't hurt him at all.    


The stone armored beast waved its tail anxiously. Like an iron whip, it whipped the surrounding trees and sent them flying. When its tail hit the rock, the rock was directly smashed into pieces!    


Zhao Yiming circled around the stone armored beast. He had no choice now. The stone armored beast skin was thick and thick. Even if he used the Iron Finger, he could only leave a shallow wound.    


Just when both sides were in a stalemate, the stone armored beast suddenly whipped its tail. Zhao Yiming dodged to the side and subconsciously thrust the iron cutting blade forward.    


The stone armored beast suddenly let out a shocking wail, killing many birds in the forest. It turned out that Zhao Yiming's blade had stabbed into its anus.    


Under the intense pain, the stone armored beast suddenly charged forward. It had killed many trees and small animals that were blocking its path.    


A string of notifications sounded in Zhao Yiming's ears. He didn't think that this would become his experience. This beast had provided him with over a hundred experience points.    


Zhao Yiming quickly caught up with it and grabbed the hilt of the iron cleaver with his hand. He twisted it with force and the stone armored beast let out a sad cry and fell to the ground.    


Zhao Yiming pulled out the iron cleaver with a smug look. He carried the iron cleaver on his shoulder like a victorious general. However, he furrowed his brows. The taste of the blade was truly not good.    


"Congratulations on killing the stone armored beast and obtaining 500 Experience points. You have obtained a set of plate armor!" Zhao Yiming was stunned and quickly took out a set of plate armor from his bag.    


The information of plate armor quickly appeared in Zhao Yiming's mind: Item name: plate armor. Item grade: Common. Item attribute: Gold. Item Characteristics: Possesses an extremely strong defense that is difficult to injure with a sword or sword, and has a certain effect on external attacks.    


He quickly put the plate armor on his clothes. After all, this was an extra layer of protection. He looked at the corpse of the stone armored beast and had some calculations in his heart.    


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