System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C744 With Me Here I Can't Overturn the Heavens!

C744 With Me Here I Can't Overturn the Heavens!

0Along the way, the light saw the baldy's precise green light speed up, when the red light stopped, Fann Binn suddenly remembered Wang Zhiyuan, who used to be his driver. He turned to Wu Qi and asked, "Wu Qi, how about Wang Zhiyuan drive you? Is it alright? "    


Wu Qi nodded and said, "It's good. Uncle Wang is honest and has good skills. There were a few times when I had social gatherings and I also took him to protect me. It's much safer to have such a driver than to drive by myself."    


" That's good. In the future, Wang Zhiyuan will be your chauffeur. You have to treat him better. " Fann Binn sighed and said, "He is my first driver."    


"Of course. Uncle Wang is very good to him." When Wu Qi said this, she was a little worried and said, "Fann Binn, how are we going to save him when we go to the police station later? If we can get him into the police headquarters, it must have something to do with the future. I also have some connections in the police station. Do you want me to call them now to clear up the mess? If Hwa Xinxin's father is involved in any kind of torture, you can also take care of him."    


" No, don't make a call first. " Fann Binn shook his head. He looked out the window with his wise eyes and said coldly, " If Hwa Xinxin's father was really tortured in the police station, it would be an additional crime. The police station would not be able to escape responsibility. I also want him to come out safely, but sometimes he would suffer some pain. It usually has an unexpected effect. "    


"You mean..." Wu Qi thought about it and then frowned, "But just based on this point, you still can't drag this matter onto Starlight Pharmaceutical. Those big shots in the police station also can't take the initiative to call out the mastermind."    


"We'll talk about the specifics after we go over and take a look at the situation. It's good to plan and then make a move. However, when faced with an unexpected situation, there will definitely be mistakes. With you here, with me here, in the Beihai City... Fann Binn said with a gloomy face, "I will ask them for all the debts, one by one, from them!"    


Wu Qi could not help but remind him, "Fann Binn, you have to think about it carefully. Think about it carefully. Starlight Pharmaceutical was deeply rooted in Beihai City, even though Wu's Group had once occupied its position as the boss in business. But in terms of interpersonal relationships in Beihai City, Starlight Pharmaceutical is definitely above Wu's Group. Just because we are outsiders and not local enterprises, there are many policies that we do not enjoy. From this, we can see a lot of problems."    


Fann Binn touched her hair and smiled, "If I don't even have the courage to deal with a mere Starlight Pharmaceutical, then what ability do I have to fight against real enemies? Don't worry. Everything is under control. I don't think Starlight Pharmaceutical can cause any trouble. "    


"That's right, sister-in-law. You are worrying too much. What is the background of our boss? The same family. A small pharmaceutical factory wants to fight with our boss? They don't know what's good for them! " The baldy was obviously very confident in Fann Binn. Putting aside everything else, just Fann Binn's hidden identity would be revealed. If they met Fann Binn, according to the baldy's words, they were simply courting death.    


Wu Qi sighed lightly and nodded, "I hope I was thinking too much..."    


Fann Binn understood Wu Qi's current mood very well. Of course he knew how deeply rooted Starlight Pharmaceutical was in Beihai City. But there were some things that had to be done. Ling Gao had a conflict with him. He had to win or lose. He couldn't get rid of Starlight Pharmaceutical. In that case, he, Fann Binn, would have to live under Ling Gao's harassment forever. This was something he didn't want to see.    


The bald-headed car drove very fast, but it was very stable. About twenty minutes passed. He slowly drove into the main door of the Beihai City Police Headquarters. Fann Binn looked through the window at the building that was dozens of stories tall and could not help but feel a little emotional. The police nowadays really thought that the more they lived, the more comfortable they were. Even the headquarters building was built in such an imposing manner. As expected... It was better to follow the country than to follow anyone else...    


When the car stopped in the parking lot, Fann Binn got out of the car and walked towards the police station with Wu Qi. Not long after, he saw Hwa Xinxin waiting alone in the cold wind.    


Hwa Xinxin was wearing a purple windbreaker, and her red and swollen eyes were moving. She had clearly cried for a long time and was very sad. But it was also true that her father was inexplicably arrested and brought to the police station. She was naturally very afraid and in pain.    


"Xin Xin." Fann Binn walked to Hwa Xinxin's side and said, "I'm coming."    


Hwa Xinxin suddenly looked up. When she saw Fann Binn standing in front of her, she wanted to jump into his arms. She saw Wu Qi following Fann Binn from the corner of her eye and could not help but stop. She was slightly surprised and said, "Ms Wu, you, why did you also... come..."    


"I heard that your father was caught in an accident, so I wanted to come over and help. I still have some connections with the police station. I want to see if I can help." Wu Qi smiled and said, "Don't worry about Xin Xin, your father will be fine."    


"Thank you, thank you." Hwa Xinxin thanked Wu Qi gratefully. She held Fann Binn's hand and said nervously, "Fann Binn, let's go in quickly. I, I'm really afraid that something will happen to my dad..."    


"Okay, let's go in now." Fann Binn nodded and pulled Hwa Xinxin to give Wu Qi a look. The three of them had a tacit understanding and walked straight into the police headquarters courtyard.    


It had to be said that the Beihai City's police headquarters looked like a luxurious hotel and hotel building. The fountain built from granite was surrounded by fresh flowers and green grass. On the huge stone tablet in the center, there were three words written in large letters: Serve the people. The police badge hanging high on the roof of the building looked mighty and majestic. One look and one could tell that it had entered the government. Fann Binn casually estimated that this building would not be able to be taken down without tens of millions. This also proved that the Beihai City Police Department was rich.    


Walking into the main hall of the police station, the resplendent and luxurious scene made Hwa Xinxin even more nervous. She held Fann Binn's hand even tighter. Wu Qi walked in front of the two of them and asked when she saw the police coming towards her. " Hello, police comrade. May I ask where the bail man is?"    


The police officer sized up the white-collar lady dressed in professional attire, Wu Qi, and said lightly, "You are here to bail the bailout? Whose bailout is it? "    


"It's like this, police comrade. We are here to bail our friend who was caught tonight. His name is..." Wu Qi did not know Hwa Xinxin's father's name and turned to look at Fann Binn. Fann Binn hurriedly said," His name is Hua Sheng. "    


"Hua An Sheng?" The policeman recalled and seemed to have come to a sudden realization. "Oh, you're talking about the fellow surnamed Hua who was just arrested tonight, right? He didn't need to be bailed out, he was directly arrested by the criminal police team. If you want to find someone, go to the captain of the criminal police team and ask for him. If the criminal police team says they won't let him go, no matter how much money you pay, it's useless. "    


Fann Binn was a little annoyed when he heard this. What did this mean? No matter how much money was spent, it was useless? Heh, the police here are really awesome. Could it be that the criminal police team is not under the jurisdiction of the law?    


Wu Qi saw Fann Binn's expression and hurriedly blocked in front of him. She smiled at the police officer and said, "Comrade police, please inform your bureau. Tell them that Wu Qi wants to see him. I wonder if it's convenient for him?"    


" Oh? You know our Chief Fang?" The police clearly looked at Wu Qi in a different light, but their eyes were clearly filled with a trace of cunningness and ambiguity. As if they had understood something, they nodded and said, "Then you have found the right person. I am Chief Fang's secretary. You guys wait a moment, I will report to the leader. "    


"Alright, alright. I'll have to trouble you, comrade." Wu Qi took out a red packet from her bag and took advantage of the fact that no one was passing it to the police officer. She said softly, "A little token of appreciation. No respect."    


The police officer pinched the red packet. After hesitating for a while, he smiled and said, " It's our duty to serve beautiful women. And this? Fine, since you are so generous, then I will not reject it. I'll go ask for you now."    


After he finished speaking, he strode towards the on-call room. Looking at the back of the police officer, Fann Binn frowned and felt a little uncomfortable. "Wu Qi, a young man in the police station also needs to be fawned over like this? Don't you think it's too troublesome?"    


"You don't understand. Sometimes, it's a young man who can provide you with the most confidential information. And the little ones are the easiest to satisfy, unlike those heads that are difficult to deal with. The requirements are high. " Wu Qi rolled her eyes at Fann Binn and said, "Only when there is a way will there be a chance. This is the reality of society."    


Fann Binn was silent and did not say anything. He also felt that Wu Qi's words made sense. Sometimes, small people often played a big role, and the cost did not need to be too high. A red packet, just a little bit of benefit would make them side with you.    


Not long after, the police came in front of them again. His attitude was different from his arrogant attitude just now. This time, his attitude was much more sincere. He said to Wu Qi with some respect, "Aiya, I really didn't know you were the CEO of Wu's Group. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry. Our Chief Fang is in the office. I have already reported to him. You can go up and see him now. Director Fang's office is on the tenth floor. You can take the elevator there directly. "    


" Thank you, comrade police. Contact him when you have the chance in the future. This is my business card. " Wu Qi smiled and handed her business card over. "Come out and have a meal with me if you have time."    


"Okay, okay. No problem. To be able to eat with such a beautiful female president. That is my honor. Don't worry. If there are any small problems, just come to me directly. There are some things that can't be done by Director-general Fang. As his subordinates, we might not be able to help. " The policeman took the business card happily and said goodbye with a smile on his face.    


After the policeman left, Wu Qi turned to Fann Binn and said, "Come, let's go to the tenth floor and see what the Deputy Director of the Police Department, Director-general Fang, has to say."    


Fann Binn curled his lips and nodded, following Wu Qi. In fact, he also knew that it was very difficult for a woman to do business. There were many social gatherings and many people she had contact with. Wu Qi must have suffered a lot to be able to develop the company all the way.    


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