Making Great Fortune Overnight

C38 Something Happened to Teacher Su

C38 Something Happened to Teacher Su

0After getting rid of the others, the two of them walked to the side of Runxi Lake. At this time, the sky was almost dark. The ink-black clouds in the sky made the tranquil lake surface look tranquil and distant.    


Zhong Yu's hand was holding the corner of her clothes as she strolled by the lake, looking absent-minded.    


"What's wrong?" Qin Lang was a little worried.    


"I never thought you were such a rich second generation." Zhong Yu did not look at Qin Lang. She looked at the surface of the lake and smiled with disappointment and bitterness.    


"Do you dislike me for lying to you before? Zhong Yu, you believe me. The reason why I did not tell you. It was because I felt that the time was not ripe yet. I had never thought about it. I have to keep hiding it from you..." Qin Lang hurriedly explained to Zhong Yu.    


Qin Lang's words touched Zhong Yu's heart. At the same time, her heart was even more confused.    


"I know, but..." Zhong Yu quickened her pace and walked to a stone beside the lake and sat down. She picked up a few stones and threw them into the lake aimlessly.    


"But what? Do you doubt my loyalty to you? I can prove it to you now. "Qin Lang was very anxious as he did not know what Zhong Yu was thinking.    


"No..." Zhong Yu became less and less confident under Qin Lang's questioning. She turned to Qin Lang and stared into his eyes. "You are a super rich second generation, and I am just a little girl who walked out of a northeastern valley. I am not good enough for you. When I thought about it, I bought rotten fruits for you to eat. I felt that I was ridiculous. You casually gave me one million yuan. Why would I care about that..."    


After Zhong Yu said those words, she felt that her ten days of life that seemed like a dream had come to an end. She stood up and was about to leave. In her heart, she decided that she would never have any interaction with Qin Lang again.    


How could Qin Lang let Zhong Yu leave just like that? He quickly grabbed Zhong Yu's hand, but Zhong Yu left too quickly and had greater strength.    


Zhong Yu could not withstand the strength and immediately ran into Qin Lang's arms. Qin Lang took advantage of the opportunity and hugged Zhong Yu. Zhong Yu tried to break free a few times but Qin Lang did not let go.    


"Let go. The gap between us is too big..." Zhong Yu said in Qin Lang's arms. At this moment, her heart was very complicated. If Qin Lang was just an ordinary student, how could she not want to be old with Qin Lang?    


Qin Lang did not say anything. He just looked at Zhong Yu quietly and even gently smiled.    


"What are you laughing at?" Only then did Zhong Yu take a look at Qin Lang. When she saw the smile on Qin Lang's handsome face, Zhong Yu felt puzzled and a trace of anger.    


Now you talk about such an important matter, and you are still so indecent.    


"I thought you were worried about something. It turns out you are worried that you are not good enough for me. How about this, I will go to my family tomorrow and tell them that I will not inherit any of the family's property in the future. You also don't need the family's financial aid, so you don't have to worry about it, right? "    


"Are you stupid?" Zhong Yu couldn't help but curse when she heard Qin Lang's absurd idea.    


"I am not stupid. Compared to the family's wealth, I want to pursue what I care about more," Qin Lang said seriously. "Are you going to leave me?"    


At this moment, Zhong Yu was touched by Qin Lang. There was a trace of sweetness in her heart.    


"When did I say I don't want you?" Zhong Yu slightly lowered her head and said shyly in a low voice. This sentence made Qin Lang's heart sweeter than cotton candy.    


Qin Lang's face slowly approached Zhong Yu's pink lips. Zhong Yu also realized that she was especially nervous and looked at him at a loss.    


Just when Qin Lang could already feel Zhong Yu's breath, Zhong Yu used her finger to block Qin Lang's restless lips. "You have to promise me first that you are not allowed to give up the inheritance of the family."    


If Qin Lang made such a ridiculous decision because of her, Zhong Yu would feel very guilty in her heart.    


"Okay, I promise you!" Qin Lang was very excited at that moment. After he said that, he continued to press on Zhong Yu's lips.    


Zhong Yu's lips were so thin, so soft, and so sweet. Qin Lang kissed her, as if he had entered a fairyland. He thought so much that time would stay at this moment forever, and let him immerse himself in the warmth of this moment forever.    


After a long time, Qin Lang reluctantly let go of Zhong Yu.    


Qin Lang pulled Zhong Yu and prepared to go to the canteen to eat. They had just walked a few steps. Zhong Yu She noticed something reflecting light in the grass, so she walked over with Qin Lang to take a look. She flipped open the grass and saw a phone. The phone card was gone, and the message in the phone had been deleted. However, the phone was good.    


"I don't know if this phone was accidentally lost or not." Zhong Yu held the phone in her hand and felt a little puzzled.    


"I think someone must have abandoned it and lost it. Didn't you see that the card and the data in the phone have been deleted? Zhong Yu, I think you should take it and use it." Qin Lang had wanted to change Zhong Yu's phone for a long time, but he wanted to use Zhong Yu's personality. He was afraid that she would not accept it. This phone looked at least better than Zhong Yu's. Qin Lang wanted Zhong Yu to use it.    


"Not good. What if someone else threw it away?" Zhong Yu smiled and glared at Qin Lang. "I will take this phone first. Anyway, I often come to Runxi Lake. I should be able to meet him. If no one wants it. I'll use it again. "    


"That's good too." Qin Lang and Zhong Yu wanted to continue walking towards the canteen.    


At this time, Qin Lang's class group sent a message to everyone. It was from Wang Shunwu. "@ Everyone, everyone immediately come to Area A's classroom 1302 for a meeting. No leave of absence is allowed, or Su Tuo's marks will be deducted!"    


Coincidentally, Zhong Yu also received the same message.    


It seemed like something had happened within the entire academy.    


Qin Lang and Zhong Yu could only break up and walk towards the classroom where their respective classes were having a meeting.    


When they reached the classroom, all the students had already arrived. Qin Lang saw Ren Hao and Yin Yan, so he went over and sat down.    


"Hey, Qin Lang, look at Gao Yu and Xie Wenjing. They usually look like losers. I don't know what happened today, but they look like frosted eggplants. When they saw me just now, they didn't mock me. They even looked a little afraid of me. Did these two guys take the wrong medicine today? " Ren Hao said with amusement.    


Qin Lang looked at Gaoyuan and Xie Wenjing. When the two of them met his gaze, they were like mice seeing a cat. They immediately avoided him timidly!    


Qin Lang smiled faintly. It seemed that the stimulation he gave these two in the afternoon at the Tree Flower Building was not light.    


At this time, the Mediterranean hairstyle teacher, Wang Shunwu, hurriedly walked in. His old face was full of worry. The students tactfully stopped their discussion. However, they were very curious about what had happened. Why was Wang Shunwu so anxious?    


"Students, there was a sudden situation today..." Wang Shunwu cleared his throat and said solemnly to the students below the stage, "The flower school teacher who taught you, and also Su Manyun and Teacher Su from the school's finance department. Two million yuan in charge of the school's construction of the new internship base, someone stole the account password today. All of it has been taken away. If the money can't be recovered, Teacher Su will have to bear the responsibility alone. If he can't pay it back, he will be locked up in jail... "    


"Teacher Su found out that he lost the money and fainted. He is still being treated in the People's Hospital..."    


"If anyone knows any clues, report to me immediately," Wang Shunwu said on the podium.    


Hearing Wang Shunwu's words, the students in the classroom exploded. They did not expect that something happened to Teacher Su. When they heard that Teacher Su lost two million, they opened their mouths wide and felt scared for Teacher Su.    


Two million yuan. If they could not find it, Teacher Su would have to live in prison for the rest of his life.    


Qin Lang was also shocked. The first thing he thought of was how to help Teacher Su. When he thought of Su Manyun's worried and frightened look, Qin Lang felt especially tormented.    


"Teacher Wang, why don't we raise it together!" Qin Lang said in a panic.    


"Raise it together? Do you think it's a good idea? If you say on the fundraising platform, how are we going to write the reason for the application? " Wang Shunwu never liked Qin Lang. "We will write it. Because of personal mistakes, we lost two million yuan. They had no choice but to raise the funds. What do you think? They were going to scold the netizens for being shameless. The school still needs face. I say, Qin Lang, Teacher Su has always been good to you. Can you be more careful? Luckily, Teacher Su isn't here. Otherwise, you will definitely get mad! "    


"No brain..."    


"Why do you think this person is so stupid?"    



"He is trying to frame Teacher Su, right? He really knows people's faces, but he doesn't know their hearts. Luckily, Teacher Su always treats him so well!"    


Qin Lang wanted to help Teacher Su as soon as possible. He wanted to raise funds on the internet, so he could donate two million to Teacher Su in secret.    


After Wang Shunwu and his other classmates talked about it, Qin Lang's mind cooled down a little. The idea just now was not realistic.    


"Alright, everyone remember to report to me immediately if you have any clues. The meeting will be adjourned now!" After Wang Shunwu said that, he walked out of the classroom with a bitter face.    


Qin Lang walked out of the classroom and found Zhong Yu. The two of them strolled along the small road on the campus.    


"Last semester, it was Teacher Su who helped me with the poverty scholarship. She also took care of me in life. Why did this happen to her?" Zhong Yu frowned slightly and was worried for Teacher Su in her heart.    


Teacher Su had also helped Zhong Yu. Qin Lang looked at Zhong Yu's pained expression and was even more determined to help Teacher Su.    


"Qin Lang, why don't we go and see Teacher Su together? She must be very helpless in the hospital right now..." Zhong Yu looked at Qin Lang.    


"En, Zhong Yu, you go first. I still have some things to do. Say hello to Teacher Su on my behalf and tell her not to worry. The situation will get better very soon!"    


Zhong Yu was a little disappointed. Qin Lang did not go with her to see Teacher Su, but she trusted Qin Lang very much. He must have something to do, so he would not go. Zhong Yu nodded and went to the People's Hospital alone.    


Qin Lang had already made up his mind in his heart.    


He was going to write on the note, "Teacher Su, I'm sorry. I am the bad guy who took away your money. Now I have a conscience. You put your bank account on your Weibo. I'll transfer 2 million yuan to you! "    


When Teacher Su returned to his desk from the hospital and saw the note, Qin Lang transferred 2 million yuan to her bank account and everything was settled!    


Qin Lang made up his mind and walked to Teacher Su's office.    


At the same time, the door of his mentor Wang Shunwu's office was pushed open, and a girl walked in with a strange smile on her face.    


"Xie Wenjing, it's so late. You came to my office because..." Wang Shunwu looked at Xie Wenjing's figure. He wondered if Xie Wenjing wanted to get high marks in the midterm exam and offered herself to him.    


However, he was wrong. Xie Wenjing closed the door and said excitedly, "Professor, I know who took away two million from Teacher Su."    


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