System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C749 If You Want to Play You Have to Play Big(2)

C749 If You Want to Play You Have to Play Big(2)

0Fann Binn did not say anything. He brought the captain, his soldiers, Wu Qi and Hwa Xinxin into the elevator and headed towards the eighth floor.    


"Little Dong, how can you tell them the floor of criminal police team so easily? Didn't you see that they were soldiers? They looked like they were going to punish them for their crimes. What if something happens if you speak nonsense like this?! You, you, you are really young and impatient. You are scared out of your wits. Do you think you deserve to be a police officer?!"    


After Fann Binn and the others got into the elevator, the young policeman called Little Dong was immediately scolded by the old policeman beside him. " It's the first time in so many years that a soldier has come to the police station to cause trouble. What the f * ck is going on! You, you, if this matter gets out of hand, we'll see what kind of suffering you'll have to suffer! "    


"Old Wu, I wasn't scared by them!" Xiao Dong pulled Old Wu to the side with a displeased expression and whispered. " Did you forget what those guys from the criminal police team did to us last time? They didn't treat us like colleagues at all! Relying on the support of others, they are lawless and lawless, causing public resentment to arise everywhere. They don't even take us seriously at all! It is a good thing to let those soldiers teach them a lesson. Why didn't I tell them?"    


The old policeman with the surname Wu was stunned. After pondering for a while, he said, " If you put it that way, it's true... Last time, those people from the criminal police team treated us like their grandchildren and ordered us around. At that time, I hated them to the core. I should really let them suffer. However... after all, we're all police officers and a family. It's not good to watch them being bullied by outsiders, right? "    


" Heh, being bullied by the military must be something they did something shameful. Whether it's good or bad, it's also a headache for the leader. Old Wu, I'm doing this for everyone's sake. Later, you and your brothers will talk about it. Don't tell anyone about the news that I just reported, alright?"    


Old Wu nodded and sighed softly." So it turns out that the criminal police team isn't like this... But after they were separated from the police station, they changed personnel. They were transferred and became the personal guards of the higher-ups. Arrest anyone who was unhappy with them. This was a little too overbearing. Now that someone has finally taken care of it, we should probably just turn a blind eye. Little Dong, you did well. It's just that I didn't think it through properly. Don't worry, I'll find my colleagues to explain this matter. The leaders definitely won't know that you were the one who said those words just now."    


After Xiao Dong heard that, he was so happy that he couldn't help but express his thanks...    


The alarm continued to ring, but the problem was that there was no one in the police station anymore. Other than the people on duty on the first to third floor, the offices upstairs were almost all empty. The police here were usually office workers. They had already gotten off work and returned home. Only the eighth floor was still brightly lit. The few police officers inside were currently at a loss. They clearly did not know what had happened and why the alarm would ring for no reason.    


Just as the few police officers wanted to go downstairs and see what was going on, they walked to the elevator door and waited for the elevator. When the elevator door opened automatically, they found a few soldiers standing inside. When they walked out, they immediately pointed their guns at their chests without saying a word!    


Fann Binn walked out of the elevator and looked at the police who were scared pale by the guns. He asked casually, "This is the criminal police team's office? Are you people from the criminal police team?"    


"Yes... yes... I don't know about you... Ah, no, Chief, what do you want? "Of course, the criminal police team police saw that Fann Binn was the leader of these soldiers. They could not help but nervously answer. " My, our captain is also on duty. If there is anything, we can talk it out. Our captain is Secretary Yu's nephew, and he has a very good relationship with your military. If there's anything, let's talk it out, talk it out..."    


" Oh?" When Fann Binn heard this, he couldn't help but smile and pat the policeman on the shoulder. "Very good, not bad. At least I have collected a new piece of information. So your captain is Secretary Yu's nephew. This is the evidence of his crime. It's very important. "    


"What did you say? Crimes... evidence?" The policeman stared at Fann Binn with his mouth agape. After a while, he finally came back to his senses. With a pale face, he said weakly, "You, you are here to arrest our captain?"    


"No, I am here to save him." Fann Binn said directly to him, "I want to trouble you. Take me to your captain's place."    


The policeman swallowed hard and shook his head nervously. "No, I can't take you there. You are here to cause trouble. I definitely can't... Ah!!! "    


Before the policeman could finish his words, he was punched in the abdomen by the captain beside him. The pain caused his stomach to convulse and he screamed in pain. He wanted to vomit.    


"Why are you talking so much nonsense? If I ask you to lead the way, just take it. If you don't bring it, then hit!" Captain Zhang Yu seemed to be used to staying in the army. He attacked immediately. He showed no mercy at all, but... Fann Binn liked this kind of straightforward personality.    


When the other policemen saw the miserable appearance of the policeman who was beaten up, their expressions changed dramatically. Each of them revealed a frightened expression. To be honest, Fann Binn could tell that these policemen were all Westshell goods with a single look. Would the real police, who fought with danger every day, be frightened to the point of pissing their pants when they were living a comfortable life with just a little bit of danger? It seemed that criminal police team was most likely Secretary Yu's lackey team, wasn't it?    


The more Fann Binn discovered the strangeness of the situation, the more worried he became about Hwa Xinxin's father's comfort. If this was the real criminal police team, then they would definitely not abuse their authority. However, when he looked at these gutless men who were scared to death the moment they saw a gun, he couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine. He suspected that Hua An was probably suffering and suffering right now.    


"Don't tell me no one cares about you people barging into the police station?" The policeman who had suffered a blow had just said those words while enduring the pain. This time, Captain Zhang Yu did not have the time to make a move. Fann Binn impatiently pressed his entire face against the wall. The sound of the collision was very dull. It was enough to show how much force it contained!    


"Before my patience runs out, I advise you to do it now. Bring us to your captain's place immediately. Of course, if you want to be a hero instead of submitting to me, I don't mind capturing you, a mere police officer, to the army and torture you properly for a year and a half, so that you can lie in the hospital for a year and a half. As for whether you believe it or not, it's up to you. Since I dare to bring a soldier into the police station, do you think I'm afraid of catching a mere police officer like you?"    


Fann Binn's words were undoubtedly a threat, but at the same time, there was no doubt about it. Perhaps it was a personal concern to deal with those high ranking officials with powerful backgrounds, but since they dared to bring troops to cause havoc in the police station, if they wanted to capture a small police officer, wouldn't that be a piece of cake?    


Seeing that the police officer was so scared that his soul was about to leave his body, Fann Binn revealed a smirk and said to the other policemen who were pointed at by guns, "It seems that he wants to go to the hospital for a stroll. I wonder what your attitudes are?"    


This time, just as Fann Binn opened his mouth, before the other two policemen could say anything, the frightened policeman immediately shouted, "I, I know where the captain is... I'll take you there!"    


"Then don't talk nonsense. Hurry up and lead the way!" Fann Binn threw him forward and said to Hwa Xinxin beside him, "Xin Xin, your father was caught by this criminal police team. We'll go and rescue your father now."    


Hwa Xinxin nodded emotionally. She choked and said, "Fann Binn, I'm really sorry for making you do this... I, I really made things difficult for you..."    


"Why are you saying all this? Let's not talk about your father first. Even if you are my woman, I will definitely help you!" Fann Binn gently touched her hair and said, "In a while, no matter what you see, don't be too sad. Do you know? With me around, who would dare to bully you and your father? That's going against me, Fann Binn. I won't let them have a good ending! "    


"Yes!" Hwa Xinxin bit her pink lips hard and nodded with a red face. She said happily, "With you here, I am not afraid of anything!"    


Wu Qi smiled and watched Fann Binn and Hwa Xinxin talking sweetly. She quietly whispered to Captain Zhang Yu, who was beside her. "Captain Zhang, did your chief say anything to you when you came? For example, don't cause trouble at the police station, or try not to have any conflict with the police? "    


Zhang Yu was obviously stunned when he heard that and shook his head in amusement. "Miss, you obviously don't know our chief's people. With his temper, if he could say these words, then he wouldn't be our chief. I only remember that when the chief sent me here, he said that Director-general Fann and him are good brothers. No matter what request Director-general Fann has, we have to obey it unconditionally. Even if something unexpected happens, we have to ensure Director-general Fann's safety. "    


"Director-general Fann..." Wu Qi could not help but roll her eyes. How could she not know that Fann Binn, the director, was just a name? When she heard this, she could not help but mutter helplessly, "They are all crazy. I don't even know what kind of consequences they will have if they act recklessly like this... Sigh, I can only take things one step at a time. "    


Under the lead of the panicked police officer, Fann Binn led the two girls and Captain Zhang Yu into a large office on the eighth floor. The lights were still on inside, which was obviously the place where the police had been working. Fann Binn frowned and said, "Where is he? Don't try to play any tricks. Let me tell you. This building has been completely locked down by my soldiers. No one can escape. So I advise you to obediently lead the way to your captain!"    


The policeman was so scared that he trembled and said nervously, "No, Chief, I didn't lie to you... Captain, the captain is in the interrogation room."    


"Where is the interrogation room?" Fann Binn stared at him and said coldly, "Why aren't you taking us there?"    


"The interrogation room... is right under this office..." The police pointed at the location of the bookshelf in the office in fear and said, "There is a mechanism here, the interrogation room is behind this bookshelf..."    


"Humph!" Fann Binn snorted heavily and showed a trace of disdain at the corner of his mouth. " The criminal police team of the Beihai City's Police Headquarters really impressed me. If I didn't know about it, I'm afraid I would have thought that I had entered a bandit's den! The interrogation room is actually hidden so secretly. How many shameful things must have happened inside! What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and open it for me!"    


"Yes, yes..." Facing the cold muzzle of the gun behind him, the policeman nodded his head repeatedly and walked to the side of the bookshelf in a panic. He took out the book and pressed the hidden button.    


Very quickly, the bookshelf began to move slowly. A hole that did not have a door was revealed just like that. Fann Binn did not wait for the policeman to make a move and was the first to walk in. After that, the others followed him into this unique interrogation room.    


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