Making Great Fortune Overnight

C73 You've All Been Deceived

C73 You've All Been Deceived

0"Uh..." Qin Lang could even see Yang Siqi's eyelashes clearly at this time. Yang Siqi's full chest was almost touching Qin Lang's chest.    


"Let's go." Yang Siqi said coquettishly. She was so charming that it penetrated his bones. Qin Lang's body softened and he could not help but follow her. The other boys also had goosebumps and were extremely numb.    


As she spoke, Yang Siqi pulled Qin Lang and walked into her car.    


"Cousin, what happened to you today?" Xia Qing stopped Yang Siqi and looked at Qin Lang with her almond eyes wide open. "Why are you leaving? If you leave, who will carry these things for us? Did you have some evil thoughts about my cousin? Why don't you look at yourself? Are you worthy of you? "    


Last time, the two sisters used Qin Lang to successfully cause Zhao Wei to be jealous. Xia Qing felt that Qin Lang no longer had any value in using him, so she felt that there was no need for Yang Siqi to date Qin Lang anymore.    


Xia Qing did not understand Yang Siqi's behavior today.    


Qin Lang swallowed his resentment. It was Yang Siqi who took the initiative to pull him, okay? But he also did not want to argue with Xia Qing.    


"Miss Yang, thank you for your good intentions. You see, I really can't leave here. I'd better move my things there."    


Yang Siqi pulled Qin Lang and didn't let go.    


She looked at Xia Qing with a gloomy face and her eyes were full of anger. "Xia Qing, now Qin Lang is my boyfriend, which is also your brother-in-law. In the future, when you are disrespectful to your brother-in-law, you will shout and shout at him. Don't blame me for disregarding the relationship between sisters. "    


Qin Lang was a super rich man with a net worth of at least a billion yuan. He was someone you could order around whenever you wanted. Yang Siqi felt that Xia Qing was ruining her pursuit of Qin Lang, so she was very angry in her heart.    


Xia Qing was stunned by Yang Siqi's words. Now that Qin Lang had no value to be used, why was her cousin still so protective of Qin Lang, and even said such heavy words to her?    


"Move aside!" Yang Siqi angrily shouted. Her sharp voice was like thunder that scared Xia Qing.    


Yang Siqi angrily pushed Xia Qing away and held Qin Lang's hand. She got into her own car and drove out of the school.    


Hsu Hao walked to Xia Qing's side to comfort her, and the others started to talk about what happened just now.    


"It turns out that Xia Qing's cousin likes people like Qin Lang. Sigh, such good cabbage has been eaten by pigs."    


"What's so special about that bastard Qin Lang? He doesn't have money. He doesn't have a family background. He's just a beggar in the street. I think he's better than everyone else."    


"If Xia Qing's cousin marries Qin Lang in the future... Hmph. Let's just wait and see. Qin Lang has used up all the money she saved. No, Xia Qing's entire family is in danger. He actually allowed trash like Qin Lang to enter..."    


When the others saw Qin Lang abduct Yang Siqi, they were so jealous that they were about to die. Their words were filled with jealousy.    


"Who said my cousin is going to date Qin Lang?" At this time, Xia Qing suddenly said with some excitement.    


Among this group of people, she had always been at the core position. Other people never dared to speak ill of themselves. Just now, they heard others say: Xia Qing felt that Qin Lang's words, which might cause her family to collapse, were particularly grating on her ears. At the same time, she was also afraid that her position in the small circle would be affected because of this. Therefore, she immediately denied it.    


"Didn't your cousin just say that she came to find a boyfriend?" a basketball team boy said.    




"She took Qin Lang away. Didn't that mean that Qin Lang was her boyfriend?"    


"He's not a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Could he have acted so intimately just now? Your cousin even got angry at you because of Qin Lang. It's not like we didn't see it... "    


The others also said.    


"Haha, you guys really think too simply about this matter." Xia Qing suddenly laughed. The others were all puzzled. They did not understand what Xia Qing meant. "It seems that my cousin and I acted too realistically and fooled all of you?"    


Acting? Everyone? Hearing Xia Qing's words, the others were all dumbfounded, not understanding what Xia Qing was saying.    


"Since there was such a big misunderstanding, I will tell you this secret." Xia Qing saw that the others were stunned by her words and heaved a sigh of relief in her heart.    


"The truth is like this..." Next, Xia Qing told Zhao Wei about what she had discussed with her cousin and used Qin Lang to pretend to be her boyfriend to arouse Zhao Wei's jealousy.    


Actually, Xia Qing did not believe it was because of this reason. Last time, she had seen Zhao Wei in the restaurant. She was already very upset, and during this period of time, Zhao Wei had also frequently asked her about Yang Siqi. Obviously, she was already jealous. Their goal had already been achieved. Yang Siqi completely did not need to care about Qin Lang anymore.    


However, in order to maintain her position in the circle of friends, she could only say so.    


"So that's how it is."    


"Hey, I was just saying that your cousin is such a beautiful girl, but she can't look for Qin Lang. Isn't it like flowers are planted in cow dung?"    


"Qin Lang must still be proud of himself, but he didn't know that Yang Siqi was using him."    


After hearing Xia Qing's words, the boys on the basketball team were all happy. All of them were talking and laughing. They were gloating over Qin Lang being used by Yang Siqi.    


"So, if Zhao Wei saw your cousin dating Qin Lang again today, then... That means that if ___ saw your cousin dating ___ again today, he would be even more furious." Hsu Hao looked at Xia Qing and said. He heard that Zhao Wei was also a young and powerful second generation. He also wanted to matchmake Yang Siqi and Zhao Wei. After all, they would be a family in the future.    


"That's right. Xia Qing, can you give Zhao Wei a call? Let him go to your cousin's date. I heard that Zhao Wei almost beat up Qin Lang last time. This time, it would be best if he could give Qin Lang a good beating," Wang Xiaodi said with a wicked smile.    


"If you want to fight, then fight. Quickly go and take a shower. Let's go and see later. When Qin Lang happily eats with my cousin, when Zhao Wei appeared, what was his expression like? He might even be beaten up by Zhao Wei. That scene will definitely be very exciting... "Xia Qing's eyes lit up as she said.    


" Okay, you make the call first, then we'll go take a shower and see Qin Lang get beaten up... " The others were also interested and said with anticipation.    


Xia Qing took out her phone and was about to call Zhao Wei when her phone lit up. On the screen, there were two big words "Zhao Wei."    


"Look, I was right. Zhao Wei called right away. Xia Qing proudly shook her phone to the others. At this time, Xia Qing also had confidence. Her cousin definitely felt that the stimulation she gave Zhao Wei was not enough. Today, she wanted to give Zhao Wei even more stimulation. That was why she asked Qin Lang out again. Zhao Wei called me now. It must have been within her expectations.    


"Hello, Brother Zhao, why are you calling me today?" Xia Qing had already guessed in her heart that Zhao Wei must have something to do with Yang Siqi.... " Oh, you want to find my cousin, why don't you call her directly? Ah, my cousin won't answer your call? She might have something else to do... Was she dating that kid from last time? I really don't know... Don't worry too much, in my cousin's heart, you are still the most important... How about this, come to my school. Later, I'll accompany you to meet my cousin, and I'll say something good for you... "    


After saying that, Xia Qing hung up the phone complacently.    




"Xia Qing, it looks like this Zhao Wei is really anxious. Maybe today we can really watch him beat up Qin Lang."    


"Take a bath first. Let's watch a good show later!"    


A few basketball players went to take a shower.    


When they came back from taking a shower, a brand new Mercedes-Benz A6 stopped at the sports field. A young man dressed well got out of the car. It was Zhao Wei.    


Zhao Wei's hair was covered with hair gel. He wore a f * cking shirt, Vance's shorts, shiny leather shoes, and he wore an Omega watch on his wrist.    


What was more eye-catching was that Zhao Wei was holding a huge bouquet of roses in his hand. He looked a little anxious as he walked towards Xia Qing.    



"Brother Zhao, you bought a new car?" Xia Qing looked at him a few times before she recognized that the man who walked over was Zhao Wei.    


"Yes, I just bought it this month." The last time he saw Yang Siqi dating Qin Lang, Zhao Wei had indeed been stimulated. He was really afraid that he could not chase after Yang Siqi, so he begged his father to buy him an Audi A. 6: "This is 99 roses. It represents a long time. Today, I have decided to formally confess to Si Qi. I have also prepared the diamond ring. Look! "    


Zhao Wei took out a red box from his pocket. When he opened it, there was a 1.2 carat diamond ring lying quietly inside.    


Zhao Wei had invested a lot this time. He did not dare to wait any longer. Today he was going to confirm his relationship with Yang Siqi, but when he called to ask Yang Siqi out, Yang Siqi did not answer his call. Luckily, Xia Qing was there.    


"Hey, you are really considerate. This is another rose. It is a diamond ring again. My cousin must be touched to death by you," Xia Qing said with a smile. It was just as her cousin had expected. She had a sense of accomplishment in achieving her goal.    


Thinking about Yang Siqi being with Qin Lang now, Xia Qing was not afraid of ruining Zhao Wei's confession process. At that time, when her cousin saw the situation, she would definitely push all the responsibility onto Qin Lang. She would say that Qin Lang was pestering her relentlessly. This way, Zhao Wei would very likely give Qin Lang a violent beating. This way, not only would it fulfill her cousin's wish, it would also make Qin Lang suffer a beating. It was simply perfect!    


"I will call cousin now," Xia Qing said proactively. But what made her speechless was that Yang Siqi's phone was actually turned off. She called Qin Lang again, and it was still turned off!    


What was going on? Cousin was too careless this time.    


"Can't get through? Why is your cousin avoiding me? Could it be that she went on a date with that kid from last time?" Zhao Wei said anxiously.    


"Don't worry, even if my cousin is with him now, he must be the one who kept pestering my cousin. My cousin would never like someone like him." Xia Qing comforted Zhao Wei, but the more anxious and nervous Zhao Wei became, the more nervous he became. Xia Qing became happier and happier. Why did this mean that Zhao Wei cared about her cousin? It also meant that the possibility of Qin Lang getting beaten up later was very high!    


"Come and try this." As she spoke, Xia Qing made another call. She had previously seen someone send it in the WeChat group. She could use the other party's phone number to know the other party's current location. Xia Qing paid 200 yuan and got someone to operate it. Very quickly, she got Yang Siqi's location - - - Yoshida Japanese Cuisine in Wanda Square.    


Xia Qing and Zhao Wei immediately drove to Wanda Square. Hsu Hao, Wang Xiaodi, and other basketball and cheerleaders also went with them. They all wanted to see the scene of Zhao Wei and Qin Lang bumping into each other on Mars.    


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