Super Asura System

C16 Ice Heart Jade Urn

C16 Ice Heart Jade Urn

0Zhao Yiming was in the middle of a killing spree. His mind was spinning! He suddenly felt a soft call from the bottom of his heart. "Brother Ming, wake up. You can't be like this anymore."    


This call made Zhao Yiming feel very close! It was as if he saw a ray of light in the dark ocean. He followed this ray of light and found the way back!    


Zhao Yiming gradually regained his consciousness. Looking at the corpses all over the ground, he was shocked and had a vague impression in his mind. He carefully thought about it and the memory became clearer and clearer.    


Zhao Yiming vaguely remembered that there were a lot of notifications in the system. He quickly pulled up the records. It turned out that after such a long period of killing, he had broken through to the Level 3, and had now reached the Ninth level of Refinement! It could be said that in terms of cultivation realm, he was no longer weaker than his two brothers! Furthermore, his Asura Value had already reached 40 points. This was truly worthy of celebration!    


Zhao Yiming was feeling the surging power in his body when the System's voice suddenly sounded beside his ear. "Host, congratulations on completing the hidden mission: Mental Demon. You have obtained the Emperor Level Supreme Grade Support Cultivation Method Ice Heart Spell. Do you want to cultivate it immediately? "    


Zhao Yiming immediately chose to cultivate it. He felt as if he had just drunk a cup of cold water on a hot day, and his entire body felt refreshed, especially his mind.    


The information of the Cultivation Method immediately appeared in Zhao Yiming's mind. It was the information of a supreme Emperor Level supplementing the Cultivation Method Ice Heart Spell. Special characteristic of the Cultivation Method: This Cultivation Method does not have a grade. It can ensure that the host's mind is clear at any time, and will never be in danger of getting lost.    


Zhao Yiming felt great in his heart. It was indeed a high grade Cultivation Method. Being able to calmly analyze the situation in a battle meant that he had gained the upper hand!    


Zhao Yiming tidied up his mood. The points of those wild beasts were automatically recorded in the jade pendant. However, he needed to transfer the points of the people he killed to his jade pendant one by one.    


Zhao Yiming had been busy for a long time. Finally, everything was settled. Because the Hunting Convention was going to be held for three days, he had to spend the night in the forest.    


Zhao Yiming didn't want to pay attention to the corpses on the ground. After choosing the two beasts that tasted pretty good, he walked towards the river in his memory. That was the best place to set up camp!    


In the Hunting Convention, he should find a hidden place to hide at night! However, Zhao Yiming was totally the opposite. He wanted someone to deal with him to increase his experience!    


Zhao Yiming had lived in the jungle for more than a month. He was very familiar with barbecued meat. He dismembered the two beasts skillfully, picked out the fat and tender meat, and roasted them on the fire.    


Not to mention that Zhao Yiming was grilling meat here, the patriarchs of the four families outside the forest were also holding banquets in their tents. The tables were filled with delicacies!    


Zhang Wenchang sat on the main seat without any hesitation. He completely considered himself as the master! He said with a smile, "You three Chief, you don't have to be polite. Let's drink together!"    


After the four of them had a drink, Wang Jingxiang narrowed his eyes and said, "What will happen to Hunting Convention this time? My son has been studying in the Profound Sky Sword Sect all these years. This is the first time he has come back to participate in the general assembly. I hope his results are still acceptable! "    


Li Yunsong said with a smile, "Nephew Wang Jian is the first young man in the entire Banyan City to join the four big sects! His future is limitless. We can't keep him here! "    


Wang Jingxiang said with a proud smile, "Jian has done well. He has already reached the First level of Qi Condensation. His strength is about the same as mine. Although he isn't considered strong in Profound Sky Sword Sect, he will be able to get a good job in Falling Moon Empire in the future! "    


There was a total of Three Great Empires in the entire continent, namely the Rising Sun Empire, the Falling Moon Empire, and the Stellar Empire. The Rising Sun Empire was the most powerful country in the continent, and it was also the only country in the Three Great Empires that could truly lead all the major sects. Their royal family had countless experts, and their strength was incomparably formidable.    


The Falling Moon Empire relied on the four major sects, the One Valley Three Sects. These four major sects were the representatives of all the righteous sects in the world, and the Profound Sky Sword Sect that was mentioned just now was one of the three major sects.    


The Stellar Empire was suppressed by both the Rising Sun Empire and the Falling Moon Empire at the same time. Although they were at a disadvantage, they didn't face any danger! Because the Nine Sects Of The Demonic Sect was standing behind them. The Nine Sects Of The Demonic Sect often fought internally. Otherwise, those orthodox experts would have disappeared long ago.    


The Banyan City was a small border city in the Falling Moon Empire, so Wang Jian was able to join the Profound Sky Sword Sect. To the Wang Family, this was a great opportunity. Even if Wang Jian was only a peripheral disciple of the Profound Sky Sword Sect, he was enough to earn the respect of the other families.    


The Wang Family and the Zhao Family had never been on good terms with each other. If it wasn't for the pressure from the Zhang Family, the two families would have started a war long ago.    


Zhao Hu snorted coldly and said, "Nephew Wang, what you have learned in the Profound Sky Sword Sect is ten times stronger than what we have! However, you have only just reached the First level of Qi Condensation after such a long period of time. Your poor talent is worrying me! "    


Zhang Wenchang was happy to see the two families fighting and said," Chief Zhao's children are also geniuses. Zhao Zhenyu and Zhao Zhenlin have reached the ninth level of the Refinement at such a young age. Their future is limitless!    


But I heard that your useless third son has become more powerful now? Is this true? "    


Zhao Hu laughed and said," Although Ming'er's life is bitter, his luck is not bad! Our Zhao Family uses filial piety to rule the family, and Ming'er guards the tomb for his mother. His filial piety touched a mysterious expert.    


He helped my son reverse the Root Bone, and at the same time, he used the Sea of Consciousness Technique Imparting Technique to pass down his abilities. Ming'er was also very powerful now.    


In just a few short months, he has already reached the Quintuple Stage of the Refinement Realm! That master has taken my son as his disciple. Once his foundation has stabilized, he will take him away! "    


Zhao Hu's words were somewhat boastful, but it really shocked everyone! Everyone present made a unanimous decision, that they absolutely couldn't allow Zhao Yiming to grow.    


Zhao Hu originally wanted to use this matter to scare the other three families, but he didn't expect it to have the opposite effect.    


Wang Jingxiang chuckled, "Since he has such a good opportunity, you shouldn't let him participate in the Hunting Convention! If something were to happen to him, how are you going to explain it to that expert?"    


Zhao Hu put on an indifferent expression and said, "If he can't even handle such a small situation, how is he going to deal with such a big scene in the future?"    


Li Yunsong secretly calculated in his heart. Could it be that Zhao Hu still had some tricks up his sleeve? It seemed like he had to plan this matter.    


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