God Prison



0Right when Wu Feng and the four white clothed young girls were about to battle.    


At the entrance of the palace, a figure rushed out. Behind him, there were three dead people.    


The one who came out was none other than Xing Xuan. Behind him, there were three dead people. After he ran out of the palace, he rushed towards a crowded area.    


The three dead followed him and rushed over.    


Wu Feng, Bai Yunxiao, and the others who were prepared to fight a life and death battle turned to face the dead man almost at the same time when they saw him.    


After Xing Xuan ran into the crowd, he turned around and stood shoulder to shoulder with everyone. The three dead men also rushed over.    


The auras of these three dead people were extremely strong. Each of them were as strong as the white-clothed female's that Wu Feng had killed before.    


Wu Feng didn't dare to be careless. After all, there were three of them, and he could only deal with one of them. As for the other two, he didn't know if the others could handle them.    


The four white clothed young women stood together, blocking one of the dead people.    


Li Xue had been following Niu Thirteen the entire time. Now that a dead man was charging over, she would work with Niu Thirteen to deal with this dead man.    


As for Wu Feng and Xing Xuan, they were going to deal with the last one.    


The three dead were all stopped. When the battle had begun, the four women in white had been caught off guard by the dead despite the large number of people present.    


This was because their swords could only pierce a single hole in a dead person's body. If it was against a living person, then this hole would be fatal.    


However, what they were facing was a dead person. As long as the dead person's head was not destroyed, even if their entire body was pierced through by a hundred holes, they would still be full of energy and vitality.    


Therefore, the four of them were almost instantly at a disadvantage. If it wasn't for the large number of people, one of them would have been killed by the dead.    


However, as time passed, they also gradually grasped the rhythm of the battle. After all, they had the advantage in numbers.    


As for the two battle circles on the side, they were a little better. With one strike of Ox Thirteen, it had been hacked back to the point of death. Li Xue had pierced through its chest from behind.    


The dead man turned around and bit Li Xue. On his forehead, a knife tip pierced out. Niu Thirteen pulled out a long knife from the dead man's head.    


The corpse fell limply to the ground. At the same time, Wu Feng and Xing Xuan also killed the dead.    


On the other hand, Wu Feng casually took the black pearl from the dead man's head. This scene was seen by Xing Xuan. He looked at Wu Feng with doubt, his eyes flashing with a light of deep thought.    


After killing the dead person, Niu Thirteen did not take the black pearl, but gave it to Li Xue. Li Xue happily took away the black pearl.    


Those four women in white also killed the dead. They stood together, but they didn't go to find trouble with Wu Feng.    


That was because they had also seen it during the battle at the Martial Peak. They realized that even if all four of them were together, they might not be a match for Wu Feng.    


They temporarily put aside the hatred in their hearts. They would find a chance to take revenge later on.    


Wu Feng glanced at Bai Yunxiao and co. indifferently, then walked to the side of the dead body that they had just killed and openly took the black pearl from their heads.    


Moreover, he once again came to the barrier, killing people and taking the black pearl from their heads.    


Xing Xuan, Bai Yunlai, and the others were all full of doubts about Wu Feng's actions.    


However, they also felt that the black bead taken away by the Martial Peak was definitely something good.    


Xing Xuan walked to the side of Niu Thirteen and asked in a low voice: "Do you know what those black pearls are?"    


When Niu Thirteen saw Wu Feng openly taking out the black pearl, he didn't try to hide it anymore and directly told Xing Xuan the truth.    


When Xing Xuan heard this, his eyes lit up. He left Niu Thirteen, and then he went to kill those people and take the black pearl.    


Bai Yunlai and the others quickly found out as well. They also joined in on the black pearl's function.    


The eight people who were still alive all knew about the black pearl's usage. They all joined forces to kill it, then retrieved it.    




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