God Prison



0Niu Thirteen observed the battlefield from the sidelines and saw that Niu Jingtian and the others seemed as if they wanted to charge towards a hundred meter mountain peak. However, they were stopped by a large group of vicious dogs.    


He led the group of villagers and circled around the battleground to the left of Niu Jingtian's group.    




With a loud bellow, he shot an arrow from his bow, killing a vicious dog in the vicinity of Niu Jingtian.    


At the same time, hundreds of hunters behind Niu Thirteen also drew their bows and shot dead dozens of dogs.    


The area around Niu Jingtian's group was cleared and they looked in the direction of Niu Thirteen in surprise.    


"Thirteen, they're here to save us!"    


Niu Da said excitedly. The dozen of them stood back to back. With their years of experience as hunters, they managed to block the vicious dogs' charge.    


Now, they had finally received reinforcements from Niu Thirteen and the others.    


The large group of vicious dogs that were surrounding Niu Jingtian and company all turned around and charged toward Niu Thirteen and the others.    


Niu Thirteen and the rest were instantly surrounded by the dogs. At the same time, a few hundred meters away, the thieves that were surrounded by the dogs saw Niu Thirteen and the rest.    


"Interesting, the big fish caught the bait!"    


Shi Yan beheaded the dog and licked his lips. His eyes were bloodshot.    


With the arrival of Niu Thirteen and the others, the situation on the battlefield instantly changed. The thieves that were initially fighting the dogs suddenly turned into sharp blades, slashing towards the people of Niu Village.    


Niu Thirteen was insane to see a Thief charging towards them while surrounded by a vicious dog.    


"Up the mountain!"    


Niu Jingtian shouted. The hunters followed him and quickly rushed to the top of the mountain.    


The peak of the mountain was incredibly steep, rising 70 degrees. The villagers of Niu Village were desperately trying to reach the peak.    


Niu Thirteen, Niu Da, and a few of the strongest people in the village followed behind them.    


The evil dogs madly rushed to catch up to the mountain peak. Niu Thirteen lifted up a huge boulder and smashed it into the pack of evil dogs.    


The pack of vicious dogs were instantly turned upside down. However, to the huge pack of vicious dogs, this was nothing more than a tiny wave.    


The Thieves were almost at the top of the mountain. They formed a tight defensive formation.    


It was difficult for the dogs to break through the Rogue's defenses, so the Rogue advanced step by step until he finally reached the bottom of the mountain.    


Grandfather, Uncle Qiang has already been captured by the thieves. This time when I was out hunting, I overheard the conversation of the thieves. They caught Uncle Qiang and forced him to find out the whereabouts of Ox-Village.    


Niu Thirteen moved to Niu Jingtian's side and told him about the conversation he had with the thief.    


Yesterday, when he went out hunting, he bumped into the Thief Legion. He had overheard the conversation between the Thieves.    


He had also overheard the thieves' ambush of Zhantai Yue'er, but he had to go back to Ox-Village and couldn't tell her.    


At that time, Jantai Yue'er and her guards had walked into a natural canyon and had been ambushed by Thieves.    


At the same time that the thieves were ambushing Zhan Taiyue'er, Niu Thirteen was on his way back to Niu Village. He wanted to tell the villagers that he had overheard the thieves coming to Slaughter Village.    


He wanted to get back to Ox-Village before the Thieves arrived and prepare the entire village for the thieves.    


However, on his way back to Niu Village, he ran into the girl who was being hunted by the Thieves, Zhan Tai Yue'er.    


After that, a whole series of things happened. It was only now that he got the chance to tell Niu Jingtian these things.    


When Niu Jingtian heard that, his aged eyes shone with a shocking light.    




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