System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1587 Cooperation

C1587 Cooperation

0Just as he felt himself getting closer and closer to the Tang family sisters' room, Fann Binn noticed from the corner of his eye that he was at the door of the hall in the distance. There seemed to be a faint light coming through, which was very obvious in the darkness. He frowned in surprise. It was already so late. Why was there still someone who hadn't slept yet?    


The light made him curious, so he turned around. He quietly walked towards the light from the Tang family sisters' room against the wall. He followed the hall into the inner room. Only then did he faintly hear an inaudible sound. His ears weren't very sensitive, but it didn't matter. He had golden needles.    


After releasing the golden needles, following the source of the sound, the golden needle quickly entered the room opposite him. Through the influence of the golden needle, Fann Binn quickly recalled the scene in the room. The entire room was not big, it looked very simple, and there were two people standing in the room. They were both middle-aged women and he knew them. One of them was the eldest son of the Lian family, Lian Zhilan and the other was the second son. Fann Binn really didn't know what his name was.    


"Zhimei, what are you worrying about? Running over from your husband's place in the middle of the night, is there a need?" Lian Zhilan handed the teacup to the table next to Lian Zhimei and said softly with a frown. " Didn't I tell you to wait until the matter is successful before we talk about it?"    


"Big sister, I, I don't want to come either, but our family... No, she forced me... " Second Brother, Lian Zhimei said nervously, "He, he is thinking about this in his heart. Eldest Sister, can you say something? Otherwise, I... I can't go home. I will just sleep here for the night."    


" Look at what you're saying. Didn't you tell your husband about the Fann family? Look at that kid from the Fann family and his father. I'm afraid this matter is very close. Don't worry. " Lian Zhilan glared at Lian Zhimei and said, "I have already told you that if this matter is successful... We must keep one of Father's three bamboo forests for Brother. We will split the rest equally. You are not allowed to snatch it from your Little Brother."    


"Alright, I know. In any case, we won't lose out no matter what." Lian Zhimei said with dissatisfaction, "Sister, my husband doesn't believe me. He said that Hei Zi and the others are so powerful. It's impossible to kill them all in one go. Can you at the end of the day? I really don't know what to do. Why don't... Sis. I don't want that bamboo forest anymore. Give the money to my husband. "    


" Hmph, if I have money now, why would I waste it on you? " Lian Zhilan snorted in dissatisfaction and said, "You too, everything is your husband's. What does your husband know? What kind of experience have you seen? Didn't he just go out to work for a few years? What kind of person does he think he is? Go back and tell him that Blackie and the others are definitely finished. Tell him not to worry. The Lian family owes us. They will definitely pay us back. "    


When Fann Binn heard this, he couldn't help but feel somewhat helpless in his heart. He finally understood that the Lian family wasn't united. On the surface, these sisters seemed to be helping their younger brother Lian Zhide, but in reality, they were still thinking of ways to get back the money they had paid. This was the main reason.    


However, he also understood the thoughts of these Lian sisters. After all, they were all water poured out by their daughters who had been married. They all had children, women, and families, asking them to selflessly give money to their parents' homes. Of course, their husbands would be unhappy. It seemed like Lian Zhide's three bamboo forests were in his hands, and the remaining four sisters were given a share. There wouldn't be much left...    


"Sister... that, that, that... things won't be discovered, right? My husband said that if something really happens to Hei Zi, he will suffer if he doesn't withdraw earlier. Let's think it through. Back then, we tricked Zhide into gambling. However, we only took a fancy to those three bamboo forests. Hei Zi also said that after obtaining the bamboo forest, he only wanted us to sell all the stalagmites in the future to him. These conditions are already pretty good. Sister, why do you still want to use the Fann family to take Hei Zi and the others away?"    


" Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? Go back and tell that person in your house to leave Hei Zi as soon as possible." Lian Zhilan's face turned cold, "Zhimei, I won't say anything else. That Hei Zi's boss monopolized our village's stalagmite. Look at the price he bought it for? What is the price after packaging and selling it? Don't you think you are greedy? Originally, we had no choice. In order to get Father's three bamboo forests, we had no choice but to come up with this idea."    


" But now, with the Fann family's father and son helping us, think about it. If the father and son of the Fann family kills Hei Zi and the others, who will benefit from it? It's us! Not only do we not need to pay the fifty thousand yuan, but we also don't need to sell all the dried stalagmites in Tianping Village to Hei Zi. Then we can package it and sell it ourselves. How much is the profit in a year!?"    


"Think about it. If Hei Zi and the others are finished, we can ask dad and Zhide to take back the bamboo forest that belongs to us. Of course dad and Zhide would not refuse. When the Lian family was at its most difficult time, we are the ones who supported this family, no matter what kind of relationship we have. You must give us some dividends and compensation, right? What is this called? In the words of the city people, it's called killing two birds with one stone!"    


" But... what if Blackie confesses us? The Fann family father and son will know." Although Lian Zhimei was a village woman, she was not stupid. She said worriedly," At that time, we will become the target of everyone. "    


"What are you afraid of? Do you think Blackie is stupid? He wants to say this out loud. Isn't that the same as admitting that he used gambling to harm others? Besides, even if he says so, who would believe him? Did he have proof? No? We are just oral agreements, he doesn't have any evidence to testify against us! Say, the Fann family father and son are willing to listen to our explanation. Or are they willing to listen to Hei Zi and the rest?" Lian Zhilan said confidently," Don't worry. Hei Zi and the rest are not stupid. Besides, they are not sure that the father and son of the Fann family were summoned by us to fight. "    


She really did not know if she heard it or not. She was shocked when she heard it. Fann Binn felt a little frightened at this moment. He had never expected that these things would happen in the Lian family. It was actually Lian Zhiying and Lian Zhimei who planned it! They actually used Lian Zhimei's husband to collaborate with Hei Zi and his boss to put on a good show in order to obtain the Lian family's bamboo forest!    


No wonder, no wonder! Fann Binn finally understood after thinking about it. It was because Lian Zhide, an honest person, would not gamble for no reason. It turned out that his second sister's husband was Kuroko's subordinate. They deliberately let him take the bait! The reason they made Lian Zhide gamble and owe a gambling debt was to make him transfer the bamboo forest to Boss Hei Zi. Then, they would transfer the bamboo forest from Boss Hei Zi to Lian Zhilan and Lian Zhimei!    


And now, because of her appearance, Lian Zhilan had a new idea! She wanted him to eliminate Hei Zi and his boss in one go. This way, Lian Zhilan and Lian Zhimei would not need to spend a single cent. Furthermore, Lian Zhide and Old Man Lian were extremely grateful to them, so they took the initiative to send them out of the bamboo forest. This method was too ruthless!    


For a moment, Lian Zhilan and Lian Zhimei's image in Fann Binn's heart instantly fell to the bottom. He was wondering if he should expose their conspiracy and greedy lies tonight. But after thinking about it, he decided that he could not do it. Why? The reason was very simple. First, it was because he had overheard their conversation. It was not fair and aboveboard in the first place, and second, it was because the matter had not been settled yet. If they told him everything just like that, their crime would undoubtedly be much lighter.    


As the saying goes, those who do evil will be killed. Lian Zhilan had thought of the plan of harming others too simply. Of course, if Fann Binn did not hear this conversation, he might really believe Lian Zhilan. After they captured Hei Zi and the others in one fell swoop, their plot would have succeeded. But now that he knew in advance, there was much more room for negotiation. At least, Lian Zhilan's greedy plan would be full of loopholes. If he wanted them to get the punishment that they deserved, he was not in a hurry.    


Lian Zhilan and Lian Zhimei talked about some things again, but most of them were about this plan. Fann Binn was no longer interested and quietly put away the golden needle. Now it could be confirmed that Lian Zhimei's husband played a role in this plan. This person was probably the key. As long as this person was controlled, it would not be difficult to completely expose Lian Zhilan and the others' plot.    


He sneaked back to the Tang family sisters' room and tried to push the door open. Only then did he realize that the door was not tightly locked. He could not help but quietly open the door and squeeze his body in.    


After closing the door behind him, Fann Binn did not forget to lock the door. At this time, he faced the dark room in front of him and smelled a faint fragrance that only women had. This kind of fragrance made him somewhat intoxicated. Indeed, sleeping in a woman's boudoir was enjoyable. Compared to Lian Zhide's room just now, the difference was too great.    


"Who is it?" Just as Fann Binn carefully approached the bed, a very soft questioning voice suddenly came from the bed. Fann Binn quickly shushed and whispered, "It's me, Fann Binn."    


Very quickly, there was a slight movement on the bed. Under the moonlight outside the window, Fann Binn could clearly see the graceful and perfect figure getting up from under the blanket. A pair of bright eyes in the darkness revealed surprise and surprise towards him. Clearly, they were asking him why he had run back to their room at this time.    


Fann Binn walked over with the blanket in his arms and said in a low voice, a little embarrassed. " I can't bear the snoring of your uncle, but I don't have a place to sleep. So I can only make do in your room for the night. You don't mind, do you?"    


When he heard the voice just now, he knew that it was Tang Yiyi who had woken up. It was probably only as a police officer that her reaction would be so sensitive. Although Tang Nian'er's breathing was light, it was still clearly audible in this quiet room. This beautiful woman's breathing was full of charm, not to mention how alluring it was.    


"Nian'er... by the side..." Tang Yiyi was silent for a long time before softly saying this. Hearing that her tone was clearly a little shy, Fann Binn immediately understood. Tang Yiyi probably thought that he wanted to take advantage of her? So she said Tang Nian'er and wanted to remind him that her younger sister was beside him?    


Hearing Tang Yiyi's words, Fann Binn could not help saying awkwardly, "That... I really can't bear the snores of others. How about this. I will sleep on the floor and won't disturb you. At night. Tomorrow, I'll ask the Lian family to prepare a single room for me. Will that do? "    


Tang Yiyi did not make a sound for a long time. She seemed to be hesitating about something. Fann Binn saw that she was silent, so he simply gritted his teeth and laid the blanket he was carrying on the ground.    


"You, come up and sleep. But covering herself with the blanket, I, Nian'er and I slept in the same bed. You can't squeeze in. " Tang Yiyi said that and immediately turned around and laid down on the bed again. At this time, she had deliberately squeezed in to make space for Fann Binn.    


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