System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1604 There's No Denying It

C1604 There's No Denying It

0Lian Zhilan looked at her father, who was lying on the chair, gasping for breath, and finally burst into tears. She fell to the ground and sobbed, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, everyone. It's all my fault. It's all my fault! It was me who harmed the Lian family. In the past, it was... I'm sorry, Zhide, my sister was blinded by greed, and she harmed you for money... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."    


" Don't you think it's too late to realize your mistake now? " Fann Binn looked at her coldly and said, "I've already given you the chance, but you didn't cherish it. Now that you have apologized again, do you think it will work? "    


"Sister!!" Lian Zhide shouted loudly and murmured in shock. "You... You really did this kind of thing? That Wang Xianhai made me gamble, it really was you. Was it you who planned it?? You... How could you do this? How could you do this!? I am your biological younger brother. I am your biological younger brother!! You actually want to harm the Lian family for a few money... You, how can you do this!!"    


Lian Zhide's heart was undoubtedly in pain. It wasn't just him. Even all the people in the family who were deceived by Lian Zhilan felt a heart-wrenching pain in their hearts. The feeling of being betrayed by his family was unbearable! As a man, he was in so much pain that tears almost instantly streamed down his face. That kind of pain could not be described with words. It was as if thousands of knives were stabbing his heart.    


"I don't want to either... Wuwuwu... There's nothing I can do..." Lian Zhilan kept wiping her tears as she sat on the ground, feeling sad. "None of you know, the one in my house... She needs a lot of money to treat diabetes. I... I..."    


" Stop finding excuses! Your greed actually made you want to frame your family. A woman like you who keeps doing things behind her back should really be punished by the heavens!! " The old man was so angry that he finally regained his senses. He angrily pointed at Lian Zhilan and scolded," You unfilial thing, the Lian family doesn't have a woman like you. Get lost, get lost right now!!"    


"Dad... I was wrong, please give me another chance!" Lian Zhilan begged, "I won't dare to do it again. I really won't do it anymore..."    


" Are you leaving or not? Alright, you don't want to leave, right?" The old man's chest heaved up and down as he said to Fann Binn, "Fann, do you think it's a scam for her to collude with outsiders to frame her own brother?"    


Fann Binn was stunned. He really did not expect Old Man Lian to know a little about the law. He even knew the word scam, so he could not help but nod and reply. "Yes, old man. Logically speaking, it is indeed a scam. Even if it is not, it is still an accomplice in fraud and can be sentenced. Legally responsible. "    


Lian Zhilan was frightened when she heard Fann Binn say that. "Dad, you can't blame me for this alone. Zhimei also participated in it. I easily believed her husband's words. That's why I was confused. The real culprit was her husband! "    


" Sister! What are you saying? Why did you drag me and my man into this?!" Lian Zhimei had already panicked when she saw that the matter had been exposed, but she did not expect that the person who first came to denounce her was actually Eldest Sister Lian Zhilan, who had colluded with her! She hurriedly retorted angrily, "I haven't blamed you yet! If it was not for you deliberately luring us, my man and I would not have done such a stupid thing to harm our family! Father! Don't believe her. She's obviously trying to avoid responsibility!"    


" You're the one who wants to avoid responsibility! If it wasn't for your husband being Blackie's subordinate, I would have thought of this idea. How could I possibly implement it? Without your husband, how would Zhide have been deceived into going to the casino? Isn't that all planned by your husband?" Lian Zhilan did not care about anything now. She opened her mouth and released a heavy bomb. It shocked everyone in the family so much that they could not help but be shocked.    


"What did you say? Zhimei, is it really your man who tricked Zhide into gambling?" The old man glared at Lian Zhimei and almost ate her.    


" No, no, dad, it was Eldest Sister. Eldest Sister forced my man to do it. She is the mastermind!!" Lian Zhimei was frightened. She hurriedly pointed at Lian Zhilan and shouted. " Everything was Eldest Sister's plan. It was Eldest Sister who said that I could get a share of the bamboo forest. But I didn't want to harm Zhide. It was Big Sister's idea! "    


Fann Binn coldly watched them break up and criticize each other. It really looked like they were biting each other. Lian Zhide's eyes were red. He gritted his teeth and said. “ So... Ah Xin from the village was called here by you to trick me into gambling... To think I thought all of this was Ah Xin's fault, he was the only one who let me down! But I didn't think that my biological sister would also be involved! Sis, brother-in-law, you've disappointed me too much, you've made my heart ache too much!!"    


" Zhide, you really don't blame me, you really don't blame me. If you want to blame someone, blame your second sister and your second brother-in-law. They are the real culprits. I was forced, forced... " Lian Zhilan was so scared that she could not speak clearly. For a village woman, perhaps she could think of a very insidious plan, but she did not have the ability to bear failure. When she heard that she would be sentenced, she was so scared that her whole body started to tremble.    


Fann Binn couldn't help but sigh lightly. Humans die for money, birds die for food, this sentence was really not bad... For the sake of a few bamboo forests, he actually dared to attack his own brother. This kind of thing... If it wasn't really happening right in front of his eyes, how could he have imagined it? No matter what excuses Lian Zhilan and Lian Zhimei had, or what reasons they had. They were all so pale and powerless when they tried to explain it. Perhaps, from the moment they decided to make a move on their loved ones, it was destined to be the split of the Lian family, and also their fate.    


Lian Zhimei's husband looked pale and lowered his head without saying a word. He just looked at his wife who was desperately shouting and explaining. But would the Lian family listen to her? Would they still understand her? The winner takes all. Since the matter had already been exposed, it would be useless to say anything now...    


Fann Binn looked at Tang Yiyi, who had a bad expression, and said to Old Man Lian, "Old Man, what do you plan to do?"    


Old Man Lian was currently in a fit of anger. He snorted heavily and said, "Punish, punish them severely! Traitors of the family, do not let them have any good results!"    


When Lian Zhilan heard her father's words, she was so scared that she almost fainted. At this time, Lian Zhimei also suddenly stopped talking. Perhaps she did not even think about it. Her father actually made a decision and actually wanted to bring these daughters of hers to justice, right?    


Fann Binn was also shocked by the old man's firm decision. It seemed that the old man had really gone mad. He hated his two daughters who hurt his family. At this moment, he did not know what to do.    


"Old man, don't be impulsive. Let's talk things out. No matter what, they are still your daughters, aren't they? If you really want to be imprisoned, aren't you the one who will be sad? "    


At this time, Lee Huijuan stood up and took the initiative to speak up for Lian Zhilan and the rest. " Although they had indeed gone overboard this time to use their family as bargaining chips for the sake of benefits, blood was thicker than water. They have done wrong and betrayed their loved ones, but we can't learn from them. If we were to be like them, wouldn't we be unreasonable as well? One should be punished for doing something wrong, but for the sake of their bloodline, there's no need to go to jail, right?"    


Old Man Lian glanced at Lee Huijuan and gave a heavy humph before saying no more. Obviously, he had been moved by Lee Huijuan's words. After all, that was his flesh and blood. If they had not gone too far, how could the old man say such vicious words?    


At this time, Lee Huijuan looked at Fann Binn. Fann Binn helplessly shrugged his shoulders. How could he have a good way to deal with this kind of family matter? Everything depended on the old man.    


Looking at Lian Zhilan and Lian Zhimei kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy, the old man sighed deeply. Waving his hand, he said, "From today onwards, my Old Lian's family does not have the existence of the two of you. You should leave Tianping Village by yourselves. Take care of yourselves!"    


Lian Zhilan and Lian Zhimei heard this and immediately shook their heads with all their might. Lian Zhilan said loudly, "Dad, don't be like this. Please, don't let us leave Tianping Village... We are all farmers in this lifetime, except guarding the few acres of farmland and bamboo forest at home. We don't know what to do, you chased us away. We, we have nothing. We have nothing!! "    


"Nothing? You should have nothing!" Old Man Lian stomped his foot and stood up angrily, "You don't have nothing. The Lian family is going to lose everything because of you! If you don't leave Tianping Village, do you want the Lian family to leave Tianping Village? I don't want to see you. I think everyone in the Lian family won't want to see you traitors in the future. I want to live with you all!"    


"Father..." Lian Zhimei also wanted to plead, but before she could speak, she was interrupted by the old man.    


"No need to say anymore. If you don't want to leave Tianping Village, that's fine too. You, your husband, and Zhilan, the three of you conspired to scam the Lian family's property. You must accept a legal trial. At that time, you will be legally innocent. If you are sentenced to jail, no one will be able to save you. Think about it carefully! "    


Lian Zhilan and Lian Zhimei looked at each other with pale faces and their eyes revealed deep despair. They knew that the old man was ruthless. He was putting up a show that if I were you guys, I would not be with you. He had the stance that 'you guys don't have me'. Their actions had indeed caused even their family members to be extremely furious. At this moment, no matter who it was, they would not speak up for them.    


Although her heart was very painful, Lian Zhilan and Lian Zhimei, who knew that the situation had gone south, they still cried and thanked his father. To them, leaving Tianping Village and the Lian family... This was probably the most helpless and painful ending, right? But compared to letting them go to jail, they could only choose this condition.    


Seeing his two daughters kneeling pitifully in front of him, the Lian family's old man sighed with emotion. "Mr. Fann is right. You can betray the Lian family. But the Lian family can't be as ruthless as you. Before you leave, you can sell off your property. Those bamboo forests that were given to you as dowry in the early years, there are probably a lot of people who want them now. If you want to sell it, then sell it. It's also good to live outside and leave some capital for yourself. Before I change my mind, disappear in front of me! "    


" Thank you, Father... Thank you..." Lian Zhilan and Lian Zhimei cried and thanked him again. At this time, they also knew that the Lian family could no longer accommodate them. There would not be any changes if they stayed any longer, so they could only stand up in a hurry. They left the Lian family's main door dejectedly.    


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