Making Great Fortune Overnight

C158 She Has a Letter for You

C158 She Has a Letter for You

0Qin Lang was stunned and could not speak, but he was slightly shocked.    


"In the past two to three months when Xie Wenjing left you, you only saw her being arrogant and despotic in front of you. Do you know that when she was sleeping, she was calling your name? She disguised herself very well in front of others, but I know her best. From the moment she broke up with you to the moment she dropped out of school, she never really forgot you from the bottom of her heart..."    


"The day before she left school, she told me that she broke up with Peng Nan. She also realized that the person she truly loved in her heart was you. She told me that she wanted to get back together with you, and that she would spend the rest of her life with you. But to make up for the harm she had done to you in the past few months, in front of me... She called you five or six times. But what about you? You didn't even pick up the call. Xie Wenjing leaned on my shoulder and cried with her heart broken. She kept mumbling, Qin Lang doesn't want me anymore, Qin Lang doesn't want me anymore..."    


"Later, she told me that in order to save your love, she wanted to fight to the death, and then she ran out. I think she went to look for you, right? What exactly did you say to her? After she came back, it was as if she lost her soul, and the next day, she applied to the school to withdraw. She dropped out of school and left on the third day."    


Qin Lang remembered the last time he met Xie Wenjing in the Autumn Water Beauty. He thought of Xie Wenjing holding back her tears before she left. Qin Lang could not help feeling a little heartache.    


"Do you remember now? Now you know that it was you who destroyed Xie Wenjing. It was you who caused a young girl with a bright future to fall. Do you know how many shameless scumbags you are?" Zang Jiaxin's eyes became sharper and sharper. "Up until now, you, a scumbag who harmed innocent girls, actually have the face to talk to me about morality. Ask yourself, are you f * cking worthy? "    


"I am not worthy, but I don't need you to criticize me. I am tired. Please go out." Qin Lang was indeed tired. He did not want to see Zang Jiaxin show off in front of him again. If he was wrong, he would use his own method to make up for it. He needed to think about it carefully. Qin Lang pushed Zang Jiaxin out the door.    


"Smelly bastard, why are you pushing?" Zang Jiaxin shouted loudly, "Do you want to know what Xie Wenjing, who was dead in her heart, told me to tell you on the day she left?"    


Qin Lang stopped. He did not think that this was very important to him. He wanted to know Xie Wenjing's state of mind at that time. Since she had something to tell him, if he didn't know, it would be his biggest regret. It was also disrespecting Xie Wenjing.    


"What did she say?" Qin Lang stared at Zang Jiaxin and asked.    


"She left you a letter and told me to give it to you. What she wanted to say was in the letter." Zang Jiaxin's eyes had a hint of satisfaction. This was her trump card.    


"Give me the letter."    


"If you want the letter, you can. As long as you accompany me to attend the celebration in Shanghai, I will give it to you."    


"Don't force me." Qin Lang's eyes tightened a little, making Zang Jiaxin involuntarily shiver. She forced herself to calm down.    


"Humph. If you don't follow me to attend the celebration, I won't give it to you. I want to see what you can do." Zang Jiaxin must use this to threaten Qin Lang. Otherwise, Qin Lang would not go with her.    


"You..." Qin Lang grabbed Zang Jiaxin's collar. His pupils shrank into the most dangerous needle-shaped light. Zang Jiaxin actually felt an extremely strong pressure, but at this point in time. Zang Jiaxin could not be afraid, or her path of live streaming would be cut off.    


"How am I? Let me tell you, after tomorrow, if you cause me to be banned by the canine teeth... I will find a place to secretly burn that letter, making this matter a secret forever! " Zang Jiaxin was threatening Qin Lang.    


Qin Lang let out a heavy breath and closed his eyes tightly.    


"Okay, I will go with you." After asking himself in his heart, Qin Lang finally agreed to Zang Jiaxin and slowly let go of Zang Jiaxin.    


"Okay, this is what you said." Zang Jiaxin was overjoyed and also relieved in her heart. She was finally not banned by the canine teeth.    


"Where is the letter?" Qin Lang asked coldly.    


"What is there to ask? When tomorrow is over, I will naturally pass the letter to you. Anyway, it is of no use to me here." Zang Jiaxin recovered some of her disdain towards Qin Lang.    


"Alright, it is not early anymore. Quickly go to sleep. You have to get up early tomorrow. We will take the high-speed rail to Shanghai." After Zang Jiaxin finished instructing Qin Lang, she pulled Huanhuan out of Qin Lang's room.    


Qin Lang slowly walked back to the bed and laid on his side on the bed. He couldn't help but think of Xie Wenjing's face. Her face had become so strange. A muffled thunder came from outside the window and interrupted Qin Lang's thoughts. Qin Lang pulled up the blanket and covered his body. Only then did he fall asleep.    


The next day, when Qin Lang woke up, it was dark outside. It was already eight o'clock, but it was as if it was seven o'clock at night.    


Qin Lang called up the two girls who were lying in bed. After waiting for them to spend an hour dressing up, the three of them walked out of the villa.    


They ate some breakfast outside. During this time, Zang Jiaxin pulled Huanhuan back to her rented house. The three of them then rented out and rushed to the Jinling City high-speed railway station.    


After buying the tickets, they got into the car very quickly. The sky outside was very dark and the lights in the train were switched on. Qin Lang and Zang Jiaxin sat together and the two girls were eating snacks and chatting, but they did not look at Qin Lang at all.    


"Did you get the letter?" Qin Lang thought that Zang Jiaxin went back to the rented house to get the letter.    


"No." Zang Jiaxin subconsciously covered some bags. Qin Lang knew it. The letter was in her bag, but she was afraid that he would take it away. So he did not accompany them to Shanghai. Qin Lang smiled faintly. Without asking any more questions, he agreed to go with them. He would not change his mind midway.    


Qin Lang slowly closed his eyes. He wanted to see the city that Zhong Yu had once lived in for a short period of time. It was also a good experience.    


One and a half hours later, Qin Lang and the others arrived in Shanghai. They rented another car. Qin Lang accompanied Zang Jiaxin to this "tiger fang night. The venue of the big online celebrity party, Oceanic Harbor.    


This gala would be held on a private luxury cruise ship, and now the majestic luxury cruise ship was parked at the port. However, people were not allowed to attend the gala at this time. They had to wait for the gala to start for one and a half hours. The organization would only let them pass.    


Netizens like Zang Jiaxin were putting on makeup, resting, and familiarizing themselves with the process of the gala in a hotel next to the port.    


Qin Lang could not stay in the hotel. He walked along the port alone and looked around. He stood on a reef by the sea and shouted loudly in the direction of the sea, "Zhong Yu, where are you? Come back!"    


He heard others calling his lover to the sea, and his lover would hear it. He quickly went back to his side.    


However, the only response he received was his own echo and the distant cries of seagulls mixed in the waves.    


The sea breeze made Qin Lang feel a little cold. He tightened his tight clothes and walked back to the hotel.    


At 6: 30 PM, Qin Lang followed Zang Jiaxin, Huanhuan, and the others to accept the examination. They walked to the cruise ship and followed hundreds of people onto the cruise ship. Zang Jiaxin, Huanhuan, and other Internet celebrities were the same. Their eyes were wide open. From time to time, they would let out sighs of surprise.    


The cruise ship had three layers, and the hull was made of the metal composite material at the forefront of the world. It reflected the light of the metal, and the high mast of the cruise ship hung a few lines of colorful flags from the bow to the stern of the ship.    


The highest deck was 2000 square meters in area, and there was a large swimming pool in the middle of the stern part of the ship. There were also a few reclining chairs next to it. The bow of the boat was set up on a stage with a steel frame, and behind the stage was an entire curtain. On top of it were 100 beautiful Internet celebrities, written in artistic characters: "Tiger Tooth Night - - The 100 Internet celebrities have personally come to the Super Gala Gala"    


The two sides of the stage were equipped with audio and other equipment, and there were seats all around.    


At this moment, the Internet celebrities and the audience and guests who had come to watch the ceremony were all strolling around the viewing platforms around the deck, looking at the scenery on the cruise and the sea.    


Standing on the cruise and looking down from the railing, one could see the boundless sea in the distance. The sea and the sky were connected, and the sea was fluctuating rhythmically. The sound of the sea rustling by one's ears was truly a comfortable experience.    


Qin Lang looked into the distance and thought that if the sky was beautiful enough to make the sun rise today, it would definitely be even more beautiful. Unfortunately, the sky was still gloomy until now.    


"This cruise ship is Young Master He's. It's said that this cruise ship is worth 800 million RMB. It was bought by him and his father together. In the entire country, how many rich second generations have Young Master He's so bold?"    


"Yes, I heard that Young Master He just broke up with his girlfriend and is still single. Do you think I have a chance?"    


"I think your chance is slim. After all, I am still here as a beauty. Hehe."    


"F * ck you. I heard that Young Master He will also be present tonight. When I go on stage, I have to perform well. Perhaps Young Master He will take a fancy to me."    


A few Internet celebrities gathered together and chatted. Seeing that the party was about to begin, they stopped chatting and walked towards the area where the Internet celebrities were seated.    


Zang Jiaxin and Huanhuan stood there. When they heard the conversation between those few people, Zang Jiaxin also had an idea in her heart.    



"Huanhuan, do you think that Young Master He might fancy me?" Zang Jiaxin looked at Huanhuan and asked. There was a trace of hope and confidence in her eyes.    


Seeing Zang Jiaxin's confident look, Huanhuan did not mind and lightly smiled.    


"Jiaxin, don't joke around. The gala is about to start. Let's hurry up and leave." Huanhuan was about to pull Zang Jiaxin back but Zang Jiaxin still stared at her, "You still haven't answered my question."    


Huanhuan was speechless and said after thinking for a while.    


"Jia Xin, I'm telling the truth. Don't be angry. You saw it too. How many beauties are there at the gala, not to mention Young Master He. Even I'm seeing things. What's so special about us? To be able to make Young Master He fall in love with us, what's more... Furthermore, there are a few great live streamers who are even more beautiful than us. If Young Master He wants to choose, he will choose beautiful ones. Why would he fall in love with us?"    


After Huanhuan finished speaking, Zang Jiaxin thought that it was true. She could not help but feel disappointed. She thought that it was just a fleeting dream to enter a wealthy family. It was better for her to just follow the live broadcast path.    


"Qin Lang, don't just watch blindly. The party is about to start. Come here!" Zang Jiaxin shouted at Qin Lang who was watching the sea from afar.    


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