Divine Magic Doctor

C611 The Temple Messenger

C611 The Temple Messenger

0The meeting hall of the Feng Mo Family.    


"Mr. Su, this Ju Dao will never let this matter rest. " Feng Mo Yi Xiong said with a frown on his face.    


This time, the two of them had completely shed all pretenses with Ju Youdao. In order to prevent the matter from being exposed, Ju Youdao would certainly do more things to deal with Feng Mo Family.    


"It's fine. " Su Ming said indifferently, "He is a good opponent, but he hasn't reached the stage where he can fight me. "    


After saying that, Su Ming slowly stood up and left the hall.    


The next day, early in the morning.    


Due to the habit that he had developed over the years, Su Ming woke up quite early. After getting up, Su Ming did not go anywhere. Instead, he went straight to Lin Xiaoshuang's residence.    


When he arrived in front of Lin Xiaoshuang's door, Su Ming knocked politely on the door.    


After a long while, there was no reaction from the inside of the door.    


Su Ming frowned and a trace of worry appeared in his heart.    


Lin Xiaoshuang seemed to have a kidnapping constitution, and she would be kidnapped at any time. She had knocked on the door for a long time and did not reply. Was there something wrong with the south road that she had been kidnapped by others?    


"Lin Xiaoshuang, I came in. " Su Ming said quietly.    


Seeing that there was still no response from the door, Su Ming decisively pushed the door open.    


Although the door was locked with an iron lock, Su Ming's strength was extremely great. How could this tiny iron lock stop him?    


With a creak, the door opened.    


What entered Su Ming's eyes was not an empty room.    


Lin Xiaoshuang was only wearing a bathrobe and most of her snow white skin was exposed. She was wearing headphones and brushing her teeth.    


"Ah!!!" Lin Xiaoshuang screamed, "Su Ming, why did you enter other people's room so randomly?"    


Lin Xiaoshuang noticed Su Ming glancing at her and immediately used her hands to protect her naked body. She angrily said, "You still look!"    


"What's there not to look at?" Su Ming said with an evil smile. "Who said I wanted to be my woman? Su Ming asked. What? I can't even look at my own woman?"    


"You. . . You. . . ……” Lin Xiaoshuang was so angry that her face was as red as her neck, but she could not refute Su Ming's words. She could only scold, "You hooligan!!"    


"Hahaha, this is hooligan. " Su Ming said with a teasing smile. "You haven't seen me when I was a rogue. Why? Do you want to see me?"    


Lin Xiaoshuang was an intellectual who had read a lot of poetry. She had never been teased like this before. This time, she was in a complete mess.    


"You. . . Don't do anything reckless. " Lin Xiaoshuang's face was red as she said in a low voice that was as loud as a mosquito.    


Seeing him like this, Su Ming could not help but laugh out loud. He then said, "Alright, I won't tease you anymore. "    


After saying that, Su Ming pulled out a stool from the side and sat down. However, his expression became serious as he looked straight at Lin Xiaoshuang.    


"You have been playing in Japan for so long. Shouldn't you be preparing to return to Huaxia?" Su Ming said in a light voice.    


Lin Xiaoshuang heard the implied meaning in Su Ming's words and asked, "Do you mean that you want me to return to Huaxia alone today?"    


Su Ming nodded.    


"No. " Lin Xiaoshuang refused. "I haven't had enough fun in Japan. It wasn't easy for me to come here. How can I go home like this?"    


Seeing that Lin Xiaoshuang refused to listen to him and insisted on staying here, Su Ming felt a little angry.    


"Nonsense. " Su Ming said angrily, "You have seen what happened these few days. When the two families have a full-scale conflict, I will have no time to care about you. "    


"I don't need you to care about me. I can take care of myself. " Lin Xiaoshuang retorted.    


Lin Xiaoshuang had her own little scheme in mind. Su Ming was too mysterious to her. From the excellent medical skills displayed in the hospital to Su Ming's extraordinary skills during the trip to Japan, everything had greatly enticed her who was already very curious.    


She wanted to see how powerful Su Ming was.    


"It's up to you. " Su Ming shook his head helplessly. "It's you who insisted on staying here. If you encounter any danger, I will not care anymore. "    


"Who wants you to care?" Lin Xiaoshuang said proudly.    


Su Ming did not say much. He turned around and left.    


At this moment. . .    


In the main hall of the Feng Mo Family.    


Although the Wind Demon Yi Xiong wasn't young anymore, his lifestyle had always been quite good, and he got up very early every day.    


However, he had rushed to the meeting hall of the Wind Demon Family early in the morning. This was the first time, especially during the time when he had already been stripped of his position as the head of the family by the Great God.    


The reason for all of this was because of the two uninvited guests from the Feng Mo family - - the Temple Messenger.    


At this moment, the two Temple Messengers were standing in front of the main hall, a man and a woman. The man was wearing a white robe, while the woman was wearing a black robe.    


The Wind Demon and the Hero didn't dare to show any neglect when facing the emissaries of the temple. Although they understood the purpose of their visit, they still asked respectfully, "What is the purpose of your visit?"    


"We are under the orders of the Head Priest. We are here to find you and find out about the situation on the day of the Takitsubou Clan Chief's death. " The male messenger was the first to ask.    


From his tone, there was no hint of respect. Obviously, he didn't put the leader of the Takitsubou Family, who had been temporarily stripped of his authority, in his eyes.    


The wind demon, Yixiong, furrowed his brows slightly, but he quickly regained his composure and said, "That day, my son, Feng Mo and Su Ming went to the Takitsubou Family to retrieve two tokens. During the process of handing them over, the leader of the Takitsubou Family suddenly took out the Eight Limbs Seal and attacked me. I didn't have the chance to take out Pheasant Grass Sword to protect myself. ……”    


When the female messenger heard what Fengmo Yixiong said, she interrupted him coldly and said, "You said you picked up Pheasant Grass Sword? Can I understand that you were the one who killed the leader of the Takitsubou Family? "    


"No, I was certain that I had already withdrawn my attack before it hit Takitsubou Tian. It was Takitsubou Tian who threw himself at me. " Halfway through his words. . . After a brief pause, Solewind Demon said with a serious expression on his face, "Furthermore, at that time, Takitsubou Takitsubou Tian was already a puppet. "    





Upon hearing this, the two envoys turned pale with fright and asked, "Puppet? Do you have any proof?"    


Seeing the Wind Demon Yi Xiong shake his head, the male emissary immediately laughed disdainfully: "Without evidence, how could you be so sure that the leader of the River Valley was already a puppet?"    


"Since Mr. Su said that he was a puppet, then he must be a puppet. " The Wind Demon said confidently.    


"Mr. Su? Su Ming?" The male messenger was stunned for a moment, then the disdainful smile on his face became even wider. "He only made a bit of a show at the Divergent Assembly. Do you really think you know everything?"    


When Feng Mo and the hero were about to refute, a vigorous voice came from outside the door.    


"I am not omniscient and omnipotent, but I am still a bit stronger than you. "    


After saying that, Su Ming's figure slowly appeared in the hall.    


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