Making Great Fortune Overnight

C776 Looking for Young Master Qiu

C776 Looking for Young Master Qiu



Countless armored vehicles started moving. Heavy tanks, light tanks, armored vehicles, self-propelled cannons and anti-tank turrets roared as they got out of the formation and charged towards Qin Lang.    


"Stop him, stop him. Don't let him charge into the formation."    


But how fast was Qin Lang?    


In the blink of an eye, they heard him.    




A T-62 heavy tank. Ke was the first to open fire. The 116mm muskets were like Death's Scythe, instantly crossing several kilometers and intercepting Qin Lang in the air.    


Yang Zhanguo base's fire control system was very advanced. It could easily calculate Qin Lang's route and open fire in advance.    




The shell weighing dozens of kilograms was blown up by Qin Lang with a punch in the air. His entire body was instantly wrapped in a cloud of smoke and fire, and he was forced back a few steps.    


This time, there was no smoke to block it. Everyone could finally see clearly how Qin Lang resisted the cannon's attack. But it was precisely because they saw it clearly that their hearts almost exploded.    


Exploding a cannonball with a fist?    


My God, is this still human?    


Qin Lang took a few steps back, and then he quickly started moving forward.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


Another dozen tanks opened fire. Qin Lang threw a punch across the sky and instantly threw out more than a dozen punches. The force of the punch swept across the void, and those cannonballs exploded in the air over a hundred meters away. Only when one of the anti-tank guns opened fire did Qin Lang slightly turn his body to the side. He let go of the armor-piercing bullet that pierced through the space-time barrier.    


Qin Lang was not afraid of ordinary cannonballs.    


Because ordinary cannonballs were explosive. Don't look at how many tens of meters or even hundreds of meters they could explode. However, because the power was scattered, it was not a big threat to Qin Lang, who had a substandard Sacred Body at the initial stage.    


On the contrary, it was the unassuming anti-tank cannon that had been fired. It was an armor-piercing bullet from a tungsten alloy warhead that specialized in piercing through tanks. It could even pierce through a steel plate half a meter thick, let alone a physical body. Even the current Qin Lang was unwilling to face this armor-piercing bullet head on.    


What hard body skills feared the most was breaking the surface with a single point.    


However, there were only a few anti-tank cannons, and the firing speed was too slow. As long as Qin Lang ran, they would not be able to aim at him at all.    


Two kilometers.    


One kilometer.    


900 meters.    


800 meters...    


Qin Lang was getting closer and closer to the formation.    




Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he was the first to collide with the tank that was charging forward. The light tank that weighed more than 20 tons was knocked down by Qin Lang. It was actually knocked over in the air and spun a few rounds in the air. It crashed into another armored vehicle and knocked it over. He smashed the armored vehicle into pieces.    




Countless people sucked in a breath of cold air.    


He used his physical body to knock over the tank. Ke, what kind of concept is this? Even if it was just a light tank and not a 40-50 ton main tank. But it's enough to make people dumbfounded. Especially when Succubus found out that the tank that was equipped was... It was the figure that Qin Lang had installed on the steel armor.    


"Come on, don't just stand there."    


Yang Zhanguo shouted crazily.    


Dozens of tanks. With Qin Lang as the center, they quickly rushed over and formed a circle.    


These steel monsters that weighed dozens of tons, if they had met an ordinary cart, they would have easily crushed them. Even a heavy truck wouldn't be able to withstand the impact of these monsters.    


But Qin Lang was different.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


With every step Qin Lang took, his body instantly moved more than ten meters and he threw out a punch.    


With every punch he threw out, he was able to flatten a steel monster. The light tank and the armored vehicle were sent flying. Although the heavy tank was only forced back a few steps, however, that enormous punch directly killed the members inside the car.    


One step, two steps, three steps...    


Qin Lang took ten steps and punched ten times, destroying ten tanks.    


But this was only the beginning.    


"Dong! Dong! Dong!"    


One after another, the steel monsters were destroyed by Qin Lang's fist.    


No matter how crazily the tank drivers charged over, countless bullets and cannonballs landed on Qin Lang, but he didn't care at all. He just threw out his fists in a mechanical manner.    


Ten punches, twenty punches, thirty punches...    


One punch for one car!    


In less than ten minutes, dozens of armored vehicles had collapsed under Qin Lang's punch. Just like that, he tore open a huge hole in the steel wall.    


"My mother!"    


All the Succubi stood there trembling, looking at this scene in disbelief.    


The weapons that they should be proud of were easily destroyed by Qin Lang's fist like fragile bread.    





At this time, many armed helicopters finally arrived.    


Among these helicopters, the main one was the Mi-24. Although these helicopters were equipped with machine guns and rocket launchers, they were not very powerful. They were mainly used for transportation. However, the few Ka-50 attack helicopters mixed in were different. This type of single helicopter was purely used to attack the ground. It was equipped with anti-tank missiles!    




After being bombarded by the helicopters' cannons and rockets, Qin Lang, who was continuously retreating, frowned.    


He jumped onto a tank, stretched out his hand, and pulled with all his might. He pulled out the main cannon barrel of the tank, then used the three meter long cannon barrel as a javelin, and shot into the air.    




A stream of white light shot out from Qin Lang's hand, directly breaking through the space-time boundary, piercing through three armed helicopters in the sky, then shooting into the void, not only going in a different direction.    




Those helicopters did not expect Qin Lang to be able to attack them. Immediately, like frightened deer, they flew madly into the sky. Qin Lang, who was not disturbed by anyone, turned into a bright purple light and rushed towards the entire battle formation.    


If he met an armored vehicle blocking his way, he would punch it.    


Qin Lang ignored the ordinary succubus and directly crashed into it. He was like a wild dragon that would die if he brushed past it. If he got close to it, he would be injured. In the end, the entire steel wall was forcefully pierced through by him.    


When he passed by the command vehicle, he saw the panicked Yang Zhanguo. He did not even bother with it and directly cut him into two.    


Army Breaker, killing, and leaving were all done in one go.    


He was like an invincible war god!    


After Qin Lang left, the entire battlefield was silent.    




No one knew what had happened in the northwest desert! Qin Lang was like a god that had returned to reality!    


China, Yanjing.    


Xu Sheng and Xu Chuyan looked at each other and hurried forward.    


They walked to Qiu Xiyi's side and bowed to him. "Mr. Qiu has suffered."    


Qiu Xiyi's expression was cold. He smiled bitterly at Xu Sheng. "I do not deserve such a big gift from Mr. Xu."    


"No, no, Mr. Qiu is unyielding. I admire you!"    


Xu Chuyan's face revealed some embarrassment.    


Qiu Xiyi waved his hand and said, "Mister Xu's recent greetings, I will remember it in my heart. Inviting me today, could it be that I have reached the end of my life?"    


Xu Chuyan hurriedly waved his hand. "Mister Qiu is in good health, how could he possibly reach his limit? Inviting Mister Qiu here today is to apologize to Mister Qiu."    




Qiu Xiyi had been subjected to harsh torture and interrogation during this period of time. It was only because Xu Sheng wanted to get the secret of his heart technique from him.    


When Qiu Xiyi went down the mountain that day, he used the Immortal Art taught by Qin Lang. It immediately made countless people envious. When Xu Sheng found out about it, he had his men catch Qiu Xiyi and interrogate him day and night. Qiu Xiyi had suffered a very painful experience.    


Xu Sheng thought that Qiu Xiyi had lost his mind a few times and might be about to tell him the secret cultivation technique. However, Qiu Xiyi kept his mind at critical moments and did not say a single word about the secret technique.    


How could Xu Sheng know that Qiu Xiyi had been cultivating all day long, and his mind was incomparably calm. Furthermore, he was constantly feeling the influence of the spiritual Qi. His loyalty to Qin Lang would not change even if he died.    


Qiu Xiyi did not believe that Qin Lang would die. He gritted his teeth firmly. He knew that if Qin Lang came back, he would not abandon him, so he would not say anything even if he died.    


Just as Qiu Xiyi had thought, after Qin Lang escaped death from Buried Heart Valley, he hadn't given up on searching for him. If he couldn't find anyone in the Xu Family, Qin Lang would use his bloodline tracking technique. Even if he had to die, he would still find Qiu Xiyi's corpse.    


Luckily, Qiu Xiyi wasn't dead.    


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