Making Great Fortune Overnight

C388 Black Shop

C388 Black Shop

0"You have a baby face." Qin Lang said. When he saw Huang Rong learn, he smiled and jumped off the horse.    


"Don't," ___ said. Huang Rong quickly came to stop him. At this time, Qin Lang's eyes froze. Huang Rong's arm that was rolled up by her sleeves was a little strange.    


There was a little red color on the arm. Qin Lang knew the meaning of this red color.    




This... This is Palace Guarding Sand?    


Palace Guarding Sand was the symbol of a woman's chastity in ancient times. It was said that the Palace Guarding Sand could not be washed away even after bathing, but once it had a relationship with a man, it would immediately disappear without a trace.    


However, in the current society, that girl would still give herself Palace Guarding Sand.    


Qin Lang was puzzled and prepared to leave. It seemed that this girl whom he had met had some unusual mysteriousness.    


"Do you want to leave?" Huang Rong saw that Qin Lang was a little stunned and very reluctant to stay, "I haven't played enough yet. Can you accompany me?"    


"No, I'm leaving." Qin Lang waved at him and then went back to look for Zhong Yu.    


"Hey, little brother, can you pay the bill with me?" Then I have to go too. It's not fun to play alone! " Huang Rong showed a pitiful look.    


Qin Lang frowned. It was so troublesome. He looked at Zhong Yu, who was beside him. He did not expect Zhong Yu to give him a signal, indicating that she wanted to help this little girl who looked like a middle school student. Qin Lang could only pull Zhong Yu's hand and the horse Huang Rong to the cashier.    


"Boss, pay the bill!" Huang Rong saw that there was someone protecting her by her side and shouted, "How much is it? We are leaving!"    


It was strange. The cashier here was not the kind of delicate and refined female cashier. Instead, a young man with a head full of Yellow Hair walked out immediately.    


Yellow Hair laughed and said, "Beauty, are you done playing?"    


"Yes, I have to pay the bill. Hurry up, I still have things to do." Huang Rong was not surprised to see Yellow Hair.    


Yellow Hair walked to the front of the computer and fiddled with it for a long time. He did not seem to be familiar with it at all, but he pressed a few times in succession. He stared at Huang Rong with a lustful smile and said,    


"Miss, you have spent a total of six hours from renting the horse to now. That horse is the top horse in Canada. It is rented for 38,800 yuan per hour. A total of 232,000 yuan. We will do business later. That two will be saved. Just give me 230,000 yuan. "    


"Huh?" Huang Rong's beautiful eyes were stunned. She thought that there was something wrong with her ears.    


"Yes, 230,000." Yellow Hair emphasized the fee again.    


"Robbing? Isn't this too ridiculous? Why don't you look like a good person to me?! " Huang Rong chirped angrily.    


Qin Lang and Zhong Yu were also a little surprised. This so-called weed farm was not a black shop. It was indeed a little ridiculous.    


"Why don't you go and rob them?" Huang Rong roared, clenched her fist, and looked at Qin Lang for help.    


Qin Lang always wanted to avoid unnecessary troubles. He turned his head and pretended not to know anything.    


"Oh! I understand now. You guys bullied a woman like me here and want to extort money, right? Do you want to get beaten up?!" Huang Rong saw that Qin Lang did not care about her and became even angrier. She looked like she wanted to fight with Yellow Hair.    


"Hehe..." Yellow Hair smiled coldly and lit a cigarette. He raised his eyebrows and said,    


"If you can't afford it, don't learn to ride a horse like me. Our store has a price tag, and we don't cheat anyone..." As he said that, Yellow Hair pointed to the wall. The price marked on the wall was indeed that.    




Huang Rong was at a loss for words, but her memory was very good. When she first came in, she glanced at the price list a few times. It did not seem like that. Then how could the price list change in such a short period of time? Could it be that she specifically came to scam her? Huang Rong was also confused for a moment.    


"Is it settled? Miss, this is the service we provide here." Yellow Hair swallowed a mouthful of smoke. His teeth were yellow and looked very annoying.    


"Don't call me Miss. Disgusting!" Huang Rong had another understanding of the word young lady. She raised her beautiful and youthful head in disgust.    


"Okay, aunty. Please pay the bill." Yellow Hair grinned and almost sprayed the smoke on Huang Rong's face.    


"I am going to the Consumer Association to file a complaint against you. I suspect that you are cheating people!" Of course, Huang Rong was not a fool. She still wanted to fight back!    


"Alright, you can choose not to give it to us, but we have our ways." Yellow Hair's expression changed slightly. He took out a machete from his clothes. The shining blade was shining with a cold light.    


This time, the black shop's true colors were exposed.    


"Are you going to give it or not?!" Yellow Hair flashed the knife in his hand.    


To be honest, most people would soften their legs when they saw the knife. However, Huang Rong's expression only changed slightly. Then, a girl... She did not back down at all and suddenly said coldly, "What if I don't give it to you?" She seemed to have some kind of unyielding spirit.    


"You don't want to give it to me? You dare to not give?!" Yellow Hair did not have the slightest bit of compassion for the fairer sex. He directly placed the knife on Huang Rong's neck, making people feel pity for her when they saw her.    


"I am asking you, are you giving it to me or not?!"    


Huang Rong's tears suddenly became watery. She was a girl. Furthermore, she had a very good figure and was a very beautiful girl. Someone had actually put a knife on her neck. She quickly looked at Qin Lang. She had seen this Qin Lang on TV before. Wasn't it that thing? A martial arts master?    


However, Qin Lang remained unmoved. His gaze drifted elsewhere as if all of this had nothing to do with him.    


"Let me tell you, I'm going to reveal my identity, Yellow Hair! You have to apologize to me as soon as you hear that!" Although Huang Rong was being controlled, her mouth did not stop.    


"I am the granddaughter of the Huang Family. My name is Huang Rong. My father is Medicine Master Huang. You should have heard of it, right? Quickly put down the knife and I will spare your life!"    


"Hahaha..." Yellow Hair burst into a burst of wild laughter. His laughter was so loud that it was as if he was bending over and over, unable to get angry.    


"Huang Rong, Medicine Master Huang? Ouyang Xiu, oh, no, Ouyang Feng didn't come? And Hong Qigong?! "    


After laughing, Yellow Hair's face turned ferocious. "I don't care who your father is or what kind of bullsh * t family he is from. If you want to play with me, you have to pay me. You have to pay me as much as I say!"    


Zhong Yu was a soft-hearted person. When she saw Yellow Hair's fierce look, she pulled Qin Lang's arm. She wanted Qin Lang to help her. What a cute girl. She was actually treated so rudely. It made her heart ache.    


She did not expect Qin Lang to only hold Zhong Yu's hand and not react. He could not say how good he treated Zhong Yu, as for other girls. Sometimes it depended on how he felt. Besides, he felt that this girl was not normal. She wasn't someone that could be dealt with by just a few hooligans.    




Dozens of brawny men rushed in from outside, all of them fiercely looking at the three of them.    


Qin Lang simply crossed his arms and watched the show. Damn it, dozens of black men bullying a little Huang Rong. This was too much. Was there a need to do this?    



Moreover, judging from the looks of these men, they all seemed to be martial artists. They were not ordinary ruffians.    


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