God Prison



0The countenance of the Sacred Emperor instantly sank. He instantly understood that this guy, the Li Emperor, was purposefully making trouble for him. He was trying to provoke him.    


"Lihuang, is it because your hands are itchy that you want to fight? Just say it, there's no need to beat around the bush and anger me!"    


The Li Emperor leaped up from the ground, his head twisted to the left and right, his face filled with the desire to do battle.    


"Saint King, it's boring for us to be waiting here. How about we exchange a few moves? Let me see if you've made any progress!"    




The Sacred Emperor turned around and faced the Li Emperor. He was ranked fourth on the Heavenly Demon Ranking, while he was ranked second. In his heart, he wanted to see just how far off this number was.    


"Good, haha!"    


The Holy Emperor leapt eight meters into the air, then charged towards the Holy Emperor as well.    


In this place, the true strength of both of them had been greatly affected by the restrictions of the Forbidden Sky Forbidden Spell. However, this did not affect the battle between the two of them.    


The two of them walked eight meters in a single step, and soon, they met in the sky. It was as if two comets were colliding with each other, and the sky was filled with the sounds of a fierce battle.    


The world behind the Li Emperor became dark. A black divine dragon flew out from the darkness, baring its fangs and brandishing its claws. It charged at the Saint King with a terrifying power that could destroy everything.    


The Sacred Emperor faintly smiled as he gestured with his right hand. In that instant, a dazzling Imperial Jade Seal appeared in his hand.    


He threw the Imperial Jade Seal in his hand and it instantly grew a thousand times larger in the air. Immediately, a huge Imperial Jade Seal, carrying a terrifying Emperor's aura, collided ferociously with the black divine dragon behind the Li Emperor.    


The divine black dragon's pitch-black claws tore through space and time, arriving in front of the Imperial Jade Seal in the blink of an eye.    


The Imperial Jade Seal spun in a circle, emitting a golden light at the bottom. When the light shone on the dragon claw, the speed of the dragon claw instantly slowed down by countless times. It was as if the dragon claw was immobilized, unable to move a single step.    




The Li Emperor gave a cold snort. The black divine dragon behind him let out an angry roar, and a black dragon breath surged out from its mouth.    


The dragon breath instantly entered the golden divine light of the Imperial Jade Seal. It was as if water and fire met each other as crackling sounds were emitted.    


Dragon breaths and divine light were devouring each other, but one could see that the divine light was being devoured even faster and the area it covered was also shrinking rapidly.    


The Sacred Emperor narrowed his eyes and tapped the Imperial Jade Seal with his index finger.    


"The Imperial Seal is the ruler of the world!"    


Instantly, the surroundings of the Emperor Imprint were filled with mountains and rivers. These mountains and rivers were like the mountains and rivers he ruled over. With a point of his finger, these mountains and rivers all pressed down towards the divine black dragon.    


"Haha, and now you're using your virtual world to smash me!"    


The Li Emperor laughed heartily. Clenching his right fist, he instantly sent a punch towards that mountain and river.    


At the same time, the black divine dragon behind him swung its tail, slashing it towards the emperor's emperor's seal.    


"Boom …"    


A loud sound rang out in the sky. It was as if the sky couldn't stand the battle between the two of them and instantly caved in.    


Two figures flew out, and the one on the left quickly stabilized his body and prepared to charge forward.    


"You two, enough!"    


A cold female voice resounded through the world. The Li Emperor stopped in his tracks, as he kept his Emperor Seal.    


"Xuanyuan Xue, what's wrong with you again? If we fight, we'll be in your way!"    


Although the Li Emperor said this, he still withdrew his hand and stood to the side in a very proper manner. The Saint King also smiled and completely retracted his aura.    




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