Making Great Fortune Overnight

C41 It's Not Her It's Me

C41 It's Not Her It's Me

0Qin Lang didn't care what Elder Huang said.    


He felt that he was really unlucky. Why did the heavens play such a big joke on him when he needed the identity of a rich second generation?    


"Qin Lang, have you finished the call? Didn't you want to prove to us that you are a rich second generation? Where is the evidence? Is there no one to act with you?" Xie Wenjing saw Qin Lang's dead fish expression and was extremely happy in her heart.    


The rest of them switched to their mouth mode again. One by one, extremely insulting words shot towards Qin Lang like cannonballs!    


At this time, Qin Lang had no choice but to glare at the others.    


"Qin Lang..." Zhong Yu looked at Qin Lang and called out softly. Her eyes were full of tenderness and worry. Qin Lang did not speak. His face was serious as he thought quickly in his mind.    


"Qin Lang, please hand over the rest of the stolen money quickly. Otherwise, we will transfer it to the police station!" The teacher from the administration office pressured Qin Lang again.    


"Yes, let him go to jail!"    


"I think he won't shed tears until he sees his coffin! He'll be honest when he's sent to the police station. "    


Qin Lang wanted to refute, but his account was frozen. He tightly held Zhong Yu's hand, the corners of his eyes twitching slightly.    


"Do it, send her to the police station!" The teacher in the administration office shouted. It seemed that he had to teach Qin Lang a lesson. A few impatient boys were about to rush to Qin Lang.    


"Don't arrest him. I took the money!" At this moment, Zhong Yu shouted loudly.    


The ward instantly became quiet. Everyone's eyes were focused on Zhong Yu.    


"How could it be you, Little Zhong Yu? Don't be stupid!" Teacher Su, who was on the sickbed, looked at Zhong Yu in disbelief.    


At this moment, Zhong Yu seemed very calm. She looked at Su Manyun lightly. She bowed deeply to her. "I'm sorry, Teacher Su. I failed to live up to your expectations. I apologize to you. I stole the phone. I took away Cary's money as well. I did everything by myself. My family is too poor, so, I'm sorry... "    


"You really did it all by yourself? Don't cover up for Qin Lang, "the teacher from the Education Bureau questioned.    


Zhong Yu waved Su Manyun's phone. "Look, Teacher Su's phone is in my hands. If it wasn't for Xie Wenjing catching him on the spot today, I wouldn't have admitted it even if I beat him to death. Taking away two million is not a small crime. How could I be stupid enough to take the blame for others?"    


It seemed that it was indeed so. Zhong Yu's words temporarily fooled the others.    


" Since that's the case, then follow us to the police station! " The teacher from the Education Bureau grabbed Zhong Yu's clothes and was about to walk out.    


Before Zhong Yu left, she glanced at Qin Lang with determination in her eyes. She saw that Qin Lang was at a loss and did not want him to suffer injustice. She would rather take the blame herself.    


At this time, although she did not know how to collect the two million lost and may face serious punishment, Zhong Yu did not have a trace of fear in her heart. On the contrary, she was calm.    


At this time, Qin Lang could not calm his heart. He never thought that the usually weak Zhong Yu would choose this kind of method to protect him.    


In addition to shock, he felt Zhong Yu's deep love for him.    


How could Qin Lang be willing to let Zhong Yu take the blame for him?    


When he saw Zhong Yu's glance, Qin Lang felt guilty and guilty. As a man, he actually wanted a woman to protect him? This was not Qin Lang's style!    


"Zhong Yu, don't cover it up for me anymore!" Qin Lang looked at Zhong Yu with a smile and said. It was the fortune of his life to have such a woman.    


Zhong Yu was stunned and did not understand what Qin Lang was saying.    


"What do you mean?" The teacher asked. He carefully savored Qin Lang's words and his expression changed. "You are saying that she is lying. The two million is actually taken by you!"    


"If I say it is not me, do you believe me? Didn't you come to confirm that I am? " Qin Lang asked back.    


"Haha, you finally admitted it. I don't think you can do something like this even if you told me you were from this valley." Xie Wenjing pointed the spearhead at Qin Lang.    


"No, he was lying. It was all my fault." Zhong Yu knew Qin Lang wanted to protect her.    


"Zhong Yu, don't be silly. I planned all of this. I took away two million from Teacher Su. After that, I sold the stolen goods. That's why I took the initiative to approach you. My goal was to spend as much money as possible on you. Later on, I realized that spending money was still too slow. That's why I decided to donate 1 million..."    


"No, then why did you still confess after I admitted it? You are obviously lying." Zhong Yu shook her head slightly. Hearing her words, everyone else understood that at least Zhong Yu was not someone who stole money.    


"Ha." Qin Lang actually smiled with a relaxed expression. "You are too naive. How long do you think you can hide it from me when we are in the police station? Since it is already a dead end, why should I put up a resistance? "    


Zhong Yu was stunned. She could not refute Qin Lang's words.    


"Qin Lang, did you really do it? You only came to me because you wanted to use me?" A circle of bright watery light appeared at the edge of Zhong Yu's eyes. To her, Qin Lang deceiving her feelings was more painful than letting her go to jail.    


"I'm sorry." Qin Lang's eyes lit up.    


At the same time Qin Lang said that, two lines of crystal clear tears fell on Zhong Yu's face. She seemed to have lost all her strength, as if she could be blown away with one breath.    


"Zhong Yu, how are you..." Qin Lang asked with concern, and reached out to help her up.    


"Get lost! At the same time, the Slap landed on Qin Lang's face. She looked at Qin Lang with teary eyes and kept muttering, "Why did you lie to me? Why did you lie to me..."    


Zhong Yu glared at Qin Lang and ran out of the ward with tears in her eyes. Qin Lang looked at Zhong Yu's back in a daze.    


Zhong Yu underestimated Qin Lang's feelings for her. She could bear the responsibility for Qin Lang. Could it be that Qin Lang did not know how to do it?    


"Qin Lang, Qin Lang, I thought you were sincere to Zhong Yu. I didn't expect you to use her. Fortunately, I dumped you earlier!" Xie Wenjing ridiculed Qin Lang. The surrounding classmates were also saying all kinds of malicious words. However, at this moment, Qin Lang could not hear anything. His thoughts had already left with Zhong Yu. He only hoped that Zhong Yu, this silly girl, would not do anything stupid.    


Now that the truth was out, the school's main leaders all came to the hospital. After a few leaders discussed with Su Manyun, considering that they had already recovered the stolen money of 1130,000 yuan, once this matter was spread out, it would not be good for the Jinling University.    


In the end, they unanimously decided not to report it to the police. However, Qin Lang had to return the debt within five years.    


After the discussion was settled, everyone dispersed.    


When Qin Lang returned to school alone, it was already eleven and a half in the night. He originally wanted to call Zhong Yu to ask about her situation, but in the end, he still did not call. Currently, Qin Lang did not have the ability to resolve this matter, so even if he called, he could not tell Zhong Yu the truth.    


Just treat it as giving her time to calm down.    


When they returned to the dormitory, Ren Hao and the others had heard about Qin Lang's matter. They were worried and persuaded Qin Lang to not worry about them. Qin Lang just wanted to have a good sleep because he was too tired today.    


The next day, when Qin Lang woke up, it was already ten and a half in the morning. His phone rang. It was the cheerleader Xia Qing calling.    


"Qin Lang, why did you pick up so late? Let me tell you, my cousin is free today. I have already arranged for you to meet her. You will have lunch with her at the Central Mall this afternoon. When you come, clean yourself up."    



"Xia Qing, why didn't you tell me beforehand? I don't want to go today." Qin Lang was really not in the mood for such a big thing that happened yesterday.    


"Hey, what am I doing? When will I have to report to you? It's fine if I don't come. Just wait." After Xia Qing said that, she hung up the phone.    


Last time, Qin Lang had indeed promised Xia Qing that he would help her cousin. Qin Lang was a very trustworthy person. Since the two million yuan matter could not be resolved now, he did not need to be too conflicted. He should go and see Xia Qing first.    


Qin Lang got up to wash up and quickly ran to the central square.    


At this time in the central square, Xia Qing and Yang Siqi were sitting under the umbrella drinking lemon juice. Xia Qing hung up the phone with Qin Lang complacently.    


"What? Does Qin Lang not want to come?" Yang Siqi asked worriedly.    


"Can you let him? Don't worry, cousin. He will definitely come. If he dares not come, wait for me to teach him a lesson when we go back!" Xia Qing said confidently.    


Yang Siqi's heart calmed down a little. She took a sip of lemon juice and her eyes quietly glanced at Xia Qing.    


Her cousin still had this kind of overbearing attitude towards Young Master Qin. This indicated that she still did not see any clues about Young Master Qin's identity as a second generation rich kid. This was good. I am missing a tough opponent.    


"Cousin, what can this loser Qin Lang do? You really can't think of anything?" Xia Qing wanted to laugh when she thought of the situation at the shrimp shop that day.    


"What's wrong?" Yang Siqi was very interested in the news about Qin Lang.    


"Him asking for money at the entrance of the shop! He's the kind that beggars beg for money. Don't even mention how disgusting he is... " Xia Qing told Yang Siqi about what happened that day.    


"Yes, he is really a loser." Yang Siqi agreed. Of course, she did not believe in her heart that Qin Lang really asked for money at the entrance of the store. She guessed that Xia Qing must have misunderstood Qin Lang. When she first saw Qin Lang, didn't she treat Qin Lang as a poor loser?    


"But after this loser, he shocked us. He drove a Mercedes-Benz Big G here!" Xia Qing looked into Yang Siqi's eyes and said.    


"Cough." Yang Siqi immediately choked, "What? It's a big G!"    


Yang Siqi was not surprised by the big G. Someone who could drive a Supreme Card in the Citibank. Isn't it normal to drive a big G of Mercedes-Benz? She was afraid that Xia Qing would find out that Qin Lang was a super rich second generation!    


"Haha, cousin, look at how surprised you are. Do you think... That loser, Qin Lang, is a super rich second generation?" Xia Qing laughed happily, "No. Later on, I specially asked Ran Ying and Ran Ying told me. It was not Qin Lang's car, but someone else's. He came here to act cool. "    


" Is that so? Cousin, your eyes are sharp. You can tell with a single glance! " Yang Siqi's heart was once again put back into her stomach. Fortunately, Xia Qing did not doubt it.    


"That's not it. Qin Lang, that 24K loser, I think with my little finger. I know it is not his," Xia Qing said confidently. But on that day, no one knew who was chasing Qin Lang's car. She cried and begged Qin Lang to give her a ride.    


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