God Prison



0Niu Thirteen carefully walked in the darkness, but it was so dark that he couldn't see his surroundings clearly.    


He transferred some demon qi from his body into his eyes, and his eyes immediately brightened up. He could now clearly see the environment within three meters.    


"Phew …"    


Suddenly he felt a chill in his neck, like a gust of wind.    


He quickly turned his head around and saw that two lanterns had appeared in the darkness.    


The lantern was blood-red in color, and although it was placed side by side, if one looked at it closely, it seemed more like a pair of eyes.    


The pair of eyes in the darkness slowly approached him. It wasn't until he was three meters away that he could see what was behind them.    


It was a huge tiger. The two blood-red lanterns from before were its eyes.    


"Aooo …"    


This tiger opened its bloody mouth and ferociously roared at Thirteen. He felt a world-shaking roar resound in his ears.    


He quickly covered his ears and retreated. Then, he vigilantly looked at this giant tiger.    


He estimated that the tiger's body was at least ten meters long. At the same time, its aura had also reached the realm of the late stage of the Longevity Realm.    


This was a demon beast of the late stage of the first level of longevity. The biggest difference between a demon beast and a wild beast was that the demon beast had intelligence and also understood cultivation.    


Vicious beasts were uncivilized demonic beasts. They had no intelligence and did not know how to cultivate. They only knew how to kill.    


However, demon beasts were different. They had their own wisdom and knew how to absorb and emit the power of primordial times from the heaven and earth to cultivate.    


There were some demon beasts that could cultivate to an extremely profound level, and could even cultivate to the appearance of a human.    


The tiger before Niu Thirteen was an intelligent tiger that knew how to cultivate.    


The tiger didn't attack Niu Thirteen because it felt a threat from him.    


Niu Thirteen's cultivation was also at the late stage of the first level of Life, the same as that of a tiger.    


If the tiger was a berserk beast, it would have pounced on Niu Thirteen without saying a word. However, it already possessed intelligence, so it didn't impulsively pounce on Niu Thirteen.    


Niu Thirteen vigilantly held the bone sword in his hand and slowly backed up as he pointed it at the tiger. Even the eyes of the tiger stared at him without blinking.    


One man and one tiger, they both knew that the other side was not to be trifled with. Right now, it was time to see who would be the first to reveal an opening.    


Although the tiger had intelligence, it had only recently acquired it. In terms of intelligence, it couldn't even compare to a human.    


Niu Thirteen suddenly turned around and pretended to run. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the tiger's sight.    


The tiger let out a roar that shook the heavens. Then it pounced like a tiger on Niu Thirteen, who was in the darkness.    


It looked like it could see Niu Thirteen. Its sharp claws swiped at the back of his head, but behind Niu Thirteen, it seemed as if he had eyes.    


He quickly turned around and jumped high into the air, just barely dodging the tiger's claws.    


At the same time, the bone blade in his hand hacked out a blade Qi that was more than ten feet long, instantly chopping at the tiger's mouth.    


With its mouth wide open, a dozen of its teeth were instantly chopped into pieces. It was so painful that it fell onto the ground with its claws covering its mouth as it wailed.    


Niu Thirteen succeeded in taking care of the tiger once, and this also proved the strength of the tiger. Perhaps, he could take care of it.    


However, just as he had this thought, a great crisis had appeared in his heart.    


The tiger in front of him suddenly raised its head and spewed out a fiery red flame from its mouth. The flame instantly shot towards him.    


He was so scared that he quickly retreated to a distance five meters away and jumped to the left.    




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