God Prison



0The examinees were all a bit frightened, afraid that these dead people would suddenly attack them.    


However, their worries were unnecessary. The army of the dead did not attack them, but allowed them to walk to the stone door safely.    


Emperor Qing waved his hand at the examinees, and they walked to his side. Emperor Qing pointed at the stone door.    


A few of the examinees understood what he meant. They walked up to the stone door and pushed on it at the same time.    


However, they were unable to open the door no matter what. Emperor Qing called for a few more people to push it away with the others.    


However, they were still unable to push it open. In the end, all the candidates pushed it open, but they were still unable to push it open.    


This made everyone look at each other in dismay. If the stone door could not be opened, then they could not enter.    


Niu Thirteen frowned. He felt that something was wrong. He raised his head and looked at the sky.    


He realized that it was dusk and the sky had begun to darken.    


"That's right, that cold voice, he kept reminding us, and every time is when it gets dark, or when it's daylight, he would remind us, maybe we just have to wait until it gets dark and the cold voice appears, then we'll know how to open the door!"    


Niu Thirteen's voice made everyone suddenly realize something. They all thought of that cold voice.    


Previously, when that cold voice had appeared, it meant that everyone was going to experience a crisis of death.    


But now, everyone wished for the cold voice to appear again. After all, they were surrounded by dead people.    


They were also worried that after a while, these dead people would suddenly attack them. Right now, they were trapped in the encirclement of the dead army.    


If the army of the dead attacked them, not a single one of them would be able to escape.    


Just like that, the sky darkened even more as both the dead and examinees waited for the sky to turn dark.    


When the sky completely darkened, the cold voice indeed sounded.    


"Congratulations for reaching the island alive. Now, I will open the door to the tower. Your mission is to reach the top before dawn. We will meet again at dawn!"    


The cold voice was the same as usual. With that, it disappeared. After the cold voice disappeared, the stone door slowly opened.    


"Rumble …"    


The stone door was completely opened from the inside. The interior of the tower was pitch black. Death God and Emperor Qing exchanged a glance before they turned around and looked at the examinees behind them.    


The few examinees in front were being watched by the Death God and Emperor Qing. They had no choice but to brace themselves and enter through the stone door. They were forced to lead the charge.    


Death looked back at the army of dead that followed it all the way here. It could not leave with all the dead.    


"Roar …"    


It rushed towards the dead army and roared, and then the dead army all turned back, leaving the stone door and running towards the sea.    


The God of Death gave the last order to the army of the dead, letting them all return to that demonic energy.    


The army of the dead had all left, and this place had become much emptier.    


The god of death looked last at a great army of the dead, the back of a man swimming away from the sea, then turned and entered the stone gate.    


The examinees, Death God, and Emperor Qing all entered through the stone door, and the stone door closed again after they entered.    


After Niu Thirteen followed the group through the stone door, he discovered that he seemed to have entered a dark world.    


And the most terrifying thing was that the people who entered with him had all disappeared, leaving only him behind.    


Where did the others go? Why was he the only one left?    


He quickly calmed himself down and looked around. He started to search his surroundings for the entrance to the tower's peak.    




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