Divine Magic Doctor

C675 Collected

C675 Collected

0Forest boulders.    


Liu Yiwen started a fire and a huge deer-shaped animal came out of nowhere. He ordered the three men in black glasses to roast it on the fire.    


Hou Tiancheng was still cautious and did not dare to make the fire too big. He was afraid that he would provoke some wild beast or savage beast.    


"Don't worry. " Liu Yiwen smiled and said: "This is a forbidden area. Whether it is wild beasts or barbarians, they will not come here. "    


Ye Lin Qian could not help but ask, "What is this place? And these patterns? What do they mean?"    


Facing Ye Linqian's question, Liu Yiwen remained silent. He didn't intend to answer her question.    


Hou Tiancheng signaled Ye Linqian to shut up.    


Everyone knew that Liu Yiwen definitely knew the secret of this place, but he obviously wouldn't tell them.    


To put it nicely, this was called a cooperative relationship. Actually, they were only under Liu Yiwen's orders.    


Blackglasses asked from the side, "Mr. Liu, you said that you could bring us out of this deserted island. Is that true or false?"    


After seeing Liu Yiwen's strength, the current him could no longer muster any thoughts of resistance. At this moment, he only thought that Liu Yiwen would really fulfill his promise and bring him out of this deserted island.    


"Don't worry. As long as you do your job well, I will never go back on my word. " Liu Yiwen said calmly, "Now, I need you to find the other survivors on the island and bring them here. You are far from enough. I need more people. "    


Liu Yiwen added, "Su Ming's people don't move. Just keep an eye on them. "    


"Su Ming?" Everyone was stunned and asked, "Who is Su Ming?"    


Liu Yiwen roughly described Su Ming's situation to Hei Glasses and the others.    


Black Glasses instantly knew who Su Ming was.    


"So it's this kid. He's still alive. That's great. Then I'll be able to personally take revenge!" Black Eyes said with a fierce expression.    


"Revenge? With the current you? Stop dreaming. " Liu Yi Wen laughed involuntarily and said: "However, as long as you finish your task, I can consider helping you. Of course, before that, without my orders, you absolutely can't find trouble with him. "    


With that, Liu Yiwen cut off pieces of meat from the deer and threw them to the crowd.    


After the three of them finished eating, Liu Yiwen waved his hand and said: "Go, do things faster for me. "    


Then, he added coldly, "Don't think about taking this opportunity to escape. You should know very well that as long as you are on this deserted island, I can kill you at any time!"    


The three of them felt a chill run down their backs. They nodded and quickly walked out.    


Black Glasses walked faster and soon disappeared.    


Hou Tiancheng and Ye Linqian were slowly walking behind them.    


"Brother Hou, do we really need to listen to that person?" Ye Linqian quickly glanced around and whispered to Hou Tiancheng.    


Seeing that there was no one around, Hou Tiancheng also replied in a low voice, "You have seen this guy's ability. There is no other way now. We can only listen to him first and wait for the opportunity to appear. "    


At the lake in the south of the island.    


Chu Tianjiao slowly walked out of the forest. As expected, his hands were empty and he could not find any food.    


Rather than saying that he didn't find anything, It would be more accurate to say that he didn't go looking at it at all.    


After entering the forest, he searched for less than ten minutes. Chu Tianjiao gave up on himself. Last night, he ate the most grilled fish. At this moment, he had sufficient stamina.    


Without the pressure of hunger, Chu Tianjiao could not muster up any motivation to find food. He randomly found a cool place and slept for a few hours.    


When he walked to the lakeside, Wang Wen and Jin Sanbao had already returned.    


The two of them had gained something. It wasn't a big harvest, but at least it was a little better. Jin Sanbao picked up a few abalones along the beach. Wang Wen didn't know where he was, but he found a few wild fruits.    


When the two saw that Chu Tianjiao's hands were empty, they couldn't help but frown.    


"Young master Chu, why didn't you bring anything back?" Jin Sanbao said unhappily.    


Chu Tianjiao's eyes shifted. "My luck isn't good. Although I found a few wild rabbits, I don't have any good tools in my hands, so I let them escape. But don't worry, I've already found where their nest is. Tomorrow, I'll be able to finish all of them in one nest. At that time, everyone will have meat to eat. "    


Wang Wen and Jin Sanbao looked at each other. Naturally, they didn't believe Chu Tianjiao's words. If this Chu Tianjiao really had the ability, they wouldn't have to wander around for so long.    


At this moment, the two of them started to hate Chu Tianjiao even more.    


Chu Tianjiao saw that the situation wasn't right, so he hurriedly changed the topic. "Oh right, that's right. They are still not back yet?"    


Jin Sanbao also had a confused look on his face.    


Logically speaking, it had already been so long. Regardless of whether they had found something or not, the three of them should have returned by now.    


"Should we go look for them?" Wang Wen said.    


Jin Sanbao looked around and declined: "There's no need for that. Maybe he'll be back in a while. "    


Everyone had their own ulterior motives. It was impossible for them to really care about their companions' lives.    


Naturally, Jin Sanbao was unwilling to suffer such a burden. As for Chu Tianjiao, he was even more unwilling. As for Wang Wen, he was only saying it. Seeing that the other two were not doing anything, he naturally did not say anything more.    


Then, the three of them lit a fire and prepared to take care of the food that they had just found.    


Chu Tianjiao, who had gained nothing, greedily looked at the food in their hands and said, "Young Master Jin, you've picked up so many abalones. Let's split the abalones among the brothers. Tomorrow, we'll split the rabbits that we beat up with you as well. "    


At this moment, Chu Tianjiao no longer had any prestige. Naturally, Jin Sanbao would not give him any face.    


Jin Sanbao said with an unhappy expression, "I only have a few abalones, but they are not even enough to fill my teeth. You can ask Wang Wen for them. He has a lot of fruits with him. "    


After hearing what Jin Sanbao said, Wang Wen's face changed instantly. He silently held the fruit tightly in his hand.    


When Chu Tianjiao saw the behavior of the two of them, he angrily said, "Alright, last night when we were distributing the grilled fish, your performance was extremely proactive. Now, I'm in trouble for you guys. That's the attitude, isn't it? It's really a f * cking heartless thing. "    



When Jin Sanbao saw Chu Tianjiao's words, he decided to tear apart all pretenses of cordiality and said, "Chu Tianjiao, what do you mean by that? Don't put the grilled fish in your mouth one by one. Everyone accidentally stumbled into this lake. Don't say that it's all because of you. If you're powerful. . . Transform all the fish in the lake back to me. It can't be changed back, can it? Hmph hmph, you're still a useless piece of trash!! "    


"What did you say!?" Chu Tianjiao said angrily.    


Jin Sanbao stood up and replied, not willing to be outdone. "I said you're a piece of trash!!"    


The atmosphere suddenly became quite tense. Wang Wen was in between the two of them and did not have any intention of stopping the fight.    


She was not a kind person either. She knew that neither of the two was reliable. It was better to let the two fight to the death. As long as it did not affect her, it did not matter.    


At this moment, a voice sounded not far away, breaking the tense atmosphere.    


"Isn't it just some food? Look at how anxious you are. "    


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