Making Great Fortune Overnight

C292 Insane Bets

C292 Insane Bets

0Qin Tian and Qin Zhu's hearts trembled when they heard Qin Yuan's words. Qin Lang's situation in this battle was too dangerous!    


"Qin Lang will not lose!" Qin Tian shouted at the phone loudly. After saying that, he hung up the phone.    


"Qin Lang..." Qin Zhu wanted to rush to the stage and pull Qin Lang down. She could not accept Qin Lang doing such a dangerous thing.    


"Qin Zhu, calm down!"    


Qin Tian pulled Qin Zhu back. Although he was also worried about Qin Lang's safety like Qin Zhu, he was calmer. He whispered to Qin Zhu.    


"With big brother's personality, he would not give up halfway. Now we can only disturb his confidence. It will not help him at all. Qin Zhu, listen to Big Brother. Let's sit down. We believe that Qin Lang can definitely defeat the other party!"    


Qin Zhu gradually calmed down when she saw Qin Tian's gaze. She understood that what Qin Tian said was right. She slowly sat down and covered her face with her hand. Tears flowed out between her fingers.    


Wang Chen sat behind the Qin Family siblings. At this moment, her heartstrings moved. In a trance, she seemed to have understood some logic. This battle was not like what she had imagined. It was a completely illegal act.    


This battle might really affect the stability of Yanjing in the future.    


Qin Lang was already standing on the boxing ring. On his left stood a middle-aged man in a referee's uniform. He was tall and fat, like a retired boxing athlete.    


The right side of the referee was empty, and he had yet to show himself.    


The audience and staff were a little anxious.    


Previously, when he had accompanied Soong Zhongping and his son to the boxing ring, he had felt that the people there were too noisy, so Soong Zhongping had personally sent him to the resting room.    


In the resting room, he looked up at the sky and rested for a while.    


At this time, the person lying on the bed had opened his eyes. His biological clock was very accurate. If he wanted to sleep for half an hour, he would definitely not sleep for 40 minutes. The error was within 5 minutes.    


He stood up and stretched. He walked to the window and looked down. He saw that there was already a young man standing on the boxing ring. All the spectators had also dropped their seats.    


The corner of his mouth curled up. His feet paused and his body shot up. With a bang, he smashed open the window glass and floated down.    


"Ah!" There was a commotion below the stage. When everyone heard the sound of the glass shattering, they thought that something had happened. Many people hugged their heads.    


They saw a golden-haired man leisurely fly down from the upper floor and land steadily on the boxing stage.    


The lounge upstairs was 15 to 6 meters away from the vertical height of the ground. He looked up at the sky and landed steadily, like a superman in a movie. The audience was amazed, and at the same time, they felt that this battle... The Soong Family could not be any more stable.    


He raised his head to the sky and sized Qin Lang up. Then, he laughed lightly and stopped looking at Qin Lang.    


He felt that it was really boring. Compared to Fu Kai, who was just a weak chicken two days ago, Fu Kai was even worse.    


"Alright. The two warriors of Zhong Family and Soong Family are already in position. The martial battle will begin soon!" The judge said.    


"Before the battle begins, I would like to remind everyone that there is a bet for this martial battle in Australia's lottery network. If you are interested, you can go to Australia's lottery network to play!"    


This time, the martial arts competition between the Zhong and Song families was widely spread among the upper class of China. As the China gambling club, Australia's betting network had a keen sense of business opportunities. He immediately started betting on this martial arts battle on his own website. He wanted to make a huge profit from this battle.    


It had to be known that the people who paid attention to this battle were all upper-class families and figures in China. They did not bet on hundreds or thousands of dollars like ordinary people, but millions or tens of millions of dollars!    


"There's a bet. Look!"    


"I was so busy bootlicking Mr. Soong today that I even forgot my favorite bet!"    




When the audience heard that, they all turned on their phones and logged into Australia's lottery network. Soon, they found the bet for tonight's match.    


On the big screen of the boxing arena, the video of the gambling network was displayed. The boxing arena had accepted the benefits of Australia's gambling network. To put it bluntly, it was advertising for Australia's gambling network.    


At this moment, Australia's gambling network was displaying the results of this advertisement.    


"Heaven-defying victory, 1 to 1.2 Heaven-defying victory, 1 to 1.2"    


"Qin Lang wins, 1: 3.0"    


Apart from guessing the result, there were also a few other ways to play, like "In 3 minutes, KO to the Heavens and KO Qin Lang, 1 to 2.0," "Victory to the Heavens and kill the opponent, 1 to 1.8," "Victory to Qin Lang, and kill the opponent, 1 to 8. 0...    


Looking at the total odds, the gambling company was quite optimistic. Facing the sky, they would defeat Qin Lang!    


"I'll be more careful. I'll throw 3 million to the sky!"    


"I'll bet too. Win with my head held high. 5 million!"    


"There's nothing to say about that. Victory to the Heavens, 8 million!"    




The audience sitting around the Soong Family placed their bets on the Internet. On the other side. They were announcing how much they had bet. They wanted the Soong Family to see it. They stood firmly on the side of the Soong Family. Wait! After the Soong Family became the king of Yanjing Underground World, the Soong Family would value and protect them even more.    


Hee Yuchen, who was sitting in the crowd, also quietly put down 10 million yuan on the internet, "Yang Tiansheng," but he didn't shout like the others.    


He had a grudge with Qin Lang and Qin Tian. He didn't want to intensify the conflict between them.    


Later, when Qin Lang was beaten to death and Qin Tian's face turned red, Zhong felt very good.    


"My cousin's family will win for sure! Our Fang family will invest 50 million to earn back 10 million. Haha, it's a good deal!" As Fangzheng gambled on his cell phone, he looked arrogantly at the Zhong Family and said.    


He had noticed Wang Chen just now. At that moment, he looked at her and said with a sneer,    


"Officer Wang, you are sitting on the side of Zhong Family. It looks like you support Zhong Family. Do you think that this weak chicken on the stage can beat Mister Chao Tian? What kind of international joke is this? I would like to ask, how many bets do you want to put in? Don't be too little, I will look down on you!"    


Everyone's eyes were focused on Wang Chen's face. At this moment, Wang Chen was extremely ashamed. She felt that it was an insult for a police officer to stay in such a "foul" place.    


If it was according to her past personality, she should have immediately informed the police and destroyed this illegal nest in one fell swoop.    


But after a short half an hour, she gradually understood in her heart that this world was neither black nor white. There was still a gray area.    


Looking at Qin Lang on the stage, she suddenly remembered that day in the interrogation room in the police station, it was him who stole her first kiss.    



Now, this person might have been killed in an instant by someone else. Wang Chen felt inexplicably reluctant in her heart.    


"I support Zhong Family!" Wang Chen suddenly said. As a police officer, she actually chose to support a figure from an underground power. To her before, this was simply unimaginable.    


But now, Wang Chen had indeed done it. She did not feel particularly shocked. She had a premonition that the Zhong Family that Qin Lang had chosen to support was the more righteous one among the two families that were involved in the war.    


"I'll bet 10,000!" Wang Chen said. At this moment, she did not want to lose the momentum of Qin Lang's side. If she did not make a sound, it would be a blow to Qin Lang who was fighting in the arena.    


Wang Chen knew that this martial battle might cost her life.    


"Ten thousand! Haha!" Fangzheng laughed and mocked, "Officer Wang, you are a member of the Wang family in Yanjing after all. You are really going to laugh your head off if you only invest ten thousand."    


Upon hearing that Wang Chen was a member of the Wang family in Yanjing, the others were slightly shocked. However, they still smiled cooperatively. After all, in tonight's boxing ring, the Zhong Family and Soong Family were the main characters, a little girl from the Wang family of Yanjing. The weight was still a little lacking.    


"We'll bet 20 million on Young Master Qin to win!" Feng and Littleflower couldn't stand the arrogant attitude of the Soong Family. When they looked at Qin Lang in this way, Feng and the others were already unconvinced. They immediately stared at each other and shouted.    


"Yo, two beautiful girls, do you really have 20 million?" Fangzheng asked in disbelief. The two girls were only 20 years old. From the looks of it, they were not the children of a large family in Beijing. How could they take out 20 million?    


When they saw the scene of Feng and Little Flower betting successfully, Fangzheng and company were alarmed. Immediately, they mocked, "If the two beauties spend 20 million on this kid, it's like they are wasting water. Be careful not to cry later. "    


"Fangzheng, is there a need for you to worry? From the looks of it, the strength of the brother that Zhong Family has found is far above the strength of that man who looks up to the sky. The Qin Family of Yanjing has placed a bet of 100 million on Qin Lang's victory. Do you have anything you don't want to accept?" Qin Tian said with a sneer as he looked at Fangzheng.    


In Yanjing, when he saw Qin Tian, he still had to smile.    


"Then let's wait and see!" Fangzheng did not dare speak rudely to Qin Tian.    


"My Zhong Family has also bet on Qin Lang's victory. I bet one billion!" At that moment, Zhong Jiuzhen spoke. She looked at Zhong Xueshan. Although Zhong Xueshan was a little hesitant, he still immediately called the bank. Completing the 1 billion bet.    


As soon as he spoke, everyone was shocked.    


"1 billion? Mister Elder Zhong, I'm afraid that this is 1 / 5 of the Zhong Family's property. Is there really a need for that? Don't forget, after today, there will still be more than 100 people in the Zhong Family to feed... "Soong Zhongping said with a smile.    


"Since I dared to invest 1 billion, it means that I have confidence in Qin Lang. Why should Mr. Soong worry about Zhong Family?" Zhong Jiuzhen said.    


"Alright. Since the Zhong Family has invested 1 billion, the Soong Family can't just sit there and watch. The Soong Family will also invest 1 billion!" Soong Zhongping said with a loud voice.    


After saying that, Soong Yi called the bank and finished betting 1 billion.    


Just as the Zhong and Song families finished their bets, on the big screen of the scene, on the main page of the Macau City Gambling Network, "Latest news" appeared.    


"...... The Yanjing users had bet "Qin Lang wins" 1 billion!"    


“** "The number of Yanjing users betting on" Skyward Victory "was 1 billion!    


The amount of money invested by the Zhong Family and Soong Family was too large, which was why it was displayed on the main page.    


As soon as these two messages popped up, another shocking message popped up.    


“** Offshore users of the Marshafu Islands have bet "Heaven Surmounting Victory," 2 billion! "    


Seeing this message pop up on the gaming website, the boxing ring let out a huge sigh. Who was this user? He was so generous the moment he made his move!    


Even Zhong Jiuzhen and Soong Zhongping were shocked. They were also wondering who the person who had bet 2 billion was.    


"It must be Qin Yuan!" Qin Tian said in a low voice with resentment. Most of the family accounts were in the Island States in the Pacific Ocean, and Qin Yuan was watching the live broadcast through his phone. Two billion had been invested in one go. Except for the Hidden Qin Family, no one else would bet so much money in one go!    


The reason Qin Yuan dared to bet so much money in one go was because he felt that Qin Lang would definitely lose.    


Qin Tian cheered Qin Lang in his heart, "Big brother, you must win!"    


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