Super Magic Surgery System

C21 Benefits of Scholar's Syndrome Skills

C21 Benefits of Scholar's Syndrome Skills

0Chapter XXI    


Benefits of Scholar's Syndrome Skills    


In the Internet Cafe opened by Zhang Xin's home, Chen Qun logged into the "Charlutte Hospital" once again. He looked at the video he uploaded and the situation was very strange this time. It had only been three or four hours, and there were already a thousand clicks. No one made any comments. Instead, they had received over a hundred Likes.    


When he looked carefully, he realized that the comments below had been locked by the website.    


What had happened?    


He immediately went to the Friend's Link website, but the result made Chen Qun even more disappointed. He didn't have a chance to connect to it at all. If he thought about it seriously, he wouldn't find it strange. These bloody videos were originally rejected by the media, and would cause all kinds of negative effects. Of course, they couldn't appear on the world's largest media website.    


Of course, if the time was reversed by 10 minutes, Chen Qun would be able to see hundreds of comments on the web page. The reason for this argument was very simple. Many doctors believed that under such special circumstances, the best way to stop it was to stop it with your bare hands. First, use your little finger to block the popliteal artery; that was what any doctor who cared about the life and death of their patient would do.    


At the end of the review, it was written, "With that agile little finger, coupled with the delicate gentleness and gentleness of a female doctor, it is not difficult to stop bleeding with bare hands and give patients better treatment."    


After that, the debate went awry and became a video of the main character's gender speculations. The various physiological, dermatological, and muscular detectors were able to determine whether the pair of slender hands in the video were male or female.    


The administrator saw that the topic was getting out of hand, so he directly sealed off the discussion to prevent everyone from continuing to discuss irrelevant issues.    


However, looking at the beautifully edited video, which looked like it was taken by a phone, no one's head or face was revealed. Just from the scattered images, one could guess that the place where this happened was in Asia.    


A new keyboard was thrown onto his table by Zhang Xin, "I'll lend you a keyboard so that you can finish your report. You have to identify the instrument nurse, and my prize and inheritance rights will all be on your shoulders!"    


Eldest Miss, this … His way of thinking was quite comical, did he know? You have a much higher level of academic syndrome than I do.    


"You only support one keyboard?"    


"Zhang Xin is just giving you practice. Try kneeling on the keyboard!"    


Two girls turned around and smiled at him.    


"You're all going to die. From today onwards, you're not allowed to use my 4K High Clear One Hundred Inch wide Angle TV to chase a movie. Everyone, go hide in your dorms and look at your phones!"    


Zhang Xin shouted loudly, baring her fangs and brandishing her claws as she chased after her two colleagues.    


Chen Qun searched the internet for "4K high definition, 100 cun wide angle color TV" with his eyes almost popping out. Even the lowest price was 6 digits.    


This Zhang Family was truly rich.    


I wonder if this keyboard is the legendary cherry-red axis mechanical keyboard?    


Chen Qun felt too embarrassed to go upstairs, so he took his keyboard and walked out of the internet cafe. After greeting the pretty cashier, he walked onto the street and went back to the hospital to rest. After taking a few steps forward, he saw a few drunk young men walking unsteadily towards him from a nearby bar.    


Not knowing why, Chen Qun had a strange feeling in his heart. It was as if these five young men in front of him were like martial artists, coincidentally blocking all the sidewalks in front. No matter which way they came from, they would crash into him.    


An unprecedented sense of danger rose in his heart.    


Chen Qun didn't stop his footsteps. Just as he was about to bump into the two young men, he dodged into the canteen nearby.    


"A bottle of iced black tea!"    


Chen Qun still had some lingering fear as he took out his phone and secretly took a picture of the few young men when he was busy paying for his phone. Next, he blocked the camera's view with his cheek. He could see the youths on the screen stop their steps. It was obvious that they were certain of being hit, but this brat had actually dodged them.    


The two youths closest to him tilted their bodies and followed him into the canteen.    


Now, even if Chen Qun used his toes, he knew that it was specifically aimed at him.    


At this moment, a patrol car drove past slowly. Then, Chen Qun hurriedly walked out from the two youths' side. He knew what was going on, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.    


His brain began to think again and his thoughts gradually became clearer. He became more sure that with Wei Xu's personality, the next step was to make trouble for his parents and make a threat.    


He remembered that the engineering team in Lianchang was building a resort not far from the old street, and that their old house was the last one on the street. The easiest and most effective way was to pretend that the car had slipped and run into it with a dump truck. It was more convincing than anything else.    


Chen Qun's initial fear was that Chang Shan would target his parents, but now that he changed his position to think about it, it felt like he had turned into a villain who committed all sorts of crimes. Grasping the bad guy's mindset and being prepared to deal with the upcoming threat. They might even be able to steal a chicken or eat rice.    


This was the benefit of Scholar's Syndrome!    


He thought for a moment before dialing Zhu Zixia's number.    


"Did something happen to my father?"    


Chen Qun heard the anxious voice and explained apologetically.    


"No, Uncle Zhu has had a tetanus shot and has long since fallen asleep, so you can rest assured. I want to ask you to do me a favor. Aren't you on the night shift this month? Could you drive your police car to the old street and patrol for a bit? There are always overweight dump trucks passing by at night, and this seems to belong to your traffic police. "I'll bet that tonight or tomorrow night, a large number of dump trucks will pass by our street, maybe your police team can catch them in action!"    


After a moment of silence, he heard Qi Zixia whisper, "Did you offend Lian Changshan's nephew?"    


Chen Qun had a whole new level of respect for this woman. He knew where his mom got the information from, so he was a little touched. He immediately admitted it.    


"Yes, I offended you again just now." Someone had stopped me in the street and I had dodged them. I'm going back to the hospital now. If I guessed correctly, the next step is to go to my house and harass them. It's very likely that he's going to crash into my house's walls and cause a man-made accident to scare my parents.    


"No problem. Today, our team just received a mission from the city, which was to check and deal with the traffic overload of Lian Changshan's Clear Sky Construction Company. There were many accidents in a row. The accident patient who sent you to the hospital the day before yesterday, was the one who avoided the uncontrollable dump truck of the Greencloud company, and climbed down the hill. Thank you for the clue! I'll report it to the captain. "    


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