System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1695 The Crisis of the Golden Pearl

C1695 The Crisis of the Golden Pearl

0Jin Xianzhu quickly retreated in fear, but her speed was not as fast as Hwa Weidong's angry speed. She was ruthlessly pressed against the corner of the wall! This time, Hwa Weidong had learned his lesson. Before Jin Xianzhu could start kicking randomly, he used his leg to press down on her leg, making her move completely. Unable to move!    


"Stinking woman, you're giving me face and not giving me face, I'll f * cking kill you!!" Hwa Weidong crazily came up and continuously gave Jin Xianzhu a few slaps on her pretty face. The sound of clapping was clear and loud. It directly made Jin Xianzhu's pretty face swollen up, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth. That was not the end. As Jin Xianzhu struggled, he grabbed her collar. He directly pulled it down! The dress was of good quality and it was not torn. But with this pull, Jin Xianzhu's shoulder was completely exposed to the air! Her red and fair skin, which could be torn with a flick of her finger, and her sexy collarbone were exposed to the air. It immediately made Jin Xianzhu feel deeply humiliated!    


"Bastard, bastard!" Jin Xianzhu, who had been beaten senseless, finally woke up at this time. She cried and used her fists to fiercely smash towards Hwa Weidong's chest. But she was only a woman. How much strength could she use to hurt Hwa Weidong? Hwa Weidong was already on the verge of going berserk. He did not care if his chest hurt or not. He reached out his hand and grabbed towards Jin Xianzhu fiercely!    


At this time, Jin Xianzhu was in fear and fear. She desperately wanted to stop Hwa Weidong's shameless actions. She did not expect that the randomly thrown fist would hit the other arm of his injured arm. Hwa Weidong's arm, which was already in extreme pain, was hit by Jin Xianzhu. His body couldn't help but lose its balance. Jin Xianzhu finally broke free from his control temporarily.    


Jin Xianzhu was scared and scared. She wanted to run in the opposite direction but sadly, she found that... She could only continue to tangle with Hwa Weidong in this completely enclosed living room. It would be useless if this continued. If Hwa Weidong could control her once, then there would be a second time. The third time, could it be that she could be so lucky every time to get rid of his control? No, Jin Xianzhu knew that she did not have such an ability.    


If she could not get rid of Hwa Weidong who was like a wolf, then she could only fight with him. But how could she, a weak female, be able to fight against a standard man?    


Jin Xianzhu steeled her heart and gritted her teeth. Her gaze began to anxiously look around the living room. Is there anything that can protect her? But what made her very disappointed was... The furnishings in the living room had all been smashed. There was nothing that could be used to defend herself. At this moment, Hwa Weidong, who had regained his strength, had a look of resentment and anger on his face. He charged towards her once again!    


Jin Xianzhu, who was retreating, had a look of fear and despair on her face. At this time, she accidentally knocked over a bottle of cleaning agent used to clean the room beside the rack. She did not know what to do, but she suddenly froze. Her beautiful eyes stared at the bottle of cleaning agent for a few seconds. At this critical moment, she suddenly grabbed the bottle of cleaning agent. She immediately protected herself in front of her!    


"Don't come over here!!" Jin Xianzhu's painful and despairing tears kept flowing. She gritted her teeth and her delicate body trembled lightly. As if she had used all her strength to remove the detergent in her hand, she coldly shouted at Hwa Weidong, who was rushing over. "If you dare to come over, I will drink this detergent! I will not let you taint my body even if I die. I will not compromise! "    


"Stop scaring people, drink the detergent? Are you stupid? After drinking this, you're dead! " Hwa Weidong stopped in his tracks and pointed at her with a look of disdain, threatening her. " Drink! You should drink! Do you think it's worth it to joke around with your life just for your own purity? Only a fool would pay such a price! Jin Xianzhu, do you think I will believe your threats? Let me tell you, no matter what, I will make you pay today!"    


Facing the aggressive Hwa Weidong, Jin Xianzhu felt a deep sense of despair. She had already made her last effort, but she still could not succeed. Perhaps, she really had to make a choice. The price of purity was her life. She, would she dare to pay such a price?    


After hesitating and struggling for a moment, Jin Xianzhu smiled sadly. She stared at Hwa Weidong in front of her and said faintly. "You will definitely receive your retribution. I am dead. Don't even think about getting away with it... Someone will take revenge for me, just wait! I, Jin Minying, would rather die than sleep with you. Become a b * tch like you!"    


Just as he finished speaking, Hwa Weidong's eyes widened. He looked at Jin Xianzhu in disbelief as she desperately pointed the bottle of detergent at her pink lips. She opened her mouth and poured the detergent into her mouth! In an instant, he realized that some women were really not what he had imagined...    


"Haha, my good friend Fann Binn, you are really good. Truly amazing!" Jin Zhenhuan, who was smiling from ear to ear, did not even have the time to care about his daughter when he saw Fann Binn and his group walk onto the dock from the submarine. He happily gave Fann Binn a big hug and said happily. "Where's the national treasure? Where's the national treasure? "    


"Father... the national treasure is with me." Before Jin Zhenhuan could answer his question, Jin Minying, who was holding the box containing the Imperial Jade Seal, stood out from the crowd. She looked at her father in front of her and her voice was clearly agitated. Tears kept flowing down her face. She sobbed a little. "Daughter... did not disappoint all the citizens of C Nation and finally brought the Imperial Ruler's Seal to C Nation..."    


"Good, good. Minying, you have suffered." Jin Zhenhuan sighed lightly and said, "I already know about your matter, not that I am talking about you. Sometimes, don't work so hard to make me worry. The plan to seize the treasure was planned by me. If those special agents can't seize the national treasure, then... Even if you go with them, it's useless, right? Don't be like this in the future, understand? "    


Jin Minying's eyes were red as she nodded her head vigorously and did not say anything else. At this time, Fann Binn smiled and said to Jin Zhenhuan, "Marshal Jin, don't blame Minying. She is also thinking about C Nation. That was why she impulsively followed him to snatch the treasure. Fortunately, she was safe now, and the treasure was back. We should be happy."    


" Yeah, I really have to thank you, brother Fann Binn. I don't know what to say about your great kindness to our C Nation." Jin Zhenhuan held his hand gratefully. "Your Longzhou Group is in the midst of the experimental construction of the economic development zone in C Nation. It is in full swing. Now you have saved my daughter and sent a precious national treasure like the Imperial Ruler's Seal to C Nation. How can I repay your kindness? "    


"Come, let's go back first. I've already prepared a grand banquet for you at the Marshal Mansion. I will celebrate the meritorious service of C Nation and officially announce to the public that the Imperial Ruler's Seal has already entered the embrace of the people of C Nation. Haha, I think that the people of C Nation have lost their treasures after paying a huge sum of money. At this moment, I feel a sense of relief. Good, good! You are indeed worthy of my trust in you."    


"Dinner?" Fann Binn was stunned for a moment, then he smiled bitterly and said, "I say, Marshal Jin, we can host this banquet, but let's put the announcement to tomorrow. We'll do it when we leave. It's not like you don't know that my troops and I can't show our faces easily. When we're gone tomorrow, you can do whatever you want to publicize. You can say that it was Jin Minying who snatched the Imperial Jade Seal. That way, you can cut ties with me. "    


" Oh? Doing good deeds without leaving your name? Haha, Mr Fann is indeed a visionary. I also know that... You are not a person who likes to show off. Alright, then let my daughter have a good time. Originally, a lot of things happened during Congress C when the national treasure couldn't be snatched back. Now that this matter was resolved, Minying had to prove herself with her head held high. With the Imperial Ruler's Seal in hand, she is the greatest contributor to C Nation! "    


Jin Zhenhuan was stunned, then smiled and nodded," Mr Fann, there is no need to thank me. From now on, C Nation will be your strongest backing, even if H Country does not want you anymore. C Nation will always be your home. I welcome you."    


Fann Binn didn't say anything after hearing what Jin Zhenhuan said. He looked at Jin Minying, who was wiping her tears. He smiled meaningfully. Jin Zhenhuan didn't know that his baby girl had already become someone's property. Helping him seize the Imperial Jade Seal was the same as helping his own people. What was wrong with that?    


Very quickly, Fann Binn and the others got into the car that had been waiting for them on the convoy at the dock. The convoy was clearing the road in the military car. Jin Minying, who was carrying the Imperial Jade Seal, was heading towards the capital of C Country. In the car, Jin Zhenhuan and Jin Minying sat in the same car. Fann Binn and his men sat in the second car. Although the sky had just brightened, the rays of the morning sun soon covered the entire land. They could see very clearly along the way. Even the headlights were no longer needed to be turned on.    


"How is it? Are you hurt?" In the motorcade, Jin Zhenhuan, who was sitting in an old Mercedes-Benz, asked his daughter, Jin Minying, who was sitting next to him, with some heartache. He said with concern, "You really scared father. After I heard that you were missing, I almost wanted to send troops to find you. Fortunately, I endured it. Otherwise, I would have really started a war with H Country. C Nation might not be a match for H Nation."    


"Sigh... After decades of changing of fate, America's former imperialism in our eyes is no longer the same as before. Whether it is the military or the economy, we are unable to compete with it. This is good. With the Imperial Ruler's Seal in hand, H will lose its inheritance and initiative. At the very least, C Country will be able to stabilize itself within the country."    


"This is all thanks to your good fortune, father. That's why my daughter was able to live so peacefully." Jin Minying looked at her father and said, "Father, it was all thanks to Fann Binn's help that I was able to survive this time. You must repay him well. If it wasn't for him, the Imperial Ruler's Seal and I would have become the property of the H Nation. Without him, there wouldn't be such a big turnaround."    


" I know. This matter... I know it better than you." Jin Zhenhuan said with a sigh, "It's a pity that Fann Binn is not from C Nation. Otherwise... That's really one of us. Sigh, outsiders are always outsiders, even though he has helped us so much. There are some things that I don't trust him too much..."    


"Father, actually, actually..." When Jin Minying said this, she lowered her pretty face shyly and spoke in a reserved manner, "Fann Binn and I already have a relationship between men and women..."    


"What? Is this true? " Jin Zhenhuan was stunned for a moment, then he laughed heartily. “ Haha! My good daughter, well done, well done! To be able to grasp Fann Binn's heart, you are the true hero of C Nation! In that case, I will have to change my way of addressing Fann Binn as my son-in-law in the future? Hahaha..."    


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