Making Great Fortune Overnight

C11 The Credit Has Been Forfeited

C11 The Credit Has Been Forfeited

0While Soong Xueer was lost in her thoughts, her father on the other side spoke. "Daughter, how is that my relationship? If I could find a relationship, would I need to send out such a big fire in the morning? Xue'er, father was a little anxious in the morning. He said, I'll give you to Ma Ge and forget about it. It was all out of anger. Don't be angry with Dad..."    


Soong Xueer's face turned red when she heard her dad's words. The redness on her face intensified.    


What are you talking about? My friends are all listening by the side! You even gave me to Ma Ge. I can't believe you said it out loud!    


Soong Xueer's face burned and her small face turned dark. She stood up and walked to the side to make a call.    


"Dad, is it really not your relationship?" Soong Xueer confirmed again.    


"If I can find a relationship, will I let you accompany Ma Ge for a night in the morning..."    


Soong Xueer closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She suppressed the profanities in her throat and said, "Can you not bring this up again? My friends were all there just now, and I was driving the hands-free. You have completely embarrassed your daughter. "    


"Your friends are all here. Aiyo, blame me. Xue Er, why did you turn on the hands-free when you called..."    


"Alright, turn this page. Besides, I wish I could find a place to hide!" Soong Xueer used her hand to support her forehead.    


Why did I turn on the hands-free? Didn't I think that you were looking for a strong relationship and were prepared to show off in front of your friends? But now, showing off didn't show that you were showing off. You have become a stupid big sister who blew up a scandal!    


"Hey, Xue-er, could it be that your friend helped you find a relationship?"    


"My friend..." Soong Xueer turned around and glanced at the other people at the table. It was really possible. They had all called before.    


"It is probably your friend who played a role! He helped us a lot. You have to thank him properly." Her father sorted out his thoughts.    


"Alright, that's it. I'm hanging up!" Soong Xueer's attitude at this time was much more casual. So it turned out that it was my friend who helped to resolve it. Previously, you scolded me and even made me so ugly.    


"Wait a moment. The person who helped our family should have some relationship with the president of the Trade Association, Chi Renzhong. This matter was solved through President Chi. This person is not ordinary. You have to be careful," his father added at the end.    


After hanging up the phone, Soong Xueer walked back to the dining table suspiciously. After talking about the matter, everyone was very interested. Who was it that could actually be related to the president of the Trade Association?    


Soong Xueer's expression was very calm. Her gaze swept across everyone's faces and finally locked onto Jiang Beibei, who was the closest to her, on the right side. She asked with a faint smile, "Beibei, was it you who helped me find a relationship?"    


Jiang Beibei was stunned. He shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "How could I have such a hard relationship? Xue-er, are you joking?"    


"Really not?" Soong Xueer's face slightly lowered as she asked again.    


"Really not!" Jiang Beibei suddenly felt a bit scared.    


Soong Xueer's gaze shifted to Cui Wenwen, who was beside Jiang Beibei. "Wenwen, can you help me?"    


"No, no. I can't take it. Xue-er, I have beaten up all the relatives in my family. They can't help me..." Cui Wenwen shook her head.    


After that, Soong Xueer looked at them one by one.    


"Huang Ge, you are the one who helped me find a relationship."    


"Ren Hao, you are the one who found a relationship."    


"Xiao Hui, it's you, right?"    




Soong Xueer asked everyone, but when she arrived at Qin Lang's place, she directly jumped over.    


She wasn't sure about the others, but this Qin Lang, hmph. He was the dumbass who dared to rush towards the Citibank without a card. Was it him? Wasn't this an international joke?    


"Then who is it?" Soong Xueer lowered her gaze and seriously thought about it in her mind. Suddenly, a name flashed across her mind like a dazzling lightning.    


"Zhang Chi!"    


Other than the people present, the only person Soong Xueer had contacted was Zhang Chi. According to the current situation, Zhang Chi should be that person!    


Soong Xueer pressed the button on her phone and dialed Zhang Chi's number.    


Was it really him? Could his family be related to Chairman Chi?    


While Soong Xueer was feeling suspicious, the other side made the call.    


"Hey, Xue'er, how's the situation now?" Zhang Chi asked urgently.    


"You helped me?" Soong Xueer did not answer his question. She was looking forward to Zhang Chi's answer.    


"After you called me, I begged my dad. My dad said he used to be classmates with President Chi. He would go to the Trade Association to look for him, but I haven't asked my dad yet..." Zhang Chi said uncertainly.    


"It's solved. It's perfectly solved!" Soong Xueer smiled. "Zhang Chi, I knew it was you. My dad said someone went to find Chairman Chi to intervene. Zhang Chi, thank you so much."    


"It is good that it has been solved. What is there to thank? It is just a small matter." Zhang Chi's tone eased up a lot.    


"Then there are too many thanks. You also know how strong Tianshi Group is. If he wants to kill our family, how can our family defend against him? He might even lose all his fortune in the end, and Ma Ge would definitely not let it go just like that. I might even be... So, you've really helped me a lot!" Soong Xueer felt a lingering fear when she thought about this, and the gratitude she felt towards Zhang Chi became even greater. Tears even flashed in her eyes.    


"Don't think that way." Zhang Chi smiled faintly.    


"Come to the Xian Ya House now. I'm treating you here! I'll thank you in person!" Soong Xueer invited him warmly.    


"Okay, I will go over immediately," Zhang Chi agreed immediately. When he thought of Soong Xueer's lovely face, the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile.    


After hanging up the phone, Soong Xueer looked around proudly.    


When the others heard about the president of the Trade Association, they were really shocked. A person who could get through the relationship of the president of the Trade Association, was he an ordinary person?    


Soong Xueer actually had such a good friend. How could they not be envious? Immediately, they looked forward to Soong Xueer's friend.    


Seeing the envious looks in the eyes of the other people present, their hearts calmed down a little and their expressions became a little arrogant.    


Zhang Chi was studying at Jin Ling Information Engineering University, which was not far from Jinling University. Soon, he arrived at Xian Ya House.    


Zhang Chi was 1.85 meters tall, and he had a stout body. He was a bit fat, and his hair was hot. He used a razor to cut two white marks on both sides of his head, and his white face was oily.    


"Zhang Chi, here!" Soong Xueer immediately walked in front of Zhang Chi with a smile on her face. She naturally pulled Zhang Chi's hand. She slightly lowered her head and stared into Zhang Chi's eyes with a trace of feminine temperament. "Thank you, when I needed help the most. I was really touched to be able to stand out. "    



Zhang Chi subconsciously glanced at the hand Soong Xueer was holding. He also mustered his courage and gently grabbed Soong Xueer's hand. Looking at the beautiful Soong Xueer in front of him, his eyes did not move. "Don't say such things in the future. It really is not a big deal."    


Soong Xueer smiled sweetly and pulled Zhang Chi towards the dining table. The other people at the dining table saw Zhang Chi coming over and stood up one after another, looking at him with fawning eyes.    


Zhang Chi was a person who had a relationship with the president of the Trade Association. His position was much higher than that of students like them. If they wanted to befriend such a person, how could they not show good impression of him?    


"There are so many people." Zhang Chi walked to the dining table and saw that everyone was standing to welcome him. He felt very pleased in his heart and suppressed his hands. "Everyone, sit. What are you standing for?"    


After Zhang Chi said that, the others all sat down one after another.    


"You sit with me." Soong Xueer pulled Zhang Chi to her seat. Zhang Chi was strong, so Soong Xueer could barely sit in front of him. It would be much more troublesome to move chopsticks.    


"Everybody sit evenly." Zhou Xin immediately called the others. The others also moved, but the effect was not very ideal. Soong Xueer and Zhang Chi felt very crowded.    


"Qin Lang."    


Just as everyone moved the stools, Soong Xueer suddenly looked at Qin Lang. Her face was a little dark. When Qin Lang looked at her, Soong Xueer did not feel embarrassed at all.    


"Why don't you go first? I didn't call you before, but now you are almost done eating and the school is not far away. You can go back to the dormitory first."    


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