God Prison



0When Bai Xiaochun saw that Niu Thirteen had actually taken out so many low-grade Desolate Stone, he was astonished.    


However, with a quick wave of his sleeve, he collected all the Desolate Stone on the ground    


The greed in the eyes of the surrounding disciples disappeared only after they saw Bai Xiaochun take the Great Desolation Stone. However, some of them still set their eyes on Niu Thirteen.    


Bai Xiaochun was an apothecary. They had to fawn over him. They did not dare to snatch him away from him, but Niu Thirteen was just an ordinary disciple in the middle stage of the second level of the Longevity Realm.    


Since he was able to take out six thousand low-grade Great Desolation Stones, it meant that he had even more Great Desolation Stones on him.    


Many people looked at Niu Thirteen with different expressions. They looked at him greedily. If it wasn't for the fact that they were flying towards the cave, there might have already been people coming to snatch his money.    


After Bai Xiaochun received the 6000 low-grade Desolation Stones, he quickly put away the pills on the ground and rushed out of the crowd with Niu Thirteen in tow.    


"Are you tired of living? You took out so many Desolate Stone in front of so many people, once you leave the Heavenly Demon Sect, they will kill you to steal your wealth. Don't you understand the principle of not revealing your wealth?"    


Bai Xiaochun felt a little resentful that he had failed. He did not expect Niu Thirteen to be so reckless.    


Niu Thirteen faintly smiled. He didn't think too much about it just now, but right now, he wasn't even sure if he could survive until the next day.    


He wasn't worried about anyone killing him; he was in debt and not under pressure. Anyway, the Saint Devil and the Tai Cang Alliance already planned on not letting him go.    


He did not know how many more times he could last in the death row. Perhaps he would be killed by someone in the death match tomorrow.    


When Bai Xiaochun saw that Niu Thirteen did not seem to care about it at all, he rolled his eyes helplessly.    


He dragged Niu Thirteen out of the flying cave and into a safe area. Then, he took out 60 bottles and gave them to Niu Thirteen.    


"Here are 60 low-grade 2-star beast qi pills. Are you in urgent need of a low-grade 2-star beast qi pill?"    


"That's right, it's extremely urgent. However, I've given you all the Desolate Stone on me. I only have enough to buy sixty of them!"    


Niu Thirteen happily received the 60 bottles of low-grade 2-star demonic pills from Bai Xiaochun. He was elated within his heart.    


"Okay, I won't ask you anymore, but I still have to tell you, in the future you must not be as reckless as before. Laying your wealth in front of so many people, even if you have ten lives, it won't be enough for them to kill you!"    


"Thank you, Senior Bai!"    


Niu Thirteen sincerely thanked Bai Xiaochun.    


"Mm, then that's it for now. I'll be leaving first!"    


"Wait, Senior Bai!"    


"What's wrong?"    


Bai Xiaochun looked suspiciously at Niu Thirteen.    


"Senior Bai, I have a Great Desolation Stone. Can I continue to buy low-grade 2-star beasts' pills from you? Do you have more?" "I need more in the future …"    


Niu Thirteen looked at Bai Xiaochun with some anticipation. The saber mark on his forehead could only be filled with a thousand low-grade 2nd-grade Demon Energy Pills.    


Although he had bought 60 low-grade 2-star beast cores, he was still a far cry from that.    


If Bai Xiaochun still had some, then perhaps he wouldn't have to worry about buying low-grade 2-star demonic pills from him in the future.    


After all, a thousand low-grade 2-star beast cores was hard to find in the flying hole. If Bai Xiaochun could supply it to him for a long time, he wouldn't have to worry about a low-grade 2-star beast cores.    


"I still have a little bit more. I can help you refine as much as you need!"    


Bai Xiaochun felt that 13 people were not bad, and they were rich enough to buy 60 low-grade 2-star beast qi pills in one go.    




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