Super Magic Surgery System

C833 Skin Cancer

C833 Skin Cancer

0Cheung Yihfei, on the other hand, turned a blind eye and sighed. He looked at the young people in the room and ignored their relationship.    


"He probably doesn't want to see me, so that we won't be embarrassed by each other. As for fighting skills, I am just a bad old man who comes from the countryside to look at temples. Girl, don't slander my innocence. Dr. Chen, if you ask about this, do you think that he has some incurable disease? "    


As expected, all skills were linked to each other when they reached their peak. Shaman didn't know how to treat patients, but he could deduce the entire truth with a glance.    


The reason why doctors were looking for people was probably because they were sick, but to be able to deduce that it was an incurable disease required a lot of social experience.    


Chen Qun nodded and raised his voice.    


"Yes, I still have a picture of his lips turning purple in my mind. If I guessed correctly, this person should have cancer, or it's late, and he won't be able to treat it. As for Elder Zhang wanting to ask me what kind of medical evidence I have, I might not be able to take it out.    


Dongfang Wenxin, who was programming on the keyboard, looked up at Chen Qun.    


"Shouldn't I suspect that you intentionally don't want to treat people? You're just trying to gloat on the side!"    


Chen Qun spoke frankly this time.    


"I didn't think it was possible. Maybe it was a subconscious reaction. However, it is still impossible for him to go against my professional ethics. It made me feel like I had forgotten something, and now that I saw it, it was solved. Don't ask any further, just based on the feeling of being ignorant. "    


When the young people saw Chen Qun's helpless expression, they naturally knew that he was laughing on the side. However, they did not care about Chen Qun's thoughts, and more importantly, they cared about how to prove this matter.    


When Zhao Xue saw Miss Dongfang's gaze land on her, she immediately understood what she was thinking and shouted at Cheung Yihfei.    


"Elder Zhang, can you think of a way to invite this living immortal to the hospital so we can have a test?"    


Chi Hong, who had also gotten interested at this moment, also questioned him from the side.    


"Elder Zhang, you mentioned about the two rich men who had cancer and were cured by him. Was it a rumor or a fraud? They were just bragging. "    


Cheung Yihfei sighed and told them a fact that made the young people dumbstruck.    


"Alright, I'll be honest then. One of the rich people even came looking for me and asked me to make a divination for him. In the end, even when he is about to die, there is still a slim chance of survival. This old man spoke the truth. Unexpectedly, this person found this master, and within three months, the number of cancer cells in his body began to lessen, finally disappearing completely. "It's also because this old man has too many words to say that everyone in the martial arts world thinks that my skills are better than mine. Actually, I don't have any abilities. I'm just going through the explanations based on the trigram."    


When the young men in the room heard Cheung Yihfei's humble words, they looked at each other in dismay and were speechless for a long time. This situation was simply … Extremely outrageous. A living Bodhisattva had directly revived a patient who was on the verge of death. In the end, the other expert already knew. If they were to fight, it would be better to explain the situation beforehand.    


The beam was tied up to an extraordinary depth; it was like water and fire were unable to bear it.    


Of course, Cheung Yihfei knew about this. It made his confidence skyrocket and allowed him to break through several levels of his sect's defense. He was able to see that the master in front of him was a fake without any trace of inheritance or foundation from his previous life.    


Now that Chen Qun asked, he also wanted to know one thing, so he immediately asked Chen Qun.    


"Dr. Chen, the thing that he did that year was actually to use a deceptive method to directly pour water on that rich man, that's how he came to life." I was also very surprised, from a medical point of view, that this was impossible. Furthermore, he does not have the slightest bit of cultivation, and is only a swindler. How could he do this?    


Dongfang Wenxin had a feeling that she wanted to laugh, but it was inconvenient. It was simply an internal conflict when a swindler said that another swindler was a swindler. What's more, with Cheung Yihfei's ability, he couldn't hide anything from him. He definitely wouldn't think that it was the ability of another swindler.    


Chen Qun saw that everyone was staring at him, so he shrugged and spread out his hands.    


"How should I know? But I do know that this person is suffering from skin cancer, or that his cancer cells have entered another person's body, killing another person's cancer cells, and using poison to attack and save the other person's life. There is an example from Mayo Clinic where a patient with cancer transplanted another person's lung, causing his cancer to disappear. However, he soon diagnosed that another type of lung cancer had also died, and the result of the hospital examination was that the lung cancer that was hidden in the transplanted lung had been killed, resulting in his cancer cells being killed, and the cancer cells being transplanted killing him instead. "    


Cheung Yihfei's eyes lit up when he heard Chen Qun's words. He immediately took out his phone and gestured with it towards Chen Qun.    


"Dr. Chen, you need to know if this fake master is sick. I have a way to get him to come over immediately and check for you."    


Then, this Cheung Yihfei did something unbelievable in front of so many young people. As he spoke, he took out another calling card and put it on his cell phone. Then he put the phone to his mouth, and his voice and tone changed to a formal, broken Cantonese Mandarin.    


"May I ask if this is Miss Yue? We hope that you can come to our St. Paul's Hospital tomorrow and review it again. What? Don't you know what Miss Yue and Miss Zhou are? I'm very sorry, sir, I called the wrong number! "    


After the call ended, the whole room was immediately filled with thunderous applause. All the young people didn't know whether to laugh or cry as they looked at the Great Shaman who had turned into a talker after a single shake. Everyone understood why he hated this colleague.    


Deceiving the wealth and sex had always been a golden rule that old-fashioned martial artists like them abided by. They would never do anything bad. However, it was obvious that this master was involved with other women. It was unclear. Cheung Yihfei already got his proof, no wonder people took a detour when they saw him.    


Ouyang Yang put down his hand and asked a question.    


"Elder Zhang, there are so many hospitals in Yue City, why are you so sure that he will come to our hospital to inspect?"    


Cheung Yihfei glanced at him and said casually.    


"He has always sought the best service and believed that the best hospital was the best hospital to give the most definite results. Although this matter will damage this old man's reputation and merits, to be able to remind this swindler was the old man's benevolence. He will definitely come here to check, and even if it's a full body check, to cover up the truth. "    


Hearing Shaman's affirmation, the youngsters finally understood why this old fellow was roaming among so many rich and powerful people. He was as steady as Mt.    


Luckily, this old guy was still quite upright and had his own bottom line. If he was a bad person, Chen Qun would probably leave it at that.    


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