Making Great Fortune Overnight

C232 The Medal of Honor Has Been Given to Him?

C232 The Medal of Honor Has Been Given to Him?

0Although the people at the table did not boast like Tian Hsing, in their hearts, they hoped that the bodyguard sent by the king was here to call them.    


If they could have a close contact with the king and blow the wind in front of him, their family would probably be able to get more out of this 5 billion USD!    


The king's bodyguard walked to the table. Other than Qin Lang, everyone at the table looked at him with shining eyes.    


The bodyguard smiled and nodded to everyone. He walked to the middle of Qin Lang and Ma Yang.    


The others felt a chill in their hearts. The person the king was looking for was not them. It was exactly as Tian Hsing had said, it was Ma Yang and Young Master Ma.    


The second generation of rich kids at the table, as well as the people at the other tables who noticed this, were all very envious and jealous of Ma Yang.    


Ma Yang was secretly delighted in his heart, as if he had won a million dollars in the lottery. He thought, "The people at this table are the strongest in our family. And the last time I met King of Wenlai, although I only said two sentences, less than a minute, but my good manners have left a deep impression on the king. That's why he specially came to call me today... "    


Just as Ma Yang was thinking in his heart, he saw the bodyguard bend slightly towards Qin Lang, saying a Malaysian sentence, then pointing at the king and making a gesture of invitation.    


Qin Lang understood that the bodyguard wanted him to go to the king's table. He didn't want to sit there anymore, so he stood up and followed the bodyguard to sit at the king's table.    


The people at Ma Yang's table were stunned. They looked at each other and were shocked. They did not expect that the person King of Wenlai asked the bodyguard to invite was Qin Lang.    


They were looking forward to seeing the scene where King of Wenlai indicated that the bodyguard had found the wrong person, but it did not appear!    


The group of people felt so embarrassed that they did not know what to say.    


Ma Yang, who was the most embarrassed, said first, "King of Wenlai is religious. He must have seen that the kid is the poorest person in the entire hall! That's why he felt pity and called him over. "    


The other people present could only agree with what Ma Yang said. They could not think that the king went to talk business with Qin Lang, could they? A few of them immediately followed Ma Yang's words.    


"That's right! The king pitied that brat. He didn't know if that brat had seen the world or not. That table belongs to the king, the governor, and the secretary. A rich young master like us will go there. He will definitely be talking and laughing, and he might stammer and not be able to say a complete sentence!"    


"Don't be scared to the point of pissing your pants!"    


"I have a different opinion. The king called that kid over. He went to help him with the blind date, but you didn't see it. There was an ugly girl beside the king. If one were to say that these two were a good match, don't you think so? Haha "    


The people at Ma Yang's table laughed happily.    


King of Wenlai called Qin Lang to his side. He remembered that Zhu Chunshui had been very good to Qin Lang during those few days in the National Hotel. In addition, Zhu Chunshui had asked him to take care of Qin Lang's last wish. King of Wenlai had a very good impression of Qin Lang.    


When Qin Lang came over, he asked the governor of Zhe Province to give Qin Lang a seat. Then he spoke to Qin Lang through Lin Zhu's translation. King of Wenlai ignored the other high ranking officials, such as the governor, the secretary, and the minister of Zhe Province.    


Qin Lang first asked King of Wenlai to stop mourning. King of Wenlai looked sad and nodded. Separation. It's done. Lin Zhu said through Lin Zhu, "Qin Lang, you are my wife's disciple. I will not treat you unfairly. Come back with me to Bryant. I will let you be a high official. I will give you five million US dollars each year. You can choose any beautiful girl in Bryan. What do you think? "    


Qin Lang was slightly shocked in his heart, then he smiled and shook his head. He said to the king, "Thank you for your good intentions, king, but I still like to stay in my own country. You see, I may not be wearing very well, but to be honest, I don't lack money! "    


Lin Zhu heard Qin Lang's words and was slightly surprised. She did not translate to the king. Instead, she whispered to Qin Lang again to confirm, "Qin Lang, go back with the king. You will not have to worry about it for the rest of your life. Do you really want to reject the king's good intentions?"    


Qin Lang nodded.    


Lin Zhu looked at Qin Lang and sighed. She translated Qin Lang's words to the king.    


The king could not help but look at Qin Lang again and thought, "My wife did not misjudge him. This young child has ambition!"    


The king liked Qin Lang very much. He reached out and patted Qin Lang's arms gently to encourage him.    


When the leaders present saw Qin Lang reject the king's generous offer, they were secretly impressed and amazed by Qin Lang. The king seemed to value this young man very much. No one could understand why.    


After eating for a while, the king thought that although Qin Lang rejected his good intentions, Zhu Chunshui had asked him to take good care of Qin Lang before she died. If he did not do anything, the king would feel bad.    


He thought of an idea and thought twice in his heart. He felt that it was feasible, so he smiled and said a few Malaysian words to the provincial governor of Zhe Province.    


Lin Zhu immediately translated, "Provincial governor, later the king wants to give a Wenlai Country Medal of Honor to one of the people present. After the Medal of Honor is given, he will immediately announce the investment city of 5 billion USD!"    


The leaders present were all delighted. The provincial governor of Zhe Province smiled and said, "Okay, no problem. May I know which person the king wants to give the Medal of Honor to?"    


As the Governor of Zhe spoke, he looked around at the people of the various large families.    


King of Wenlai hesitated slightly. He wanted to give the medal to Qin Lang, but looking at the Governor's expression, he thought that Qin Lang wanted to give it to someone else!    


If he said it was Qin Lang directly, it would inevitably hurt the Governor's feelings.    


King of Wenlai could only say that he liked it very much when he saw that so many young geniuses had come today. The Medal of Honor was just a spur of the moment. As for who exactly he would give it to, he didn't know.    


The Governor of Zhe said, "I see. I have a suggestion. The king may not know much about the people here. Why don't we let them show you and let His Highness decide who the Medal of Honor should be given to?"    


King of Wenlai nodded in agreement. The governor of Zhe Province immediately stood up and announced to everyone present that King of Wenlai would choose a person to sing the medal of honor. In order to prevent a large number of people, each family would send a representative.    


The members of the various families were in high spirits. They were all sons of wealthy families, so they naturally knew how precious the Medal of Honour was.    


For example, Li Jiacheng had obtained the Medal of Honour of France, and Putin had obtained the Medal of Honour of China. Although Wenlai was a small country, it was still a country. It was naturally good to be able to obtain this Medal of Honour!    


Everyone discussed animatedly and immediately began to discuss with their own families who should represent them.    


Very quickly, nearly 20 families present selected representatives. Most of them were youths in their twenties, but there was also a family head who came out to choose. For example, Yu Family. Yu Ming did not come, so his father Yu Zhi came to show off.    


King of Wenlai also asked his subordinates to bring back the national medal of honor. He saw a sapphire blue box. There was an irregular octagonal medal. In the middle of the medal was the portrait of Kai Yuan Xun. It was surrounded by flower petals, with a circle of shiny diamonds embedded at the very edge.    


The Governor of Zhe Province acted as the host. He stood up and said to the audience, "Now, starting from my left, each representative will make a one-minute statement. Finally, the king will decide the ownership of the medal. Let's begin!"    


The first to stand up was a smiling tiger-like rich second generation. He said, "Hello, Your Highness. Our family has almost mastered the retail industry in Linan..."    


Next, each family would display their skills one by one.    


Yu Zhi said, "Yu Family is now the second largest family in Linan. We have to do a lot of good deeds every year."    


Cao Ning said, "Cao Ning's ancestors had two Imperial Patrollers and two Elementary Scholars..."    


Suen Jian said, "If I am lucky enough to obtain the Medal of Honor, I can definitely make a greater contribution to our friendship in Mandarin."    


Ma Yang said,... "The first time I met the king, I was deeply impressed by your knowledge. I feel that I am fated with the king and I look forward to getting your recognition..."    





In less than 20 minutes, everyone had finished speaking.    


The Governor of Zhe Province looked at King of Wenlai and smiled. "Your Highness, may I ask who you have decided to give the National Medal of Honor to?"    


King of Wenlai did not listen to what the others had said. He patted Qin Lang on the shoulder and asked him to speak as well.    


Everyone present did not understand what the king meant. This medal would not be given to a loser who sold pancakes, would it?    


Seeing Qin Lang stand up, the rest of the people covered their mouths and laughed, but they did not dare to laugh out loud. They did not want to be disrespectful to the king.    


When the king saw the smiles in the others' eyes, he was unhappy.    


Qin Lang said, "I am an ordinary young man from Huaxia. I earned the tuition and living expenses for my school. This summer vacation, I sold pancakes on the street for two months..."    


Although the others had already endured it, there were still a few people who laughed.    


They discussed in private.    


"How embarrassing, he can't compare to us!"    


"Yeah, didn't he think that he might get a medal of honor?"    


"Hurry up and sit down, the king only pities him, he really thinks he's a green onion"    




The king asked Lin Zhu what those people were whispering about. Lin Zhu translated every word they said to the king without missing a single word.    


The king knew what they were talking about and his face darkened.    


The others noticed the king's expression. They thought it was Qin Lang's words that made the king angry. They discussed quietly below.    


"Look, the king's face is dark."    


"This kid is a rat's poop!"    


"If this investment is ruined because of him, let's work together and kill him!"    




The Governor of Zhe Province invited the king to the stage. A subordinate held a wooden box and stood in front of the king. Everyone's eyes were focused on him. They were all looking forward to hearing his name from the king.    


The king slowly opened his mouth and spoke a few Malaysian words. Then he walked down the stage and personally pulled Qin Lang onto the stage. Lin Zhu translated from the side, "The king said that he has decided to give this National Medal of Honor to Mr. Qin Lang!"    


Was there a mistake? To Qin Lang?    


There was a commotion below the stage. Everyone could not understand why King of Wenlai had given the medal to a brat like Qin Lang, who had sneaked in!    


Which one of them here was a hundred times better than Qin Lang? What was King of Wenlai thinking? Most of them were discussing in disbelief. They had forgotten that the king and the governor were still here.    


"Isn't it too exaggerated? Did you give it to that kid?"    


"It's fine if our He family can't choose, but the Yu Family and the Ma family didn't choose either. How is that possible?"    


"The top 20 families in Linan have all lost to a poor kid. If this gets out, it will be a joke!"    


"No, for the sake of the dignity of our 20 big families, we can't let that brat get our medal!"    




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