System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1665 Trap(1)

C1665 Trap(1)

0There are burning wounds everywhere, and the path that is riddled with holes emits the heat of hot skin. It made Jin Minying extremely uncomfortable when she first walked in. Soon, her entire body was covered in sweat due to the heat. Even her pretty face was roasted red by the flames.    


After all, it was summer now and it was already very hot. In addition to the power of the explosion and the burning just now, the temperature on the road could be described as very hot.    


The four of them endured the high temperature and headed towards the black van. The three warriors took the initiative to follow Jin Minying in a triangular shape. They were constantly vigilant of their surroundings, protecting Jin Minying's safety!    


The black carriage was at the center of the road. The road leading to the port was four to eight lane. Now, it had been completely blown up into mud. Broken concrete road debris and car debris were everywhere. It had extended for more than a kilometer.    


In the distance ahead, many trucks and trucks had stopped at the edge of the damaged road. Those truck drivers who survived the disaster were already scared to death. No one knew where they had run to, only the long line of vehicles were left. The entire passage was completely blocked. From a certain point of view, this indirectly delayed the speed of the reinforcements from Country H. To Jin Minying and the others, this was undoubtedly not a good thing.    


"Everyone, move quickly. The escort truck is right in front!" When Jin Minying saw the overturned carriage about a hundred meters in front of her, the excitement on her pretty face became even more intense. She quickly ran towards the black carriage. She only wanted to know if the Imperial Ruler's Seal that was escorted by the carriage was alright.    


"Princess, be careful. Don't run too fast!" The three remaining soldiers of C Country saw Jin Minying suddenly increase her speed and ran towards the transport carriage. They could not help but follow her. In this area where the bomb had exploded, there could be enemies that could suddenly appear in any direction or location. They could not be careless. However, Jin Minying ran so fast because she saw the transport wagon. They could only bite the bullet and follow closely. They did not have time to carefully check their surroundings.    


At this moment, Jin Minying only felt that she was getting closer and closer to the black carriage. She could not help but feel nervous. That's right, if the Imperial Ruler's Seal was intact and she could get it. Didn't this mean that she could successfully bring the national treasure back to C Nation?    


If that was the case, then she had undoubtedly done an earth-shattering thing for C Nation. C Nation would also be able to overcome the crisis and defeat H Nation in terms of morality and culture. Her father's regime would also undoubtedly become more stable! How important was this Imperial Jade Seal to her!    


After nearly three to four minutes of rapid running, she finally arrived in front of the overturned black carriage, panting heavily. Looking at the tightly shut door of the carriage, she hurriedly turned her head and said to the three soldiers following closely behind her. " Quick, help me open the door of this carriage!"    


The three soldiers ran to Jin Minying and knew that the national treasure was in the carriage in front of them. Of course, they were also very excited. The famous soldiers immediately shouted. "Princess, I'll do it! I'll shoot open the door! Everyone, move aside!" After all, opening the car's lock with a shot could cause the bullet to fly away due to its high speed. It was very likely that the stray bullet would refract and hit the nearby direction. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, after hearing what he said, Jin Minying and the other two soldiers could not help but walk further away to avoid getting hurt.    


The soldier showed an excited expression and did not care about the sweat on his forehead. He raised the automatic rifle in his hand and aimed the muzzle at the car lock. His fingers drew the trigger and slowly pressed down.    


"Bang!" Just as Jin Minying heard a gunshot, a bloody hole suddenly appeared on the body of the C Nation soldier who was about to shoot the carriage lock. Blood splashed out from the back of his chest. His eyes widened almost instantly. He stared blankly ahead and fell down heavily just like that. This warrior did not even realize where the fatal bullet that shot at him came from!    


"There's an ambush, quickly lie down!!" Before Jin Minying could react, the soldier beside her had already pulled her to the ground. The other soldier quickly turned the muzzle of his gun and with his experience of training, he quickly found the direction where the bullet came from. He aimed at that direction and fiercely pulled the trigger in his hand!    


"Da Da Da..." Flames poured out of his automatic rifle and aimed at the charred remains of an armored vehicle not far away from the overturned truck. There, a member of the H Nation Marine Corps whose legs were badly mutilated was holding a gun. The bullets that whistled through the air directly caused countless wounds on his body, and a trace of blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth. He lowered his head and died. That shot just now had been shot out from his hand. And now, his life had also been reaped by Death.    


"Princess, you're safe, just now it was an injured enemy who shot you coldly. Before he died, he still had to drag me down with him. What bad luck!" The C Nation warrior who killed that guy vigilantly looked around before putting away his spear and said to Jin Minying who was still lying on the ground. " I'll go and open the lock of the carriage now! "    


Jin Minying was just about to get up when another C Nation warrior beside her said, "Princess, it's better for us to lie on the ground like this. The environment here is too complicated. No one knows if there will be any more cold shots. For safety's sake, let him drive the carriage. Let's just stay here. "    


Hearing the soldier's words, Jin Minying turned her head and looked at the soldier who died with everlasting regret. She could not help but nod her head lightly. She was very clear in her heart that this soldier was her fault. If it wasn't for her request to open the carriage lock, he wouldn't have suffered a sneak attack from a cold gun. However, for the sake of passing down the Imperial Jade Seal, these sacrifices were nothing at all. As long as the national treasure was in his hands, all of these sacrifices were worth it!    


"Bang!!" Just as Jin Minying was in deep thought, the warrior who continued to unlock the door fired three times at the carriage's lock. Very quickly, it was completely destroyed. At this time, he grabbed the door handle with some excitement. He used all his strength to open the broken and loosened door!    


"Creak..." The car door was slightly deformed from the impact of the explosion, so when it was pushed open, there was an unpleasant sound of metal rubbing against metal. The soldier tried his best to open the door and said excitedly to Jin Minying. "Princess, I have already opened the door!"    


At this moment, Jin Minying could not help but stand up from the ground and ran towards the door. At this moment, she did not even look at the warrior who opened the door. She directly went into the dark carriage! She no longer had time to waste here. She had to get rid of the reinforcements from H Country as soon as possible after she got the Imperial Ruler's Seal, so she had to be fast. She had to be fast!    


In the dark environment, Jin Minying took out the miniature flashlight in her hand. After pressing it, the light immediately shone out, brightening up the interior of the carriage. At this moment, Jin Minying suddenly found two corpses lying in the carriage in front of her. She almost jumped in fright and could not help but scream!    


She tightly covered her small mouth and carefully shone the light in that direction with some fear. Only then did she realize that these two people should be the guards in front of the carriage. Because of the rolling of the car caused by the explosion, its head directly hit the carriage and died. She looked at the red and white color that covered the ground. Her stomach felt nauseous, and a feeling of wanting to vomit instantly spread throughout her entire body.    


She tried her best to turn her head away and not look at the horrible situation as she carefully walked between the two corpses. Jin Minying's mind was currently filled with only thoughts about the Imperial Ruler's Seal. Very quickly, her light shone onto the only huge safe in the car! She walked to the front of the safe. For a moment, she did not know what to do. Of course, she knew that the one holding the Imperial Jade Seal must be the safe, but she did not expect that the safe would be so huge. She was not a crack expert. Such a huge safe... How could she open it?    


She had actually seen such a large safe before. Her father had once bought such a large safe before. Such a safe had a backup power source. If this van happened to be on top of the mine explosives... Then perhaps the safe would not be able to withstand the power of the explosion and shatter the Imperial Ruler's Seal protected inside.    


However, the van was too lucky to avoid the direct explosion of the mine bomb. The collision just now simply wouldn't have caused any damage to the safe. In other words, the Imperial Ruler's Seal might not have been destroyed.    


Just as Jin Minying was worrying about how to open the safe, she was surprised to find that the safe in front of her was actually loosening! The opening of the safe was loosening. What did this mean? This meant that the safe was opening and not locked!    


This time, the confidence that she originally did not have immediately returned. Jin Minying turned her head to look at the two dead people and said with slight excitement. "Could it be that they saw that the situation was not right and wanted to open the safe to take out the Imperial Ruler's Seal and leave first? At this moment, the mine explosives that were buried in advance exploded. The car rolled and they died. Is that why the safe is open? "    


If this possibility was true, then Jin Minying would have to thank her luck for being so good! She quickly walked to the front of the safe. Since the car was overturned, so the safe was also turned over on the side, even if the safe was still open. She still needed to use a lot of strength to open it. Fortunately, she found a broken steel rod from the side and directly stuck it at the opening of the safe, forcefully lifting it up. Only then did she slowly open a hole in the safe. Jin Minying, who was getting more and more excited when she was about to see the national treasure, threw the rod to the side and quickly lit up the light in her hand into the safe. What she wanted to know the most now was whether the Imperial Ruler's Seal was intact or not!    


However, at this moment, under the illumination of the light in the safe, she was almost instantly stunned, and her beautiful eyes were filled with disbelief. It took her a long time before she shook her head in shock and said, "No... This is impossible, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible! Why, why is the safe... empty??"    


Yes, when Jin Minying excitedly shone the light into the open safe, she discovered that she could not believe it. Such a big safe, it was actually empty. It was empty! There was no national treasure, no imperial jade seal. There was nothing at all!    


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