Making Great Fortune Overnight

C16 They Came to the Bathroom

C16 They Came to the Bathroom

0"Darling, where are we going for dinner?" The more Xie Wenjing looked at Zhu Junwen, the more pleasing she was to the eye.    


"You will know in a while!" Zhu Junwen smiled faintly. He held the steering wheel with one hand and his other hand reached to Xie Wenjing's thigh, caressing it back and forth.    


He was experienced in love. He knew that he had given Xie Wenjing a lot of face in school. If he moved his hands and feet to her, Xie Wenjing would still say something.    


Xie Wenjing took a look at Zhu Junwen's hand on her thigh and did not say anything.    


Zhu Junwen finally parked the car in front of a hotel.    


"Wow, Sophie Galaxy Hotel. My dear, you want to take me to eat here?" Xie Wenjing widened her eyes and looked at the luxurious building in front of her in disbelief.    


After all, Sofitel Galaxy Hotel was one of the best hotels in Jinling!    


"Are you happy? Let's go in now. I have already decided the location!" Zhu Junwen said with a smile. He had booked a place in the Sofitel Galaxy today. Zhu Junwen had also invested a lot. After all, he ate in the Sofitel Galaxy. It was impossible for a student to get a seat without 2,000 yuan. It was too expensive to spend 2000 yuan for a meal!    


But seeing Xie Wenjing so happy, Zhu Junwen also felt that it was worth it!    


Xie Wenjing held Zhu Junwen's arm and walked into the hotel's door.    


Immediately, a young waiter walked up and greeted the two. "Hello, welcome to... Sophie Milky Way... Excuse me... En... Have you reserved a seat? " After the waiter finished speaking, he smiled apologetically:" I just came, I'm not very familiar with the business, please forgive me "    


"It's nothing," Zhu Junwen said. "I have already reserved a seat. Number 8!"    


"Number 8, okay. I will bring you over now. Please follow me!" The waiter said and led the way in front.    


Following the waiter to the second floor, they arrived at table 8.    


Seeing the environment of table number 8, Zhu Junwen and Xie Wenjing were both very satisfied and praised in their hearts. It was indeed worthy of being one of the best hotels in Jinling City. The decoration was incomparable to other hotels!    


The spacious space, crystal chandelier, gold-plated candle racks, low-profile but not lacking luxurious tablecloths and chairs!    


As soon as they sat down, a neat band of foreigners with blonde hair and blue eyes walked over. Playing the organ, playing the violin, and performing a circus with an empty plate!    


Zhu Junwen's seat instantly became the center of attention! The others all looked at them with envious eyes!    


At this moment, Xie Wenjing felt that she had a lot of face, just like a princess who was admired by others!    


"Thank you so much, my dear. I am so happy!" Xie Wenjing happily hugged Zhu Junwen. When she remembered the time when she was with Qin Lang, she could only eat at roadside stalls. Xie Wenjing felt even more fortunate that she dumped Qin Lang!    


Xie Wenjing started to take selfies again. "Come, my dear, watch the camera!"    


Xie Wenjing and Zhu Junwen took selfies and intentionally took pictures of the dining table and a few foreigners. They posted it on WeChat Moments and even specifically marked the location.    


Very quickly, people in their WeChat Moments began to reply.    


"Wen Jing, you actually went to the Sophie Milky Way to eat! This is too awesome! "    


"When can you take me there? I haven't seen anyone around!"    


"Rich woman, please keep me as your mistress!"    




There was a wave of envious and surprised voices from below, which made Xie Wenjing's heart expand unprecedentedly! It also made her more and more determined. It was a wise choice to shake off Qin Lang! If she followed Qin Lang, she would never be able to enter the gate of the Sofitel Milky Way in this lifetime!    


Besides, Qin Lang felt a little uncomfortable when he saw Xie Wenjing and Zhu Junwen kissing in front of everyone. However, most of the time, he sighed for Xie Wenjing who did not know how to clean herself.    


He knew very well what kind of person Zhu Junwen was. Xie Wenjing was willing to follow such a person! He was really too stupid!    


Zhu Junwen was only driving a Passat? Was it good? He could casually drive a Ferrari!    


"Are you still thinking about her?" Qin Lang heard a woman's voice beside him.    


Qin Lang stopped thinking and saw Lee Xia standing beside him.    


"No, I just feel that it is not worth it for Xie Wenjing!" Qin Lang smiled faintly.    


"She deserves it. She gave up on a good man like you. She went to find a scumbag like Zhu Junwen, "Lee Xia said discontentedly. She looked at Qin Lang with a trace of a smile." Let's go. We will have dinner together tonight. I will treat you! You can eat whatever you want in the Xian Ya House outside the school. "    


"Oh..." When Lee Xia said that, Qin Lang remembered that he had previously said that he wanted to treat Lee Xia to a meal. He had not been able to make it in the past few days.    


"I will treat you this time. Come, let's go to the Sophie Galaxy Hotel for a meal!"    


"Qin Lang, you just broke up with me last time, so it's fine if you brag, but why are you doing this again today?" Lee Xia smiled at Qin Lang and said.    


Lee Xia knew very well what kind of place Sophie Milky Way was. It was not a place that their students could afford to eat.    


"Just follow me!" Qin Lang was too lazy to explain to Lee Xia.    


Qin Lang pulled Lee Xia to the school gate, hailed a taxi, and went straight to Sophie Galaxy Hotel.    


But after they got out of the taxi, Qin Lang did not say anything. He pulled her hand and rushed into Sophie Galaxy Hotel!    


Lee Xia panicked and quickly pulled Qin Lang back. She frowned and said, "Qin Lang, stop playing. This is really not a place for us to come."    


Qin Lang smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry. Since I came to treat you to a meal, I will definitely not embarrass you." As he said that, he ignored Lee Xia and pulled her into the hotel.    


"Later, I want to go to the bathroom."    


When they entered the lobby and saw the golden walls of the lobby, Lee Xia became timid. She felt that her legs were a little weak and her heart was especially nervous. She wanted to go to the bathroom slowly.    


"Yes, I will go with you!" Qin Lang sighed slightly.    


Lee Xia walked into the female bathroom and Qin Lang washed his hands in the sink.    


At this time, two more people came in from outside. They were Xie Wenjing and Zhu Junwen. Xie Wenjing accidentally put dessert on her clothes just now. Zhu Junwen accompanied her to wash.    


"Why are you here?"    


Xie Wenjing did not expect Qin Lang to be here.    


"Wen Jing..."    


Qin Lang was also quite surprised.    


"Did you call Wen Jing?"    


Zhu Junwen angrily took a step forward, pouted his lips and cursed. It was as if if if Qin Lang was not convinced, he would not be polite to him. "I will warn you one last time, in the future, you are not allowed to call Wen Jing by her name. And don't have any fantasies about her! "    


Qin Lang did not say anything more to Zhu Junwen. He turned around and washed his hands.    


Xie Wenjing's eyes rolled around. She walked to the tap closest to Qin Lang and opened it. She blocked the outlet with her finger and tilted her head to look at Qin Lang. She let go of her finger and injected a stream of water into Qin Lang.    


"You..." Qin Lang's face was full of water.    


"Haha, you deserve it!" Xie Wenjing smiled happily when she saw Qin Lang's flowing hair.    


Qin Lang did not want to have a conflict with them. He could not afford to offend them, but he could leave.    


Qin Lang wanted to walk out of the door. Xie Wenjing used her shoulder to gently knock on Zhu Junwen. She then used her eyes to look at him. Zhu Junwen understood what she meant. He blocked the door before Qin Lang and crossed his legs on the door.    


"You want to leave just like that? How could it be that easy? If you call me brother or sister-in-law, we'll let you out! "    


Xie Wenjing looked at Qin Lang with a cold smile and said," I think you sneaked in! A poor loser dares to enter the Sophie Hotel? You are really bold! If you don't call today, I will call the hotel's security! "    


She wanted to call Qin Lang to have a taste of what it was like to call his ex-girlfriend sister-in-law!    


Xie Wenjing felt that the more she bullied Qin Lang, the more excited she felt in her heart.    


Qin Lang was really a little angry this time. I have already let you guys off, and you guys are still taking an inch, right?    


Just at this time, Lee Xia walked out from the inside. She also heard what Xie Wenjing just said.    


"Xie Wenjing, you are too much. Did we confess to you? What right do you have to call security to arrest us?" Lee Xia looked at Xie Wenjing angrily.    


"Oh, so you are also here. It is really a pair of male and female dogs!"    


Xie Wenjing sneered and her eyes turned slyly. She said, "Why should I ask the security to arrest you? I guess you two are not here to eat. Humph, you two think this is KFC? You can come in whenever you want!"    


This time, the aggressive Xie Wenjing made Lee Xia speechless.    


When they were in the toilet, Lee Xia also understood that Qin Lang must have pulled her here because he was joking with her!    


Originally she came out to pull Qin Lang away from here, but she did not expect to meet Xie Wenjing and Zhu Junwen here.    


Looking at Xie Wenjing's attitude, she was afraid that it would not be good. Later, she did not know what she was going to do, so it was better to leave as soon as possible.    


"Qin Lang, let's go." Lee Xia pulled Qin Lang and prepared to leave.    


"You want to leave just like that?"    


Xie Wenjing and Zhu Junwen blocked the door of the bathroom and started to shout, "Everyone, come and see. There are people who don't eat and go to the hotel to use the bathroom. Everyone, come and see. Where is the hotel manager? Don't you want to take care of him?"    


When Xie Wenjing shouted, the surrounding customers were attracted to her.    


"Everyone, look at this couple. They secretly ran to Sophie to use the bathroom. The hotel is open for business. You are using it for nothing. Shameless? The bathroom here is so high-end, it doesn't cost a penny. You think there really is such a good thing in the world that you can enjoy such a good bathroom?"    


When Xie Wenjing said this, the others also started to make noise.    


"Yeah, people nowadays are really worrying. How can they casually come in and use the toilet?"    


"It's not like there are no public toilets outside. Why don't we go and use them? They don't want to spend money and want to use the toilet in a high-class hotel. Why do they think so well? "    


"I'm afraid it's not as simple as just coming in and going to the toilet. They even want to freeload on the Internet. If they are not discovered, they will probably find a corner and fall asleep."    




At this moment, the hotel manager also came over.    


Xie Wenjing walked in front of the manager and pointed at Qin Lang and Qin Lang. With sharp teeth, she said, "Manager, what do you think we should do now? If anyone can come in and use the toilet, I don't think your hotel is as high-end as the rumors say."    


"Please wait a moment."    


The manager smiled and turned to Qin Lang. "Both of you, all the facilities in our hotel are prepared for our guests and are not open to outsiders. Now, please leave. I'm sorry."    


"Qin Lang, let's go." Lee Xia timidly said to Qin Lang. Being looked at by so many people made Lee Xia feel very embarrassed and embarrassed.    


At this time, Qin Lang pulled her back and looked at her indifferently. "We are not leaving."    


"The manager has already chased you out. Why are you still not leaving? This is really shameless! " Xie Wenjing became lively again. "You guys still want to freeload here, right? You even want to hang around in front of us customers who have spent so much money and deliberately disgust us. You don't want us to have a good meal and in the end, ruin the reputation of the Sophie Hotel, right? "    


The manager also thought that Qin Lang was deliberately causing trouble. She frowned and said, "Sir, I'll treat you to leave now. Otherwise, I'll call security!"    


Xie Wenjing was very happy in her heart. She really wanted to see Qin Lang being taken away by security.    


"They are guests. Aren't we?"    


Qin Lang looked at the manager and said, "I have already booked a seat here."    


"You have booked a table here?" Xie Wenjing looked surprised and laughed. In her opinion, what Qin Lang said was a joke.    


If a poor person like Qin Lang could book a place in the Sophie Galaxy Hotel, it would be too cheap. It would not be called one of the most difficult hotels in Jinling City to book a place!    


Qin Lang, Qin Lang, you are really stupid! You want to use this sentence to get back at us, right? But the result is that you will fall even more miserably!    


Xie Wenjing could not wait to see Qin Lang's embarrassed expression after being asked!    


The others also maintained the expression of watching a good show. Qin Lang's clothes did not seem like someone who could reserve a seat at the Sophie Hotel.    


"Sir, please don't challenge my bottom line. If you continue to pester me, then sorry, I can only take forceful measures!" The manager had already put the walkie-talkie to his mouth.    



Lee Xia was also anxious. She was currently thinking crazily about remedies in her mind, but she was only a poor student after all. In the Sophie Hotel, there was nothing she could do!    


"I booked table number 8 in your hotel. If you don't believe me, look!" As he spoke, Qin Lang opened his phone and showed the manager the text message that he had successfully ordered.    


"Haha, you booked table number 8? What a coincidence, we also booked table number 8. Do you think it's meaningful?" Xie Wenjing heard Qin Lang finish and immediately laughed.    


She felt that Qin Lang must have fabricated a message before he came to deal with the people in the hotel. However, she never thought that he had fabricated a message from her table. This was like hitting a gun!    


The manager took Qin Lang's phone and looked at it. His face immediately changed into a smile. He respectfully returned the phone to Qin Lang. "Sorry, we misunderstood just now. It was our mistake. I will take you there now!"    


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