Making Great Fortune Overnight

C188 A Laugh in the Auditorium

C188 A Laugh in the Auditorium

0Fu Yuv sent Qin Lang to the dormitory of the Science Department, and Qin Lang quickly found his own dormitory. When the three roommates in the dormitory saw Qin Lang come in, they thought he had walked in the wrong way. Later, they called the professor and confirmed that Qin Lang was indeed a new classmate. Only then did they let Qin Lang make the bed and put things away.    


The three roommates were all very curious about Qin Lang being able to transfer schools. Qin Lang only lied to them that it was because his family was poor and the country had special policies for people like him. That was why he could transfer schools.    


The three roommates saw that Qin Lang was wearing a few dozen dollars worth of Taobao, and then asked him if he had sold two months' worth of mixed food pancakes during the summer vacation. They all sympathized with him. They all said that Qin Lang would have difficulties in the future. Qin Lang was especially grateful to them. He thought about how he had lied to his three roommates. He felt really bad about it.    


He would sleep in the dormitory for the rest of the day.    


The next day, Qin Lang went to class with his roommates. The teacher specifically looked for him. After chatting with him in the office, what Qin Lang did not expect was... The instructor did not know his background and identity at all. He really thought that he was a poor student. He relied on the special policies of the Department of Education to transfer to the Jiangnan University.    


The instructor brought Qin Lang to introduce him to all the students in the class. Qin Lang could be considered to have officially become a student of the Jiangnan University's Department of Sciences.    


The students sitting below were filled with the belief that the person who could be transferred must be a rich second generation. But when they saw that it was Qin Lang, who was dressed like a street vendor, their interest was instantly cut off. Some of them were even whispering about Qin Lang's clothes and joking with the people around them.    


Qin Lang did not care about the opinions of others. After he finished a class, he ran out of the classroom to find which class Loong Ling was in.    


At the same time, in a classroom in the music department, a teacher also introduced another student.    


The student was wearing a black singlet and a pink skirt. Her exposed arms and legs were so white that they were dazzling. She had a head full of shiny black hair. Her eyes were like a pool of water in the night sky.    


"Students, this is our new classmate, Loong Ling. From now on, we are all classmates. You should take care of your new classmates..." said the female teacher with gold-rimmed glasses.    


"Yes, we will definitely take good care of Loong Ling," a few lively boys shouted.    


The others were also whispering to each other.    


"This is Miss Loong. Loong Family is one of the top five families in Linan. I heard that Loong Teng Long is looking for a partner for Miss Loongling."    


"That's right. Miss Loong has come to our class. We are the closest to her. If we can capture her heart and marry into the Loong Family, we will have to struggle for less than a hundred years."    


"Don't think about good things. You don't even need to use a mirror to look at yourself. With our behavior, Miss Loong is in such good condition. If she likes us, don't make fun of us, okay?"    


"Hey, I can see that only Young Master Cao is worthy of Miss Loong in the whole school."    




Loong Ling introduced herself and sat down on the seat. Immediately, many boys surrounded her. Of course, they knew that they were not good enough for Loong Ling. They did not dare to sit beside Loong Ling. They felt that as long as they could see Loong Ling's appearance. It was also very lucky and happy.    


Qin Lang searched one by one and finally found Loong Ling's class.    


"Miss Loong..." Qin Lang saw Loong Ling but saw her sitting on the seat as still as a virgin. He was not surprised, but he was happy and scared. He subconsciously walked towards her.    


"What are you doing..." Immediately, a few boys stood up and blocked in front of Qin Lang.    


Qin Lang's eyes were all on Loong Ling. He saw her looking at him indifferently. There was a trace of disgust in her eyes. It must be because she had told Qin Lang several times. Don't treat her as Zhong Yu anymore, and Qin Lang wouldn't listen to her at all. That was why she was angry.    


Qin Lang felt like he had been doused with cold water. He thought that he had been too rash today and went to find Loong Ling like this. It made her angry. Qin Lang gave Loong Ling one last look and slowly left the classroom.    


The boys in the classroom saw that Qin Lang was dressed badly and had never heard of his name in school. They only thought that he was a reckless Loser and treated Qin Lang's actions as a joke.    


Qin Lang printed a copy of Loong Ling's class schedule on the official website and decided to visit Loong Ling when he had the time. Find an opportunity to build a good relationship with her, as long as he persisted. Loong Ling would definitely be touched by him.    


After reading for three days straight, Qin Lang saw Loong Ling seriously sitting in her seat listening and taking notes every day. Although the other boys admired Loong Ling in their hearts, they kept a distance from her. Qin Lang felt very satisfied.    


On the fourth day, when Qin Lang finished his class and came to Loong Ling's classroom, he saw a graceful boy beside Loong Ling. It was Cao Ning, whom he had met at the school gate on the first day of school.    


Qin Lang stood at the door and looked at them. He could vaguely hear what they were talking about, as if they were talking about music.    


"... " The folk ballad was a song that originated from the folk. The singing did not pay too much attention to the skill of the music. It mainly focuses on natural music... I really like Zhao Lei's Chengdu and Song Dongye's Miss Dong. They are also not bad... " Cao Ning said with a smile.    


Loong Ling's eyes had a look of appreciation as she said, "You really know a lot. I am not as good as you."    


Cao Ning said gently, "Miss Loong, you flatter me. I am still on my way to study. I found that my interests are quite similar to yours. If you are willing, we can communicate more. It will be good for both of us."    


Loong Ling smiled sweetly and lightly nodded. She then discussed other things with Cao Ning.    


Loong Ling's eyes moved and saw Qin Lang at the door. She immediately moved away and continued to talk to Cao Ning like before. Qin Lang did not affect her at all.    


Qin Lang's heart was suddenly in turmoil. A strong sense of crisis rose in his heart. He clenched his fists and his nails dug deep into his flesh, but he could not feel it at all.    


Cao Ning noticed Loong Ling's gaze and also looked at the door. When he saw Qin Lang looking at Loong Ling with deep affection, he was first shocked. He smiled indifferently again and did not put Qin Lang in his eyes at all. It was just an unknown little character. It was understandable that he admired beautiful women. But it stopped from admiration and fantasy.    


Qin Lang really wanted to rush forward and pull Loong Ling away, but he knew that that could only make Loong Ling hate him even more. He could only endure it first.    


Seeing Loong Ling and Cao Ning getting closer and closer to each other, Qin Lang felt as if a knife was twisting in his heart. He threw a heavy punch on the door and ran back to the dormitory.    


"What's wrong, Old Qin?" Seeing Qin Lang's disappointed look, Zhang Qi asked. After spending a few days with his roommates, Qin Lang also knew that his roommates were not rich.    


"It's fine." Qin Lang was lying on the bed with mixed feelings. His mind was filled with the scene of Loong Ling and Cao Ning together.    


"If it's nothing, then it's weird. Sigh, the school is currently registering for the "welcome party." Do you want to try it? "Zhang Qi asked. Zhang Qi was a secretary of the school's student union. The registration for the welcome party had already begun, and every member of the student union was working hard to find more students to attend.    


" Not interested... " Qin Lang casually said.    


"There are a lot of beautiful girls at the welcome party. Maybe a loser like us can find a girlfriend too..." Zhang Qi raised his eyebrows at Qin Lang and said.    


"Pretty girls..." Qin Lang rolled his eyes. He did not know if Loong Ling would attend the welcome party this time. He asked, "Do you have a list? Let me take a look."    


Zhang Qi really did bring the schedule for the welcome party. Qin Lang took it and pointed at the one-way slide of the program. He really found Loong Ling's name.    


"Dream Chaser Heart: Performant: Cao Ning, Loong Ling, Dong Yi, Zhang Xiaoshan (missing a dancer) Dream Chaser Heart: Performant: Cao Ning, Loong Ling, Dong Yi, Zhang Xiaoshan (missing a dancer)"    


Seeing Cao Ning and Loong Ling's names, Qin Lang's heart hurt again, but this was a good opportunity to get in touch with Loong Ling. Qin Lang wanted to grab it. He pointed to Zhang Qi." Report this to me, I'll go! "    


"F * ck, you've had enough. When you heard that there are beauties, you agreed faster than a rabbit!" As Zhang Qi spoke, he put Qin Lang's name on the list.    


The next day, Qin Lang received Zhang Qi's notice. He told ___ to go to the school auditorium after lunch to participate in rehearsal practice. Qin Lang was very happy in his heart. He finished his meal early. He arrived at the auditorium before one o'clock. Perhaps all the students in the auditorium had gone for lunch and lunch. There were very few people in the auditorium.    


Qin Lang was also a little sleepy. He found a seat and leaned against it.    


After an unknown amount of time, Qin Lang was woken up by the music. Qin Lang rubbed his confused eyes. At that moment, there were already two to three hundred students in the auditorium. Some of them were on the stage, while others were seated. The person in charge of each program was explaining the details to his partner. The director was using the microphone to instruct the props and lights loudly.    



The director said loudly, "The people on stage move aside first. Let Cao Ning and Loong Ling practice first. You guys move aside first and let Cao Ning try the microphone first..."    


There was a sequence of rehearsals and practice for the New Welcoming Gala every day. Usually, there was a first come, first served practice. Cao Ning and Loong Ling only arrived ten minutes ago. If they were to line up... It would be their turn in two hours, but their family backgrounds were awesome. Cao Ning was a famous second generation in Linan and one of the publicly acknowledged school grass of Jiangnan University. He could also be said to be the most influential "celebrity classmate" at the welcome party. Needless to say, Loong Ling was one of the top five families in Linan. Couldn't such a combination director please her a little?    


When the others heard that it was to give Cao Ning and Loong Ling a spot, they were originally full of complaints, but now they felt that it was reasonable. Very quickly, they gave up the center of the stage.    


Cao Ning and Loong Ling had been sitting in the first row of the audience seats. They were talking about the details of the collaboration. When they saw that the stage had been given up, Cao Ning took a long sip of Coke. He put it down and invited Loong Ling to practice with him on the stage.    


Seeing Loong Ling and Cao Ning leisurely walk onto the stage, Qin Lang stood up. He also walked along the small path between the seats to the front and just walked to the first row of seats. Loong Ling's clear singing could be heard on the stage. Qin Lang sat in the seat Loong Ling had just sat in. He looked at Loong Ling on the stage.    


"Where is the world full of flowers?"    


"If it really exists, then I will definitely go."    


"I want to stand at the highest peak"    


"I don't care if it's a cliff or not!"    


Loong Ling finished singing the four melodious lines. The singing was fascinating and very pleasant. Loong Ling stopped singing and looked at Cao Ning.    


"Use your strength to live and use your strength to love even if you are afraid of death."    


"Don't ask anyone to be satisfied, only to be worthy of yourself."    




Cao Ning sang very well, which did not match his thin appearance. He looked very manly, even for someone like Qin Lang who did not understand music. He could also tell that his singing skills and standards were very high. The girls below the stage looked at him with admiration, as if they were looking at celebrities and idols.    


"I have never chosen my ideal..." Cao Ning was still singing, but when he finished the last two words, he could not help but burp.    


Everyone was stunned. Cao Ning's voice was so strange. Many people almost laughed out loud, but when they saw that no one dared to laugh, they gritted their teeth and pinched their own flesh to hold back their laughter.    


Cao Ning was also embarrassed, and his face turned a little red. He didn't even dare to look at Loong Ling, as he was afraid that it would affect his impression in her heart. Fortunately, the others didn't laugh. Cao Ning prepared to continue singing as if nothing had happened.    


"Haha..." At this time, Qin Lang could not help but laugh. First of all, Cao Ning's appearance was too funny. Secondly, he was really happy to see Cao Ning make a fool of himself in front of Loong Ling. He laughed out loud.    


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