Making Great Fortune Overnight

C156 What Are You Pretending For?

C156 What Are You Pretending For?

0"If you told me you were lying, I wouldn't have agreed," Qin Lang stared at Zang Jiaxin and said coldly.    


"Don't agree to it! Who asked you to agree? Un? I forced you!" Zang Jiaxin became even angrier when she heard Qin Lang still dare to refute. She shook off Huanhuan's hand and rushed to Qin Lang's side. She used her hand to point at Qin Lang's chest. "Why don't you not agree? If you agree, then do it well for me. What were you doing just now? Who are you giving face to? Do you know that I have 360,000 fans on my canine teeth? If they see your expression just now... Do you know what the consequences are if you know that I'm coaxing them to play?"    


"My fans will run out. Do you know how much of a loss this is? Ah! Stupid loser, at least a few hundred thousand yuan. Do you want to compensate me? " Zang Jiaxin's mouth flew as she spoke and Huanhuan who was at the side pulling at her was unable to do it," Just now you were still pretending to be virtuous in front of me. I will give you money. You do not even know how to extend your hand. How expensive are you? Hmm? "    


"Didn't you not want my money? Return my money to me. Quick, return it to me! " Zang Jiaxin violently snatched the one hundred yuan note that she gave Qin Lang earlier. "This money, even if I feed the dogs, I won't give you this kind of rotten thing!"    


"Jia Xin, let's go. Don't tell him anymore. There was no point in talking to him anymore. The live broadcast has ended. " Huanhuan pulled Zang Jiaxin's hand to persuade her. Zang Jiaxin scolded Qin Lang for so long. She finally felt a little better.    


"Let's go. Don't bother with this lowly person. I think he only deserves to be a garbage collector for his entire life." Zang Jiaxin stared at Qin Lang and spat on the ground before she was pulled into the villa by Huanhuan.    


Qin Lang stood where he was. His heart felt as disgusting as if he had eaten a fly. He kindly let Zang Jiaxin stay in his villa to rest and then went out to buy food for her. In the end, how did she repay him?    


Qin Lang scratched his head in frustration and punched the wall of the villa hard. After a dull sound, five holes appeared on Qin Lang's five fingers.    


Huh, Qin Lang, Qin Lang, are all the women you met crazy or your own problems?    


Qin Lang sat alone outside for a while before he walked into the villa. Qin Lang naturally wouldn't be so petty as to chase Zang Jiaxin and the others out now. After all, he had promised to let them live here. As long as from now on, he would try his best to avoid dealing with crazy women like Zang Jiaxin.    


Qin Lang took a cold shower and returned to his room.    


At this time, Zang Jiaxin and Huanhuan were in the room. After watching the live broadcast, the effects were just as Huanhuan had expected. The effects were very good, and even far exceeded their expectations.    


Zang Jiaxin's fans were increasing rapidly in this hour. Up until now, it had increased by 20,000, and it was still increasing at a rate of dozens per minute.    


Zang Jiaxin's private messages in the station were also increasing at all times. They were all asking about the pitiful person's situation and expressing their gratitude to Zang Jiaxin.    


Within an hour, more than 400 people applied to add her WeChat. There were more than 100 phone calls. Of course, Zang Jiaxin only picked up a few of them selectively. Two girls cried and expressed their gratitude to Zang Jiaxin, saying that they wanted to send her a red packet.    


One had to know that Zang Jiaxin only had a few hardcore fans who knew about her WeChat and phone number. Now, there were actually so many people who knew about it. It was enough to see that Zang Jiaxin's live broadcast this time had a wide impact and was successful.    


Zang Jiaxin was so happy that she almost died. She saw that the time was almost up and turned on the live broadcast again, turning back into that considerate goddess Jiaxin.    


Once the broadcast started, 80,000 fans immediately flooded in.    


"F * ck, 80,000 people just started the broadcast. What kind of f * cking situation is this?"    


"Goddess Jiaxin's fans are increasing so quickly. It's only been an hour, and she's already gaining 20,000 fans!"    


"I'm new here. When I saw that pitiful person on the recommendation list, my heart nearly shattered!"    


"Goddess, how is that pitiful person?"    


"Yeah, where is he?"    




The bullet comments on Zang Jiaxin's live stream jumped very quickly. Many of them were asking about the pitiful person's situation.    


"My babies, I just helped the poor person die in the shower. I even brought him to buy two clean clothes around the neighborhood. I also rented a room that cost 500 yuan for him. He should be sleeping in his room by now. Don't worry, everyone. Poor people are safe now..."    


After Zang Jiaxin said that, the netizens finally heaved a sigh of relief.    


"As expected of my Goddess Jiaxin. You did a good job in this matter."    


"Thank you, thank you so much. Good people have good karma."    




"[Serves you right to become fans! That's right, [Dog Head Freak]!]"    




The netizens supported Zang Jiaxin's actions as they fell to the ground. Of course, money Gun, Treasure Map," "Tiger Tooth One," and so on. They were really touched by Zang Jiaxin's way of doing things. She was such a caring live streamer and spent money on such a poor person. They felt comfortable farming gifts for such a person. They felt that farming gifts was also helping a pitiful person.    


"Thank you, 'I Want The Sun', for the 'Treasure Map'. Alright. Everyone, stop farming. I'm just doing my best. It's really nothing. Stop farming. Stop! Aiya, why didn't you guys listen to me today? Let's see who can farm again. I won't be broadcasting live anymore from now on..." At this moment, Zang Jiaxin was "ordering" her fans not to give her gifts again.    


Of course, Zang Jiaxin naturally wouldn't be sincere. She couldn't wait for her fans to go bankrupt and give her money. It was just that after being a streamer for such a long time, Zang Jiaxin also understood the mentality of the netizens. Under her current circumstances, she wouldn't let them do it. They would farm even more.    


Zang Jiaxin's live broadcast reached 12 o'clock sharp before it went down.    


Once she turned off the camera, Zang Jiaxin happily jumped three feet high. Just now, she roughly estimated in her heart that tonight, her fans had increased by 150,000 to 60,000. She could get 70,000 to 80,000! It was the night with the highest income since her live broadcast.    


Zang Jiaxin could not help but think of the first few days of the live broadcast. At that time, she was not famous. In the class, Gaoyuan and an expensive young master called "Qing Chen" had given her 50,000 to 60,000 in one night. If "Qing Chen" watched her live broadcast tonight, it would be possible for him to break through to 250,000.    


Sigh, ever since that "Qing Chen" appeared once, he never came to watch his livestream again. Sometimes, Zang Jiaxin would stare blankly at the grey profile picture of "Qing Chen."    


Zang Jiaxin's biggest gain tonight was not the 1560,000 or 150,000 reward, but the newly increased 30,000 to 40,000 fans. This was a sustainable source of "reward."    


"Jia Xin, tonight we should really thank that trash salvage kid. If not for him pretending to be pitiful, we would not be able to have this effect." Huanhuan said from the side with a smile. She had given Zang Jiaxin such a good idea. Zang Jiaxin owed him a huge favor and waited for her to become a big streamer. She definitely had to help her a little.    


"Him? Hmph..." Zang Jiaxin revealed a cold smile, "Just like that smelly loser, I feel like throwing up when I see him. Why should I thank him? It would already be good if I didn't spit out two mouthfuls of his saliva."    


"You are right. He also does not know that he is just a trash picking up trash and still dare to give us face. At that time, I really wanted to give him two slaps for you..." Huanhuan followed Zang Jiaxin's words and also wanted to suck up to her.    


"Alright, Huanhuan, let's go to sleep. Tomorrow we still have to go to Shanghai to participate in the Tiger Tooth Celebration. Don't stay up late..." Zang Jiaxin was talking to Huanhuan when her phone rang. Seeing the "Tiger Tooth Content Director" label on the phone, Zang Jiaxin did not dare to delay and quickly picked up the call.    


"Hello, Director."    


"Zang Jiaxin, is it? Congratulations. After you went offline from the live broadcast just now. The platform detected that the number of fans in your account had increased greatly, and the number of rewards was also ten times more than usual. The number of tips you get is very large. I immediately reported your situation to the big boss. The big boss saw your live broadcast replay and felt that your live broadcast was very interesting. It might even lead to a new trend in the next few months. The big boss decided... He would make an exception for your account and upgrade it to the Great God level. The share would also be split from the original 55. It will be adjusted to 70% for you and 30% for the platform..."    


"Thank you, thank you, Director. I will definitely continue to work hard."    


"Your new live stream content is currently very popular on the platform! Although it can't compare to the total volume of other Gods, the growth rate is currently the highest on the platform. The big boss also wants your new live broadcast content to spread, so that tomorrow's Tiger Tooth Celebration will have more money and explosive points. He wants you to come tomorrow and bring along that poor person on your live broadcast. Can you bring it?"    


" Ah... Bring him?" Zang Jiaxin was a little speechless for a moment.    


"What? Is it difficult? Or... Jiaxin, tell me the truth. Did you spend money to hire that pitiful person? It's alright. Just tell me the truth. Like this. It's good for all of us." The director had also been in the live broadcast industry for a long time. How could he not know the routine and thoughts that the hosts used?    


"Yes..." Zang Jiaxin could only admit it.    



"En..." The director pondered for a moment. "You're quite smart. The purpose of a live broadcast online is to let the netizens give you more tips. As long as the effect is good, there's nothing wrong with doing so. Isn't this quite easy to handle? Give him some more money and let him act with you tomorrow. This platform can pay for you. "    


"Director, I'm about to lose my relationship with that person. If I ask him to come, he definitely won't come. I think... Why don't we just let him go? If he finds out, everything will be over. "    


"Miss Zang, you have to understand that this isn't what I mean. But... It's fine if you don't bring the big boss who sent you the money. Anyway, I'm just a messenger. I just want to remind you first... If the big boss is unhappy, not only will he take back the conditions from before... At that time, don't come looking for me... "    


"Er... Director, I'll bring him there. Don't worry. I'll definitely bring him to the celebration." Zang Jiaxin could tell that if the big boss got angry, her road to live broadcast was covered with a layer of shadow. Zang Jiaxin was developing so well now. How could she dare to joke about her live broadcast career?    


Even if she could not pull Qin Lang over, she had to pull Qin Lang over too.    


"Alright, then I'll look forward to Miss Zang's performance at the celebration tomorrow. It's late, so I won't disturb your rest." After saying that, the other end hung up.    


Zang Jiaxin's phone had been stiffly raised beside her ear, asking her to bring Qin Lang to the celebration. With her current relationship with Qin Lang, how could he possibly go with her?    


"Jiaxin, what should we do? You even scolded him so badly tonight. It would be strange if he went with you." Huanhuan was also worried about Zang Jiaxin.    


"What should we do? How would I know what to do? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have scolded that smelly loser. Zang Jiaxin sat on the bed and thought worriedly. She softly muttered," If it really doesn't work, I will just give that brat some tofu. " But thinking about how my clean and pure body is going to be touched by that stinky loser, I feel disgusted..."    


Zang Jiaxin heavily punched the bed. There was a trace of watery light at the corner of her eyes. At this moment, Zang Jiaxin suddenly thought of a person in her mind. She was slightly stunned...    


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