Divine Magic Doctor

C473 Behind the Scenes

C473 Behind the Scenes

0About ten minutes later, Lin Wanrong and Aunt Mei arrived at the small forest.    


Su Ming, who was completely drenched and had a pale expression, curled up his body and laid in Qing's arms.    


Uncontrollable tears finally flowed down his face like a dam that had burst.    


"Brother Ming still has his heartbeat and breath, but he's very weak right now." Qing knew a bit about medicine, but she understood a bit about simple things.    


When she found Su Ming, she thought he was really out of luck. After a careful inspection, she realized that he was fine.    


"We'll take him to the hospital." Aunt Mei wiped away her tears.    


"He, he must be frozen!" Lin Wanrong took off her jacket and put it on Su Ming.    


"No, he can't go to the hospital." Qing suddenly said.    


Aunt Mei was stunned. "Why?"    


"Something will happen if I don't go to the hospital." Lin Wanrong was also very surprised.    


Qing understood very well why Su Ming became like this. She remembered that her Master Chen used the same method to save an old friend that Su Ming used to make an exception.    


After he was saved, his Master disappeared.    


Qing was extremely anxious. She had searched for an entire day and night before finally finding her master Chen.    


At that time, his Master's appearance was exactly the same as Su Ming's. Qing initially wanted to bring her Master back, but to her surprise, her weak Master told her not to move him.    


He waited until the sun rose before he transformed completely.    


Later on, Qing asked Master Chen why she couldn't move, but Master Chen didn't really answer.    


"Listen to me, as long as the sun rises past 9 o'clock, Brother Ming can wake up." There were some things that couldn't be explained. Qing was afraid that if she told them the truth, the two sisters wouldn't believe it.    


Aunt Mei and Lin Wanrong knew that Qing was Su Ming's Junior Sister, and since she insisted on waiting, they could only trust Qing.    


As time passed, more and more people gathered in the park.    


The three of them surrounded Su Ming and attracted a lot of attention.    


The sun rose slowly to its peak, and the bright sunlight refreshed the park after the rain.    


Su Ming slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Qing and the other two were still asleep, he finally believed that he was still alive.    


"How did you find me?" Su Ming was obviously very tired.    


Aunt Mei's eyes were filled with tears as she walked up and slapped him. "You bastard!"    


Lin Wanrong looked at Su Ming with a pained expression and didn't dare to stop him.    


"What's wrong with me?" Su Ming smiled bitterly.    


"What's wrong with you? Why didn't you tell me? If something really happens to you, what will happen to me in the future?" Aunt Mei threw herself into Su Ming's arms, her tears were like beads with a broken string.    


"Alright, alright. Aren't I still alive?" Su Ming lightly patted her back.    


After coaxing Aunt Mei, Su Ming got up, looked at his coat, and smiled as he went over to hug Lin Wanrong.    


"I'm fine, don't worry."    


This seemingly ordinary sentence made it so that Lin Wanrong could no longer pretend to be strong.    


"Why didn't you tell us about it? What if something really happens?" Lin Wanrong sobbed, no longer looking like a strong woman.    


After coaxing the two women, Su Ming looked at Qing. Qing, who pretended to be fine, wiped her tears and looked over with a smile.    


"Brother Ming, it's good that you're fine."    


"If you want to cry, just cry. It's not like I'm going to say you're a disgrace." Su Ming caressed her head lovingly.    


The little girl suppressed her emotions for a long time before she threw herself into Su Ming's arms and started crying loudly.    


The alarmed Su Ming felt as if he had been revived. The energy in his body seemed to have become much stronger than before.    


After returning to the hospital to visit Wu Xuanyi, who was still unconscious, Su Ming brought the three girls back and temporarily found a nurse to take care of them.    


After returning to the villa, he took a hot shower and changed into a fresh set of clothes.    


After enjoying the feast prepared by Aunt Mei herself, the four of them had a hearty meal and went back to their own rooms to sleep in silence.    


He only regained his spirit after the sun had set.    


A call came from the hospital saying that Wu Xuanyi was awake and Su Ming drove the three of them to the hospital.    


In the ward, Wu Xuanyi was pale and in good spirits.    


After eating some food, Su Ming started to talk about the accident.    


He got a lot of information from Su Ming from Wu Xuanyi. It seemed like the truck at the crossroads was here on purpose.    


Leaving the three women in the hospital, Su Ming found the traffic police through their relationship and retrieved the surveillance video from the control room.    


Su Ming remembered the license plate number as he watched the video again and again.    


On the way back, Su Ming called Ghost Seven and told him to find the owner of the license plate.    


There were a lot of strange things about this car accident. Su Ming guessed that someone was behind this accident. Otherwise, how could a large truck run over a red light and crash into them?    


Although the perpetrator said he was a drunk driver, from the video footage of the interrogation, it was clear that the man's eyes were wrong when he spoke.    


On the way back to the hospital, Zhou Zhenyi brought a phone.    


After learning of Wu Xuanyi's accident, he was extremely excited.    


Only after Su Ming explained everything to him did Zhou Zhenyi return to normal.    


The two of them chatted for a while, but Zhou Zhenyi did reveal that Chu Family Company and Xu Family Company had been in contact with each other recently.    


The Chu and Xu families had publicly declared their cooperation.    


Between the lines, Su Ming seemed to have sensed something.    


Both of them had a grudge with him, and they had such a coincidence when they had a car accident.    


Su Ming was sure that this matter definitely had something to do with one of them.    


When he returned to the hospital, Wu Xuanyi was already asleep.    


Aunt Mei said that she would be staying at the hospital tonight and asked Su Ming to send Lin Wanrong and Qing back first.    


On the way back, Lin Wanrong said that she would also be returning to the River City tomorrow morning.    


The business of Lin Family was getting bigger and bigger. Lin Wanrong, who was in a high position, was busy every day with many things.    


Su Ming couldn't help her manage the business if he wanted to. Qing went back to her room when they got back to the mansion.    


Lin Wanrong and Su Ming sat on the bed in the bedroom and looked at each other. After this life and death experience, Lin Wanrong cared more about Su Ming's existence.    


A man alone and a woman alone.    


The night was full of love, and it was filled with endless love.    


At dawn the next day, they saw Lin Wanrong off.    


Su Ming brought Qing to the scene of the accident.    


After checking that the traces of the accident were still there and listening to Qing's explanation again, Su Ming was sure that someone was ordering the truck around.    


On the way back, Ghost Seven called to say that the owner of the car had been found.    


After asking for the address, Su Ming told Qing to go to the hospital to find Aunt Mei.    


Tai Yue Fist Club!    


Ghost Seven was about to lead his disciples to practice their martial arts when Su Ming pushed open the door and walked over.    


"A'Qi, where is he?" Su Ming asked.    


"Next, I'll take you there." Ghost Seven said.    


Going down to the basement, there was a fatty tied to a pillar with all kinds of ropes. Seeing Ghost Seven come down, Fatty's face was full of fear.    


"I didn't do it. Let me go." Fatty begged.    


Ghost Seven pointed at the fat guy and said, "The car is his. You can ask him the details."    


Su Ming looked him up and down, then suddenly rushed over and punched Fatty in the stomach.    




The screaming fatty had already admitted it before he even asked.    


"Yes, yes, it was Brother Hu who told me to do it." The fatty trembled in fear.    


"Who is Brother Hu?" Su Ming said.    


"Ma, Ma, Ma Xiaohu." The fatty revealed the other party's name.    


Su Ming turned around and looked at Ghost Seven. All the reputable members of society around the provincial capital had some friendship with A Seven.    


"Huiwen District's Ma Xiaohu" Ghost Seven said.    


Su Ming slapped his face and said coldly, "Beat him up, beat him half to death and throw him in front of the hospital."    


Ghost Seven gave his disciples a meaningful glance, and a few of them immediately understood the situation and rushed up to give their greetings.    


The screams echoed in the basement.    


After leaving the boxing club, Su Ming decided to go alone to Ma Xiaohu. Ghost Seven took the initiative to follow.    


"Why didn't you tell me that something happened?" Ghost Seven said.    


"I can handle it by myself, there's no need to trouble you." Su Ming turned his head and glanced at him.    


"A grown man is so hypocritical." Ghost Seven sneered.    


"Get in!" Su Ming also laughed.    


One hour later, Huiwen District, Nightwalker Bar.    


Su Ming and Ghost Seven sat at the bar. Each of them ordered a glass of beer and slowly drank it down.    


"How long will it take for him to arrive?"    


"Not at all."    


"What time is it?"    


"Three in the afternoon."    


"Then wait for him."    



The two of them drank their wine absent-mindedly as they looked around.    


Many young men and women came to the bar, some hugging, some sitting, while others chatting amicably.    


After drinking a glass of beer, Su Ming felt a little impatient.    


He took out his phone and checked the time. It was almost half past three. Just as he got up and was about to go to the toilet, there was a slight disturbance behind him.    


Turning around, he saw a tall and sturdy bald man walking in with a tall woman in a leather skirt.    


Seven to eight vicious looking youths followed behind the two of them.    


"He's here." Ghost Seven said.    


Su Ming stood up and was about to go over when Ghost Seven called out to him, "Don't do anything rash. This kid has a habit of bringing around a black tube with him."    


"Do you think I'm afraid?" The corner of Su Ming's mouth hooked up.    


Ghost Seven stood up and walked to his side, "I can have an accident, but you can't."    


Su Ming was stunned, "Why?"    


"You are the eldest brother. I will deal with the dangerous ones." Ghost Seven replied simply.    


Su Ming's heart warmed, "I'll listen to you. Don't let anything happen to anyone."    


"Alright." Ghost Seven casually touched a bottle.    


Ma Xiaohu's appearance caused a bit of a disturbance in the bar, the guys and girls that often came here to play saw him as their idol.    


Cruelty, gold, love.    


The role models of men and women.    


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