Super Magic Surgery System

C809 Contrast Test

C809 Contrast Test

0Only at this time did Chen Qun turn his gaze and realize that in the infirmary next door, Yang Yiyun, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, was playing chess with Du Ya, who was suffering from mirror-like syndrome. Two nurses were taking care of her and Fong Qiuyun was sitting in another seat in the room.    


Chi Hong also followed Chen Qun's gaze and saw the two little girls. As soon as she caught sight of them, she felt like … I saw the twins. Their expressions and actions, and even the brilliance in their eyes, were all the same.    


Chen Qun seemed to be aware of this. He made a booing gesture towards the girls, slowed down his steps, stuck to the wall, and walked behind the two girls to watch them play chess.    


Originally, according to Chen Qun's assumption, if one of the two girls was completely imitating the other, then the playing style would also be similar. However, after looking at it for two steps, he realized that it was completely different. It wasn't an imitation, but rather the two little girls were good at dirty chess. However, from the perspective of the two little girls, being able to play chess shouldn't be a high requirement.    


After only four steps, Du Ya suddenly shouted.    


"Sister Feng, Sister Feng, I guessed another step wrong! This time, Little Yiyun's B5 position is exactly the same as the one I wrote! "    


Listening to the little girl's shouts, Chen Qun and the others realized that beside Du Ya, there was a small board board with a horse that just jumped onto the B5 position. The time recorded on the board made Chen Qun and the others understand the purpose of this exercise.    


Actually, this wasn't a game of chess. She just wanted Du Ya to imitate Yang Yiyun as much as she could. In other words, this imitation was something that even Du Ya, a little kid, couldn't help but imitate. Chess is a good way to test, to see how well little Dua can imitate it.    


Just by looking at the results, Dua had at least one success story. However, another question popped up. Du Ya was able to deduce how Yang Yiyun's chess piece went along with its moves. Whether it was a copy or her own deductions, even she herself was unsure.    


"Stop... Uncle Chen! Big Sister Hong! "    


Little Yiyun pouted and just as she finished her sentence, she saw a few figures in the corner of her eye. She raised her head and immediately jumped up, pouncing towards Chen Qun and the others. However, just as the little girl was about to pounce on him, she turned her little eyes and immediately changed the direction of her plan to pounce on Chen Qun. However, just as the little girl was about to pounce on him, she turned her little eyes and changed the direction of her plan to pounce on Chen Qun.    


"Big brother Chen, big sister Hong, you two really came back. That's great!"    


Chen Qun looked at Du Ya, who instantly assumed the pose of a little adult, and an indescribable feeling rose in his heart. He clearly knew that at this time, the little girl was unconsciously imitating him, perhaps even she didn't know how this happened.    


"Why aren't you in school? Or did you take a leave of absence from the school? "    


Chen Qun was shocked for a few seconds before he said something meaningless.    


Du Ya seemed to have also felt the change in Chen Qun's mood. Just as she was about to answer, a couple carrying large and small bags of fruit and snacks walked in and immediately answered.    


"Dr. Chen, it's great that you're back. Now, Du Ya was temporarily not going to school, so she was going to accompany Little Yiyun and enjoy the tutoring together. Furthermore, Du Ya had learned how to sing along with Little Yiyun. Although it is not as good as Little Yiyun's singing, it is still far above her original level. I must thank Dr. Chen, Dr. Qi, and Nurse Dongfang. "    


The one who spoke was Du Ya's father. He looked at Chen Qun and the other young men with gratitude. To them, they didn't really understand the theory behind their young lady's strange illness, but that didn't stop them from understanding one simple principle, which was that their daughter was a mirror that could unconsciously imitate all the people she met. Emotional feelings are also influenced by these characters.    


It was necessary to find a "safe" environment for her daughter.    


The most fortunate thing was that Xiangyun Hospital was extremely interested in this mental illness. Not only did it reduce all the expenses, it also placed the two of them in the hospital system, making it easier for them to take care of their daughter at the same time as they did so.    


Besides, the hospital had arranged for Yang Yiyun, a musical genius with heavenly music, to accompany her daughter. They were also curious about the results of the psyche research. However, they clearly knew one thing. Their daughter was considered a special care.    


Plus, the girls beside him were all patients of Dr. Chen, but they all fought against his illness with positive feelings and gave off a feeling of vitality. If it was anyone else, it would be impossible for them to learn the mental states of these girls.    


But for Duya, she could be influenced the most, and it would definitely have a positive impact on her life. Without saying anything else, even if she was Yang Yiyun's accompaniment, she would still become a musician for the rest of her life. In addition, Fong Qiuyun not only served as a teacher for the two little girls, but also hired the best musicians to teach the two girls. Such an opportunity was something that others would never be able to encounter.    


For the couple, they also ran into some scammer, Yellow Ox, at the entrance of the hospital. The other hospitals needed Du Ya for their medical research as well. They could introduce her to the foreign countries and live a better life.    


In regards to this, the couple was skeptical, but they secretly believed that Yang Yiyun, who was standing beside them, had become famous all over the world. Almost the entire world knew that there was a little girl with such a high talent and legendary experience that even the World Heaven Queen wanted to snatch her away, but they all obediently came back.    


No matter how special his daughter's condition was, it was impossible for her to have a better condition than Yang Yiyun. Naturally, there was no need to fall for her trap. Besides, in terms of wealth, the two girls' elder sister Qiu Yun's biological parents were billionaires, and they didn't want to go abroad to inherit billions of dollars. Instead, they had to follow their adoptive parents, which was a good example for the two girls.    


Plus, I heard Dr. Chen is very interested in Du Ya's symptoms. There are no doctors in this world who are stronger than Dr. Chen. He can apply for the Nobel Prize at the age of 20. If they left just for the sake of the so-called money, their daughter would probably be ruined in less than ten years.    


When Dongfang Wenxin saw that the two girls no longer had any interest in playing chess, she clapped her hands.    


"Alright, alright. Now that Dr. Chen is here, we'll start the experiment. As usual, we need you guys to focus your minds. Go to the washroom and get ready."    


A few minutes later, Yang Yiyun and Du Ya were sitting in the middle of the lab with their backs to each other. The same scene and the same music appeared on the big screen in front of them. The two little girls who had their heads covered stared at their screens and began to hum softly along with the music.    


At the same time, Chen Qun, who was standing in front of the computer screen in the observation room, couldn't help but scream as he saw the two identical brain waves.    


"How is this possible? Almost completely synchronized?"    


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