Making Great Fortune Overnight

C48 The Azure Dragon Society Is Here

C48 The Azure Dragon Society Is Here

0"Move, I'll try!" Zheng Yan was also very afraid. After all, she had killed Qin Lang's girlfriend. But she was used to being arrogant and despotic. In front of so many people, running away like this, she still couldn't let go of her face.    


Qin Lang walked in front of Zheng Yan and gave her the Slap first.    


"Smelly loser, you don't want to live anymore, right?" Zheng Yan was slapped until blood flowed out of the corner of her mouth. She turned her head and still wanted to hit Qin Lang. However, her hair had already been pulled by Qin Lang. Qin Lang did not care if it hurt or not. He pulled her hair and turned around to leave.    


"Let go, bastard..." Zheng Yan kept cursing and Qin Lang pulled too hard. She fell down. Qin Lang did not wait for her to stand up. He pulled her like a robot and dragged her on the grass. It hurt so much that Zheng Yan screamed like a pig being slaughtered. "Ah!"    


Qin Lang threw Zheng Yan into Runxi Lake. He grabbed Zheng Yan's hair and pushed her into the water. Just like how he treated Zhong Yu before, Qin Lang wanted her to have a taste of what it was like.    


"Ah, let me go, you stinky loser..." Zheng Yan screamed in panic and was once again pushed into the water by Qin Lang.    


"Help, come and save me! This lunatic wants to kill someone, quickly come and save me!" Zheng Yan choked on her saliva a few times. She began to hope that the surrounding people could save her.    


If the surrounding people had the courage, Zhong Yu would not "die" either. They were all afraid of getting into trouble, so they just quietly looked around.    


Qin Lang pressed Zheng Yan into the water for more and more time. Every time Zheng Yan came out of the water, she felt the preciousness of the air, and she also became more and more afraid.    


"Qin Lang, I apologize to you. I should not have killed Zhong Yu. Please be magnanimous and pretend I don't know what to say. He let her go. I... Come on." Zheng Yan finally couldn't take it anymore after being tormented by Qin Lang. If she let Qin Lang suppress her a few more times... She felt that she would die.    


"Is there any use in apologizing now? Can you exchange your apology for my Zhong Yu?" Qin Lang said sadly, "You should apologize to Zhong Yu face to face..."    


" No, Qin Lang, I will compensate you. How much do you want? Five hundred thousand, one million, don't be impulsive. If anything happens to me... You won't be able to live either... " Zheng Yan heard Qin Lang's words and shivered in her heart. Qin Lang was prepared to take her life.    


"It's too late..." After Qin Lang said that, he pressed Zheng Yan into the water.    


He had already thought it through. Zhong Yu was dead and his life was meaningless. What was the point of him being alive? After killing Zheng Yan, he would bury Zhong Yu and follow her.    


Zhong Yu, I have not taken good care of you in this life. In the next life, I will make it up to you.    


Wait for me. We will meet again very soon.    


Just as Qin Lang was thinking calmly, Zheng Yan had been pressed into the water for a minute.    


"Gudu du, gudu." A lot of bubbles appeared on the surface of the water. Zheng Yan's hand was forcefully slapping the surface of the water. It was even more intense than Zhong Yu's before.    


Here, there was a loud sound in the distance. The school's iron door was knocked open. A team of cars drove in in in an orderly manner. It was extremely overbearing. When they saw the students, they did not even bother to hide. If the students did not hide quickly... Quite a few accidents had already happened.    


The motorcade drove straight to the Runxi Lake, attracting the attention of the surrounding students.    


These cars were all luxury cars without exception.    


There was Maybach, Bentley, BMW 5 series, Audi... and in the middle was a Rolls-Royce.    


The students had never seen so many luxury cars before. Many people were amazed and took out their phones to take pictures of the motorcade.    


At this time, except for the Rolls-Royce, the doors of all the other luxury cars opened almost at the same time.    


Three to five people got off each car. Although they had different hairstyles, figures, and clothes, they had a common characteristic. Every person had a single word on their right hand - "Dragon."    


As soon as they got out of the car, a group of people quickly rushed to the surrounding crowd and knocked out their phones. A few ferocious bald men used their hands to scan the crowd. They slightly raised their heads and said fiercely, "When the Azure Dragon Society is handling matters, they always force others to do it secretly. If you don't want to cause trouble for yourself, just keep your mouth shut. Which one of you is tired of living and continues to take out your phone... "    


With such a scare, the onlookers were scared to death. They were afraid that they would get into trouble and no one dared to resist.    


"So it's the Azure Dragon Society. This place belongs to the Azure Dragon Society, right?"    


"What do you mean by this place? I heard that there was a bloody battle between the gangs in Jinling last month. The winner is the Azure Dragon Society. Now, they are the leader of the underworld in Jinling."    


"These people are very cruel. It's not a big deal for them to mess with someone in the school. It's over. I'm afraid that guy will be in big trouble today."    


In the crowd, a few boys were discussing in low voices.    


While stopping the crowd from taking pictures, a group of people with iron rods rushed towards Qin Lang and smashed him in the head.    


Qin Lang could only let go of Zheng Yan to save himself.    


Zheng Yan's face separated from the water surface and she breathed in large mouthfuls of fresh air. If it was ten seconds later, she felt that she would end up like Zhong Yu.    


When Zheng Yan was able to catch her breath and was supported to the shore by the Azure Dragon Society's men, the Rolls Royce door opened and a man in his fifties walked out of the car.    


He was wearing a half-sleeved shirt, and his hair was pale. He had a cigar in his mouth.    


He was the leader of the Azure Dragon Society, Lee Qingloong.    


Although the onlookers had never seen Lee Qingloong before, they could guess that he must be one of the most important people in the Azure Dragon Society from his aura.    


"Uncle." Zheng Yan walked towards Lee Qingloong.    


The surrounding onlookers were shocked again. No wonder Zheng Yan could run amok in the school. She was the niece of the big boss of the Azure Dragon Society. Even the principal would not dare to provoke her.    


Zheng Yan hugged Lee Qingloong and cried, "Uncle, if you came a little later, you would not be able to see me. That loser wanted to drown me just now! I want you to help me kill him!"    


"Don't cry, Yan'er." Lee Qingloong gently patted his niece in his arms. "If he dares to bully you in my territory, then he must be tired of living. Uncle will give you a satisfactory answer."    


Li Long's eyes flashed with a trace of poison as he looked at Qin Lang.    


Qin Lang was still fighting with the three strong men in the water. Qin Lang's body was not weak, and he was determined to take revenge for Zhong Yu. He burst out with extraordinary strength.    


Qin Lang snatched the iron staff from one of the strong men's hands and swung it at the man's head. A strong man fell into the water. Qin Lang did not hesitate to attack. Even if he was hit by the iron staff, he did not retreat. It was as if he had bitten a crocodile that did not let go, scaring the three gangsters. Each of them took a few hits from Qin Lang. They were bleeding and lying on the ground.    


Qin Lang also suffered a few injuries on his body, but he didn't care at all. Right now, he only had one thought in his mind - kill Zheng Yan.    


Qin Lang walked step by step towards Zheng Yan, who was standing beside Lee Qingloong. He completely ignored Lee Qingloong.    


"Uncle, look, he is coming over. That was the look in your eyes just now. He wants to kill me. Quickly help me kill him," Zheng Yan said to Lee Qingloong in fear.    


"Don't worry," Lee Qingloong leisurely said to Zheng Yan. He slightly tilted his head to the side. A subordinate standing beside him took out a black pistol from his waist. "With a swoosh, the bullet was loaded and the black gun was aimed at Qin Lang.    


Seeing the gun, some of the onlookers hugged their heads in fear, while others subconsciously took a step back.    


They had only seen guns in movies. Who had seen guns in real life? This was something that could instantly kill. Who wouldn't be afraid?    



However, Qin Lang did not seem to see it. In his eyes, there was only Zheng Yan, who was still walking towards Zheng Yan step by step.    


"Oh?" Lee Qingloong was slightly surprised.    


He raised his hand and pointed at the man holding the gun. He moved his finger slightly. "Arm."    




The gun rang.    


"Ah..." Qin Lang let out a miserable cry and suddenly fell to the ground. He used his hand to cover his right arm. The blood dyed half of his gray sleeve red. The blood became bigger and bigger, darker and darker, dripping onto the dark green lawn.    


Seeing Qin Lang kneeling on the ground, Zheng Yan was extremely happy in her heart. It was as if she had gained a long breath of resentment.    


When the surrounding people heard the gunshot, they were so scared that they cried out loudly. Their hearts almost flew out of their throats.    


Qin Lang stopped on the ground for a few seconds. He stood up, held his bleeding arm, and continued to walk towards Zheng Yan.    


This made Lee Qingloong even more surprised. He showed a smile that he could not understand. Qin Lang was challenging his authority.    


"Hey, idiot, don't move. Otherwise, I will make your head and heart blossom at the same time," Lee Qingloong said to Qin Lang.    


"If someone kills the person you love the most, will you let him go?" Qin Lang said coldly. He hoped that Lee Qingloong would let him deal with Zheng Yan.    


However, Qin Lang's thoughts were too simple.    


Lee Qingloong looked at Zheng Yan doubtfully. Zheng Yan told him the truth. Lee Qingloong glanced at Zhong Yu, who was lying on the grass, and sneered. "She's just a wild girl in a ditch. If she dies, then so be it. What was a pity? You want my niece to pay with her life? "    


" You can't understand me by standing there, right? " Seeing that Qin Lang was still approaching, Lee Qingloong felt very embarrassed. He raised his hand again and angrily shouted, "Legs!"    




The gun rang again.    


"Ah!" Qin Lang instantly fell to the right. He covered his bleeding leg and closed his eyes tightly. He felt a piercing pain.    


Lee Qingloong nodded with satisfaction. He wanted you to not listen to his words. Who did a brat who was still wet behind the ears think he was when he met his father face to face? This is the result.    


Lee Qingloong's smile suddenly stopped, because he saw Qin Lang kneeling on the ground and starting to crawl towards him, leaving a red trail as wide as a man behind him.    


The surrounding people were also touched by Qin Lang. At this time, they temporarily forgot the fear in their hearts. They hoped that Qin Lang could take revenge for their girlfriend, and their eyes were full of compassion and expectation.    


"Stinking loser, you think you can kill me with this kind of behavior?" Zheng Yan looked coldly at Qin Lang who was on the ground and said. She directly snatched the gun from the subordinate. Pointing at Qin Lang's head, she said in a gloomy voice, "Since you like little bitches so much, then go down and accompany her!"    


Zheng Yan's fingers started to exert force and the machine slowly retreated.    


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