Ultimate Upgrading System



0Yang Ying carefully sensed the surface of the water. In his senses, a black shadow suddenly sped up from the bottom of the pond.    


Yang Ying was shocked. This black shadow must have been alerted by his perception. This black shadow should be very powerful.    


Yang Ying quickly left the pond.    


He had just stepped back when a black shadow broke through the water surface and attacked Yang Ying who was on the shore.    


Yang Ying quickly used the Soaring Movement Arts and stepped back, creating some distance between him and the black shadow.    


The black shadow stood by the pond, staring at Yang Ying with its big eyes.    


Yang Ying was also observing the black shadow. Its entire body was black, and its body was smooth and hairless. It had scales all over its body, and its head looked like a pangolin. However, it had a bull tail.    


This was a Water Cloud Beast! It really was here!    


Yang Ying suddenly unleashed the Soaring Movement Arts and dodged to the side. Just as Yang Ying dodged, the Water Cloud Beast had already appeared where Yang Ying had just been standing.    


Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, "This Water Cloud Beast's speed is the fastest I have ever seen!"    


Yang Ying slowly drew his sword, and the True Qi circulated on it. With a flash, he arrived beside the Water Cloud Beast. At the same time, he raised his sword and stabbed at the Water Cloud Beast.    


The Water Cloud Beast dodged the long sword.    


Seeing this, Yang Ying used the Gale Sword Arts once again. The tip of the sword seemed to be whistling with the wind, and the long sword slashed at the Water Cloud Beast.    


Although the Water Cloud Beast had escaped from the pond, its speed was still extremely fast. It was actually able to fight with him without being at a disadvantage.    


Sometimes, when the long sword fell on the surface of the Water Cloud Beast's body, sparks would actually appear. The long sword was actually unable to harm the scales on the surface of the Water Cloud Beast's body.    


Yang Ying realized that he could not injure the Water Cloud Beast, so he pretended that he accidentally tripped over a rock on the ground.    


The Water Cloud Beast saw that Yang Ying's sword technique had stopped moving, so it rushed in front of Yang Ying. It raised its right front paw and smashed it at Yang Ying.    


The Water Cloud Beast's front paw smashed towards Yang Ying. Just as it was about to hit Yang Ying, Yang Ying took a deep breath, and at the same time, the long sword that was filled with True Qi fiercely swept towards the Water Cloud Beast's eyes.    


At this time, its front claw had already hit Yang Ying's abdomen. At the same time, the long sword had also swept past the Water Cloud Beast's eyes.    


They retreated at the same time. Yang Ying spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale. His internal organs had been severely injured, and four visible wounds could be seen on his abdomen.    


Yang Ying wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, then raised his head to look at the Water Cloud Beast.    


At this moment, there was a deep sword scar on the Water Cloud Beast's eyes, and the wound beside its eyes was bleeding.    


The Water Cloud Beast was in pain. It was crazy.    


Yang Ying took a few steps back and put some distance between himself and the Water Cloud Beast. At the same time, he silently circulated the True Qi to regulate his breathing.    


After about a quarter of an hour, the Water Cloud Beast's attack clearly slowed down.    


After this period of observation, Yang Ying discovered that the Water Cloud Beast's head and body were covered in scales, but its neck did not have scales.    


Yang Ying activated the Soaring Movement Arts and flashed to the back of the Water Cloud Beast. He gathered all the True Qi into his long sword and slashed at the Water Cloud Beast's neck.    


The Water Cloud Beast immediately fell to the ground and stopped struggling.    


"Congratulations on killing the rank 8 beast Water Cloud Beast, you have obtained 60 points of origin power."    


Yang Ying found some healing medicine in his backpack and sprinkled it on the wound on his abdomen. He rolled up the lower part of his clothes and tied a knot on his abdomen.    


He squatted down and first used a small basin to store the Water Cloud Beast's blood. This was the basin that Yang Ying had specially picked up in the dormitory in order to get the Water Cloud Beast's blood.    


Then, he cut off the Water Cloud Beast's scales along with the leather armor. As he cut, he said happily, "This should be able to make a good protective armor!"    


After cutting, he did not forget to take off the Water Cloud Beast's claws. "This looks very sharp. I should be able to use them to exchange for some Spirit Stone."    


Yang Ying put away the small basin filled with beast blood and poured the blood into a container. He then placed the small basin under the Water Cloud Beast and took the beast blood.    


He used the water to test the cold pond water and found that the pond water was cold. Hence, he took out a water bag and drank a few mouthfuls before using the water bag to store the cold pond water.    


He walked around the pond again and found a few Tier 4 Waterfrost Herb. This Waterfrost Herb would only grow in places with cold water. There was nothing else around.    


Only then did he return and put away the small basin.    


He thought about it and used the sword to cut off the flesh on the Water Cloud Beast's thigh. He felt that the taste of this meat must be very good!    


After busying himself for a quarter of an hour, he cut off the Water Cloud Beast's thigh. He wrapped it in a cloth bag, and then put it in his backpack.    


After Yang Ying finished packing, he found a tree shade and sat down to adjust his condition. Although this area should be the Water Cloud Beast's territory, he still needed to be careful.    


If other demon beasts smelled the scent of blood and rushed over, with his current condition, he might encounter danger.    


After half an hour of recuperation, Yang Ying had fully recovered. His wound had also stopped bleeding, but occasionally, blood would seep out from his wound due to his movements. Yang Ying put on his backpack and rushed towards the exit of Back Mountain.    


When Yang Ying arrived at the exit, the sun had already set in the west. He bowed to his two senior brothers guarding Back Mountain and walked towards the Outer Sect of Green Cloud Sect.    


The senior brother on the left looked at Yang Ying's back and said to his senior brother on the right, "senior brother Liu, look at the big piece in his bag. Is it the scale armor of the Water Cloud Beast?"    


senior brother Liu stroked his chin and said, "This thing looks a bit like the scale armor of the Water Cloud Beast. When he walked past us, this thing emitted a cold air. It has a bit of the smell of the Water Cloud Beast. But I've only seen it in the ancient books. "    


"The Water Cloud Beast is very fierce. Even an ordinary Ninth Order Qi Refinement wouldn't be able to deal with it. Is it possible that Yang Ying is already a Tenth Order Qi Refinement?" Junior Yan was stunned for a moment and said.    


"About ten days ago, Liu Fann had just verified his cultivation base. At that time, he was only a Sixth Order Qi Refinement, right?" senior brother Liu frowned and said.    


"That's right! Although he had been spending a lot of time in Back Mountain recently. But he was at the peak of the sixth step. Right now, the most he can do is break through to the seventh step!" Junior Yan also had a look of disbelief.    


"But he is really very strict with himself!" senior brother Liu sighed with emotion.    


Yang Ying did not hear the discussion of his two senior brothers behind him. He first went to the dormitory, washed up, and then took the harvest from Back Mountain to Mission Hall.    


He left the Water Cloud Beast's scales, blood, and meat in the dormitory.    



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