Making Great Fortune Overnight

C35 He Donated Hundreds of Thousands of Yuan

C35 He Donated Hundreds of Thousands of Yuan

0Just as Ding Rui was full of doubts, Zhong Yu introduced her and Qin Lang to each other.    


"Hello, I am Zhong Yu's friend, Qin Lang." Qin Lang politely greeted Ding Rui.    


"Hello, Zhong Yu and I are from the same hometown." To be honest, Ding Rui did not want to talk to Qin Lang, but she still did not know Qin Lang's background. What if Qin Lang was really a rich second generation? Wouldn't she regret it?    


"Qin Lang, what is your family doing?" Ding Rui asked with a smile. She wanted to find out Qin Lang's background as soon as possible.    


Just as Qin Lang did not know how to answer, an arrogant voice was heard.    


"Rui Rui, you don't need to talk to a loser like him. Talking to him will only waste your time." A domineering man with a golden chain around his neck walked up to Ding Rui. He naturally hugged Ding Rui's waist and patted her butt twice.    


Qin Lang's eyes narrowed when he saw the boy. The person who came was none other than their class's hedonistic young master, Gaoyuan. The last time in Zang Jiaxin's live broadcast room, Qin Lang had used the alias of "Qing Chen" to humiliate her.    


"My dear, why are you here so late? I've been waiting for you for a long time." Ding Rui said in a spoiled tone, then looked at Qin Lang and asked Gao Yu, "My dear, do you know this classmate?"    


"Of course I know him. He is the person I often told you about. He is the poorest loser in our class. He is not only famous in our class, but also in the entire faculty!"    


"Ah, the living expenses you mentioned are 4,500 a month. Apart from studying, the rest of his time is either working in the canteen or in the convenience store. As long as I give him money, no matter how dirty or stinky it is, he will be the loser who goes to work? " After saying that, Ding Rui laughed happily. She held her stomach and pointed at Qin Lang and said, "You don't have to say. Look at his dressing. He said he is a beggar on the street. I really don't doubt it at all! "    


"Rui Rui, you're right. I heard that he has been begging for money in the city recently. Tsk, tsk, tsk. How could a college student put down his pride and ask for money from others? He really knows how to 'put down his pride'. "Gao Yu clicked his tongue and said sarcastically.    


"But today, he bought a set of clothes for Zhong Yu in the Autumn Water Beauty. My dear, when are you going to bring me to buy one?"    


"Can a poor loser like him, who can't even afford to eat, buy clothes in the Autumn Water Beauty?" Gaoyuan didn't believe it at all, but he saw that Zhong Yu was indeed carrying a bag from the Autumn Water Beauty. This guy has no money at all. Now he has the money to buy clothes in the Autumn Water Beauty. Then there is only one possibility. His source of money is not legitimate! If he didn't steal it, then he stole it. Oh, right. It could be that he begged for it in the city!"    


"Qin Lang, Qin Lang, are you a fool? You can't even eat by yourself, and you're still in the mood to pick up girls. How thirsty do you think you are?" Gaoyuan smiled sinisterly.    


"So that's how it is!" Ding Rui suddenly understood and her mood immediately became very happy.    


"Zhong Yu, you heard from my boyfriend that you are looking for this so-called boyfriend. The money to buy clothes for you was all stolen. It was not his own money at all! You really dare to take this kind of man. Maybe one day... He got bored of you, so he sold you!"    


Ding Rui said maliciously. Although she and Zhong Yu were in the same high school, they only interacted until university. If it was not for the relationship between them, Ding Rui would not even bother to look at Zhong Yu.    


Usually, she was the one in charge. Today, Zhong Yu wore clothes that were even more expensive than hers. Her heart was extremely unbalanced and now she was looking for an opportunity. She must properly ridicule Zhong Yu. She could even feel the pleasure from scolding Zhong Yu.    


"Zhong Yu, Zhong Yu, I know that your family's conditions are not good. You want to change the poor situation of your family. I can only understand this kind of urgent feeling. It's just that when you find a boyfriend, you need to rub your eyes a little brighter. Don't be silly at all times. You're still holding a loser as a treasure in your hands, aren't you?! This is too ridiculous! "    


" It's true that people are poor and study hard. They always think of ways to obtain wealth through money. How can there be such a good thing in the world? "    


"If you don't have money, don't learn from others to wear the clothes of the Autumn Water Beauty. If you wear the clothes of the street vendor honestly, that will belong to you. Why are you so vain? The more you want to dress better, the more it shows that you have a cheap life..."    




Actually, Zhong Yu had heard more malicious words in the past few years. If she was alone, she could totally tolerate it. However, Ding Rui had also scolded Qin Lang, so Zhong Yu could not accept it.    


Zhong Yu's small face was red with anger. She usually did not scold people. At this time, she was facing Ding Rui who had a sharp tongue. If she wanted to refute, she could not. Even if she could, she did not know how to refute.    


Qin Lang sat at the side and could not watch anymore. Just as he was about to teach Ding Rui and the plateau a lesson, there was a loud music in the hall.    


Immediately after, the lights in the hall danced. The host wearing a formal dress on the stage began to give an opening speech, "Guests, good afternoon everyone. We are having a meeting here today. Everyone must know why. That's right, it's to celebrate the completion of our school's donation campaign for the poor mountain village. Of course, at today's venue, we will also be commending all the donors. So... Praise their good deeds..."    


It turned out that they wanted to reward the donor. Qin Lang wondered if he would be there. Last time, he casually donated 130,000 yuan. This amount of money was not even considered money in his eyes.    


After the invited leaders spoke one by one and performed 4-5 artistic performances, the main event arrived.    


"Next, we will be commending the donors. Now, I will first report to everyone about the donations this time. We have received a total of 56 donations this time. Among the 10,000, 89 people donated more than 1,000 yuan. 37 people who donated more than 2,000 yuan, 12 people who donated more than 5,000 yuan, 5 people donated more than 10,000 yuan... "    


When they heard the host's report, the applause and cheers below the stage became louder and louder!    


"There are already people donating more than 10,000 yuan. Our school's tycoons are really awesome!"    


"I only donated 50 yuan. Compared to these second-generation rich kids, the difference is too great!"    


"Me too. I squeezed the living expenses to barely take out 100 yuan. The second-generation rich kid casually donated 10,000 yuan. Sigh, comparing people is so infuriating!"    


"Everyone quiet down. I haven't finished announcing it yet. Other than the one above, there's another person who donated more than 100,000 yuan!"    


After the host finished speaking, the entire audience broke into an uproar. To them, 10,000 yuan was a huge sum, but there was actually someone who donated more than 100,000 yuan. Was this still a student?    


Everyone was discussing this student who donated 100,000 yuan. Everyone was certain that this was definitely a super rich second-generation! Later on, they had to take a good look at his elegance!    


"Dear, how much did you donate?" Ding Rui sweetly asked Gaoyuan.    


"Not much, just 2200 yuan." Gaoyuan said lightly. Actually, this 2,200 yuan was not what Gaoyuan wanted to donate. With this 2,200 yuan, he might as well go to the city and find a girl to play with!    


It was just that he had committed a crime in the city. After using money to protect himself, he had to do voluntary labor or do some charity work. That was why he was unwilling to donate 2,200 yuan.    


"2200 yuan is not a small amount. It can already be ranked in the top 50!" Ding Rui turned to Zhong Yu again and deliberately asked, "Zhong Yu, how much did you donate? You came from a poor mountain village. At this time, I need you to show your kindness. "    


"I donated five yuan." Zhong Yu lowered her head and said shyly.    


"What? Did I hear it right? You only donated 5 yuan? Oh my God, you are really good. I remember that you did not tell me before. After graduating from university, he had to go to a poor mountain village to be a teacher. Looks like you're lying. Why else would you only donate 5 yuan at this time? This is too hypocritical!" Ding Rui sneered and ridiculed.    


Zhong Yu felt especially wronged in her heart. She originally did not have spare money. The five yuan that she donated meant that she did not have a meal. She wanted to explain to Ding Rui that she was not like what she said. At this moment, Ding Rui: She had already turned her face to Qin Lang.    


"Zhong Yu donated so little. I think you must have donated it for her." Ding Rui said with a wicked smile.    


"Him? Rui Rui, can you stop joking around? He is the top loser in our class, someone who relies on part-time jobs. Do you think he will donate money?" Gaoyuan said with a laugh.    


Ding Rui clicked her lips and looked at Gaoyuan. She seemed to be saying, Why can't you tell? I believe Qin Lang will donate money. I am deliberately mocking him.    


"You didn't tell me you didn't donate money, did you?" Ding Rui raised her eyebrows and asked.    


"I did." Qin Lang shrugged and said indifferently.    


"Oh... How much did you donate?" Qin Lang's donation was out of Ding Rui's expectation. When Qin Lang said the number, Ding Rui would mock him and Zhong Yu.    


"Not much." Qin Lang really wanted to say that he donated 130,000 to make Ding Rui and Gaoyuan shut up. However, this information would cause a lot of trouble, so he decided not to say it out loud.    


"Not much? Haha, I know. Qin Lang, you must be like this girl. She donated five yuan. No, you poor bastard, you don't even want to donate five yuan. You only donated 1 yuan. You really have the nerve. You even have the nerve to say that you donated 1 yuan? You're really shameless! "    



Gaoyuan was already laughing out loud.    


"You're saying that I'm shameless? I'm afraid that you, Gaoyuan, don't have the qualifications?" Looking at the proud laughter of Gaoyuan, Qin Lang couldn't hold it any longer. However, he still maintained a smile on his face.    


"What did you say!? Do you want to die?" Gaoyuan angrily said.    


" I remember the last time I watched the live broadcast, there was an account called 'One Day is One Day'. He boasted that he wanted to compete with 'Qing Chen' in terms of gifts and thought that it would be awesome if he bought 5 cash guns. After talking nonsense in the livestream room, in the end, Qing Chen farmed ten hyperspace warships. In the end, he rolled away like a mute dog without a sound. Young Master Gao, do you know this useless scumbag? "    


"Qin Lang, you..." Gaoyuan angrily clenched his fists, but he did not dare to hit Qin Lang. Usually, when he fought, he would ask for help. Now he could only look at Qin Lang angrily.    


"Let's not talk much. Next, we will invite a student who donated more than 1000 yuan to come up on stage to speak and take a photo to commemorate!"    


The host on stage said loudly.    


Gao Yu's heart was not as angry as before. He was going to go up on stage to give a speech and take a photo later. Qin Lang could only sit on the stage. This was not proof. Was he going to suppress Qin Lang again? Qin Lang, no matter how good your mouth is, you are still a poor loser with no marks on your body. You are far from being able to compare with me!    


When he thought of this, the corner of Gaoyuan's mouth curled into a smile.    


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