Making Great Fortune Overnight

C218 I'll Teach You Martial Arts

C218 I'll Teach You Martial Arts

0Qin Lang felt a pain in his waist from the fall. He was very unhappy and said, "This was taught to me by a mother-in-law when I was in Jinling!"    


"Granny? What does she look like?" The beauty in white asked.    


Qin Lang was puzzled. Could it be that this beautiful woman in white knew his mother-in-law? He said, "She is the same as you, wearing an ancient dress. But she is red, and his mother-in-law has two braids. She seems to have a special spiritual energy... "    


The beauty in white was shocked, and then said happily, "When you met her, she was an old man in her 70s and 80s, and then she became a 17-18 year old little girl, right?"    


Qin Lang was surprised and said, "How do you know?"    


The joy on the face of the beauty in white became stronger and she said in a low voice, "It is indeed her! Where is she now? Quickly take me there! "    


Qin Lang was puzzled in his heart and asked," Senior, the person you want to kill isn't Granny, right? "    


The white clad beauty said with a cold smile," It's that bitch. Bring me to see her. After this, I'll give you great benefits! Where is she? "    


Qin Lang was shocked in his heart. He suddenly remembered that day when he ran into his mother-in-law cultivating in the villa. She seemed to have said that she had an enemy called Zhu Chunshui. His grandmother was very afraid. Could it be that it was this beauty in white in front of him? Qin Lang asked, "Senior, you are Zhu Chunshui?"    


The white dressed beauty smiled and said, "Looks like Old Mrs. Biyu told me about me. How much has she recovered? Quickly tell me where she is."    


Qin Lang shook his head and said, "Although I know where she is, I cannot tell you."    


"What!" Zhu Chunshui said angrily, "Do you want to die?!"    


As she spoke, her eyes turned cold. She waved her hand and her white sleeve rushed towards Qin Lang as if it had a life of its own. It wrapped around Qin Lang's upper body and Zhu Chunshui said coldly.    


"There are millions of thin steel wires in this white silk. As long as I use my inner energy to tighten it, it will be much faster than a knife. Your two arms that are tied up will be cut off. Are you afraid?"    


Qin Lang struggled hard. His upper body was tightly tied. Qin Lang looked at Zhu Chunshui and said, "Senior Zhu, is there a misunderstanding between you and Granny? We can just talk about it. Why must we kill people?"    


Zhu Chunshui said coldly, "My hatred with her is as deep as the sea. What is there to say? I only hope to cut off the flesh on her body bit by bit so that she would live a life worse than death! Do I need you to be noisy about my matters with her? Are you going to say or not?"    


Zhu Chunshui pulled the silk and the white silk around Qin Lang's body shrank back. Qin Lang could not help but call out softly. He felt that his arm, which had the most strength, had been stabbed into his flesh by some sharp blade.    


Zhu Chunshui sneered, "You can feel it, right? If you don't say it now... I will use my inner energy. When the time comes, your upper limbs will be broken. Don't blame me for not warning you! I will ask you again, Old Mrs. Biyu, where are you now? "    


Qin Lang looked at Zhu Chunshui and said lightly. "Sorry, senior."    


"You!" Zhu Chunshui's face revealed an angry expression and coldly said, "Okay, then I will cut off your two arms first!" As she spoke, she forcefully pulled the silk.    


Qin Lang was carried into the air by a force and then fell to the ground with a "bang." His heart turned cold. His arms were already broken, right?    


But what surprised him was that his arm was not broken. It was still fine on his body. There were only a few circles of small bloody marks. It must have been cut by the steel wire in the white silk. If Zhu Chunshui really used her inner energy to withdraw it, ... Her arms would have been cut off, right?    


Qin Lang looked at Zhu Chunshui in surprise. "Senior, you didn't cut off my arms!"    


Zhu Chunshui glanced at Qin Lang and said, "You have some guts, kid! I will let you go today." Zhu Chunshui's eyes moved and saw a red band on the edge of Qin Lang's pocket. She exclaimed, "What is that?"    


Qin Lang looked and was shocked. That was the "string" that his mother-in-law gave him that day. Ever since he took it off, he had kept it in his pocket. He did not expect that the red string would fall out when Zhu Chunshui threw it just now. Qin Lang hurriedly wanted to stuff it back.    


He saw a hand quickly reach over and the red rope was already gone.    


Zhu Chunshui held the red rope in her hand and sensed it. She smiled and said, "It is indeed Old Mrs. Biyu who used true qi to enhance it!"    


Zhu Chunshui put the red rope on her finger and gently shook it. She saw that there was a reaction from the other side and Zhu Chunshui's finger was actually moved. Clearly Old Mrs. Biyu had sensed her position.    


Zhu Chunshui smiled and said, "Looks like Old Lady Jade values you quite a bit?"    


Qin Lang said, "I only helped her deliver live chickens. I wonder how she is doing in Jin Ling after I came to Linan?"    


Zhu Chunshui giggled and said, "That's great. With Old Mrs. Biyu's narrow mind, that's great. It's a big taboo for you to leave at the most critical moment of her recovery! Seeing that she was quite angry this time, it seems like she will definitely come to Linan to find you! That is good, save me the trouble of looking for her from all over the world! Little brother, I thank you!"    


Qin Lang looked at Zhu Chunshui hatefully and said," Senior, don't be happy too early. I have seen Granny's martial arts before. It is only higher and not lower than yours! You should avoid her so that you don't get caught in the crossfire. "    


Zhu Chunshui nodded and said, "She's older than me by more than 40 years. It's only right that her martial arts are stronger than mine. In order to ensure that there's no mistake in killing her, you have to help me."    


"Me?" Qin Lang was surprised.    


Zhu Chunshui said, "It's you. I will teach you a lesson. When the two of us fight, you watch from the side and wait for an opportunity to launch a sneak attack. Give her a fatal blow!"    


Qin Lang shook his head and said, "I have no enmity with Granny, and she is very good to me. I can't do this kind of thing."    


A trace of ruthlessness flashed across Zhu Chunshui's eyes. Immediately, her eyes moved slightly and she suddenly coughed. She used her hand to cover it and when she put it down, there was blood on her palm.    


"Senior, you... What happened to you?" Qin Lang turned pale with fright. Why would Zhu Chunshui vomit and bleed when she was fine?    


Zhu Chunshui wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and said weakly, "Just now I was at a critical point in my cultivation. You used Old Mrs. Biyu's technique to shoot the blade. I thought Old Mrs. Biyu came and forcefully stopped her cultivation, causing the blood to flow backward. She suffered a very serious internal injury. "    


"Ah... I'm sorry, it's my fault." Qin Lang said apologetically.    


Zhu Chunshui said slowly, "You didn't mean it. I don't blame you. It's just that my martial arts is weaker than Old Mrs. Biyu's. If I get hurt again, I'm afraid I will only be beaten to death by her."    


"Senior, why don't you not meet Old Mrs. Biyu again..." Qin Lang said.    


"No... even if I have to die, I still want to take revenge on her!" Zhu Chunshui said excitedly. Qin Lang saw that Zhu Chunshui was so angry, so he did not dare to disobey her words.    


"Young man, what do you think of this? I will teach you, ___ said. Who do you think you should give credit to? When the two of us fight, when I can't beat her, you stand to the side and watch, and when I can't beat her, you help me save my life, you're so kind. You will definitely promise me, right? "    


"This..." Qin Lang hesitated and did not answer.    


"You saw my body just now. Could it be that I want you to do such a thing? You don't even agree? You didn't agree, right? I'll publicize this matter and see how you're going to survive in society." The beauty in white coquettishly said.    


"Alright, I will agree." Qin Lang had no choice but to agree.    


He thought that if he really learned this "who contributed by risking their lives" technique, he would wait for Zhu Chunshui and Old Mrs. Biyu to fight to the death. He could also mediate on the side and try to resolve the conflict between the two ancient beauties.    


Zhu Chunshui smiled and said, "Since you have agreed, then let's start training now! I will teach you, you learn seriously. Tomorrow morning I will teach you the heart sutra..."    


As she spoke, Zhu Chunshui demonstrated once in the middle of the room. She was dressed in white, barefooted, and started practicing on the ground. Her fists or feet, kicks or somersaults, her figure was light and graceful. In addition, after she had just bathed, she started to practice on the ground. ... A delicate fragrance came from her body. Qin Lang watched her practice. Her face was sometimes sad and sometimes she smiled. It was really moving.    


In less than ten minutes, Zhu Chunshui finished her practice.    



Zhu Chunshui thought of the time when the three of them practiced this martial art together at the foot of Sky Mountain. She could not help but feel mixed emotions in her heart. She secretly wiped away the tears at the corners of her eyes while carrying Qin Lang on her back. Only then did she turn around. She said, "What I practiced just now was the 36 foundational skills of 'Who Rites The Heaven and Earth To Reach Who's Power'. Now, practice it once for me to see."    


"I... Senior, I only remember a few routines. How do I practice it?" Qin Lang said, embarrassed.    


"Practice. I will teach you if you don't know how to do it!" Zhu Chunshui said.    


"Yes!" Qin Lang was at his wit's end. He could only force himself to practice the moves he remembered. The first ten moves were mostly correct, but in the end... Qin Lang forgot. He stood where he was and looked at Zhu Chunshui awkwardly.    


Zhu Chunshui sighed slightly and walked to Qin Lang's side. She taught him with her hands. Qin Lang was held by Zhu Chunshui's slender hands. Her gentle voice was beside his ears. Sometimes, he was rubbed by her soft hair and there was also a faint fragrance coming from her body. Sometimes, he couldn't even concentrate.    


Zhu Chunshui taught Qin Lang for more than an hour. It was already one o'clock in the morning. Zhu Chunshui then gave up and said, "Let's end it here tonight. Tomorrow, when you wake up at six o'clock, I will teach you the heart sutra."    


"Yes!" Qin Lang responded and turned around, wanting to return to his room.    


"No need, just sleep in my room these few days! In case you leak the news to Old Mrs. Biyu," Zhu Chunshui said.    


"Ah..." Qin Lang said in surprise.    


In the end, Qin Lang still stayed in Zhu Chunshui's room. Zhu Chunshui originally wanted Qin Lang to sleep with her on the bed, but Qin Lang insisted that there was no need. In the end, Qin Lang and the hotel asked for another blanket and laid it on the ground. Only then did she sleep peacefully.    


At the same time, Feng Rong was also sent to the hospital. He was pushed from the emergency room to the ICU. Yu Ming was already waiting for him in the ward.    


"What's going on?" Yu Ming was confused when he received the news that Feng Rong's operation had failed. He heard that Feng Rong had two fingers cut off and even had his feet cut off. It was even more unbelievable.    


Feng Rong said, "Young Master Yu, I am sorry. I did not complete the mission you gave me."    


"What happened?" Yu Ming asked.    


Feng Rong's heart trembled when he thought of the warning the beautiful woman gave him before she left. He couldn't tell her about it, he could only blame it all on Loser. He said, "It's that Loser called Qin Lang. If it wasn't for his Miss Loong Yan, I would have helped you get it into the hotel long ago. It's all because of him!"    


"Your fingers and feet were broken by him?" Yu Ming asked.    


Feng Rong nodded and said, "That's right, it was him! Young Master Yu, that loser is a ruthless character! Even I am not his match! "    


Yu Ming slowly looked out the window, and his eyes gradually lit up with flames. He held his hand tight and thought, "You loser, you have ruined my plans time and time again. I will let you know. What a heavy price!"    


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