System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1612 Crisis(2)

C1612 Crisis(2)

0Almost at the same time, Fann Binn's breathing became rapid. His eyes revealed incomparable excitement and excitement! What did what he saw in front of him mean? This meant that there must be a treasure of Tang Sect hidden in the bronze chest, and this treasure wasn't taken by anyone! It was lying quietly in the bronze chest, waiting for him to discover it!    


Fann Binn had gone through countless hardships in this ancient tomb, and finally found the last treasure of the tomb! He estimated that even Master Tang didn't know that there was a secret passage in the ninth stone room, but in this secret passage... And the legacy of our ancestors!    


"I knew it! I knew it would be a worthwhile trip! I knew it! There must be the inheritance of the Tang Sect left behind in the ancient tomb of Xuanji!" Fann Binn excitedly walked to the front of the bronze chest.    


He looked at the exquisite patterns carved on it and the exquisite ancient lock hanging on it. He couldn't help but mumble to himself happily, "I'm really looking forward to it. I really want to know what kind of treasure is hidden inside. To think that the person who designed the ancient tomb would spend so much effort to hide it in such a secret passage. Inside... It must be something very important! "    


After saying this, Fann Binn couldn't wait to open the bronze chest and see what was inside. However, in order to open the copper box, he had to open the lock on it first. As for the key to the bronze lock, Fann Binn naturally did not have it. It was estimated that it had already been lost for a long time. Otherwise, Master Tang would definitely have told him before he died. Since he didn't have the key, it would obviously be troublesome to open the copper lock.    


However, this trouble was only to the others. To him, Fann Binn... Unlocking the lock was just a piece of cake. Why? Because he had the all-purpose key, the golden needle! As long as it was a lock in this world, there was really no lock that the golden needles could not open, so for a mere copper lock, Fann Binn did not put it in his eyes at all.    


After giving the golden needle an order, the golden needle flew out from the back of his head. It went into the keyhole of the copper lock. Different from the usual method of unlocking a key, the golden needle did not rely on the mechanical twisting and unlocking of the lock. Instead, it directly broke the keyhole and directly pried open the entire copper lock. This method was the same as other people's method of unlocking an iron wire.    


As expected, the golden needle did not disappoint Fann Binn. After a short unlocking process, there was a clear sound of unlocking. This exquisite, unbreakable copper lock. Just like that, it was cleverly unlocked by the golden needle. Fann Binn happily retracted the golden needle and used his hand to pull down the unlocked copper lock and place it to the side.    


At this moment, his emotions were slightly agitated. His hand that was holding the copper box was also trembling slightly. There were so many dangers that he had almost died tonight, so many disappointment and surprises. It was all because of this box that he was about to open it. How could he not be happy? Not happy?    


"I want to see what is inside!" Fann Binn held the edge of the box and gently lifted the lid of the bronze box. His eyes were always focused on the darkness inside the box.    


However, at this moment, something strange happened! In this stone room, a sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded from all directions! When Fann Binn became alert, he immediately felt that there were hidden weapons shooting at him from all directions. He almost subconsciously lowered his body, almost brushing against his scalp. A long spear flew straight and nailed onto the stone wall on the opposite side of the stone room!    


The crisis had not passed yet. Fann Binn relied on his sharp intuition. He rolled again at the place where he was originally standing. Several spears missed and were all inserted into the ground! That was close! If he had been a little slower just now... At this moment, his body would have been directly pierced through by those spears!    


Fann Binn held his breath with an ashen face and focused on his surroundings. He knew that there might be a mechanism in this stone room, but he did not know that the mechanism that triggered the hidden weapon was actually on that copper box!    


Fann Binn had passed this wave of hidden weapons, but he did not know if there were other mechanisms waiting for him. This made him more cautious when opening the copper box in front of him. Although he had the protection of the super alloy bulletproof vest on him, even if the spear really hit him, it wouldn't matter much. However, Fann Binn was afraid that the mechanism in the stone room wasn't just a hard hidden weapon, but also some other way to prevent him from obtaining the treasure inside.    


Therefore, this time, Fann Binn decided not to be too reckless. This stone room was the deepest hidden place in the Profound Theory Stone. The mechanism inside must be as difficult as when Lian Zhide took out the golden needle in the past. One had to know that at that time, Lian Zhide had prepared a full set of tomb raiding defensive equipment. He had gone to the stone room where the golden needles were stored, and he had rich knowledge of tomb raiding. But even so, he had almost been buried in the stone room. If not for his high alertness and skillful movements, he probably would not have had the chance to leave this ancient tomb!    


This was also one of the reasons why he did not intend to steal the treasures in the other stone rooms after obtaining the golden needle. It was because this place was too dangerous for him!    


Because of this, and also Lian Zhide's constant warnings for him to be careful, Fann Binn decided not to act rashly. At this moment, he quickly thought of a way. Since it was dangerous to open the box, why couldn't he open it himself? It was just opening the box, the golden needle could easily do it. In this way, wouldn't he just have to wait far away?    


It was indeed like this, in the ancient times, technology was not developed, and with his current abilities, even if he didn't use the golden needles, as long as Fann Binn brought a mechanical arm that could remotely control it before he came, he wouldn't be able to remotely open the box. If the ancestors who designed this ancient tomb knew that the world changed so quickly, they would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood, wouldn't they?    


Wasn't the stone room full of dangers? Wasn't there traps everywhere? Were there hidden weapons? Fine, then we can't afford to offend them, but we can't hide from them? Fann Binn thought of this evilly, smiled, and stepped back. He only stopped when he reached the door of the stone room. Very quickly, Fann Binn gave the golden needle an order to lift the lid of the box. Then he flew back.    


After the golden needle received Fann Binn's order, it immediately flew out from the back of his head. It flew straight towards the fine copper treasure chest in the stone room! Fann Binn's gaze was fixed on the treasure chest, watching as the golden needle was inserted into the opening of the treasure chest. Then... he forcefully pushed it upwards!    


The treasure box made of refined copper was instantly pried open by the force of the golden needle. It was also at this moment that... A burst of black smoke suddenly emerged from the stone table where the box was placed. It was directly aimed at the surroundings and sprayed out in all directions! Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Pcht... Fann Binn's pupils instantly enlarged. He immediately covered his mouth and kept retreating! Of course, he knew that this smoke was very likely to be poisonous!    


This was going to be difficult. The stone room was filled with black smoke. It was very likely that the smoke was poisonous. He couldn't risk entering the stone room again and getting into the black smoke to get the treasure inside the box. It was no different from seeking death. Fann Binn only had a bulletproof vest that could protect him from bullets. He did not wear a mask that could release poison!    


What should he do? Looking at the black smoke covering the stone room, in this kind of unventilated place, it was impossible to expect it to dissipate in such a short period of time. What was even more terrifying was that... The black fog would definitely flow out slowly along the secret passage. If Fann Binn did not leave this place as soon as possible... He was afraid that it would not take long for the secret passage where he was to be filled with this kind of black gas. At that time, he would not be able to escape even if he wanted to.    


The golden needle was still on the treasure box, waiting for Fann Binn's next command. It quickly transmitted the scene inside the treasure box into Fann Binn's mind. In the black smoke, the box quietly opened its lid. Inside were two items. Because it was too dark inside, the image of the golden needle could only be seen as a shadow, but it could not see clearly what it was. Fann Binn could only roughly see that it was a long object and a semicircle object.    


At this moment, Fann Binn's eyes lit up. He suddenly clapped his hands and exclaimed, "That's right, I can get the golden needle to bring the treasure chest out for me!"    


Indeed, the reason why Fann Binn did not dare to pick up the bronze treasure chest from the stone table was because of this. However, since the golden needle was helping him open the treasure chest, he was afraid that there would be a trap on the stone table. There was no such thing as a mechanism or not. Why couldn't he just move the treasure box from the stone table to him?    


However, when he thought of this, there was another problem. Just how much weight could the golden needle bear to fly? This was something he had never tried before. In the past, when he used the golden needle, other than using it to peep, he had never used any other functions other than killing people. Therefore, Fann Binn did not know whether the golden needles could carry heavy flying or not. However, at this critical juncture, even a dead horse could be treated as a doctor. No matter what, he had to give it a try!    


Fann Binn made up his mind and quickly ordered the golden needles that were still inserted into the lock of the box to fly back together with the box. When he gave this order, his heart was still very perturbed. The golden needles were a treasure that came from the future. If it was damaged, then the loss outweighed the gain!    


However, in order to obtain the treasure in the treasure box, there was probably only one way. Moreover, he had to be fast! When the black fog gradually spread out from the stone chamber to the secret passage, Fann Binn would not be able to escape! His eyes were fixed on the black fog, whether he succeeded or failed. It all depended on the golden needle!    


After receiving Fann Binn's command, the golden needle immediately wanted to fly up. But because the treasure box was made of refined copper, the heavy weight made it obvious that the golden needle could not use the original flight load. After a few automatic adjustments, the golden needle barely managed to carry the fine copper box. He left the stone table!    


"Boom!! Just as the fine copper box left the stone table, the entire stone table instantly shattered into pieces. Not only that, even the stone room and secret passage began to tremble. From time to time, rocks would fall from the ceiling of the stone room!    


"Damn it!!" Fann Binn really did not expect that once the box left the stone table, it would trigger the collapse mechanism! Not only the stone room, but even the entire secret passage would collapse. If Fann Binn did not hurry, he was afraid that he would have to die here today!    


The anxious Fann Binn anxiously waited for the golden needle to drag the treasure box out of the stone room. At this moment, the stone room was shaking intensely. Rocks kept falling from the ceiling, causing the ground to tremble! At this moment, cracks began to appear on the top of the secret passage. It wouldn't be long before the secret passage began to collapse just like the stone chamber!    


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