Making Great Fortune Overnight

C267 If She Couldn't Enter Then She Couldn't

C267 If She Couldn't Enter Then She Couldn't

0Yao Junjie didn't ask any questions. As soon as Qin Lang mentioned it, he agreed to let Qin Lang and Dai Qianbai stand guard in the courtyard.    


After all, Qin Lang might be related to the Zhong Family. With such a powerful background, Yao Junjie didn't dare to say no.    


From now on, Qin Lang's job was to take turns on campus and patrol in the police car. The rest of the time, he would stand guard in front of Yan University's family courtyard.    


The job was very simple. Of course, it was to stand guard. In fact, most of the time, he would still sit in the on-call room. If there was a problem, Qin Lang and the rest had to solve it immediately.    


That night, Qin Lang changed into his security uniform and went to the on-call room with Dai Qianbai.    


At ten o'clock in the evening, Zhong Yu walked over from afar. Qin Lang was delighted. He stood straight and watched Zhong Yu walk closer step by step.    


"You are standing guard here. I was wondering why I couldn't find you." Zhong Yu saw Qin Lang in a security uniform. He was like a policeman, handsome and unusual. She liked him very much.    


After she came out of the classroom at nine o'clock, she walked around the Yan University alone to find Qin Lang. She did not find him. She was disappointed at first, but she did not expect Qin Lang to be here in the family courtyard.    


"Yes. Have you eaten? ___ asked. Why are you only back now?" Qin Lang asked with concern.    


It was Zhong Yu's first day in Yan University. He thought she would come back very early.    


"I have eaten. The teacher of Yan University taught me very well. I was studying the content he taught me in the self-study room tonight. All the students here work very hard. If I don't work hard, I will be eliminated," Zhong Yu said with a smile.    


After hearing Zhong Yu's words, Qin Lang felt a little heartache for this girl who knew how to do things. He really wanted to stay by Zhong Yu's side and take care of her, but the Zhong Family told him to. His current task was to protect Zhong Yu. Once Zhong Yu's identity was exposed, his mission would be to protect her. It was very disadvantageous to her.    


No matter how much he thought in his heart, he could only endure it.    


"Alright, I saw that your eyelids were fighting just now. Hurry up and go back to sleep!" Qin Lang said.    


"You too," Zhong Yu said. She smiled at Qin Lang and walked towards the family courtyard.    


Dai Qianbai walked to Qin Lang and said with a smile, "Qin Lang, I think that girl is interested in you. She stood here for five minutes and her eyes were all on you. She didn't even look at me, the handsome guy."    


At this time, Dai Qianbai's shaggy head and eyes looked a little funny.    


"Brother Dai, don't laugh at me. I have a wife!"    


Qin Lang shook the ring on his left ring finger.    


"Besides, although Zhong Yu and I are friends, she is a student of Yanjing University. Her future is limitless. Why would she like to be a security guard like us?"    


"You are right. As security guards, we do not make much money. We do not have any prospects for development. She might be with you!"    


Dai Qianbai sighed. He took out a box of 8 RMB red double joss sticks and took out two. He handed one to Qin Lang and said, "The cigarettes are not good. Don't mind it."    


"What are you talking about? We are all small security guards. What do I dislike?" Qin Lang smiled. He usually did not smoke, but in this situation, he had to smoke.    


Qin Lang took the cigarette and Dai Qianbai lit it for Qin Lang.    


Dai Qianbai pulled Qin Lang to a blind spot. It was almost ten o'clock, and there wouldn't be any problems on the campus. The two of them sat on the roadside.    


"I have lived for more than 30 years. I have been mocked since I was young. I have been looked down upon. When I was young, I still had ambitions. I must make a name for myself. Heh, he was still just a tiny security guard up till now. He can't even marry a wife. How ridiculous! "    


"Hehe." Dai Qianbai laughed, but his smile was bitter.    


"Brother Dai, don't think that way. You are only 32 now. You are in the prime of your life. As long as you persist in your dreams, the heavens will not let you down," Qin Lang advised. He looked at the depressed will of a young man who had lived for 30 years. Qin Lang felt especially sad in his heart.    




Dai Qianbai smiled bitterly again. He looked at the distant starry sky, and his small eyes lit up.    


"Forget it. I have no expectations in my life. Even if I have to be single for the rest of my life, I will be laughed at until I die. It doesn't matter. I only have one expectation, and that is my sister. As long as she's safe and happy for the rest of her life, I'll be happy and content..."    


After Dai Qianbai finished speaking, the cigarette in his hand also reached the corner of his mouth.    


Dai Qianbai extinguished the cigarette and threw it on the lawn. He patted Gray on his butt and stood up. "I am much more comfortable talking to you. I will go to sleep for a while. I will come to pick you up at 12 o'clock."    


After saying that, Dai Qianbai turned around and walked towards the house they were resting in.    


Looking at his thin and thin back, Qin Lang felt a lot of emotions in his heart. Dai Qianbai, a small security guard, had to bear so much pressure. The world was so big. How many people were truly carefree?    


Qin Lang took a puff of the cigarette and closed his eyes to savor the taste of Nicholas. At this moment, he felt the relaxed feeling of the cigarette.    


The next day, Qin Lang woke up early. He ran around the campus for two kilometers and returned to the canteen to eat breakfast. At 7: 20 a.m., he stood at the door of the house.    


Seeing Zhong Yu walk out, Qin Lang waved to Zhong Yu to greet her.    


"I have three classes today. They are all very important. Let's not talk about it. I need to go to the classroom in advance to grab a seat, "Zhong Yu said and waved at Qin Lang to leave. It was a high-level teaching in Yan University. After conquering Zhong Yu, she was now full of desire for knowledge.    


At 4 PM, Qin Lang stood in the watchtower and saw Zhong Yu walk back. She held a notebook in her hand and looked at it as she walked. She looked a little confused.    


"Zhong Yu, what happened to you?" Qin Lang asked when Zhong Yu walked closer.    


"Nothing. The teacher taught me a lot of knowledge today. I haven't digested it yet. I need to go back and take a look." Zhong Yu smiled and said. She was afraid that Qin Lang would worry about her.    


"Well, you are so smart. You must be able to figure it out. Don't tire yourself. You need to work and work together, you know?" Qin Lang said gently.    


Zhong Yu nodded and walked into the family courtyard.    


After ten minutes, it was time for Qin Lang and Dai Qianbai to change shifts.    


At that moment, a black BMW X7 drove over from afar. It was slowly driving around the campus. The driver saw the family courtyard and drove over.    


Qin Lang frowned slightly and watched the BMW X7 slowly drive over.    


"Hey, lift up the pole!" The BMW stopped beside Qin Lang. The window rolled down and a young man looked at Qin Lang and said. Whether it was his attitude or attitude, they were all very arrogant.    


The young man's name was Fangzheng, and he was a famous playboy in Yanjing. Today, he and his cousin Soong Yi were bored and came to the Yanjing University for a stroll.    


Qin Lang saw that there were two young men in the car, both of whom looked to be in their twenties. The other young man, Soong Yi, sat in the passenger seat and looked at his phone.    


The two young men were tall and well-built. They had delicate skin and tender flesh. Their clothes were very fashionable. One look and one could tell that they were sons of rich families.    



Dai Qianbai had told Qin Lang before that only the residents in the Yan University's residential compound could drive in. No one else was allowed to drive in.    


"May I ask if you are a resident of this place?"    


Qin Lang looked at Fangzheng, who was sitting in the driver's seat, and asked. He only asked in a programming manner. This was because he knew that most of the people living in the family courtyard were teachers of Yan University and the employees of the school. These two young men were definitely not.    


"What nonsense are you talking about? I asked you to lift the pole up. Don't you understand!" Fangzheng said angrily.    


A tiny security guard could only do things according to his words. How could he have the right to ask why?    


Qin Lang was furious. This person was so overbearing.    


Upon hearing Fangzheng rebuke Qin Lang, Dai Qianbai quickened his pace and walked over. Qin Lang was still too young. If he continued to stand idly by, this matter might blow up.    


"What's going on?"    


Dai Qianbai pulled Qin Lang behind him and looked at Fangzheng, who was sitting in the driver's seat. He smiled in a fawning manner.    


"Young master, the school has a rule that you are not allowed to drive inside unless you are a resident of your home. We are just security guards. We can only do things according to their rules. Please understand our difficulties, haha..."    


"D * mn, two dogs dare to dawdle for so long in front of me! Who gave you the courage!" Fangzheng cursed.    


With that said, Fangzheng opened the car door and got out of the car. Without saying a word, he slapped Dai Qianbai in the face. Dai Qianbai's face spun 90 degrees and he was stunned on the spot.    


The most important thing for a man was his dignity, and it was being mercilessly trampled on by Fangzheng!    


"Stinking security guard, in my eyes, you are not even a lowly person. You are a stinky dog! Hmph! " Fangzheng snorted coldly, but he felt very comfortable. Every time he hit someone, he felt as refreshed as if he was drinking drugs.    


If there were more people surrounding him, he would feel even better.    


A few students and teachers who were passing by watched from afar, not daring to approach.    


"And you, this dog!" Fangzheng's eyes shot at Qin Lang again. He walked aggressively towards Qin Lang and raised his hand. "How dare you not listen to me? You are courting death!"    


Fangzheng waved his hand, forcing Qin Lang to bleed.    


"Pa!" A crisp sound was heard. At the same time, a person fell to the ground. It was not Qin Lang, but Fangzheng.    


Everyone was stunned. They saw that just as Fangzheng's hand was about to hit Qin Lang's face, Qin Lang's hand shot out like a cannonball. It came later and hit Fangzheng's face, knocking him to the ground.    


Blood was already flowing out of Fangzheng's lips. He moved his mouth. "Pfft!" He spat out two white teeth as Fangzheng held his hand on the ground. When he looked at Qin Lang, his eyes were filled with shock and resentment. He gritted his teeth and said, "You dare hit me?"    


Qin Lang sneered in his heart. He had beaten countless people. There was nothing he wouldn't dare to hit a rich second generation.    


Qin Lang usually didn't like to be impulsive, but today, Fangzheng had gone too far. Since he had trampled on Dai Qianbai's dignity, Qin Lang wanted him to pay the price.    


"Only the residents of the family residence can enter. Please drive the car away immediately. Don't block other vehicles from entering," Qin Lang said as he looked at Fangzheng on the ground.    


"Qin Lang, don't say anymore."    


Dai Qianbai reacted. He was extremely worried. The other party was obviously very powerful. It was not a joke to provoke such a person. Dai Qianbai was prepared to apologize to Fangzheng. "Young master, we were impulsive. I'll lift the pole now..."    


"No need! Brother Dai pulled Dai Qianbai back and shook his head slightly. It was clearly the other party's fault, but they apologized instead. This did not make sense to Qin Lang.    


"You two must be tired of living, right?" Fangzheng got up from the ground. He had embarrassed himself in front of everyone, but he still wanted to regain his face!    


"Fangzheng!" Soong Yi, who was in the car, shouted at Fangzheng in a low voice, "Let's go!"    


"Elder cousin..." Fangzheng could not swallow this anger. Ever since he was young, he had never been beaten up by a lowly person like the security guards. This was a great humiliation to him.    


"Come on up and drive. Let's go," Soong Yi whispered again. Fangzheng had no choice but to look hatefully at Qin Lang and Dai Qianbai. He pointed at them and said, "Just you wait. If I, Fangzheng, can't kill you, your surname isn't Fang!"    


After leaving behind some harsh words, Fangzheng got in the car and drove away from Yanjing University.    


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