System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1645 Zhang Haiyang's Plan(2)

C1645 Zhang Haiyang's Plan(2)

0Fann Binn frowned when he heard what Zhang Haiyang said. What Zhang Haiyang did... Without a doubt, they were trying to separate him and Zhang Manrou! Using Zhang Manrou's other half as a bargaining chip was not attractive to Zhang Manrou herself. It was instead ___ herself. It was a huge profit for the entire Zhang's Group! He didn't believe that this old man had no deeper meaning behind his actions. Zhang Manrou was already with him, so he deliberately said this. Naturally, there was a meaning behind his words!    


Things were developing in the direction that Fann Binn was becoming more and more uncertain about. The words that Zhang Haiyang said made him clearly feel threatened. He lifted Zhang Manrou out. He deliberately let go of this bait that was enough to make all men crazy. For what reason? Wasn't it to make him and Zhang Manrou not together and find someone he thought was suitable to marry Zhang Manrou out? Fann Binn's expression became uglier and uglier. He faced Zhang Haiyang who was speaking frankly and confidently on the stage. His impression of him had changed step by step.    


In the past, no matter how much Zhang Haiyang threatened him or looked down on him, it didn't matter. He only felt that Zhang Haiyang was doing it for his daughter, and it was understandable. But this time, what was it? In order to separate him and Zhang Manrou, he actually joked about Zhang Manrou's happiness. This was a bit too much!    


Whoever Zhang Manrou liked and who she wanted to be with should be up to her to decide. Instead of relying on her father to be with him who he liked, that was not love. Naturally, she would not be happy! Zhang Haiyang clearly did not understand this point. That was why he had made such a decision at this moment!    


"I think everyone seems to be very interested in my daughter, right? Don't be anxious, the real son-in-law must first be chosen by my daughter. Only by passing through her first stage can you pass me. Otherwise, of course there's no hope. " After saying that, Zhang Haiyang smiled at the crowd and said, "It's not that easy to be Zhang Haiyang's son-in-law. If everyone thinks that you are really capable, I don't mind you all giving it a try. But if anyone wants to get too close to my daughter, don't blame me for being impolite. "    


The men in the hall all had eager expressions in their eyes. Even Soong Zhebin, a H citizen, was interested. If Zhang Haiyang's daughter really liked him, then why did he need to suck up to Hwa Weidong? Therefore, he still wanted to give it a try.    


Hwa Weidong, who was standing beside him, saw through Soong Zhebin's thoughts with a glance. He could not help but smile. " What's wrong? Brother Song, are you getting impatient? Hehe, if you want to take action, then do it. Get the King of Ships's daughter in your hands. If you have everything, why do you need to work so hard?"    


With Hwa Weidong's encouragement, Soong Zhebin became even more excited. He now had the idea of launching an attack on Zhang Haiyang's daughter. If he could really win the favor of Zhang Haiyang's daughter, then he wouldn't be able to easily obtain the shipbuilding technique of Zhang's Group. He could even stop being some bullsh * t agent and stay in H Country as a rich man! The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He gritted his teeth and said, "Alright, then I'll give it a try."    


"Okay, I support you. Cheers!" Hwa Weidong smiled and clinked glasses with him, then drank all the red wine inside. Soong Zhebin was not willing to be outdone. He also drank all the wine in the glass. He slowly turned his eyes to Zhang Haiyang on the stage.    


Fann Binn really wanted to rush onto the platform at this moment and kick Zhang Haiyang down. This fellow did not tell everyone the truth. Zhang Manrou was actually his, Fann Binn's, woman! But he kept this secret. What was he trying to do? He did not feel good. It seemed like Zhang Haiyang really wanted to play it for real this time.    


Then he probably called him over tonight because he wanted to have a showdown with him. Asking him to stay away from his daughter? The more Fann Binn thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. He could not sit still anymore. He wanted to find Zhang Manrou and ask her about it. If Zhang Haiyang really wanted to let him and Zhang Manrou separate, then he must take Zhang Manrou away tonight! No one had the right to separate his woman from him!    


Zhang Haiyang started to speak again, but Fann Binn did not want to listen anymore. Amid the applause from the guests on the lawn, Fann Binn quietly left the lawn. Under the eyes of the guards, he quietly entered the mansion of Zhang Manor. And very quickly, according to the memories of the last time he came, he began to search for Zhang Manrou's boudoir.    


Needless to say, the security of the Boat King's manor was naturally very tight. The bodyguards he hired were all rather powerful bodyguards. Sometimes, the hidden sentries were arranged very well in the villa. Fann Binn was almost discovered several times. He quietly went up to the second floor.    


Once he entered the second floor, Fann Binn saw the room where he carried Zhuge Yuyan into when he came to the Zhang's Group's cocktail party the last time. At that time, Zhuge Yuyan drank the wine that had been drugged. The seductive scene of her seducing all living things in the room made his blood boil when he thought about it. It had been a long time since he had seen this beautiful woman. He had to punish her properly next time!    


Thinking of this, Fann Binn suppressed the flame in his heart. He continued to walk along the corridor towards the depths of the villa. But after searching for a long time, he still couldn't find Zhang Manrou's room. Helpless, he could not care about so much anymore. He no longer hid and directly walked towards the bodyguards who were guarding the nearby area.    


The two bodyguards on duty were chatting when they suddenly saw Fann Binn who came out of the darkness. They could not help but be shocked. Very quickly, they shouted loudly, "Who is it? This was a private residence, strangers could not enter. Please leave quickly, or I'll shoot you!"    


Fann Binn ignored their warning and rushed towards the two bodyguards with quick steps. The two bodyguards were shocked and wanted to raise the guns on their waists. The bodyguards were well-trained. They were naturally quick to pull out their guns, but who was Fann Binn? His running speed was undoubtedly even faster! The two bodyguards had just gotten their hands on the pistols on their waists when Fann Binn already turned around and ran. Here he comes!    


"Damn it!" Just as the bodyguard beside him shouted out in surprise, Fann Binn had already smashed his hand on his neck with a heavy knife. He fell to the ground and fainted immediately after being hit by the knife. He did not have any ability to resist at all. The remaining bodyguard was about to shoot at Fann Binn at a close distance, but Fann Binn's right thumb had already been inserted into the trigger of the gun. The bodyguard wanted to pull the trigger, but at that moment, he realized that he could not.    


In a split second, Fann Binn flipped his hand, and the bodyguard's palm was in pain. He could not control the gun. Helplessly letting go, the gun fell to the ground. Before he could react, he felt his neck suddenly tighten. Fann Binn had already used his hand to pinch his neck!    


"I'll give you three seconds to think about it. Tell me where your young lady's room is. After that, I'll send you to heaven immediately!" Fann Binn said straightforwardly, "If you want to die, you can choose not to say."    


The bodyguard who was pinched by Fann Binn's neck felt a suffocating pain spreading from his throat to his entire body. He really wanted to cough. But he could not even take a breath. His face was red from holding it in. As he struggled, despair gradually appeared in his eyes. As his consciousness gradually began to blur... Finally, he revealed a pleading look and pointed his hand at the corridor in front of him. Then he bent to the left. The meaning was clear. If she kept walking forward, she would turn to Zhang Manrou's room on the left!    


"At least you are smart. I can keep your little life for you. But don't be a bodyguard for the rest of your life. A person who is a traitor for his life. You're not qualified to be a loyal bodyguard. " Fann Binn loosened his grip. Before the bodyguard could cough, he knocked on the back of the bodyguard's neck, causing him to fall unconscious. He did not stop at all. He strode quickly towards the end of the corridor!    


"Miss Zhang, the makeup is done. You are so beautiful. Just as beautiful as a fairy." The makeup artist finally took the chalk and gently brushed Zhang Manrou's pretty face. After that, she could not help but sigh in the mirror. " Such a beautiful woman, I really don't know which man can marry her in the future. It's really his happiness... "    


Zhang Manrou slowly opened her beautiful eyes and looked at the mirror that was wearing a green chiffon dress. She was wearing light makeup and her hair was tied up. She looked dignified. Quiet, beautiful and moving me, she said softly to the makeup artist beside her shyly. " Thank you. I really like this outfit."    


"Miss Zhang, don't thank me. You have such a beautiful face and such a perfect figure. Any makeup artist would be able to create such an effect, it's really too beautiful. When you come out later, you will definitely attract thousands of men. " The makeup artist smiled and tidied up her makeup on the dressing table before asking Zhang Manrou. " When are you going to attend the banquet? It will definitely shock the entire audience. I believe that you are destined to be the brightest pearl in the entire banquet as soon as you appear. You'll shine brilliantly wherever you go."    


"Don't praise me, I know very well how beautiful I am" Zhang Manrou looked in the mirror at her pretty face and said shyly, "I don't care what other people are like. As long as he thinks I am beautiful. Beautiful was enough. I specially prepared this outfit for him today. I wonder if he will like it after seeing it..."    


"Him?" The makeup artist was stunned. She immediately covered her mouth in realization and smiled. "Miss Zhang must be talking about someone she likes, right? Don't worry, I promise that as long as he's a man... You'll be captivated by you!"    


"I'll borrow your auspicious words. If it's really as you say, I'll look for you with makeup in the future." Zhang Manrou smiled sweetly as she took out a very thick red packet from the drawer and handed it over. "This is your makeup fee for today. Sorry to trouble you."    


"Aiyo, thank you so much, Miss Zhang." When the makeup artist saw the thick red packet, her eyes lit up. She hurriedly smiled and bent over to receive the thick red packet. She was probably already thinking about how much money was in the red packet. She couldn't wait to smile at Zhang Manrou and said, "Then... Miss Zhang, I'll go out and attend the banquet first? If someone asks you who painted this makeup after you come out later, please tell them my name..."    


"I know, you go first. I wish you a good time." Zhang Manrou smiled and waved her hand. The makeup artist stuffed the red packet into her bag and was about to open the door and leave.    


However, just as the makeup artist was about to open the door, a violent crashing sound rang out from the door, and very quickly, the door could not withstand the impact and was forcefully knocked open! In the midst of the makeup artist's stunned expression, two bodyguards heavily fell in from the outside. They did not even make a sound before fainting! At this moment, the makeup artist finally reacted. She could not help but scream!    


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