System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1407 Accident(1)

C1407 Accident(1)

0"Damn it!" Fann Binn gritted his teeth and quickened his pace again. However, he could only watch Qin Wenjing's body gradually sink along with the collapse as she screamed. No matter how fast he was, it was impossible for him to reach there in a second! Fann Binn shouted again, "Qin Wenjing! Grab something, quickly grab anything you can catch!!"    


In a split second, Qin Wenjing's body fell down along with the collapsed earth and wood. Her beautiful face was parallel to Fann Binn's legs, and it was also at this moment that... Fann Binn's shout woke Qin Wenjing, who was in a panic again! She was indeed a major in the special forces. She had experienced hundreds of battles, so her reaction speed was much faster than ordinary people. Almost at the moment she heard Fann Binn's shout, she suddenly stretched out her arm. Her small hand quickly accurately and forcefully grabbed onto a thick wooden pillow at the edge of the collapse.    


Very quickly, she felt her feet lighten. The collapsed pieces of earth and wood quickly rolled down the hillside at the edge of the mountain. Many trees in the forest below instantly collapsed, and the rolling yellow earth instantly flew into the air! As for Qin Wenjing? Her hands tightly grabbed onto a reinforced wooden pillow beside her and her entire body was suspended in midair just like that. Below her feet was a forest that was more than ten meters deep!    


In her panic, Qin Wenjing lowered her head and looked at the deep forest under her feet. She could not help but clench her teeth and use all her strength to grab onto the pillow wood. She was a special forces soldier, so she was very clear that if she fell... What would happen if she fell? Without any ropes or protection measures, her current situation... It was extremely dangerous.    


With a distance of more than ten meters, even if there were branches and leaves blocking her path, even if she didn't die, she would still be half dead. Moreover, she was wearing a thin evening gown today! She could only wait for Fann Binn to save her.    


Fann Binn had already rushed to the collapsed area in two or three steps. He was just about to run to the edge of the collapsed area. He immediately froze on the spot! Yes. Obviously, the movement of his running just now had caused the entire bridge that was built in the air to shake. And after the collapse, even a slight vibration would be able to destroy the structure that maintained the balance here. Thus, it caused another collapse!    


Fann Binn could not help being extremely careful. He carefully walked towards the edge of the collapse. Because he knew very well that if it really caused a second collapse, Qin Wenjing, who was hanging in the air, would undoubtedly fall down the small path that was suspended in the air and fall into the woods that were more than ten meters deep. This kind of result, Fann Binn was unwilling to appear. After all, she was his friend. If something happened to her, it would not do him any good!    


"Wenjing, hold on a little longer. I'll find a way to save you!" Fann Binn was afraid that Qin Wenjing could not hold on, so he could not help but carefully approach her as he spoke. " If I am not careful, this place will collapse again. I have to slowly approach to ensure that this bridge can withstand my weight. You must persist, you must persist! "    


Hearing Fann Binn's voice, Qin Wenjing struggled to hold onto the pillow with her red face. Her beautiful eyes could clearly see that as long as Fann Binn took every step, the wooden bridge under his feet would slightly tremble and dust would gradually fall down. This was obviously a sign of instability in the structure. At this time, Fann Binn came to save her. He would undoubtedly put the danger on top of him! As long as there was a slight instability, he would fall into the Abyssal Forest along with himself when the bridge collapsed once again!    


"Don't come over!!" Qin Wenjing could not help but scream in despair, "If you come over now, we might fall down together! You don't want to live anymore? Are you stupid!?"    


Fann Binn was stunned for a moment, then he said seriously," Do you want me to watch you die? As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will come and save you!"    


"I am not someone like you. Why did you sacrifice your life to save me? You should go and inform the others and ask them to send professional rescue personnel. You're not worth the risk!" Qin Wenjing's entire body was suspended in the air as she said while trembling. " This was an accident. You don't have to take any responsibility!"    


"You, what's the use of saying these things now! Regardless of whether it was an accident or not, no matter whether I'm responsible or not, I have to save you! This is an instinct of a person, no matter who you are to me. Even if you are a stranger, if you are in danger, I must save you! Don't be silly. If I go and call them now and ask the professionals to come and save you... Do you think you can hold on until then? Even if you're a special forces soldier, in this state, you can't hold on for more than ten minutes! The strength in your body is depleting at a rapid rate every minute and every second. Wait for me to bring the rescue personnel? You don't have any strength left to support yourself here!"    


Fann Binn continued to walk forward slowly as he spoke." Wen Jing, trust me. I will definitely save you! You are my friend. If you don't help me, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life. I will regret it for the rest of my life. "    


"Fann Binn..." Qin Wenjing was moved to tears and said with some guilt, "Sorry, it is my fault. Just now... I also said those hurtful words..."    


"It's nothing. As long as I, Fann Binn, have a clear conscience when I do things." Fann Binn looked at Qin Wenjing, who was suspended in the air under his feet, and sighed heavily. " Wenjing, I didn't want to tell you. But now, we don't know if we are really going to the gates of hell. So, there are some secrets that we shouldn't tell you. Now we don't need to hide anymore. Actually, Yu Rong and I... Not to mention a couple, we don't even have a normal relationship. "    


"Me and her were opponents in the arena in the past. We are enemies under the arena. How could we become boyfriend and girlfriend? I only pretended to be her boyfriend because I wanted to repay her big favor for helping me last time. Actually, she and I are not a couple at all. So, I really did not get along well with Yu Rong because I wanted to suck up to the Tianyu family. And I also didn't become friends with you because I wanted to get close to your grandfather. You have to believe me. "    


"What!?" Qin Wenjing widened her eyes and exclaimed in disbelief. "You, you and Yu Rong are a fake couple?" Just as she said this in surprise, the small hand holding the pillow suddenly loosened. Her whole body immediately leaned to the right! She was so scared that she subconsciously reached out her hand and tried to grab the pillow again. At last, she was safe and sound.    


Fann Binn also took a deep breath at this time. He carefully moved step by step and continued to try to distract Qin Wenjing's nervous mood. " Yes, Yu Rong and I are not a couple at all. She probably wanted me to pretend to be her boyfriend in order to win glory in front of these classmates."    


"So that's how it is..." Qin Wenjing seemed to have finally understood something and sighed lightly towards Fann Binn. " I thought that you... my thoughts were too complicated. Actually, I also felt that... You shouldn't be this kind of person, but for some reason, you always think in this direction. Something is wrong."    


"It's fine. Just say it. But Wen Jing, if we go back later, don't publicize this matter. After all, Yu Rong wants face, and I also want face. Although you guys are rivals... But exposing her sore spot and making her lose face isn't a good thing. What do you think? " Cold sweat broke out on Fann Binn's forehead. As he spoke, he was just a few steps away from the edge of the collapsed gap. He slowly stretched out his arm, wanting to approach Qin Wenjing again.    


Qin Wenjing grabbed the pillow tightly and said with some helplessness and bitterness, "With the situation in front of me, can I go back? Actually, between Yu Rong and me, although we are competitors, but the two of them are not life and death enemies. You can rest assured. Even if I can return safely, I will not be so bored as to expose other people's scars for fun. If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have talked about Ye Zhenyu... "    


" I'm trying to come over now. If you're confident... Hold my hand." Fann Binn came to the edge of the broken bridge and carefully half-squatted to stretch out his right arm towards Qin Wenjing. " Come, grab my arm now! Trust me, I will definitely grab you! "    


Qin Wenjing looked at Fann Binn's outstretched hand. Clearly, there was still some distance between them and her. In other words, if she wanted to grab Fann Binn's arm, it meant that she had to give up on the pillow that she was currently holding! This was a kind of gamble. As long as Qin Wenjing gave up on the pillow but did not grab Fann Binn's right hand, it was a gamble. Without a doubt, she would fall into the forest that was more than ten meters deep and leave it up to fate. But if she caught it, then she might be saved by Fann Binn. She would protect her life.    


These two decisions were the complete opposite, but Qin Wenjing still quickly made her decision. Why? The reason was very simple. Firstly, she was willing to believe that Fann Binn would take such a huge risk to reach the edge of the collapse. He definitely wasn't here to see the scenery, but to save her life. Secondly, she had no other choice now. Rather than grabbing onto the pillow until the last of her strength was exhausted, she might as well give it a try!    


When Qin Wenjing made up her mind to look at Fann Binn after she made up her mind, she saw Fann Binn's encouraging and firm gaze. For a moment, her heart suddenly calmed down. It was as if the life and death decision that was about to be made suddenly had a very strong backing to support her. She was no longer so afraid.    


She was a special forces soldier, with a strong level of skill and tactics, as well as a strong physical fitness. Therefore, in terms of psychology, she had an advantage over ordinary people, and her success rate was naturally higher as well. After Qin Wenjing made up her mind, she started to shake her delicate body in the white evening dress. The skirt fluttered along with her body up and down, and her slender and beautiful legs, which were wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, were exposed in the wind. It looked incomparably alluring.    


Along with Qin Wenjing's delicate body swaying unceasingly, the movement of her delicate body was also rapidly expanding. Because only in this way could she move her body as much as possible towards the edge of Fann Binn's extended arm. This was a exercise that consumed a lot of physical strength. She needed to swing her body without shaking the pillow that she grabbed with both hands. This was simply using the strength of her waist to move. Ordinary people would not be able to do such a thing.    


"Closer, closer!" Fann Binn stared at Qin Wenjing and repeated these three words in his heart. As Qin Wenjing's delicate body swayed closer and closer to him, his heart also gradually began to tighten. Although he should not doubt Qin Wenjing's special forces skills, every time he saw her beautiful face, he could not help but want to see her as a weak and beautiful woman and gradually became somewhat uneasy.    


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