Making Great Fortune Overnight

C140 Why Don't You be My Boyfriend

C140 Why Don't You be My Boyfriend

0The curtains had been completely closed by Manager Ding. He really enjoyed the moment when the room went from bright to dark. Every time he had sex with the female tenant, it was like this now.    


"Miss Sun, I have done so much for you. Can't you see why I am so good to you? " Manager Ding turned his head around. In the dark room, his face was gloomy. It made Suen Yue's heart tremble, as if the curtains had been drawn. Manager Ding had changed into a different person.    


"What are you talking about? Manager Ding, open the curtains. It's too dark inside. I don't like it," Suen Yue said as she walked to the windowsill. She was about to open the curtains when Manager Ding grabbed her hand.    


"Ah!" Suen Yue was shocked. She saw the scary smile on Manager Ding's face. "Manager Ding, what are you doing? Let go of me!"    


Before, in Suen Yue's eyes, Manager Ding had always been a warm-hearted man who helped others. Even at this moment, Suen Yue had already realized in her heart that there was something wrong with Manager Ding today. But she still restrained herself and said to Manager Ding.    


"I have already helped you so much, Miss Sun. You still can't tell that I like you? " Looking at Suen Yue's pretty face in front of him, Manager Ding's mind became more and more excited. "Now that you've satisfied me once, I won't ask for four months of rent from you. You can still live here in the future. How long do you want to stay here? "    


"What are you talking about? Let me go!" Suen Yue saw Manager Ding's red eyes and finally realized the seriousness of the problem. Suen Yue started to resist, but her hand was firmly held in Manager Ding's hand. She could not pull it out no matter what.    


"Even shouting looks so good." Manager Ding's attention was on Suen Yue's face. The evil light in his eyes became brighter and brighter. Manager Ding grabbed Suen Yue's two hands with one hand and took out the condom and Wei Ge from his pocket. He shook it in front of Suen Yue. "Don't be afraid. I have prepared protective measures. I am very strong after eating Viagra. I promise you that I will let you experience what you have never experienced before! If I buy you once for ten thousand dollars, you won't lose anything either. "    


" Let go of me! Let go of me!" Suen Yue only felt disgust when she saw the condom and Viagra in Manager Ding's hands. She was even more afraid and shouted loudly, "Let go of me, you bastard, let go!"    


"You are so beautiful. Come, let's start on the sofa!" Manager Ding's mind was occupied by the sperm worm. He pulled Suen Yue and walked towards the sofa.    


"Bang, bang, bang!" At this moment, there was a hurried knock on the door.    


"What's wrong!? Miss Sun. "    


Manager Ding was shocked. He was confused. There were no tenants in Suen Yue's room. The soundproofing of their building was good. No one else could hear it. Did the people passing by hear it?    


He was very annoyed. But no matter what, he could not violate Suen Yue anymore.    


Manager Ding immediately let go of Suen Yue.    


"You bastard!" Suen Yue hit Manager Ding's lower body with her knee.    


"Uh..." Manager Ding held his lower body and bent down. The feeling of "losing everything" made him feel much more painful than a woman giving birth.    


Suen Yue opened the door and it was Qin Lang who knocked on the door.    


"What happened?" Qin Lang asked worriedly.    


"Nothing." Suen Yue was still shy about what happened just now. After all, the main reason was that she had not paid the rent, and she had not suffered any actual damage. It would not be good for her reputation if she told others that she had been sexually assaulted.    


"Get lost!" Suen Yue shouted. Manager Ding looked like a 70-80-year-old old man who could not straighten his back. He reluctantly walked out of Suen Yue's room.    


Suen Yue invited Qin Lang to sit in her room for a while. She opened the curtains and sat next to Qin Lang gloomily.    


"Thank you for just now." Suen Yue still had some lingering fear when she thought about what happened just now.    


"Was it that person who treated you..." Qin Lang asked tentatively.    


"Don't say it. It's not what you think. If he dares to force me, I will crush his egg," Suen Yue said impatiently.    


Qin Lang sighed slightly. Looking at Suen Yue, his guess was right. It was Manager Ding who wanted to do something bad to Suen Yue.    


At this time, the TV and air conditioner in the room suddenly stopped. Suen Yue went to the bathroom to take a look. There was no more water.    


"What's going on?" Qin Lang frowned and asked. Suen Yue had not yet answered when someone knocked on her room. Two staff members came in and scolded Suen Yue rudely.    


"Hurry up and move out today. Also, the four months of rent that you owe us should be paid back as soon as possible. We have already blacklisted you in the real estate industry. If you don't want to rent a room in the future, then... You won't pay back the money! " The two men sneered and said to Suen Yue, "Quickly clean up. If I still see you in this room at night, don't blame us for being impolite! "    


After saying that, the two men left arrogantly.    


"It was Manager Ding who did this." Qin Lang's brows were still furrowed.    


Suen Yue let out a heavy breath. Thinking back, she thought that Manager Ding really helped her selflessly. She thought she was ridiculous. How could there be love in the world for no reason? Suen Yue sneered in her heart and began to pack her things in the room.    


"Do you have a place to go?" Qin Lang asked worriedly. Suen Yue owed four months of rent, which meant she did not have any money on her. If she didn't have money, how could she live in a high spending city like Jinling? She was a girl again. What if she encountered danger outside?    


"No." Suen Yue honestly said. She really didn't know that after leaving this place, if it really did not work out, she could only go home. But she was already 26 years old. In the end, she still had to go home and let her parents take care of her. To the strong Suen Yue, it hurt her pride.    


"Please make way. I have to go." Suen Yue quickly packed her things and was about to leave.    


"Uh... How about this, you can live in my house." Qin Lang looked at Suen Yue and said. He was really worried about Suen Yue. Maybe it was because Suen Yue enthusiastically wanted to help him before. It made him have a very good impression of Suen Yue. Since he had the ability to help her, why didn't he help her?    


"You..." Because of what happened to Manager Ding, Suen Yue was still angry. The first thing she felt was that Qin Lang also wanted to take advantage of her, a weak girl, to take advantage of her. She had been so concerned about him before. Suen Yue really wanted to eat Qin Lang.    


"Don't misunderstand." Seeing Suen Yue's eagle-like eyes staring at him, Qin Lang hurriedly waved his hand and said, "I am a student of Jinling University. Although I have graduated, I am still a student of Jinling University. I have something to do at school. Although this house is rented, I don't need to live in it recently. Since it's empty, I'll let you live in it."    


"Really, you're not lying to me?" Suen Yue asked doubtfully.    


"I promise I am not lying to you. Of course, if you still don't believe me... You can change the lock yourself. If I want to come in and rest for a while... I also need to knock on your door, "Qin Lang seriously explained to Suen Yue. In the end, he said," If you still don't believe me, it is human nature. I am afraid that you will be in danger outside. I still have 1500 yuan on me. Use it first. It's quite safe to rent a single room at Purple Parasol that's around 1,000 yuan. When you have money, return it to me. "    


As he spoke, Qin Lang took out his only 1500 yuan in cash.    


"Okay, I will stay in your room." Suen Yue did not think Qin Lang was lying. She had a good impression of him. "You can use this money yourself. I have more on me. Do you want to help me move the things into your room?"    


"Okay." Qin Lang smiled cheerfully and helped Suen Yue carry big and small bags of luggage back to his room.    


"Suen Yue, how did you get to this extent?" Qin Lang helped Suen Yue pack her luggage and asked her. He was indeed quite puzzled in his heart. According to Suen Yue's "intelligent" appearance, no matter how useless she was, she would not be reduced to this kind of situation where she could not even afford to pay the rent.    


Suen Yue sighed. This was her sad matter. She felt especially depressed in her heart. It was not a big deal to tell Qin Lang about it.    


"I was a sports reporter before. My salary was more than 8,000 yuan. Although it was not high, it was still alright. After all, this was a job that I liked. I can report on domestic competitions of all sizes because of this profession. After traveling through half of China and even having the opportunity to interview overseas, Suen Yue's eyes lit up when she said these words.    


"But later, the higher ups made me slander an athlete in the country for the viewership ratings. I didn't want to, so my superiors revoked my position. They banned me in the industry, and they even found a group of people to deal with me. Causing several lawsuits for me, I lost... After I lost all my savings, I ended up like this! "    


"You're very brave, and very strong!" After Suen Yue finished speaking, Qin Lang had respect for Suen Yue.    


"What is brave and strong? I just don't want to go against my own wishes." Suen Yue smiled faintly.    


At this time, Suen Yue's phone rang. Suen Yue saw the two words "Second Sister." She hesitated for a moment but still picked up the call.    


"What are you doing now? These few months, why didn't you come back home to take a look? If you don't come back soon, my family won't be able to recognize you when they see you... " The other party immediately scolded Suen Yue.    



"Second sister, it's my fault. It's mainly because I've been too busy with work recently. When I get busy, I forget everything..." Suen Yue smiled apologetically.    


"You are the only one busy. Other people are not busy, alright? Seriously." The other party muttered and then said, "Tomorrow is Father's death anniversary, did you also forget?"    


"How can I forget that? Second Sister, don't joke around with me..."    


"It's good that you didn't forget. Go to Mom's house early tomorrow. Also, Mom is worried about you. She even found a partner for you. The conditions are pretty good. Wear a nice dress tomorrow and have a good chat with her..."    


"What? Why did Mom find a partner for me again? I've told her many times. I don't need her to worry about my own matters. She..." Suen Yue looked very dissatisfied.    


"Hey, you lass. Please forgive me. Tell me how old you are, and you don't have to worry about it. I'm worried sick about you, and you even said you had sex with me. You really don't know what's good for you... [That's enough. That's it.] I'm hanging up. " After saying that, Second Sister hung up.    


Suen Yue immediately called her mother to ask about the matter of the partner. But after saying a few words, the atmosphere between the mother and daughter was not right. When they almost got into an argument, her mother hung up the phone with a "Pa." Suen Yue leaned against the sofa dejectedly.    


"What's wrong?" Qin Lang looked at Suen Yue's helpless look and was very worried.    


"My mom secretly found a partner for me. She wants me to meet him tomorrow. I don't like this. Why does she have to force me?" Suen Yue hit the sofa heavily with her hands. She was so angry that tears came out. She was so angry that her nose was sore for a while. She suddenly looked up at Qin Lang. She gently asked, "Qin Lang, how about you be my boyfriend?"    


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