Divine Magic Doctor

C450 Chamber Escape

C450 Chamber Escape

0Without saying anything further, the security guard signaled for his subordinates to go over and knock Lai Huan down, then carried him out of the hotel.    


Lai Huan was like a fat pig as he struggled desperately, causing many customers to laugh uncontrollably.    


After sending Lai Huan off, the restaurant became quiet again.    


Qiu Yuchen and Su Ming sat facing each other.    


"How have you been?" Su Ming asked.    


"I'm fine. I was busy for a while, but I was thinking about someone." Qiu Yuchen intentionally looked at Su Ming.    


"Missing people? You have a lover? " Su Ming knew very well that he asked deliberately.    


"Yes, there is indeed a lover. Do you want to know?" Qiu Yuchen's face turned red from embarrassment.    


Su Ming laughed and said, "Of course I want to know. I want to see who has so much charm that they can become the enemy's lover."    


"Su Ming, you're an idiot." Qiu Yuchen glared at him accusingly.    


Su Ming smiled and held her hand. The two of them looked at each other lovingly, then quickly let go when they saw the waiter deliver the meal.    


After a simple meal, Qiu Yuchen said that she had nothing to do today and decided to take Su Ming somewhere.    


The two of them hadn't been together for a long time, so naturally, Su Ming couldn't refuse Qiu Yuchen's request.    


Leaving the Peninsula Hotel, Qiu Yuchen took Su Ming to a couple's hotel in the city with the theme of escaping from the secret chamber.    


After registering at the front desk, Qiu Yuchen pulled Su Ming to the escape area.    


This lovers' hotel was rather famous in the city, and the secret room escape game was something that people enjoyed a lot.    


Qiu Yuchen had come here a long time ago, but she had yet to make time for it. Now that she had the time to pull Su Ming along, she naturally wanted to experience the thrilling game.    


Receiving the flashlight from Staff, Su Ming led Qiu Yuchen carefully inside.    


Qiu Yuchen screamed as the door behind her closed with a creaking sound. It was pitch black inside the room.    


Su Ming turned on the flashlight and looked around. The surroundings were like a maze of tunnels. Just as the two of them were hesitating, a sinister voice came from the loudspeaker.    


"Thirty minutes for punishment!"    


Qiu Yuchen trembled in fright and held Su Ming's hand tightly.    


"Why is there a sound?"    


Su Ming could clearly hear the fear in Qiu Yuchen's voice.    


"The sound is coming from the loudspeaker above my head." Su Ming held the flashlight up and shone it on a black loudspeaker, which was placed in the corner above.    


"This game, why is it so scary?" Qiu Yuchen was slightly regretful.    


Qiu Yuchen initially wanted to take Su Ming to spend the time alone with her, but she didn't expect the secret chamber to be able to escape from its environment, which made her unable to enjoy it in the slightest.    


"The game is fake, don't be afraid." Su Ming comforted her with a few words, then pulled her hand and walked forward.    


Secrets Escape was currently the most popular couple game. Not only could it seek thrills, it could also promote relationships between men and women.    


Su Ming had read about it online before, so he knew that this kind of indoor gaming was popular in big cities.    


It was just that he did not expect Qiu Yuchen to bring him to a place where he could play a game of escaping from the secret chamber.    


Observing the surroundings and holding hands with Qiu Yuchen, Su Ming couldn't help but recall the scene of Qiu Yuchen wearing a short skirt when she was in the hospital last time.    


A single man and a single woman, sharing a room. Furthermore, it was such an environment. As a man, Su Ming couldn't help but have strange thoughts.    


"Why can't I see the end?" There can't be anything else here, right? " Qiu Yuchen asked carefully.    


Su Ming stopped and took a photo with his flashlight.    


In front of them was a fork in the road, and in front of them were three roads, each with a picture of a ghost etched on a fake wooden stake that separated the sides of the road.    


"Which path should we take?" Qiu Yuchen's voice trembled slightly.    


"I don't know either." Su Ming was also very confused.    


The rules of the game had not yet been announced, and he was currently unable to grasp the full picture.    


"Hey, what are the rules in this game?" Why didn't anyone tell me? " Su Ming shouted at the top of his head.    


A few seconds later, a sound came from the loudspeaker.    


"Welcome to the House of Death!"    


Accompanying the sound of the music, a low and hoarse voice came from the loudspeaker.    


"This is a space of death where ghosts and dead coexist. Anyone who comes here has no chance of leaving this place alive."    


After a burst of strange laughter, what came next was a woman's melodious voice.    


"Customers, the rules of the game are very simple. In the maze, I found the key to the door and successfully escaped from the two ghosts' pursuit."    


"Find the exit door and use the key to open it. I'll consider it as completing the game."    


"I must remind you to stay in the maze after half an hour." I must warn you to stay in the maze after half an hour.    


The sound from the loudspeaker suddenly disappeared, and the secret room fell into silence once more.    


"Ming, there can't really be ghosts here, right?" Qiu Yuchen's hands trembled slightly as she moved closer to Su Ming.    


Inadvertently, Su Ming felt a faint fragrance drifting over. He slowly turned around and bumped into Qiu Yuchen face to face.    



In that instant, both of them were stupefied.    


Qiu Yuchen's face turned red as she stuck close to Ai Hui.    


Su Ming could clearly feel the other person's breathing becoming faster. He subconsciously held her hand and kissed her lightly before Qiu Yuchen came back to her senses.    


"Yuchen, wh, wh, I didn't do it on purpose." Su Ming quickly turned around.    


Knowing that the bad guy had done something bad and dared not admit it, Qiu Yuchen intentionally tugged at him. Just as she was about to speak, the strange music of ghosts came from all directions.    


Instantly, Qiu Yuchen's heart skipped a beat. She held Su Ming's hand tightly, not daring to move.    


The strange music was still thinking, the surrounding dark environment only served to set off the terrifying aura of invisibility.    


"Little, Ming, let, let's not play anymore, can we go out now?" Qiu Yuchen was scared.    


She regretted coming here to look for excitement.    


"I don't think so. Staff had already locked the entrance when we came in." Su Ming deliberately emphasized that the door was locked.    


It was a rare opportunity to see the usually strong woman, Qiu Yuchen, turn into a little girl. Su Ming wanted to see how little girl his beloved Qiu Yuchen was.    


Hearing Su Ming's words, Qiu Yuchen felt like she was falling off a cliff, her heart thumping hard.    


Noticing Qiu Yuchen was trembling, Su Ming held her hand and pulled her to his side.    


"Don't worry, I'm here!"    


Feeling the warmth from Su Ming's hand, Qiu Yuchen's worried heart was comforted.    


The two did not linger too long at the crossroads. They chose the left path and walked straight in.    


The interior of the partition was even darker than the outside. The light from the flashlight was very dim, and the visibility was only about 1.5 meters.    


There were all sorts of ugly faces painted on the walls. Qiu Yuchen was so frightened that her eyes were closed and her face was pale.    


"Are you okay?" Su Ming asked softly.    


"No, it's fine. Let's … let's hurry up and find the key." Qiu Yuchen was trembling as she spoke, feeling extremely flustered in her heart.    


He had originally thought that this road was only a few dozen meters away. However, after walking for four to five minutes, he still hadn't seen the end of the road.    


Su Ming felt something was wrong. He shone his flashlight on the patterns on the wall and suddenly found that the two of them seemed to have returned to their original spots.    


He turned around and shone the flashlight behind him. Su Ming finally understood that the road at the fork in the road was a maze.    


Ye Zichen took out his phone to check the time. They had already wasted 15 minutes, and there were still 15 minutes before heavy rainfall. If they couldn't leave the maze in a short period of time, the two of them definitely wouldn't be able to escape.    


"What's wrong with Ming?" Qiu Yuchen felt a little strange.    


"We're back at the starting point. This seems like a maze." Su Ming said.    


"Then what should we do?" Qiu Yuchen was at a loss.    


"Let's choose the next path and talk about it later." Su Ming pulled Qiu Yuchen to the far right.    


As soon as the two of them entered, a black shadow flashed past them.    


Qiu Yuchen screamed and jumped into Su Ming's arms.    


At first, Su Ming didn't react. When he felt some happiness, he subconsciously hugged Qiu Yuchen's slim waist.    


"What was that just now? Was it a ghost?" Qiu Yuchen said in a trembling voice.    


"There's protection, don't be afraid." Su Ming intentionally pulled her closer to his chest.    


The faint smell of perfume and Qiu Yuchen's soft body made Su Ming daydream.    


It was no wonder that escaping from the secret chamber was meant for couples to play. So there was actually such an opportunity and benefit. The designer who designed this game was truly worthy of being seen by countless young men and women.    


"What do we do now?" Qiu Yuchen had now completely lost her backbone.    


"Keep looking for an exit."    


Su Ming shone his flashlight forward and found a door about ten meters away. He pulled Qiu Yuchen and walked over quickly.    


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