God Prison



0"Roar …"    


The Earth Demon Bear's left leg was stabbed in by Niu Thirteen's blade. The intense pain caused its eyes to turn blood-red, and it fell into a deep rage.    


Its two palms were like two fans as they reached out crazily and quickly toward Niu Thirteen.    


Niu Thirteen felt that the amount of space he could move in had instantly decreased. Between the Earth Demon Bear's palms, he could sense danger.    


Seeing that Niu Thirteen was in danger, she felt powerless and could only anxiously wait for the right moment.    


"Ah …"    


Niu Thirteen was hit by the Earth Demon Bear's right palm and sent flying to the side of the cave wall.    


His body fiercely smashed into the cave wall and then quickly slid down. His beast bone blade also fell to the side.    


The Earth Demon Bear let out a roar and charged at Niu Thirteen. Niu Thirteen struggled to support himself, then he grabbed the beast bone sword and struggled to roll to the side.    


The Earth Demon Bear's body ferociously slammed into the cave wall he just left. If he had been any slower, he would have been crushed into a meat patty by the Earth Demon Bear.    


Niu Thirteen dodged the Earth Demon Bear's fierce charge. He didn't even turn his head around as he rushed towards Jantai Yue'er.    


The Earth Demon Bear turned around, shaking its head. Then, it pounced at Niu Thirteen angrily.    


Seeing that Niu Thirteen was running towards her, she nervously pulled back the bow in her hands. However, Niu Thirteen simply held her up and lifted her up from the ground.    


The Earth Demon Bear was already rushing towards them. With a leap, its massive body pressed down towards Niu Thirteen and Zhan Taiyue.    


Zhan Taiyue'er stared in horror at the Earth Demon Bears that were pressing down on her. It seemed as if they were about to be crushed into meat patties by the Earth Demon Bear.    


"Roar …"    


The Earth Demon Bear let out a blood-curdling screech. His right palm was penetrated by a blade. It turned out that he had just been attacked by the Earth Demon Bear.    


Niu Thirteen quickly hid himself behind the Earth Demon Bear's right palm while hugging Jantai Yue'er.    


Due to being unable to adjust its body in the air, the Earth Demon Bear's body heavily pressed down on the ground.    


His right palm also reached out to Niu Thirteen and Zhan Taiyue, but Niu Thirteen quickly let go of her. He turned around and raised the bone sword in his hand.    


The Earthen Devil Bear's right palm was instantly pierced through by the bone blade. Warm blood splattered all over Niu Thirteen's body, leaving a slight burn on his skin.    


Niu Thirteen was kneeling on the ground. The Earthen Devil Bear had used his right palm to cover his body with a terrifying amount of force. Fortunately, he was born with great strength, so he managed to withstand the force.    


Moreover, his beast bone blade had succeeded in penetrating the Earth Demon Bear's right palm.    


"Hua …"    


He kicked the Earth Demon Bear's right palm, at the same time he pulled out the bone blade, blood spewing out.    


The Earth Demon Bear let out another miserable scream. Niu Thirteen quickly picked up Jantai Yue'er.    


The Earth Demon Bear opened its bloody maw and tried to bite Niu Thirteen and the others, but it failed.    


Niu Thirteen hugged Jantai Yue'er and jumped on top of the Earth Demon Bear's back. The Earth Demon Bear lifted up its body from the ground.    


Niu Thirteen hugged Jantai Yue'er, and quickly jumped to the other side of the Earth Demon Bear while holding onto the body of the Earth Demon Bear.    


On this side was the direction of the cave entrance. He charged towards the cave entrance like a madman.    


However, the Earth Demon Bear also crawled back up. His right palm was trembling and was bleeding profusely like a spring.    


However, this only served to further stimulate its ferocious nature. It looked at the two oxen, 13 and 13, who were quickly fleeing towards the entrance of the cave.    


The Earth Demon Bear lifted up the giant rock and threw it toward the backs of Niu Thirteen and the others.    


Feeling the sound of wind coming from behind him, Niu Thirteen turned around and saw a huge rock flying towards him.    


He quickly threw himself onto the ground and a huge rock flew over his head.    




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