Super Magic Surgery System

C14 Five Star Difficulty Mission

C14 Five Star Difficulty Mission

0After completing 80% of the quest, he would need two more people's "heartfelt thanks" to open the treasure chest.    


Thinking of this, Chen Qun was like an impatient axe, searching for his prey.    


A brawny man in his thirties, led by a beautiful nurse, entered the emergency operating room at the side.    


Chen Qun didn't need to look to know that the doctor inside the relatively well-equipped emergency operating room was Wei Xu. After all, everyone in the hospital knew that the wealthiest person in the county, Lian Changshan, had donated a lot of Medical Apparatus for his nephew. Wei Xu was, of course, the most qualified to use these things.    


The sturdy guy had a silver nail stuck in his forehead. He said loudly without a care, "I already said that it was nothing, yet you still insist on going to light up. Now that the results are out, can you get a pair of pliers to pull him out and stick a Band-Aid on him? I still have to rush to the second train to deliver the snake meat! "    


Wei Xu's voice sounded, "As you wish! Snowy, bring a Band-Aid over and put it on this mister. Today is your lucky day. The nails grazed your scalp and were blocked by your bones. Now you can leave the hospital! "    


The brawny man walked out in the blink of an eye, intentionally winking at the nurse, Du Xue, "Thank you, Miss Nurse!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, the brawny man's body tilted forward and he leaned towards the pretty nurse. He lifted his hand and reached it towards the nurse's chest.    




A crisp slap resounded through the crowded corridor.    


The man who had been slapped did not move. His body leaned against the wall and he fell to the ground unnaturally.    


Chen Qun looked over and a different scene immediately appeared in his mind.    


"Theme Scene Quest: The Challenge Over Level: The Stunned Pervert. 5 stars in difficulty. Quest reward, unknown. The deadline is two days. "    


What was he trying to do?    


Crossing ranks every day to challenge? Was it because of the hidden skill 'Lucky Star'?    


Chen Qun rushed out and touched his left neck. He immediately shouted, "Quickly inform Doctor Zheng to prepare to inject epinephrine!"    


The group of people immediately placed the unconscious man on the operating table.    


Du Xue, who had beaten someone up, had a face full of panic. As she sobbed, she sobbed, "I … It was not intentional! "    


Chen Qun looked over with a determined look, "Don't panic. This patient's coma has nothing to do with you. It was only when he was unconscious that he became lopsided and came closer to you before you made your move. His ankle had been twisted and fractured while he was unconscious. It should be the surveillance footage that recorded this scene. "    


While he was talking, he opened the man's pupil. He shone the light of the surgery torch on it and found that the pupil had expanded a little. He knew that the situation was not normal. Just the difficulty of five stars was enough to leave him helpless.    


"In patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation, coagulation factors are rapidly consumed, leading to systemic hemorrhage. "Please quickly resolve this problem and save the patient!"    


The system's beautiful female voice rang in Chen Qun's ears, immediately surprising his Bookworm. Knowing that the System was kind enough to tell him about his illness, he was not afraid that he would solve this problem easily.    


If he treated blood clotting, the patient would die from bleeding; if he treated blood clotting, the patient would die from clotting!    


Such a choice was a dilemma that even the experts and professors of the great hospital would find difficult to answer. Not to mention Intern.    


Was it the System's revenge?    


Just as Chen Qun thought of this, he couldn't help but laugh. If the System could do this, then he was God. Now, the System was giving him the biggest advantage, he did not need to diagnose the illness to know it. The only thing he needed to do now was to find the root cause of the illness before he could cure it completely.    


This was like looking for a needle in a haystack!    


Chen Qun looked at the patient's swollen left ankle and was hesitating when he saw Zheng Weiguo walk in. Zheng Weiguo looked at the pulse rate data on the screen and frowned.    


Zheng Weiguo couldn't help but wave at the nurse who was crying in the corner, "You go back and rest first, you don't have to worry, I'll be here when the sky falls. You are not a martial arts expert, just one slap is enough to make a strong man faint! "    


Du Xue began to sob. "Doctor Zheng, could it be that he already has a concussion and his condition is aggravated by a single slap from me?"    


Zheng Weiguo shook his head weakly, "What do you think our doctor is for? Little Liu, go tell Captain Feng, who is in charge of the traffic police, that there is a dispute here. Tell him to send two policemen in and monitor our medical inspection. The instruments and data will explain everything. "    


After pausing for a moment, Zheng Weiguo looked at Intern in the room and asked, "Who told me what I need to do next?"    


"Let's go take a CT scan first!"    


"No, that's not right. He had broken his ankle!"    


Zheng Weiguo walked over and grabbed the sole of his foot with both of his hands. With a sudden twist, the dislocated ankle was turned over.    


Chen Qun recalled the system's prompt and hurriedly pointed to his ankle and forehead. "To avoid any complications, first, transfer the 500CC's fresh frozen plasma and crystal liquid to prevent the situation from deteriorating!"    


The busy emergency room didn't end until evening. Chen Qun, who was tired like a dog, laid on his bed after eating. Not to rest, but to use the system to find a way to treat a patient.    


However, this time, the topic was not as easy as last time. After more than ten mistakes, even the cause of the problem could not be found!    


Early the next morning, Chen Qun appeared in front of everyone with a tired face, which made everyone even more stunned. It was as if Chen Qun hadn't slept for several days. Who on earth was he?    


The patients who had been admitted to the intensive care unit were getting worse.    


Du Xue, with the same haggard face, walked into the infirmary and handed a document to Zheng Weiguo. "Uncle Zheng, this is my review from yesterday, I …"    


Her snow-white fingers waved in front of Chen Qun's eyes. Her teary appearance reminded Chen Qun of an idiom: "People are more delicate than flowers."    


Just as he was lamenting, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind and he jumped up, "Du Xue, where is the nail the patient pulled out yesterday? Where did you place it? Quickly find it and give it to me!" It will prove your innocence and save the lives of the patients! "    


A few minutes later, the shiny silver nail was placed in front of them.    


Chen Qun pointed at the nail and explained word by word.    


"Local villagers all have the habit of using a nail to nail the head of a snake to kill its prey. This nail is extremely smooth and should be frequently used to slaughter poisonous snakes. This person said yesterday that he was going to deliver the snake meat, so he must have come in contact with a poisonous snake.    


The result of the test was soon out. Although the poison on the nail wasn't large, there were still some remnants. The illness was easily resolved. It was the local Bamboo Leaf Cyan Poison, which caused the patient to have a consumptive blood clotting disease and caused him to fall unconscious.    


Because the patient didn't have any traces of being bitten by a venomous snake, Chen Qun didn't think of this when he looked through the information. As for the hospital, even the patient had not reached a reasonable conclusion on what kind of illness he was suffering from. The patient was then treated with an injection of the detoxification serum.    


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