Making Great Fortune Overnight

C97 What Yan Ni Did

C97 What Yan Ni Did

0Peng Meng's eyes were fixed on Qin Lang, who was standing in front of her. She did not notice the man beside Kadiak at all.    


"Hey, beautiful, why are you in such a hurry?" The man stood in front of Peng Meng and looked at her at such a close distance. It made him even more excited. This beauty was not ordinary beauty. "Bright eyes are good looking, red lips and white teeth, beautiful and charming." It was not excessive to use all of the praises on her body.    


Peng Meng looked speechlessly at the man and wanted to make way from the side. However, the man blocked in front of her again.    


"Beauty, don't go. Tian'er is so hot, let's sit in the car..." The man "treated" Peng Meng's face. Just looking at it already made his body very excited.    


"Scram!" Peng Meng scolded. Seeing the man's lewd smile, Peng Meng vigilantly took a step back and fiercely scolded the man.    


"Even the sound is so nice." The man shamelessly smiled. His brain and body were already very excited. At this time, he only had one thought, to carry the girl in front of him into the car.    


"Beauty, come on. Get in the car, I will take you to buy things..." The man's brain was already completely occupied by the sperm. He suddenly opened his arms like a wolf and pounced towards Peng Meng.    


"Ah!" Peng Meng covered her ears and screamed.    


"Bang, bang, bang..." When the man almost got what he wanted, a big hand landed on the man's head.    


"Ah..." The man staggered to his right as his ears buzzed. He was immediately annoyed and prepared to turn around and hit the person who attacked him. However, when he turned around, Qin Lang stared at him and sent another large hand over. It made the man's eyes see stars.    


Qin Lang grabbed the man's hair and kicked him on the butt. The man's two front teeth cut off the paint on the car and fell off. The man's mouth was full of blood.    


"Get lost!" Qin Lang cursed at the man.    


The man was stunned by Qin Lang. He ran into the car in a panic and drove away.    


Only then did Qin Lang look at Peng Meng. He wanted to see if she was hurt, but he found that she seemed to be infatuated with him. Qin Lang was slightly stunned, turned around and left.    


"Qin Lang, thank you." Peng Meng followed beside Qin Lang and said with a smile. Qin Lang was indeed the same hot-blooded man who saved him that day.    


"Can you stop following me?" Qin Lang stopped and looked at Peng Meng. Peng Meng quietly stared into Qin Lang's eyes.    


"I won't disturb you. If you find me annoying, I won't say anything either..." Peng Meng felt more and more that Qin Lang was the person in her life.    


"Why are you following me?" Qin Lang's eyes showed that he was speechless.    


"You should know that I like you," Peng Meng said. "I don't care about anything."    


"Let me tell you. I have no feelings for you," ___ said. Qin Lang said anxiously.    


"Nonsense. If you don't like me, why did you save me just now?" Peng Meng didn't believe it at all. Qin Lang had saved her just now because of justice.    


Peng Meng's words stunned Qin Lang's mind. He knew that when he heard Peng Meng's voice just now, he was indeed anxious. This was not a good sign. Qin Lang had to cut it off immediately.    


"Miss Peng, your conditions are so good, and your family is doing business, while I am just a worthless poor student. I really don't understand, why are you holding me back and not letting me go?" Qin Lang frowned and asked.    


"Yes, you have made it very clear. I have such good conditions, and you are just a poor student. Why don't you take a fancy to me? " Peng Meng did not dodge Qin Lang's eyes at all and returned his words without changing a word.    


Qin Lang did not know how to answer Peng Meng. He just looked at Peng Meng angrily. He turned around and walked to the front. Peng Meng did not want to be outdone and followed behind him. She made up her mind that no matter where Qin Lang went, she would follow him. However, she did not take the initiative to speak to Qin Lang anymore.    


If she continued to talk to him now, it would only make him hate her even more.    


Qin Lang walked to a small stall on the street and ordered a serving of stir-fried noodles from the boss.    


Peng Meng sat beside Qin Lang without saying anything. Qin Lang only thought that she did not exist.    


"Student, what does your girlfriend eat?" The female boss asked Qin Lang. Qin Lang was speechless and was about to explain to the female boss that he had nothing to do with Peng Meng, but Peng Meng spoke first, "Auntie, I will be fine as long as I am the same as him."    


Seeing that the lady boss went to cook the noodles, Peng Meng smiled faintly, but Qin Lang's face was extremely dark.    


Two bowls of noodles were served at the same time. Qin Lang took a few sips and the bowl of noodles was almost finished. He did not care about Peng Meng and paid the money and left.    


"Miss, you two have quarreled, right? This is not okay. We are still talking about a couple. He left you behind and ran away. This young man is too impatient," the lady boss said to Peng Meng, who was still eating at the table.    


Peng Meng smiled faintly at the lady boss and looked at Qin Lang's back. She only continued to eat the noodles until she could not see him anymore.    


Shanghai First People's Hospital.    


Zhong Yu, who had slept on the hospital bed for more than three hours, had already been removed by the hanging nurse. She slowly woke up.    


"Zhong Yu, you are awake." Beside Zhong Yu's hospital bed, Yan Ni, Chen Jingyi, Guo Yanan and others were waiting. They were all there. Gong Jiao and Zhang Xiaoya did not dare to show Zhong Yu any respect at this moment. They were trying to please her with smiles. They felt uneasy inside, afraid that Zhong Yu would turn over the old debt with them.    


"You guys..." Zhong Yu was not used to being looked at by so many people as if they were looking at a precious animal. She wanted to sit up, but the others supported Zhong Yu to the back of the bed.    


"Don't be like this. I am fine. You guys are busy with your own matters. Don't worry about me..." Zhong Yu looked at the others and said.    


"We are all fine. Your health is the most important right now."    


"That's right. Zhong Yu, if you need anything, just tell me. I will help you make it. When I came up, I even bought pineapple. I will give it to you to eat..."    


Gong Jiao and Zhang Xiaoya were trying to please Zhong Yu.    


Guo Yanan looked down on them in his heart. Just now, when Zhong Yu did not wake up, the two of them were so anxious that they walked around in a while. Sometimes, they would sit on the chairs and mumble to themselves. They would practice how to talk to Zhong Yu later.    


"No need." Zhong Yu smiled faintly. She was not a person who held a grudge.    


"Sister Chen, when are we going back to Jin Ling?" Before coming to Shanghai, Zhong Yu heard Chen Jingyi and a few old marshals say that they had already booked a return flight ticket.    


"Don't worry about that." Chen Jingyi held Zhong Yu's hand. Regarding what happened yesterday, she also felt very sorry for Zhong Yu in her heart. "Later, I will return the plane ticket and we will all stay here with you. You just need to rest in peace and rest well. "    


Initially, Chen Jingyi was prepared to stay with Guo Yanan to take care of Zhong Yu, but Yan Ni and the other two also took the initiative to stay. If they left now, it would be courting death.    


"No." Zhong Yu heard Chen Jingyi finish speaking and did not even think before flatly rejecting her idea. Zhong Yu never wanted to because of her own matter. "Don't withdraw the plane ticket. We will go back according to the original plan..."    


"Don't be willful. How can your body move freely now? You don't have to worry about us, even if you return to Jinling, you won't be so busy. We'll just stay here and take care of you... " Chen Jingyi only wanted Zhong Yu to take good care of herself.    


"Yes, Zhong Yu, don't think too much."    


"We are a whole, how can we leave you behind?"    


"If I don't see you, get up. We feel uneasy. "    



Yan Ni and the rest were also persuading Zhong Yu.    


Zhong Yu smiled and shook her head. She was being cared about by so many people. Her heart was especially warm, but she still could not accept it. Sacrifice. Other people's interests were to accommodate her. Chen Jingyi was just a manager of Meng's company. The funds she had to come to Shanghai this time were limited. She would definitely be the one to pay for the refund of the plane tickets. They would stay in Shanghai to take care of her. She would need to stay at least. This was another large sum of money.    


"Sister Chen, I appreciate your kindness, but I really don't need it. Don't look at the wounds on my body that are bandaged. They are actually very small injuries. Furthermore, Shanghai isn't far from Jinling. I will obediently go to the hospital to see a doctor... Will you listen to me this time? Let's proceed according to our original plan."    


Everyone looked at Zhong Yu speechlessly. Chen Jingyi's eyes were filled with tenderness. She had been with Zhong Yu for so long, how could she not understand Zhong Yu's thoughts?    


"Alright, let's do as you say." At this time, Chen Jingyi could only agree to Zhong Yu's request.    


"It's fine. Sister Chen, how long is our flight?" Zhong Yu smiled gently.    


"Tonight at 8 PM..."    


"Oh, then we will go back to the hotel after lunch. We will pack up and rest for a while. It is almost time," Zhong Yu said after thinking for a while.    


After discussing it, Guo Yanan went to the canteen to call Zhong Yu for dinner. It was rare for the six girls to have a happy meal in one room.    


After eating, Chen Jingyi helped Zhong Yu get discharged. The doctor told her to go back to Jin Ling to check in the hospital first.    


The six girls rented two cars and drove to the hotel.    


When they returned to the hotel, Yan Ni, Gong Jiao, and Zhang Xiaoya took the initiative to pack Zhong Yu's things. Soon, Zhong Yu's luggage was packed.    


"Thank you," Zhong Yu said gratefully.    


"Please don't. This is what we should do. Okay, Zhong Yu, you can lie on the bed for a while. We will call you at 6: 30..." After saying that, Yan Ni and the other two went out.    


Zhong Yu sat on the bed and took out her phone. Qin Lang should be fine now, right? Zhong Yu really wanted to hear Qin Lang's voice. She thought for a while. She pressed Qin Lang's name in the contact list. She had thought it through. For now, she would not tell Qin Lang about her injury. Otherwise, he would be worried. When they reached Jinling, he would naturally know about all of this.    


"Du - A busy sound came from his hand, but Qin Lang still didn't pick up.    


"Sorry, the number you have dialed cannot be connected for the time being..." The sweet voice of the voice lady came from the phone.    


Zhong Yu was a little disappointed. Maybe he was busy right now. When he saw it, he would definitely call me. It was good that he did not get through, so she did not need to think of a way to hide her situation.    


After thinking for a long time, Zhong Yu finally sent a message to Qin Lang. "I will be at Jinling International Airport tonight at 9 o'clock. Do you want to come and pick me up?"    


What Zhong Yu didn't know was that Qin Lang's phone didn't make any sound. The phone that made a sound was actually Yan Ni's phone, which was next door!    


Looking at the screen of the phone and Zhong Yu's missed call, Yan Ni's mouth revealed a trace of a smile.    


In the morning at the hospital, Yan Ni secretly changed the number of Qin Lang's phone on Zhong Yu's phone to her own number. She also saved Qin Lang's number on her phone.    


Qin Lang was Qin Tian's older brother, a person from the Yanjing's Qin Family. He was definitely a super rich second generation. How could Yan Ni not be moved?    


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