System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1595 Secretly Infiltrating(1)

C1595 Secretly Infiltrating(1)

0Fann Binn glanced at Tang Yiyi and then looked at the dried stalagmite processing base in the distance. It was revealed. Yiyi, there is no impenetrable wall in this world, and there is no fortress that cannot be broken through. However, you always look at the towering wall, but you don't think about the problem. "    


"Think about the problem? You mean I'm lost in the game? " Tang Yiyi smiled, somewhat unconvinced, "Okay. Then you, as a bystander, seem to have seen quite clearly. Then analyze and analyze for me, how should I enter? "    


Facing Tang Yiyi's charming smile that was unconvinced, Fann Binn casually pointed in the direction of the processing base and said. "You always think that the wall is too high, but have you ever thought about it? Not to mention such a small base, even the ancient city walls could not be airtight. And have you ever thought that there would be only one exit for any solid city walls? If that's the case, if the gate is blocked, won't they be turtles in a jar?"    


Fann Binn's voice was very casual, but it was very shocking to Tang Yiyi. She was so shocked that she seemed to have thought of something and said, "You mean... there can't be only one door in this base? There are other entrances, right?"    


"Of course, think about it, they open a casino here. If the police temporarily block the door and say they want to check, how are they going to escape? Hehe, Yiyi, do you think that even you and I can't climb up the wall? Do you think those gamblers can climb up? Is it possible to not give yourself a way out? " Fann Binn said with a smile," I'm sure that this processing base has a back door for escaping. If we can find this back door, wouldn't it be very easy for us to sneak in? "    


"That's right... Why didn't I think of that!" Tang Yiyi nodded as if she had just realized something. "Yes, there were many cases like this in the past. There were many hidden backdoors and secret doors in many places. Why didn't I think of this? "    


"That's why you said that the person involved is a mystery... Hehe, your eyes are all on how to climb the wall. That's why you naturally ignored the key to the back door." Fann Binn smiled and said to Tang Yiyi, "How is it? Your husband is very thoughtful, right? "    


"Fann Binn, I really didn't realize that you are becoming more and more beautiful." Tang Yiyi rolled her eyes at Fann Binn and said with some concern, "There should be a back door, but Fann Binn, this back door is usually more secretive and hard to find. And there must be someone guarding it, even if we find it. But if we want to enter through the back door without anyone knowing, we must deal with the guards guarding the back door. But if we knock them out and the patrols find out... Wouldn't we be exposed?"    


Fann Binn nodded and said, "This is a problem, so we must think of a way to enter through the back door without knocking the guards out. Of course, the specifics will have to depend on the situation. If there was really no other way... We can only knock out the guards and enter. I think that although the security of this processing base is pretty good, it's unlikely that there will be a lot of patrol party soldiers in it. If we want to find out that the back door guards have been knocked out, there will be a long period of time between the two. With this period of time difference, we should be able to confirm whether there's really a gamble going on inside. "    


Tang Yiyi thought about it and also agreed with Fann Binn's analysis. She could not help saying," Then let's go now and look for the back door of this base? "    


"Yes. If we sneak in, the two of us will be fine. You let the Jiangde's police surround the entire base. No matter who gets out of this base, when the time is right, we will force our way into the base. Capture all the evidence of their gambling." Fann Binn was very confident in this operation. As long as they could sneak in and confirm that there was a casino inside, the police would arrive as scheduled and catch Kuroko and the others in one fell swoop.    


"Alright, I'll inform them immediately." Tang Yiyi nodded and took out her phone and made a call to the police who were rushing over.    


After everything was ready, Fann Binn and Tang Yiyi quietly crawled out of the grass and entered the forest on the east side of the base. The two of them were afraid of the grass, so they moved very slowly and vigilantly.    


At this moment, they knew very well that if any movement was discovered by the people of the base, the whole plan and operation would be ruined. What was even more troublesome was that if they were discovered this time... Blackie and his boss would definitely not dare to continue gambling in this base. They would definitely move to another place. If that was the case, just searching would be a very painful thing. Thus, this operation was only allowed to succeed. No failure was allowed!    


The two of them slowly and vigilantly moved in the forest. After about ten minutes, they finally arrived at the edge of the forest. They were already very close to the wall of the processing base. They could even hear the barking of dogs in the base. At the gate of the base diagonally across from them, a few sloppy guards were smoking each other. They were holding batons, so they obviously didn't notice anything unusual in the woods.    


"Let's go along the wall and find the back door of the base." Fann Binn looked around. This forest was in the east of the entire processing base. The bamboo forest was on the west side, so the other two sides were covered in grass. There was nothing to hide, so he decided it was better to rely on the wall to find it.    


Tang Yiyi was a professional when it came to hiding. She agreed with Fann Binn's observation. She quietly walked out of the forest with him and immediately ran to the wall at an extremely fast speed. When they arrived, they leaned against the wall tightly. Fann Binn and Tang Yiyi moved quickly and avoided the eyes of the guards at the gate. There were blind spots under the wall and the gate. Those guards could never see them again.    


"Which direction do you think the back door should be?" Tang Yiyi squatted down and smiled at Fann Binn, "Let's analyze it and see whose guess and analysis is more accurate."    


Fann Binn thought for a moment and said, "This dried stalagmite processing base does not take up a lot of space, except for the trees in the east. There is a bamboo forest in the west and a wide open area in the north. It is not good for escaping, and the gate is in the south, which is even more impossible. We came from the forest, and there was no sign of the back door to the east. I think it must be to the west of the bamboo forest."    


"Hehe, it seems like we've thought of the same thing again. I also think that the bamboo forest is the most likely place to hide the back door." Tang Yiyi said with a smile.    


Fann Binn shook his head and said disdainfully, "Yi Yi, you can't be like this. Let me talk first. You agree? This is too boring. But this should be called a husband singing and a woman following his wife. Sigh, there was no other way. Who asked you to be my wife?"    


"D * mn, we're not married yet. Don't call me a wife all the time. Hearing this makes me feel uncomfortable all over. " Tang Yiyi slightly shyly glared at Fann Binn. She said that she felt uncomfortable all over. But why did Fann Binn think that she seemed to be very happy?    


Fann Binn was speechless. He looked at Tang Yiyi's full breasts. He suddenly had a bad idea. He grabbed her with one hand and laughed secretly. “ I don't care if you're willing or not, you're mine. You are my wife. You can't escape even if you want to! "    


Tang Yiyi's sensitive part was attacked and her face immediately turned red. She patted Fann Binn's naughty hand and said, "Fann Binn, you are doing a mission. How can you be so indecent? You look gentle, but you are actually a big bad guy. "    


"Haha, touching your wife is not bad. I'm not going to touch her randomly. " Fann Binn teased. After he had gotten addicted to his hands, he knew what time it was. He stopped teasing Tang Yiyi and pulled his hands back from her collar.    


He had taken advantage of her, yet he was still so confident. He said he could not beat him. Tang Yiyi was angry and funny. She could not do anything to this shameless husband.    


"This weather is going to be so hot in a while. Now I feel cold again. Brother Dong, you are really smart. You know how to add a coat to yourself."    


At the edge of the bamboo forest wall of the dried stalagmite processing base stood a pair of smoking guards. At this moment, one of the thin guards took the initiative to light up a cigarette for another guard called Brother Dong. He shivered and said, "I can't. It looks like I have to put on more clothes in a while. Sigh, why was he assigned to such a ghastly place? There's not a single person. Otherwise, I could feel a little warmer."    


"Skinny Monkey, how long have you been here as a guard? Do you know what is the most abnormal thing in Tianping Village? It's this damn weather. The altitude here is high, and summer is like this. You won't listen to me if I ask you to come over and prepare a few more clothes. Do you regret it now?" Brother Dong smoked his cigarette and smiled at the guard nicknamed Skinny Monkey beside him. "You don't know why your life is so good. You guarded the secret door with me the moment you arrived. Know the importance of the secret door? This is the only way for our boss to escape. Don't look at how cold it is. But once it's used, it'll be our fortune. You can't help our boss escape from this crisis even if you don't want to be rewarded. "    


" Yes, yes, Brother Dong, what you said makes sense. Hehe. " Hearing Brother Dong's explanation, Skinny Monkey immediately smiled and nodded in agreement. The dissatisfied expression on his face just now also gradually returned to normal.    


Brother Dong smoked a cigarette, looked at him, and sneered. "Kid, if you have the leisure to be mentally unbalanced, you should pay more attention to looking at the door. This secret door is a secret passage that leads to the base. If you don't want the enemy to sneak in, you'll have to open your eyes wide and take a closer look."    


"Yes, I promise to complete the mission." Skinny Monkey said confidently, "I will definitely not let you down."    


"Well, it's good to be determined. Stay alert and don't let any strangers in. You can count it as keeping an eye on the door for the boss." Brother Dong patted Skinny Monkey on the shoulder and said earnestly, "How about this? You can go and patrol a few times before coming back. This way, we can extend our strategy further. Is that okay? "    


"Okay, I'll go and patrol right away." Skinny Monkey smiled and nodded in agreement. In fact, he had already been cursing his mother in his heart. It was just that the queuing generation wanted to slack off, and they even said it in such a dignified manner. Skinny Monkey went out for a casual patrol and returned not long after. When he saw that Brother Dong was squatting at the entrance of the secret door and smoking leisurely, his face did not look good. He could only smile and say, "Brother Dong, according to your instructions, the inspection has been completed. I didn't find anything unusual."    


"So soon?" Brother Dong looked at the skinny monkey and immediately said discontentedly, "You've already patrolled the surroundings? I'm telling you, Skinny Monkey, you can't be careless about patrolling. If there's any movement..."    


"Hualala..." Just as Brother Dong said this, a sound suddenly came from the dark bamboo forest in front of him, interrupting his words. At the same time, it also scared Thin Monkey and him!    


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