Making Great Fortune Overnight

C37 He Was Lying

C37 He Was Lying

0Ding Rui thought she was too pretty when she saw so many boys looking at her mysteriously. They were all talking about her beauty, and deliberately put on a shy and lovable look. It really did have a bit of a coy feeling.    


"Everyone look at the camera and smile," the person on the camera said. However, in his camera, he did not take a picture of Ding Rui at all.    


After taking the picture, the host let everyone go down, but he pulled Qin Lang and Zhong Yu back.    


"Qin Lang, please wait for a moment. As the first person to donate this time, everyone is curious about your situation. Can you accept my short interview with you?"    


"Qin Lang, accept the interview."    


"I really want to know you! Handsome guy!"    


The audience below the stage also started to jeer.    


"Er... Is that alright?" Qin Lang had no choice but to agree. He held Zhong Yu's hand and stood in the middle of the stage.    


"Excuse me, Qin Lang, is this girl your girlfriend?" The host asked a gossipy question from the beginning. Everyone was looking forward to Qin Lang's answer.    


"That's right. She is my girlfriend." Qin Lang held Zhong Yu's hand tighter. At this time, he was also a little nervous. He was afraid that Zhong Yu would reject him, but when he saw Zhong Yu's shy smile, he lowered his head. The big stone in his heart was put down, and his heart was sweet.    


Below the stage, there was a heavy sigh from the girls.    


"Excuse me, Qin Lang, why didn't you leave your name after donating?"    


"Well, it's very simple. My purpose of donating is to help the children in the mountain village. I don't want an undeserved reputation. Besides, 130,000 is not a big deal to me. So, it doesn't matter to me whether I leave my name or not."    


After Qin Lang finished speaking, the girls below the stage praised him. Each and every one of them shouted Qin Lang's name loudly. As long as Qin Lang could look at them, he would feel extremely happy.    


"Well said. Forgive me for being presumptuous. You are so rich. Why do you not seem to be wearing very good clothes? But your girlfriend is wearing very good clothes..." The host asked again.    


"You can just say that I am dressed like a cheetah. I don't mind," Qin Lang said directly. The host was embarrassed. "Although I am a rich second generation, I don't think so. If you're a rich second generation, you have to wear branded clothes. On the contrary, I feel that it's rather old-fashioned. How can I wear it when I'm comfortable? As for my girlfriend, I love her, so I'm willing to buy her nice clothes..."    


"You're really too charming. I can't help but fall in love with you. One last question. You're so low-key. In your life, has anyone ever misunderstood you because of this?"    


"Oh?" Qin Lang looked at Ding Rui and Gaoyuan, who were sitting below the stage. He smiled. "That is true."    


Qin Lang was not a person who would seek revenge for the smallest grievance. He liked to sit down and discuss everything. However, Ding Rui had gone too far just now. Not only had she insulted him, but she had also hurt Zhong Yu, which made him very angry.    


"Just now, there was a brother who said I was a loser in front of me, and he also said that I could not afford to eat in the canteen... His girlfriend said that my girlfriend did not deserve to wear the clothes of the Autumn Water Beauty, and said that the two of us were vain..."    


After Qin Lang finished speaking, the audience at the venue became indignant, and they all looked for the couple that Qin Lang was talking about.    


"This is infuriating. These two people are really a perfect match for each other. The man has a foul mouth, and the woman has a nasty mouth!"    


"Student Qin Lang donated 130,000 yuan. What you said is really awesome. If you have the guts, come out and tell me how much money you donated."    


"For example, students like Qin Lang, who have a good view of the world and are rich and young, don't let me know who that dog couple is. I'm afraid I won't be able to control my fist."    




At this moment, Ding Rui and Gao Yu's faces turned green from anger. They really wanted to stand up and scold Qin Lang, but they only looked at the agitated crowd. However, they became timid again. If they stood up, they did not know if they would really be beaten badly.    


"This kind of person is the trash of Jinling University. You must not take it to heart. Most of us know Qin Lang's character! Thank you for accepting my interview. Come, let's applaud and send Miss Qin Lang and Miss Zhong Yu off the stage! "    


There were thunderous applause below the stage. The students sincerely admired Qin Lang and envied Zhong Yu for finding a super rich young master like Qin Lang.    


"Qin Lang, you really have the nerve!" Qin Lang and Zhong Yu were just about to walk down the stage when a girl came from the entrance of the hall. Step by step, she got up from the stage. There was a trace of a cold smile on her face. Her sharp eyes locked onto Qin Lang's face.    


Qin Lang saw that she was slightly shocked and smiled bitterly in his heart. Why was Xie Wenjing floating around like a ghost?    


The others were very dissatisfied with Xie Wenjing. Qin Lang was such a well-mannered person, yet you also had the face to turn black and pour dirty water on him. It was too shameless. Suddenly, there was a loud voice in the hall that was dissatisfied with Xie Wenjing.    


Xie Wenjing turned a deaf ear to it and continued to walk towards the stage with a cold smile.    


She saw everything just now. She felt that Qin Lang was really too shameless!    


She could not understand the situation on the day of the donation. It was not as high-profile as Qin Lang had said. He had clearly donated 130,000 foolishly in order to perform in front of her! This money had even been won by the lottery.    


He watched Qin Lang and Zhong Yu standing in the middle of the stage, accepting the cheers and envy of the crowd like celebrities. Xie Wenjing felt very unhappy in her heart. Qin Lang was just one of her boyfriends that she had dumped. Zhong Yu. He was just a country bumpkin. Xie Wenjing just could not accept that they were better than her.    


As she spoke, Xie Wenjing had already walked onto the stage. She coldly snorted at Qin Lang and Zhong Yu. She snatched the host's microphone and loudly said to the audience below the stage, "Students, you have all been deceived by Qin Lang. He is not some rich second generation, but a genuine loser!"    


The audience naturally did not believe him and told Xie Wenjing to stop talking nonsense. However, Xie Wenjing did not panic at all.    


"The day Qin Lang donated, I was by his side. The truth was that he wanted to show off his magnanimity in front of me. He wanted to chase me, so he pretended to be generous and donated 130,000 yuan! Furthermore, the 130,000 yuan he donated wasn't his family's money, but the money from the lottery! If you don't believe me, you can ask this female classmate. Is what I said the truth!?" Xie Wenjing looked at the ponytail girl.    


"I think... The ponytail girl said in a low voice, "It is indeed like this. That day, this classmate was by Qin Lang's side.    


This time, the other students all believed her.    


"So what this kid said just now was all lies. What kind of rich second generation? Bah, I think he's a 24K top quality loser."    


"So it turns out that he donated money in order to act cool in front of a beauty. Just now, he said it so righteously. I didn't expect that his lie would be exposed so quickly, right?"    


"So it's the money for winning the lottery. Look at the clothes he's wearing that looks like a beggar's. If he has some money, buy him two decent clothes first. Learn from others to donate money. His head must be rusted, right?"    




When they heard everyone scolding Qin Lang and Zhong Yu, Xie Wenjing, Ding Rui, and Gao Yu's hearts were filled with joy.    


"Can everyone allow me to say something?" Qin Lang said to the audience with a calm expression.    


The audience below the stage did not appreciate it. What else do you have to say now? You are a liar and a loser.    


"Everyone, why don't you listen to what this loser is going to say to prevent others from saying that we bullied him?" Xie Wenjing knew that no matter what Qin Lang said now, it would not change the situation. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and raised her eyebrows at Qin Lang.    


"Ahem." Qin Lang cleared his throat. "I have made a decision at the last minute. I will donate another one million to the poor village."    


What, one million? This was a number that many people could not earn in their lifetime. Qin Lang was only a second-year student. How could he have so much money?    


Everyone's first reaction was that Qin Lang was in a desperate situation.    



"Let's not talk about one million. Today, you can take out 500 yuan. I'll give in to you!" Xie Wenjing did not take Qin Lang's words seriously at all. She had calculated. One hundred and fifty thousand yuan from Qin Lang should be gone by now.    


The others were like Xie Wenjing. They just thought that Qin Lang had farted and mocked him nonstop.    


Qin Lang did not care about these people. He directly asked for the donation account from the ponytail guy and called Che Hui, the customer manager of Citibank. He asked Che Hui to transfer one million yuan to this account.    


Soon, a staff member rushed to the stage and whispered something to the host. The host's face changed and looked at Qin Lang in surprise.    


"He really donated. Just now, the school really received one million from the account. The donor is Qin Lang!" The host's hand holding the microphone trembled as he said excitedly to the audience below the stage.    


At this moment, everyone quieted down. They looked at Qin Lang as if they were looking at a god. Although they were in the same hall as Qin Lang, they felt that Qin Lang was an unreachable person. They had worked hard for their entire lives, but they could never catch up to the amount of money he donated today.    


"Qin Lang, do you have any thoughts to share with your classmates at the scene?" The host held up the microphone very attentively. Looking at Qin Lang's handsome face, he wished he could kiss him hard on the microphone.    


"Actually, how much money I donate is not much of a difference to me. I just hope that the children in the mountain village can have a good growing environment!"    


Qin Lang glanced at Xie Wenjing, who was stunned, and continued, "Of course, I don't like it when some people maliciously fabricate rumors about me and use malicious words to insult me."    


After Qin Lang finished speaking, there was a burst of applause and cheers from the audience.    


"This is the magnanimity of a super rich second generation! If you want to say that Student Qin Lang is a super loser, I will be the first to disagree!"    


"Qin Lang is too handsome, he is very handsome, a perfect prince charming with high self-esteem. Give me a chance!"    


"That bad woman just now was trying to hurt Qin Lang's prince charming. She is really infuriating! She even said that Qin Lang's prince charming wanted to chase you. Pah, why don't you take a piss? "    


This time, Xie Wenjing became the target of public criticism. A large group of girls rushed over, pulled her hair, and pulled her clothes, causing Xie Wenjing to be in a sorry state. She was beaten out of the hall.    


Qin Lang and Zhong Yu became like celebrities, surrounded by everyone. Qin Lang took advantage of the time when the girls were chasing and beating Xie Wenjing. At this time, there were fewer people. He quickly protected Zhong Yu and left the hall. After running for a while, the others stopped chasing.    


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