Divine Magic Doctor

C321 Autumn Water Cold Sky Asking for Buddha's Map

C321 Autumn Water Cold Sky Asking for Buddha's Map

0Chu Family was the host.    


Qiu Yuchen's position was naturally the best.    


Qiu Yuchen called Su Ming.    


Jiang Yixue and Su Ming were originally just standing side by side.    


However, she suddenly took Su Ming's arm.    


He walked in the direction of Qiu Yuchen.    


Su Ming knew.    


Jiang Yixue was purposely angering Qiu Yuchen.    


As expected, Qiu Yuchen's expression turned unsightly.    


Su Ming could only pretend to be confused.    


He and Jiang Yixue sat beside Qiu Yuchen.    


A few pleasantries.    


On the stage, a host walked out.    


Holding the microphone in his hand, he looked at the crowd below the stage and said:    


"Esteemed collectors, and friends of the calligraphy and painting world, good evening. Presumably, everyone also knew about today's exhibition of cultural relics. It was jointly run by our provincial capital's Chu Family and provincial museum. This exhibition was also carefully chosen by both sides. Amongst them, he was the one who received the most attention from the outside world. It was Monk Su Zhi's "Qiu Shui Han Tian Wen Buddha Diagram". It could be said that in the world of art collection, the "Autumn Water Hades' Inquisition on Buddha" had always been an existence of lofty mountains. Its status was in no way inferior to Wang Xizhi's "Orchid Pavilion Series". Everyone who was seated here today was lucky to be able to witness this. We can take a look at the true appearance of the《 Heavenly Art of the Buddha》! "    


As he spoke, the host looked to the side of the stage and continued:    


"Before the《 Autumn Water Han Tian Wen Buddha Painting》 is displayed, I would like to ask Mister Chu Tiankuo of Chu Family to give everyone a few words!"    


The moment he said those words, thunderous applause sounded from the crowd below.    


The Chu Family is different from the other families.    


The other clans all did all sorts of profitable business.    


But the Chu Family was not.    


After so many years, Chu Family only dealt in cultural relics.    


His business was big and he was famous throughout the country.    


Otherwise, he would have to rely on just one artifact.    


Chu Family could not possibly be ranked third among the nine great families of the provincial capital.    


The host finished.    


Chu Tiankuo, in a suit and leather shoes, walked to the front of the stage with his head held high.    


He had to admit that Chu Tiankuo was indeed tall and handsome.    


The moment he appeared, many girls stared at him blankly.    


Taking over the microphone, Chu Tiankuo said in a slow and unhurried manner:    


"Good evening everyone!" I won't say any more polite words. Let me first give everyone a brief introduction of the origins of this "Asking for Buddha Painting in the Frigid Autumn Water". It was a picture I had taken at a private auction in Los Angeles the year before last. As for the auction price, I won't say much. I believe everyone should also know that the《 Hantian Dao Buddha Painting of Autumn Water》 is a priceless treasure! "    


"And today, it's on display. First, it was such a good heirloom. If they were always kept in a high school, they couldn't be admired by others. It was too much of a pity. Secondly, this rare treasure is always under my control. I think it's a blasphemy to this baby. So I decided today. Find a new owner for this Freezing Autumn Water's Buddha Inscriptions ! "    


The moment Chu Tiankuo finished.    


Everyone present couldn't help but be shocked.    


Finding a new owner meant that Chu Tiankuo had to make a move on the painting.    


Even Qiu Yuchen was surprised.    


Chu Family was not lacking in money.    


Why did he suddenly transfer such an exceptional treasure?    


He then heard one of the collectors ask:    


"Young master Chu, do you want to transfer this painting?"    


Chu Tiankuo nodded slightly.    


"Right, transfer!"    


Another person asked:    


"Young master Chu, how much is it? Can you give us a rough estimate? Let us be mentally prepared for this! "    


"Yes, young master Chu. Are you going to bid, or are you going to bid? "    


Everyone started talking at once.    


All of them were eager to give it a try.    


After all, everyone wanted to be able to buy this "Qiu Shui Han Tian Wen Buddha Painting".    


After all, this painting was simply too famous.    


It was so famous that it was no longer possible to use money to measure its value.    


When everyone became gentle, Chu Tiankuo said with a smile,    


"It's true that you want to switch hands. But I won't sell. Instead, it's a gift! "    




The moment Chu Tiankuo said this.    


Almost at the same time, everyone present let out a surprised sigh.    


A peerless treasure.    


No auctions, no money, but free gifts.    


This was too surprising.    


Everyone became even more curious.    


Just who was Chu Tiankuo giving this treasure to?    


Chu Tiankuo then looked towards Qiu Yuchen, who was standing below the stage.    


He slowly said:    


"A treasure is a treasure that only the virtuous can possess. In my eyes, it's the entire provincial capital. A talented girl who could truly be called virtuous, virtuous, and virtuous. "I'm afraid that only Miss Qiu Yuchen is left..."    


He didn't wait for the words to come out of his mouth.    


Everyone came to a realization.    


So Chu Tiankuo was chasing after Qiu Yuchen.    


Give it to her.    


He had to admit that Chu Tiankuo was being too generous.    


In order to pursue Qiu Yuchen, he had put in so much effort.    


Chu Tiankuo continued:    


"So, I decided. After a while, this "Autumn Water, Hengtian, Buddha Painting" will be shown. I will give this painting to Miss Qiu Yuchen for free! "    


As soon as he finished speaking, the entire audience went into an uproar.    


Even Qiu Yuchen was stunned.    


She was indeed interested in famous calligraphy and paintings.    


Therefore, Chu Tiankuo invited her to the exhibition and she went there happily.    


However, he never expected Chu Tiankuo to say that he wanted to pass the painting on to him.    


For a moment, Qiu Yuchen didn't know what to do.    


If he accepted, it would be equivalent to him taking advantage of Chu Tiankuo for nothing.    


That was not in line with his usual code of conduct.    


Not accepting it was tantamount to refuting Chu Tiankuo's face in public.    


Qiu Yuchen was in the midst of a conflict.    


Chu Tiankuo, who was on the stage.    


He glanced at Su Ming, who was sitting beside Qiu Yuchen.    


He continued:    


"Everyone knows that Monk Su Zhi is an esteemed monk and has been intoxicated by Buddhist mantras all his life. The characteristics of his calligraphy and painting were pure and natural, not tainted by even the slightest bit of the common fire and smoke of the secular world. I think, like the Suzhi monk works, should also be this kind of people! And those filthy and despicable people with dirty hearts and despicable actions are not worthy of admiring the painting of Monk Su Zhi! "    


Everyone knew that Chu Tiankuo meant something.    


And when he said that, he was staring at Su Ming.    


Everyone's eyes were also focused on Su Ming.    


Chu Tiankuo stared at Su Ming and continued:    


"In this exhibition, there is a man from River City. This man, was not People in River City. But once he reached River City, he used himself to understand some medical skills. He began to approach several women. He had also swindled a lot of money from these women. He also went from a street bum in the past to being able to afford a villa and a 5-star hotel! "    


Chu Tiankuo's words.    


Everyone below the stage began to discuss the matter.    


These people did not know Su Ming.    


However, he looked at Jiang Yixue, who was beside Su Ming.    


Most of them believed Chu Tiankuo's words were true.    


On the other hand, Jiang Yixue seemed to be taking pleasure in Jiang Yixue's misfortune.    


She smiled at Su Ming and said,    


"Do you see that? That's what you call jealous! The little bit of jealousy I got is really nothing! "    


Su Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he glanced at Jiang Yixue.    


On stage, Chu Tiankuo.    


With a serious face, he continued:    



"I feel that this kind of filthy and despicable person is completely unworthy of admiring Monk Su Zhi's' Autumn Water Hengtian Buddha Painting '. Hence, these kinds of people must leave the scene! "    


Chu Tiankuo's tone was stiff and determined.    


Saying that, he directly asked Su Ming:    


"Mr. Su, do you want to leave by yourself, or do you want the security to ask you to leave?"    


The several hundred people present.    


At the same time, his gaze focused on Su Ming.    


Those who had good intentions hastened to say:    


"Don't be so shameless as to stay here. Hurry up and leave, stop us from taking a look at the paintings!"    


"That's right, he's really thick-skinned!" That is to say, you are still sitting! "    


Facing Chu Tiankuo's and everyone's criticism.    


Su Ming stood up and was about to say something.    


Qiu Yuchen also suddenly stood up, looked at Chu Tiankuo on the stage and said:    


"Chu Tiankuo, what are you doing?" For no reason at all, why do you blame him? "    


Chu Tiankuo had made up his mind today to embarrass Su Ming in front of everyone.    


Even if Qiu Yuchen were to question him, he wouldn't take her seriously.    


On the other hand, Jiang Yixue suddenly stood up.    


He first looked at Chu Tiankuo, who was in the stands.    


And then he disdainfully said:    


"A group of people who flirt with elegance and fame. Wasn't it just a crappy painting? What can we do if we don't? "    


Jiang Yixue actually liked calligraphy and paintings a lot.    


To be able to see "Qiushui Hantian questioning the Buddha Painting", to her.    


It was definitely a fortunate event.    


However, facing so many people, he started to attack Su Ming.    


Jiang Yixue would rather not see it, than to put up with it.    


Saying that, Jiang Yixue looked at Su Ming and said directly:    


"Su Ming, let's go!" Let's not watch this lousy painting anymore. Let this group of people, who seek fame, try their best to keep up their elegance here and pretend to be elegant people! "    


The two of them were just about to leave.    


Suddenly, a middle-aged man stood up.    


Looking at Jiang Yixue, he said angrily:    


"Little girl, you say that we can do whatever we want. However, you said that this "Autumn Water Han Tian Wen Buddha Painting" is a broken painting. Then I definitely can't tolerate it! Do you know Monk Suzhi? Do you know his life? Do you know how much he contributed to the Chinese calligraphy and painting world? Even now, his drawing skills were still being imitated and sought after by his descendants. But no one has ever surpassed him! "    


This man was a painter and a collector of paintings.    


He had always held the Monk Suzhi in high esteem.    


It was the attitude of a fan.    


When Jiang Yixue said that the painting was broken, he panicked.    


"Apologize, you have to apologize for what you said! Otherwise, don't even think about leaving! "    


The man was unrelenting as he continued speaking.    


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