Divine Magic Doctor

C673 Blue Figure

C673 Blue Figure

0At this moment, Su Ming was even more careful in hiding his Qi.    


There was nothing left to observe in this place.    


During these ten minutes of observation, Su Ming did not say that he had gained nothing. He always felt that there was something strange about this barbarian tribe, but at this moment, he also felt that there was something strange about this tribe.    


"I should go back and think about it quietly. It is not possible to continue searching in a daze like this. "    


Thinking of this, Su Ming's figure flashed and disappeared into the forest. . . .    


At the lake in the south of the island.    


At this moment, Chu Tianjiao was in a deadlock with the members of his team.    


They stood at the lake and waited for a long time, but they did not see the fish appear again.    


At this moment, Chu Tianjiao's prestige among the crowd had already fallen to the extreme.    


"Everyone, it's not the same thing if we continue to wait like this. " Jin Sanbao broke the silence and said: "Do we have to wait here for the fish to appear again?"    


Wang Wen also said, "We can't go on like this. We've already wasted half a day. We might as well take advantage of the day to see what other food we can find. "    


The other three coldly said: "The two of us naturally agree to go out and find food, but we definitely won't allow anyone to sit here and enjoy the fruits of their labor. "    


Although they did not name their names, these words were clearly meant for Chu Tianjiao to hear.    


The other people, even Jin Sanbao, had never been idle. Only Chu Tianjiao, who had been giving orders all this time, didn't do anything personally.    


"You two are heartless bastards. " Chu Tianjiao said angrily, "If it wasn't for me, would you have been able to drink fresh water? Do you still have any respect for me, the leader? "    


"Bring us to find food to survive. You are the leader. You are here to point fingers at us, asking us to serve you. Who do you think you are?!" The three of them did not want to be outdone.    


Seeing that the atmosphere had reached such a stage, Wang Wen hurriedly tried to smooth things over. "Alright, alright, everyone stop talking. "    


After saying that, Wang Wen turned to Chu Tianjiao and said, "Young Master Chu, you should take a step back. After all, in this situation, we have to do something. "    


Chu Tianjiao naturally understood the current situation. The three of them had clearly expressed their dissatisfaction towards him. Evidently, they didn't intend to listen to his commands any longer.    


As for Jin Sanbao and Wang Wen, although they seemed to still be on his side, he understood in his heart that these two people already had ulterior motives in their hearts. Who knew when they would bite him back.    


"Hmph, so be it. " Chu Tianjiao stood up and sneered, "When the time comes, if you don't find the food, I won't give you a piece of the pie. "    


After saying that, Chu Tianjiao walked straight into the forest.    


As for the rest of the people, when they saw that Chu Tianjiao had already left, they exchanged glances with each other and continued searching for food in other directions.    


Half an hour later.    


The three members of Chu Tianjiao's team, who had come out to search for food, bumped into each other in a certain part of the forest.    


One of them was thin, the other was tall, and the other had curly hair.    


"Brother, you've also found this place?" The thin man greeted them.    


The two nodded, giving the thin man a reply.    


The tall man said, "That Chu guy went into the forest in the north. We naturally won't stay with him. No, we can only go south. "    


The thin man sneered and said, "Don't say that. Do you really think that Chu guy will go and find something? With his looks, he just happened to find a freshwater lake and he became so proud of himself. Let me tell you, he might be sleeping in some corner right now, waiting to go back and share our food. "    


Curly Hair said in a cold voice. "He's dreaming. Back then, we elected him as the leader to let him lead us to survive. I didn't think that this person would be a piece of trash. If he can't find food today, don't even think about getting a bit of food from me "    


The other two nodded in agreement.    


But at this moment, the thin man felt as if something had fallen on his head.    


The thin man stretched out his hand to touch it and took out a sticky and transparent liquid.    


"What is this?" The thin man was slightly stunned.    


The other two also noticed the abnormality of the thin man. They all raised their heads to look at the thin man's head.    


It didn't matter if they saw it. The three people's souls were almost scared out of their bodies.    


The thin man did not even have time to react. A huge black shadow fell from above and engulfed the thin man's entire body in an instant.    


The other two saw it clearly. That black shadow wasn't a human!!    


It was a huge python!    


Curly Hair and the tall man instantly collapsed to the ground in fear. Faced with this gigantic python that had suddenly appeared, the most primitive fear in their hearts was ignited.    


Under the powerful deterrent force of this huge snake, Curly Hair felt as if all the strength in his body had been sucked away. He didn't even have the strength to reincarnate and escape.    


Behind them, a blue figure that was wrapped around a large red snake that was as thick as a bowl's mouth slowly appeared.    


"A few watts!!"    


The blue figure let out a shrill cry. Before the two of them could even turn their heads around, the huge snake in front of them swallowed them in one gulp.    


In the forest, there wasn't even the sound of three people screaming.    


There was only a flock of frightened birds that flew away, announcing the end of their lives. . . .    


In the cave camp.    


After Su Ming returned, he had been sitting in the camp and thinking hard, trying to find a breakthrough in all these suspicious points.    


Yun Rou and the others naturally knew that no one could disturb Su Ming at this moment, so they tactfully walked outside.    


Those who should pick up firewood, those who should fetch water, those who should go fetch water, those who really had no work, just quietly sat at the entrance of the cave. They tried their best not to disturb Su Ming at this moment.    



A mysterious blue figure. The red barbarian tribe, Liu Yiwen, the treasure map, the deserted island, the giant beast.    


Su Ming tried his best to find some clues.    


Just as he was thinking hard, Jiang Chuchu's hearty laughter suddenly sounded outside the door.    


"Everyone, come and see what I found today!"    


Su Ming, who had his thoughts interrupted, simply stood up and walked out of the cave. At this moment, he had been thinking for more than two hours, but his brain was still mushy. He might as well go out and take a breather and relax his thoughts.    


Before he reached the cave entrance, he heard the cheers of Yun Rou and the others.    


"Wow, Chuchu, where did you find so many fish? Each one of them is so fat!"    




This name instantly triggered Su Ming's nerves.    


Su Ming quickly walked out and saw Jiang Chuchu who was surrounded by the crowd.    


He could clearly see that there were several big fat fish hanging on the rope made of grass and grass.    


They were freshwater fish!    


Su Ming's heart trembled. He quickly walked forward and asked, "Chuchu, where did you get this fish?"    


Everyone was obviously frightened by Su Ming's intense reaction.    


"What's wrong, Brother Su? There is. . . . . . Is there something wrong?" Jiang Chuchu was stunned.    


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